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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>reproductive healthcare
is that a jewish term for an abortion?
What's the point of having a policy if they can just go to the next state to circumvent it?
Just saying "receive reproductive healthcare" is an incredibly original way to ask God to send you to Hell. Holy fuck the absolute hubris of women.
I can't help but notice that you didn't post a link. Stupid faggot.
Yes. You know because it literally means the opposite.
Based. Get this war on women going properly
can't hear your screencap you 3rd world faggot
Its a euphemism for infanticide, like how 'transgender healthcare' is a euphemism for genital mutilation.
Remember when you dad told you to close your eyes and go to sleep or the boogeyman will jump out of your closet and eat you? That boogeyman was Kamala Harris.
JD Vance or whatever the fuck his real name is was a terrible choice. Im not voting for JD Vance though. Trump always picks the wrong people for his administration.
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This faggot is going to tank Trump's whole campaign, kek.
You're right, it is worse that the tweet makes it look. He's just saying some milquetoast fence-sitting shit about being sympathetic to maybe hypothetically taking federal action if George Soros starts fucking airlifting niggers from Ohio to have abortions.
>Im not voting for JD
yeah, you're supposed to vote for the president and not the vp
>use deep fakes to make obama appear as biden
>can deepfake all the leaks that anger progressive lgbt fags
>jd vance leaks

Yeah theyre scared theyll lose power and are going to become terrorist tyrants before we can ever vote. Not like it matters since theyll rig it with niggers.
Surely if they don't, then doesn't that shit all over state-lines rules?

Hey don’t get on at me because your candidate gets a kick out of harvesting children’s organs…
What's up with all christfaggots fighting against abortions like it is the sole most important thing in their life, but when you look closer at them, they usually did abortion on their own "sue to higher forces" or orthe shit. Are they really that retarded they cannot leave this case alone, especially after they themselves will always abort kids of hookers they fuck or retards they would need to raise? It doesn't even give them support, but usually ends up with costing them support.
So what the fuck is wrong with them? Do you really have to be retard to be christian?
Yes because it was, yet again, conservative schizo lying.
How long until they make burqa's for woman mandatory?
>dude abortion good because of the scenario i just made up in my head
Don't get mad at me because you can't vote.
sounds based. Just like the "parent's votes should matter more" it seems sensible and I don't see the problem.
Worst I've seen from Vance is his acting up being a hill billy while shitting on them and desperately wanting to act like a Yale coastal city faggot elite. His policies are actually good.

Ohhhh ya and Trump totally faked the shooting whilst proud boys kidnapped all the dem candidates rigggght? You people need meds kek

Why can’t I vote?
Is Trump gonna fire him or not
Libel is a crime, yes.
>i don't see the problem with tyrone with 13 baby mamas have 6x the voting power of brad and tracy with two kids, a dog and a house
she also refused to prosecute violent felons while putting people in prison for YEARS on marijuana possession charges
she's a fucking fraud
learn how to bake a bread you cunt
>but what if a b-black woman has an abortion? Oh the humanity
Do miga cucks really?
Because you can't afford a postage stamp.

I wonder how deep her involvement with Jussie Smollett was?….. :)
Because paki niggers with fruity accents can't vote.
abortion is good for eugenic reasons. Abortions should be allowed and subsidized for non-whites, mixed races, heritable diseases that can be detected early, and single mothers. Abortions should be banned for white women married to white men.
blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote. Roll it back to land owning whites (jews are not included in this).
Christcucks are too weak to actually defend the shitskin political and social customs that is mandated by their religion in the modern west. But with abortion, they have found the one issue that they can still somehow defend.
It makes them feel like good conservative christcucks soldier when the whole world around them is a much worse version of Sodom.
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Pick one sweetie x
the funniest fact about american abortions is that it's mostly nigger babies that get aborted. imagine fighting to stop that from happening, lmao.
pick one

Why can’t I vote?
Because paki niggers with fruity accents can't vote.
You are a glownigger bot
>anons here said I was lying when Vance and republicans openly supported federally banning abortion

fuck you I was right. This shit is gonna cost conservatives the entire election.
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You mad because I derailed your actblue thread? I’m going to derail every single one of them between now and November sweetie xx
Killing mindless clumps of cells isn't infanticide.
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i like how a recorded interview is a 'leak'
reminds of when trump was running in 2016 and they had 'uncovered tapes' from fucking howard stern interviews.
Political parties employ researchers that find out what will maximize votes. Turns out that christcucks are an important group that mainly votes Republican and thus it must be kept happy.

Once, politics used to be about principles, but nowadays it's all about whatever shit produces the most votes. Politics has become a bit like the press. Once, the press was about the truth, but nowadays it's all about whatever shit sells the most papers.
Man, you're so cool, dude. I'm sure you impress everyone in your class with your support for the vicious, sociopathic commie negress and her marxist party.
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Yeah, you leftists dindu' nuthin' ever, eh? You're all good little boys. Bolshevism is actually no big deal.
>bombshell leak about opposition to murder
>opposition to infanticide means you will lose the election
America must be, and will be completely destroyed.
>if you're not a drooling commie like me, you can't be white
You wignats truly are the dumbest retards on the planet.
>i should be able to potentially fuck up my body and kill another person because i refuse to take responsibility for my own actions!
letting women vote might have been a mistake.
Worry about your own country, Mohammad. I'm still voting Kamala.
Based Kamala.
your retarded "god" is letting children get rounded up in pedo rings and raped.
to be clear: your "god" is a demon and you create your own hell.
It's controlled opposition.
The first thing I heard about her was a few years back, apparently there was inmates on death row who she knew were innocent and she took measures to keep them on death row. Maybe relates to this >>475706144

To me it seems like the elites are saying "Look how much power we have, we can even get this evil bitch elected. I mean look at what she's done, she's straight up evil." Seems like a flex on us.
>another person
fetus isn't the person, retard.
reminder that abortion was a non-issue until race baiting stopped working for Republicans. then they started spreading lies about fetuses and abortion to scare people. Meanwhile they all have abortions, just like they all got the COVID shot while telling you it's the devil.
conservatives are the most cucked political party.
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We need another assassin.
>Libel is a crime
no it isnt
>fetus isn't the person
except for all the times that it is.
>well it's a person when the pregnant woman wants to keep it!!!! but it's not a person if she doesn't want to keep it!!!!!!
again, letting women vote might have been a huge mistake.
Mindless? The baby’s brain is one of the first things that forms. You got the word “killing” right though.
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>reproductive rights
>massacring babies with scissors inside women's womb
I love globhomo newspeak
I hate to break it to you but a donkey and monkey ticket has more chance than Kamala Harris.
Kill yourself you fucking mongol rape baby tundra nigger. I hope Russia genocides all of you finngolian subhumans.
>father has no say, his child lives or dies according to the whims of the mother
remove women's right to vote and there will be an end to the horror
No, we need Finland wiped off the map.
>Nooooo not the hecking dysgenic subhumanorinos
Scared that you'd have gotten cunt vacuumed?
If this affects you in any way you are probably a nigger. Just don't have sex if you aren't having children it's not that hard
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I don't even get why abortions are an issue in the first place
If you don't want a kid just keep your legs closed lmao
shut up slut
I wish she would jump out of the closet and right on my pulsating cock haha
> negress
lmao stfu
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all you can do is hope but nato would bitch slap aids bears teeth to orbit.
all russia is doing sending their soldiers behind our border to get killed in ukraine, your turn will come subhuman rape orc
Yeah, I remember when said prosecution revealed beyond a shadow of doubt that the tapes in question were fakes.
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>i only care about what affects me directly
THis is why your country is a shithole, buddy
In America the same network of payment services and medical clinics pays for birth control, abortion, and every kind of fertility treatment, pre-natal care, and pre-pregnancy health screening. No matter what you're trying to do to a uterus you go to the same guys.
Which means that ironically, Planned Parenthood pays for more babies to be born than aborted, because their mothers would have otherwise miscarried or been sterile.
What's the point of having national citizenship in a federation if you're under your state's jurisdiction no matter where you go in the world?
I don’t want White babies killed. Simple as
You mean better? like wtf kind of troll is this how is this a bad thing
The “winner” of the election has already been determined, you idiot
>Even though I'm not in California, I should be punished for violating California law.
>Roll it back to land owning
Living in your parents' house doesn't make you a land owner.
That headline doesn't even make any sense unless it's trolling: an aborted fetus isn't old enough to breath strongly enough to cry, and you don't give birth to an abortion and then bolt gun it in the face like a cow.
republicucks keep wasting time on abortion
abortion is actually a net positive in the US as it's mostly the low iq that abort (because they get pregnan by mistake more often)
basically niggers and leftists who always vote dem
and abortion is popular (at least in the 1st trimester), so cuckservatives wasting their time on this issue is evidence that they are not very bright. No wonder libs control more institutions.
>If this affects you in any way you are probably a nigger
which is why abortion should be legal
why do you want to make it harder for nigresses to abort?
What a great VP pick.
What good will banning CP do if they can just go to bangkok and get the real thing there?
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Christianity is a brown religion now. And getting blacker and blacker.
Some people here haven't realized it yet.
It was never not about maximizing votes: the way it's supposed to work is that people won't vote for you if you go against their principles.

>Even though the thing inside my wife is a literal headless corpse that's actively rotting, we have to leave it inside of her, killing her... BECAUSE WE HAVE TO, OKAY?

The neural tube doesn't form until week 19, and that's the spinal cord, not the actual brain. They lied to you.
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Abortion is the sacrament of Satan. It is the ultimate sticking the finger up to Jesus and His sacrifice for us. Do you think it's a coincidence that the pro-baby murder use mirrored language to that of Jesus?

At the last supper, Jesus said, "“This is my body given for you." Meanwhile those who demand to murder the most innocent humans, the only truly innocent of us, those still in their womb, satanically invert this, "My body, my choice"

The exact opposite of Jesus who said, "I choose to die so that you may live", they say "I choose for you to die so that I may fuck".
It’s ok, I can just say I have 2,000,000 children and cast my votes for Kamala. This guy is poison to the party.
>The real reason conservatives are opposed to abortion is because it gives them more babies to rape.
Hail Satan!
Because it's fucking communism for starters?
Kek one of the hosts was like 'oh no their trying to exterminate working class black people!' JD Vance- 'yup, yup, that's right'

Migatards are hilariously out of touch
If the only difference between a state having banned something is just skipping town to do that exact thing or not, then what the fuck was the point? There should be something to cause mutual exclusivity, you do these acts, you don't get to come back to that state
That's how borders work you fucking moron, unless you want to also start following the laws they pass in Sweden in Alabama?
If you're a citizen of Alabama and they legalize drugs and murder in Tennessee, you make a fucking choice, either you do these things and stay there, or you don't and stay here. "Getting it out your system'' and then coming back home is a slippery slope
Debunked sorry nigger loving migatards
And that's why they're being rewarded
It was very common for people to cross state lines to buy alcohol when there were different ages for that. Also, you dont get speeding tickets in your state if another one has a higher speed limit and you drive through it.
kek fpbp
Maybe but not before Trump loses yet another election LOL
It's one thing to talk about the drink and another about the roads, sure you can't act the same fucking way in a dirt road that you do a highway either, but if one state legalizes death racing and the other bans it, the junkies will just skip town and then come back with the money and encourage the practice in general, you create a community of habitual degenerates who don't like your state but sure as hell will utilize it as a springboard for things they know aren't allowed here, but are allowed there, and one day they may get the fine idea to bring the custom back home too
Salut l'youpin!

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