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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is heavily involved in high-level trauma-based mind control programming of slaves, torture, trafficking, illegal human experimentation, advanced 'antigravity' craft design, 'New World Order' plans, and more.

NASA plays a large part of the cult/government mind control network, with an emphasis on advanced 'high-tech' programming of dissociative child slaves. Dump information

"I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills, California, but was abused my entire life in many locations in and out of California, including hospitals, universities, and United States military and NASA bases, where I was subjected to 'high-level' programming. The result of many years of trauma, intentionally inflicted on me by my father and others to create within me multiple personalities, was that I was transformed into a programmed, totally robotical slave that could not remember to think or tell what happened to me, due to the mind control and sophisticated programming I was under."
Brice Taylor
"Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch requirements. This included prior physical and/or psychological trauma; sleep, food, and water deprivation; high voltage electric shock; and hypnotic and/or harmonic programming of specific memory compartments/personalities. The high tech equipment and methodisms I endured from that time on gave the U.S. government absolute control of my mind and life. I had been literally driven out of my conscious mind and existed only through my programmed subconscious. I lost my free will, ability to reason, and could not think to question anything that was happening to me. I could only do as I was told."
Cathy O'Brien
"...They’re using children, not just for sexual purposes, they’re using them for science experimentation. I was sold to NASA and used in NASA programs, put in simulators where I was forced to stay in a simulator for weeks at a time. They were experimenting on the different gravitational forces and things like that, and how it would affect a child. They were doing different experiments on me in these capsules, there was zero gravity so you’re floating around the air. They would probe you in your orifices with these pure crystal rods to obtain cells with, and then they were flying them in space capsules into space and growing them in labs and experimenting with all these different cells. I know my cells have been in space. I'm assuming that there’s other children that they’ve used in these experiments. I was with, in particular on the NASA trips, I was with my handler."

Cali Shai Bergandi – Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor - Part 1

"Wayne Morris: You mentioned the more sophisticated technology, particularly at NASA, and some of the military bases. Can you describe that, and what effect they were trying to have on you?"

"Brice Taylor: A lot of that was being sat in a chair that looked like the NASA space chairs, where I would be strapped in. A lot of the equipment that I imagine was used by the astronauts was used on me. A lot of the spinning, the weightlessness, being put into sensory deprivation tanks. Being subjected to a lot of the light and sound along with electroshock."
Brice Taylor
"Military mind-control was fast, effective, and highly technological, but it was the NASA programming that launched me as a 'Presidential Model'. Even though Michael Aquinoinstilled my programming on both military and NASA installations, he had access to the latest technological advancements and techniques through NASA. These included mind foolers such as sensory deprivation tanks, virtual reality, flight simulators, and harmonics. By the age of two, Kelly had already been subjected to Aquino and his programming through these latest technological advancements, which shattered her fragile young mind before her base personality had a chance to form. Rather than use occultism on Kelly, Aquino traumatized her through sexual assault and high voltage tortures of the mind and body. She, like I, to this day carries numerous scars from this 'non satanic' abuse base. I know, from years of research, NASA technology and Aquino's programming, combined with the Project Monarch standard sleep, food, and water deprivation and high voltage, made Kelly a subject of state of the art genetically multigenerational MPD/DID psychological mind-control engineering."
Cathy O'Brien
"In 1981, [US Senator Robert] Byrd personally joined Aquino in Huntsville, Alabama during one of our programming sessions. NASA cooperated fully with Byrd on any and everything, since it was Byrd's Senate Appropriations Committee that determined how much and/or whether NASA received government funding. Byrd was providing Aquino with specific details of certain perversions he wanted me equipped to fulfil or perform. Additionally, they talked about scrambling my immediate memory with two private porn films they were arranging to have produced locally. These were titled How To Divide a Personality and How To Create a Sex Slave. These films are the kind NASA became involved in producing for the dual purpose of 'scrambling' memory and documenting their mind-control procedures. The resident Huntsville, Alabama pornographers were two local cops, one of which was (and is) a Sergeant. This served NASA and the CIA well when cover-up was necessary. The How To Create a Sex Slave film depicts the common 'spin' programming (http://www.whale.to/c/spin_programming9.html), which in essence is the combination to unlocking or accessing a specific programmed act."
Cathy O'Brien
"Another time doctors in white coats played perceptual mind games with me at a NASA installation. First they took me 'through the course', they called it, and I was taken from chairs that performed different operations, like one that spun, then next to an isolation chamber. They put huge eye machines up to my face and had me close one eye and then the other in order to program each side of the brain separately. Some things were then reversed and programmed into another area of my brain through the opposite eye. They called this 'cross-programming.' For other functions, both sides of my brain had to be operating syncronistically. Information for mind file use was stored only on one side of my brain."
Brice Taylor
"..There were several facilities that he took me to that were NASA facilities. The NASA connections seem to be directly connected to the Paperclip connection. The Nazis were brought into the country and then were integrated into the NASA structure after the war."
Kathleen Sullivan interview - 'Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order'

"NASA was, at least in the past, part of the overall network because NASA was initially formed by members of the same groups of Nazi war criminals who were brought to the U.S. by our government from the 1940s, on. This includes, of course, Werner Von Braun. Linda Hunt’s 'Secret Agenda' can give you more information about this. My personal belief...is that the CIA and other intelligence agencies have worked hand-in-hand with NASA, and some of its employees and departments, to further mind-control experimentation. Although some of NASA’s programs are certainly legitimate...I believe that NASA is involved in much more than that, and that NASA has been used to hide certain activities within its own organizational borders."
Kathleen Sullivan
"I have been healed layer after layer, but there are still other layers to this programming. The most recent area...has had to do with NASA. In the programming, I was put on a gravity machine for training astronauts. This machine spins on an axis. They take your hands and feet and stretch them as far as they can and then strap you into the cage. There are electrodes that are placed on your hands, heart, sexual part, and feet. There is a halo that is placed on your head to cause electric shock. As you’re spinning, you are electrocuted in these areas to cause extreme pain. This is performed as a test to see how much pain you can endure before submitting to do what they ask you to do. I tried and tried to endure the pain, but it was too great. My programmers told me they were superhuman and that I could be like them...they said if I did what they told me to do, I would be able to save the boys, 'my brothers,' from being that way. So at that point, I did the hideous things they said to do. There was no way out, no other alternative. After I was forced to do what they said, the programmers said that God had rejected me and sent me away.
To make me feel like I had been sent away, I was put into the cabin that had no gravity and left there by myself. I thought I had been sent into space and would never be found. To take this even further and make them look like my rescuers, they showed up again and said that my heart had been found to be black. So they stated that I was sent to the black hole 'hell' by God. According to them, the black hole was a place where the rejects and failed experiments went. If I did good enough there, competed, and won, then I could get another chance at real life. The constant hell of trying to be good enough and to save people continued nonstop. I was taken to NASA and programmed many times. This programming has taken the longest to surface because of the depth of the involvement of the government in this type of programming. They buried this programming very deep so that it would never be exposed. There are members of the Illuminati in every walk of life who try to infiltrate and pollute governments, businesses, and churches; and the list goes on."

"...This does not mean that everyone in NASA or anywhere is evil; it just states the truth that there are evil people in every area, government, entertainment, schools, and churches; and the list goes on."
Hope Beryl-Green
"Survivor of the MK-Monarch program, Cathy O'Brien, writes: 'There are many similar facilities in our country, within various CIA, Army, and NASA complexes, where the government's hyper-advanced knowledge is developed, tested and modified. The people I met, who had studied in depth the scientific mechanisms of the brain and the ins and outs of the mind, used this accumulation of secret knowledge to manipulate and/or control others...'"

MK: Ritual Abuse and Mental Control - Tools of Domination of the 'Nameless Religion'

"Wayne Morris (interviewing Kathleen Sullivan): 'Do you have any indication of U.S. government or German government use of UFO technology...that they have developed craft?'"

"KS: 'I was exposed to some of that. I saw at least one UFO for sure. It was in a garage, a large room where there was a door where the thing could go out into the open. It wasn't touching the ground. It was an amazing thing. It had a fantastic looking metal to it...I was absolutely fascinated by it. I have been told that they started out by using these craft, which they said were created by the some of the German scientists. They will talk about V2's on Discovery channel, but they will never ever bring up this end of it...what they had as far as technology and brought it over with them. I think NASA is the biggest cover for this stuff."

"A fleet of UFOs with NASA stamped on their shell were stored on an underground conveyor belt system at Pine Gap."

Fiona Barnett

"Kelly's bleeding rectum was but one of many physical indicators of George Bush's pedophile perversions, I have overheard him speak blatantly of his sexual abuse of her on many occasions. He used this and threats to her life to "pull my strings" and control me. The psychological ramifications of being raped by a pedophile President are mind-shattering enough, but reportedly Bush further reinforced his traumas to Kelly's mind with sophisticated NASA electronic and drug mind-control devices."
Cathy O'Brien
"It was 1980 when my daughter Kelly was born. She was born directly into the MKULTRA mind control project, on a much higher level, a much more sophisticated technological level than I was subjected to. In addition to trauma, she was subjected to harmonic mind control programming on NASA installations, literally since birth, before her brain even had a chance to form."
Carhy O'Brien
"I was born into a Satanic cult family who practiced occultism and Satanism. My grandfather had ties to NASA, they were doing all kinds of science experimentation through through NASA programs and I believe that my mom was a breeder, so they bred her and they were taking eggs and embryo and putting them in various women. I know Jeffrey Epstein back then was doing this project wanting to feed the human race with his DNA and all this crazy stuff, and they had these connections so they were they were breeding my mom and I was born for trafficking purposes...so I was born to be sold as a small child at three. I was trafficked to Jeffrey. I was born actually to a man named Gary Kimball of Broward county in Florida, which was about an hour and a half from where we lived and I've known Gary my whole life. I grew up around Gary and being flown out of his airport, he owns a private airport in Broward county that I would be flown out of...Jeffrey used to fly in and out of there and back then they they controlled all the air traffic control and stuff in and out of there, so they could get in and out of there pretty inconspicuously. I have seen Jeffrey get very severely ritually abused, I have seen him strapped to chairs with these straps across his face like a gas mask and being tortured, literally screaming and yelling, and I'm just this little girl and they’re forcing me to watch this type of stuff. It was Jeffrey, he became a handler, they manufactured him as well and he became a handler. He was basically a fall guy and a front guy for them, I mean he was controlled too, and I don’t think a lot of people realize that."
Cali Shai Bergadi
"I’ve been taken to NASA property for whatthey told me was a camping trip, I was invitedby Wayne Nighty Jr., he lives inTitusville. I grew up with him my whole life, he’s from a big occult family there, and they haveties to NASA and Grumman and Gary Kimball, who hasthe private airport that Jeffrey [Epstein] was playingin and out of. I was invited by Jr. to go to camping one weekend, so I thought I was just going camping, and end up at this property and it’s onNASA property, so you’re not gettingin there unless you have some type of clearanceor you know somebody, and he knew everybody so wegot in without any problem. I didn’t question, and I just like I said, thought we were going camping in it. Jeffrey was there, there’s a lot of bigpeople there, and I ended up being drugged in one of thecampers and raped, gang raped. I remember hearing men come in and saying 'which side', because they had me on one side and a dead girl on the other side, and I remember hearing my handlers joke about 'oh the dead ones over here the live ones over here', so the men that entered could either go you know have sex with the corpse or they could go have sex with 'the live one' over here, and I was the live one that they were using. That happened on the NASA property in Titusville...So not just on his properties but around NASA, around NASAcrew. A lot of my handlerswere NASA space science crew."

Cali Shai Bergandi – Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor - Part 2

Disney/NASA child programming and trafficking connections:

"I was taken a lot to Disneyland or different places where fantasy was intentionally mixed with reality. Hypnosis was always used in conjunction with drugs, and often when I was at military bases or NASA installations, it was used in conjunction with a very sophisticated chair and instruments that went over my head - I was given electroshock and hypnotic commands with drugs that they know are very useful in allowing that hypnotic command to go deeper than the subconscious mind."
Brice Taylor

"NASA and DARPA are heavily involved in MK Ultra mind control ops. Why would a child’s amusement park align with NASA, and why are underground laboratories needed there? Could it be that the Hitler/Himmler mind control research brought over through Project Paperclip targets children for mind control while their brains are still forming to create a compliant society for their New World Order?"
Cathy O'Brien

Another CIA MONARCH victim recalls NASA personnel:
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NASA is very involved in torture-programming the 'stars' (generational cult child slaves that are destined for Hollywood to be 'celebrities'). NASA, 'stars', get it?..
"The Alice In Wonderland programming theme (https://mymkultra.wordpress.com/2020/05/07/internal-world-symbolism-alice-in-wonderland/) is used in air-water programs and mirror programs which the Illuminati, the CIA, NASA, the Jesuits and others like so well. The idea is that there exists a mirror world which is a reversal. Along with it is attached the idea that the slave can enter into a timeless dimension of time, or as some refer to it "interdimensional time travel."
Illuminati Formula

Some other info about their bullshit comms "space news":

"Alien abduction" mind control programming:

"The effect of Bush's illusion hologram on such victims is binding and strong. Even Aquino envied the mind shattering effects of Bush's alien theme visual traumas to the extent that he wrote and published his own comic book sequel to Lucas' Star Wars. While occultism is easily dispelled with reason and fact, Bush's alien theme continues to be reinforced through NASA's involvement in mind-control atrocities."
Cathy O'Brien
Is 4chan MKultra?
"*WM: 'Let's go to something you mentioned about the alien part in terms of mind control and the New World Order implementation plan. How do you think this is tied to the phenomenon of the growth of allegations of being abducted by aliens? Do you feel people are being experimented on by the government instead of aliens?*"

"*KS: 'Absolutely. I realize that there are some MK survivors who will strongly disagree with me, I am just going by what I have experienced and remembered. A lot of us were hypnotized and otherwise tricked into believing that we had been abducted by aliens, when actually it was government connected handlers who were using us for illegal activities. One thing the Nazis were working on very hard was genetic experimentation on some of their prisoners in the concentration camps, although our government has tried to suppress the documentation. And they were into breeding their own.

My dad used to brag about how they were doing genetic experiments on embryos that were creating what they called 'children'. These children are, I personally believe, aliens...little ones that people have seen. I met several at a NASA facility. One was an older child, I guess I would call it. He was able to speak two languages. He was able to speak English and what they called a 'trilateral language'. He used a lot of buzzes and clicks and symbolic hand signals. He also had a lot of Theta abilities. He had been programmed — as I understand some of the others had that were genetically experimented on — to believe that they are aliens. It is one of the biggest crimes that an agency of our country has ever perpetrated against another human. What I understand is that with all the UFO movies lately, and so many TV shows about it in the last few years, it is preparing people's minds to believe that aliens are real, that they really do exist, that they really are trying to contact us. I can't help but wonder if some of these human 'aliens' will be used down the road as some kind of proof to people.'*"

"WM: 'So these people, you believe, have been genetically altered through genetic engineering to look like aliens, or what the public has been conditioned to view as an alien?'"
"KS: 'I met several breeders of these people. One of the things that I noticed with some of these breeders...one woman's husband worked for NASA. She was in hospital in Dallas. There were some things that she said, and I looked at her one day, and I said 'are you a breeder?' She looked at me and said, 'yeah', and I asked her if she had NASA connections, and she looked at me in shock and said 'my husband works for NASA'. I went to her psychiatrist and explained the situation because she had a lot of the physical - especially facial characteristics - of these 'aliens'. There was another woman I met back in 1988 in a reprogramming facility who also was a breeder...these seemed to be generational experiments, genetically, and specifically done for that purpose.'"

Interview with Kathleen Sullivan

Why was 4chan founded on the birthday NASA?
"..The government (including cooperating agencies like NASA) decided to use an alien abduction theme rather than a Satanic Ritual Abuse theme to their mind-control programming."

Illuminati Formula
"Early the next morning, deep underground in the NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center mind-control lab near D.C., Bill Bennett began preparing me for the program. NASA uses various 'CIA designer drugs' to chemically alter the brain and create exactly the mind set required at the time, Huntsville, Alabama's NASA drug of choice, 'Train-quility,' created a feeling of absolute, peaceful compliance and a sensation of walking on air. The drug administered this time was sufficiently similar to Tranquility to create total compliance. The bearing I had endured the night before had rendered me helpless, anyway, and I could barely crawl up onto the cold, metal lab table as the drug took effect. In the darkness surrounding me, I could hear Bill Bennett talking, 'This is my brother, Bob. He and I work as one unit. We are alien to this dimension, two beings from another plane.' The high-tech light display swirling around me convinced me I was transforming dimensions with them..."
Cathy O'Brien
"*There were corporate rituals done while I was in Colorado, as well. They have many underground military ritual sites in the Colorado mountains. A billionaire, Illuminati leader that is in the news a lot recently and is an ANTIFA funder; funds testing on cloning and artificial intelligence in these areas. He is connected to many previous American presidents. The money of the elite goes to buying the presidency and their agenda in this country. This Illuminati leader has set up cloning research labs that are connected to NASA and the military.*"
Hope Beryl-Green

"Beryl-Green said Epstein knew about MK ULTRA. He was into mind-controlling victims and satanic ritual abuse. She remembered him being into eugenics...Epstein was into DNA mixing, human cloning and he knew about New World Order plans. He knew powerful people, such as the Clintons, the Royal Family, politicians, actors, actresses, NASA scientists and university researchers."


Why was 4chan specifically founded on NASA’s birthday?
"I apparently had been selected as the prototype for the seven programmed slaves de La Madrid had requested. De la Madrid was interested in NASA programmed staves that would be vaginally mutilated like I was."

"Trudeau expertly manipulated my mind with sophisticated hypnotic language. Not only did he enlist my 'Silence' for the pedophile perversions he indulged in, but he instructed my 'school of thought' in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation for Air-Water programs that is a mirrordimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project Monarch. Playing off his own name 'Pee-Air,' he added a perverse twist to the theme that he accessed each time I was prostituted to him."
Cathy O'Brien
"Goddard NASA facility near Washington, DC - I was taken there in approximately 1968, to be mentally programmed. Huntsville NASA facility in Alabama - mental programing was done to me at that facility after my family moved to Georgia in 1969."

"Another underground, concrete-walled room housed expensive electronic equipment that accessed what was identified to me as the 'Brandon' computer system. J.C. and his father-in-law told me that the computer system held pertinent information on every government-programmed slave in the US - including the names and training of all their documented alter-states and how each one could be triggered out. They taught several of my alter-states how to use the system; based on what I saw, what they told me seemed to be correct. They said the reason the information would never be found in the CIA’s files, was because it was stored on at least one of NASA’s computer systems."
Kathleen Sullivan

"NASA seems to have been crawling with this stuff for quite a while. When I read Linda Hunt's book, 'Secret Agenda', it was a big time education for me on why, because a lot of these Nazi war criminals ended up being put in NASA...they set up NASA, literally set it up. Werner Von Braun's record was cleaned up, from what I understand in Linda's book, and yet still, some of his former associates get real 'hacked' when he is called a criminal. At the NASA facilities, they had some incredibly unusual programming that they did to some of us. I had one experience at age fifteen, I was taken to Goddard, which is a NASA facility outside of D.C. One of the things they seemed to like to do is dress up just like they are in Star Trek...they actually wear Star Trek (http://whale.to/b/sp/for1.html#The_Structuring_Done_in_Monarch_Star_Trek_and_Star_Wars_Programming_) uniforms with the Enterprise logo on them. Sometimes they would hypnotize me to think they were Dr. Spock, Bones, Captain Kirk, so I could not remember what their faces really looked like. One of the things they did at Goddard was very professional, very ingenious. They hooked me up to some kind of a computer system, very high tech for that period of time. They had earphones — more like a helmet on my head — and I don't understand how all this worked — but I closed my eyes and I could actually see images flashing in front of my face. They had a lot of sound effects and they did what they called 'Father Time' training at that facility at that time. Later on...I have been to Huntsville, Houston, Cape Canaveral, and Titusville I think was also a NASA facility...they did some nasty torture there.*"

"Lyle Curran, a NASA employee and Craig's uncle, often tapped into my NASA mind files when we went to their home in Los Alimitos or when we met up with them on our numerous trips to Mexico, mostly Mazatlan. From the information Uncle Lyle accessed from my mind files way back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, rockets and missiles were a thing of the past, and directed energy in the form of weaponry systems was what they were planning on using as the new weapons of the future. No one can see it coming, nor defend against it. They could take out the lights in entire cities and blame it on UFO's. The Department of Defense experimented for a long time, until they mastered this technology. It puts nuclear weapons right out of business."

I am puzzled at your lack of interest in why 4chan was founded on NASA’s birthday…
"I overheard Rose talk about the fact that some of the Kennedy money was tied directly into NASA 'subprojects' they funded and somehow there was a huge profit from it. That's why there's the Kennedy Space Center. NASA is much more than it seems. Research has included 'inner space stations,' which was the term I heard used at times in relation to the mind."

"..We kept them looking the other way as we were secretly using the copious profits from the sales to fund more mind control research, so the plan for the world takeover could be implemented. All this was done by very smart and manipulative people who used very strategic planning. Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries inadvertently funded a lot of NASA research...*"
Brice Taylor
No idea man. What do you think?

"One specific memory that that I have was they put me in a in a weightless chamber, where they said that they were gonna send me out into space. And if I ever remembered anything, I would never be able to get back...they would actually, you know, put you in a suit and and put you into that weightless room, you were completely alone, and it was dark, and it it they tried to recreate that to cause terror and torment that..it was like a hell that you were going to because you're gonna be completely alone, and no one was ever gonna be able to find you. So there was a lot of of just terror to try to cause me to never speak about who was specifically there...They they do layer after layer after layer to make sure that you would never say who was there. And, of course, I didn't know who they were as a child.
I’m curious why you don’t see a connection. Why don’t you?

Do you think it’s a coincidence?
"And were these actually happening on NASA facilities or just in conjunction with it?"

"No. It's actually happening, on NASA facilities...there was areas where they would would take me, but it was definitely on the facility. There's just so much, so many different rooms and different places on the NASA facility that people aren't aware of."
Hope Beryl-Green

Some dates are connected for a reason, but why 4chan
Why is 4chan connected to NASA?

Is that your question?
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All I have on NASA:

When they say things like that 'headline' it's just comms being sent, read:

You have not addressed by point.

You have denied 4chan is associated with MKultra, yet you are aware 4chan and NASA are inextricably linked.

It’s peculiar.
"inextricably linked"? Just say what you mean re: mk/4chan. All ears
I told you the 1st point of connection.

4chan and NASA share the same birthday.

You are aware dates are significant in MKultra and are chosen for specific reasons. Or are you not aware of this?
>OP posted 40 times, he's the only person in this thread

guys, i think you yelled to much at the "1 post by OP" threads.
Incredible there is no interaction here.

Facet of MKultra of course.
Nope, wanna explain what you're trying to say?
You aren’t aware dates are important to MKultra?
is there a particular reason american schizos have an insane obsession about NASA?
its so bizzarre.
NASA an organisation founded by a group of occultists practicing black magic, a publicly known fact, who befriended project paperclip scientists.

You have no inclination why this would fascinate open minded people?
I’ll tell you what’s bizarre. Your level if incompetence. It’s preternatural.
>NASA an organisation founded by a group of occultists practicing black magic
it is?
>befriended project paperclip scientists.
nothing strange about that.
The project paperclip scientists publicly acknowledged it was.

Why are you feigning ignorance?
This stalled responding is a form of MKultra.
>The project paperclip scientists publicly acknowledged it was.
they acknowledged it was what?
Checked. I hate the antichrist
It’s obvious isn’t it?
what did the german paperclip scientists acknowledge?
Werner Von Braun acknowledged Jack Parsons as the founder of NASA. It’s public knowledge.

It’s also public knowledge Aquino was born exactly 9 months after the Babalon Working, in California.

Yet none of you are willing to admit 4chan is MKultra, sharing it’s birthday with NASA.

what kind of fucking schizophrenic could come up with this
>Werner Von Braun acknowledged Jack Parsons as the founder of NASA. It’s public knowledge.
yup it is, and so what? what about it?
You inferred interest in the topic was schizophrenic. Yet you yourself are interested in it, demonstrably.
Yep, 4chan is a DARPA NASA monstrosity and we’re here forever
I couldn’t tell you exactly details of the paper clip nazis other than von Braun having the Bible verse about the firmament on his grave stone. We know the nazis were deep into occultism, ancient history and advancing technology so it’s not a reach to infer these things.
You wrote inferred too, interesting synchronicity
>Werner Von Braun acknowledged Jack Parsons as the founder of NASA. It’s public knowledge.
yup it is, and so what? what about it?
its not about the firmament.
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You’re just going to outright lie like that about the Bible?

19 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
So rescind your accusation of schizophrenia. Lest you be considered one yourself.
In the god's word translation of the bible Psalm 19:1 is: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky displays what his hands have made"

In the English standard version of the bible Psalm 19:1 is: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork"

In the New International Version of the bible Psalm 19:1 is: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands"

The Christian Standard Bible states that Psalm 19:1 is: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands"

where do you see anything about a firmament?
whatever you want, sweetie, i rescind whatever you want.
>Werner Von Braun acknowledged Jack Parsons as the founder of NASA. It’s public knowledge.
yup it is, and so what? what about it?
Okay you’re a glownigger on shift because it’s too early of the American niggers. Kill yourself
where did you take that firmanent dogshit from?
was it a youtube clip? or a jpeg you saw on 4chan?
King James Bible version was used.

If you want to be obtuse.
>literally all versions of the bible dont use the word firmament except 1
aww geez.
I think it’s pretty obvious Braun would use the version edited by Francis Bacon, don’t you?
obviously he meant the heavens.
and thats it, nothing more to add to it, there is obviously no retarded firmament.
>Werner Von Braun acknowledged Jack Parsons as the founder of NASA. It’s public knowledge.
yup it is, and so what? what about it?
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Kill yourself fed
Then it’s hardly schizophrenic, is it?
what is?
American interest in the occult origins of NASA. Do you have memory problems?

what occult origins?
Jack Parsons.
Coming from the one who didn’t know NASA and 4chan share their birthday…. That’s debatable.
what about him?
Aquino links

"There was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearance. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He founded the Temple of Set. And he was also a very close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use this experimentation upon children…where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples so that when they’re questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence. They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of…they were taken to be used by professional pedophiles. People that have the money to buy what they want, take the kids wherever they want...and by splitting the children’s personalities they could then train each one of the personalities to do a different function. And the rest of the personalities within that host personality would not be aware of it or remember it."

- Noreen Gosch, Johnny Gosch's mother (Franklin Boys)
"In the early 1980s, my base programming was instilled at Fort Campbell, Kentucky by U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino . Aquino holds a TOP SECRET clearance in the Defense Intelligence Agency's Psychological Warfare Division (Psy Ops). He is a professed Neo-Nazi, the founder of the Himmler inspired satanic Temple of Set, and has been charged with child ritual and sexual abuse at the Presidio Day Care in San Francisco, California. But like my father and Cox, Aquino remains "above the law" while he continues to traumatize and program CIA destined young minds in a quest to reportedly create the "superior race" of Project Monarch Mind-Controlled slaves. I quickly teamed that Aquino did not adhere to his profoundly professed occult superstition any more than I did. His "satanic power" was in the form of numerous variations of high voltage stun guns, 5 of which he used on me regularly. Although Aquino used occultism (blood trauma) as a trauma base, his programming was high tech and "clean"—not muddled in a proverbial witches' brew of ignorance. He quickly dispelled the Cox influence, and began programming me according to Byrd's specifications as his "own little witch" for sadistic sex, covert CIA drug muling, black mail, and prostitution operations. During the three months I was back with Cox, a muscle in my upper vaginal wall was cut and dropped in preparation for Houston to flesh carve a hideous witch's face for Senator Byrd's perversion. Aquino provided the ancient instructions on how to mutilate me, and Houston used silver nitrate and hot exacto knives to carve the details of the face without any form of anaesthesia."
"U.S. Army Lt. Col. Aquino's occultism provided trauma sufficient to maintain my Project Monarch Mind-Controlled existence despite his inability to affect my core spirituality. Therefore, I was not routinely subjected to the other favorite "trauma of choice"-alien themes-lite many slaves (including Kelly) I knew had been. The effect of Bush's illusion hologram on such victims is binding and strong. Even Aquino envied the mind shattering effects of Bush's alien theme visual traumas to the extent that he wrote and published his own comic book sequel to Lucas' Star Wars. While occultism is easily dispelled with reason and fact, Bush's alien theme continues to be reinforced through NASA's involvement in mind-control atrocities. Additionally, California's 24-year incumbent Senator Alan Cranston of the Select Committee on Intelligence has perpetuated this trauma base for decades, as have others. Despite my having escaped routine "alien" theme traumas, Bush's "You Are What You Read" hologram proved devastatingly sufficient for him to gain total control of my robotic mind from that moment on until my rescue in 1988."

-Cathy O'Brien
"The horrendous Monarch Project "refers to young people in America who were victims of mind control experiments run either by U.S. government agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency or military intelligence agencies," writes DeCamp.

"The story told by Monarch victims--one of whom was Paul Bonacci--is that they were tortured for the purpose of creating 'multiple personalities' within them," DeCamp continues from his book. "These multiple personalities could then be programmed--as spies, 'drug mules,' prostitutes or assassins."
An article by Anton Chaitkin, quoted in the book, states that "professionals probing the child victims of 'Monarch' say there are clearly two responsible elements at work: the government/military, and cooperating satanic (or more exactly pagan) cults. These are multi-generation groups, whose parents donate their own children--who are proudly called 'bloodline' or simply 'blood' cultists--to be smashed with drugs and electric shock and shaped. Other children are kidnapped and sold into this hell, or are brought in gradually through day care situations.

"Paul Bonacci and other child victims have given evidence in great depth on the central role of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in this depravity," continues Chaitkin. "Aquino, alleged to have recently retired from an active military role, was long the leader of an Army psychological warfare section which drew on his 'expertise' and personal practices in brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism, homosexual pedophilia and murder."

"Paul Bonacci, a courageous survivor who endured almost two decades of degradation under Project MONARCH has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of widescale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the White House. He has testified about sexually-abused males selected from Boy's Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offutt AFB, where he says they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino. After thoroughly tormenting the young boys into mindless oblivion, they were used (along with girls) for pornography and prostitution with several of the nation's political and economic power-brokers. Bonacci recalled being transported from the Air Force base via cargo planes to McClelland AFB in California. Along with other unfortunate adolescents and teenagers, he was driven to the elite retreat, Bohemian Grove. The perpetrators took full advantage of these innocent victims, committing unthinkable perversions in order to satisfy their deviant lusts. Some victims were apparently murdered, further traumatizing already terrified and broken children."




"Michael Aquino has been a trauma-based total mind-control (Monarch) programmer for the DIA Psychological Warfare Division. Aquino flies all over the country, and has victimized people in numerous states and military bases. Michael Aquino’s programming is standard military-type programming. Aquino puts in his own spirit guide into people. He likes to use his own version of Star Wars, with himself as Darth Vader, for his programming scripts. He programs in sexual and death (suicide) programs--such as the Rivers of Blood suicide protection program, and all the rest of the various types of programs. His Temple of Set functions as a programming vehicle. The rituals are designed to break the practitioners grip on reality and logic and take them into the world of visualization, and creativity."

"Two of the most ruthless programmers on the West coast are Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino. These two men are as cold blooded as they come, ranking right beside Mengele in their ability to torture. Michael Aquino, because he was in military intelligence, was in a position to pass on his diabolical programming abilities to dozens of military officers. His wife works with him, her name is Lilith Sinclair. Michael Aquino has travelled all over the U.S. doing mind control programming. Michael Aquino used Cathy O’Brien as the star victim in his training video which teaches military officers how to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves."
- Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler
You already stated yourself.


Nothing schizophrenic about interest in the topic. It’s highly unusual and naturally draws interest.
im not reading all that
>You already stated yourself.
i stated what?
quote my post where i stated it.
>It’s highly unusual
not really.
"What is Michael Aquino’s interest in Australia’s Pine Gap Facility and why is discussion of the Base’s use and purpose inadmissible within Australia’s polite society and media? Peter Alexander Chernoff said he helped the Luciferian cult abduct a 10-year-old boy named Kevin Collins from San Francisco. He later witnessed San Francisco-based Michael Aquino ritually sacrifice the child at Bohemian Grove in the presence of George Bush Senior (a Nazi), Pope Ratzinger (a former Nazi), and Omaha businessman Warren Buffet who was implicated in the Franklin VIP child trafficking scandal. Famous Bohemian Grove attendees include Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon."

- Fiona Barnett, MKULTRA/trafficking/Aquino victim


"In November 1986, San Francisco police had begun investigating claims of sexual abuse centering around the Army's Child Development Center at the Presidio of San Francisco. During the investigation, in August 1987, one of the girls ran into her abuser while on a shopping trip with her father. She froze, pointed to a person named Lt.-Col. Michael Aquino, and identified him as "Mikey". Mikey, with help of a member of the child day care center staff, had taken her off site to be abused at his home. During the following investigation, the girl could accurately point out the house of Aquino (282) and describe some of the interior details (283)."

"In October 1987, news of the Presidio molestings hit the local news and it was reported that at least 58 of 100 children who had visited the day care center showed physical and mental signs of sexual abuse (284). Some of the details that came out were that children had been tortured with needles (285) and that some had been forced to drink urine and eat feces (286). The parents sued the day care center for more than 60 million dollars (287), and as time went on, more and more claimed there was a cover up of the facts (288). Aquino was under investigation for a while, but never officially charged with anything (289). The case died a quiet death."

If it’s not unusual, then why would you consider interest in it schizophrenic?
"The child had identified Aquino as “Mikey” and his wife, Lilith, as “Shamby” after she sighted them at an Army PX on August 12, 1987. She told her mother that “Mikey was the ‘blood man’ because he had put blood on her and licked it off.” The CID investigators showed photographs to the child: “Photographs do show a number of items that corroborate Kinsey’s and other children’s descriptions of the house where they were taken: (1) masks (2) guns (4) toy animals or dinosaurs (4) a lion picture on the wall and lions on the Egyption throne (5) a computer (6) camera (7) a black room with soft walls and (8) a robot.” The investigation of Lt. Col Aquino, a very wealthy man, and his wife, Lilith, involved multi-jurisdictions and several children interviewed identified him from photo lineups as their alleged abuser, but the identification of Lilith Aquino was not persuasive. A child stated that during their abuse “Mikey” was dressed in woman’s clothes and “Shamby” was dressed in men’s clothing. On March 15, 1989 the CID interviewed a child victim who gave details of that child’s sexual molestation in the context of satanic rituals by members of a “devil worship club,” during the years 1985-86, which the child said involved Lt. Col. Aquino. The child described the children being forced to chant that they “Hated God,” and “Loved the Devil,” before and after being molested which was filmed, in addition to providing detailed descriptions of murder and cannibalism. The bodies were reportedly kept in a basement and then “dumped” in a lake. The child gave detailed descriptions of the Aquino’s residence which matched the descriptions of other children - - black walls with crosses on the ceiling."

"The records also say the child accurately described some features of Aquino's home, including walls painted black, and was able to take investigators to the home after being driven to the street where Aquino lived."

The allegations are the most bizarre to date from the 11-month investigation into child molestation at the Army's Child Development Center on the Presidio. Thus far, investigators have checked about 100 young children for physical and psychological signs of sexual abuse, and have concluded that at least 58 had been molested at some point. A half-dozen or more have tested positive for chlamydia, a relatively common, curable venereal disease usually transmitted by sexual contact."


"The Illuminati is very aware of child developmental principles and has developed exercises like the above after hundreds of years of teaching very young children. My mother, Dr. Diana Hiatt-Micheal is skilled at this “art of torture” as were the people both my older brother and I were given over to like, Michael Aquino and Dr. Louis Joylon West. Who continued the training which became more in depth and created many fragments over the course of our childhoods. Marianne says her programmers were – Someone before Aquino, then Mickey aka Aquino, and after being with him, it was Dr. Jolly aka Dr. Louis Joylon West."
- Marianne Barnard
Who gives a fuck what YOU read?
>occults! and and and.... tombstone of von braun!
nobody cares about some dude being an occultist, and von braun meant heavent, not some retarded firmanent.
thats why people call you schizo - obsessing over meaningless, dumb shit like that.
If they are foolish, you lack wisdom debating them.
sure, sure.
so do you believe in the firmament? flat earth? space is fake? moon landings are impossible?
or is it just you not being a fan of jack parsons for some reason?
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Firmament means the heavens, nimrod. Kjv is the least corrupted bible. Let me guess you love the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
Are you asking me if I believe Aniximander’s proposition the earth is a globe from the pre-Socratic era?

I think he was presenting prototypical ideas about radiance and the inverse square law. Earth known as Kosmos to Aniximander, wasn’t even considered a planet.

Firmament means Sky/Heavens, so your bizarre skipping around that association is nonsensical.

Moon landings. You are asking me if man is mundane, by definition mankind is sublunary - nullifying your attempt at ridicule.

Space being fake would invalidate the inverse square law which is demonstrably a harmonic feature of the kosmos. Space and dimensions are a fundamental truth.
of course its heavens, but i had to make sure - some people believe the word firmament means some magical glass nonsense in the sky.
i asked simple yes or no questions.
try to answer with a simple yes or no:
>so do you believe in the glass firmament?
yes or no.
>is the earth flat?
yes or no.
>is space fake?
yes or no.
>is landing on the moon impossible?
yes or no.
>so do you believe in the glass firmament

The only person talking about a glass firmament in this entire thread, is you.
>no there is no glass dome nonsense.
ok, good, thats a good start.
now, on to the other questions:
>is the earth flat?
yes or no.
>is space fake?
yes or no.
>is landing on the moon impossible?
yes or no.

remember - simple YES or NO.
Do You understand an absolute vaccum would cause complete decompression of a pressurised container and persons within it.
>complete decompression of a pressurised container
what container?
uh oh, guys, i think we got a flattie here.
You’re not nutty enough to think going to the bottom of the ocean causes explosive decompression but entering an absolute vacuum does not?

That’s nutcase material by the way.

Obviously the whole thing was a metaphor
A space craft, Jesus anon.

You’re reaching.
why are you so afraid to answer with a simple yes or no?

>is the earth flat?
yes or no.
>is space fake?
yes or no.
>is landing on the moon impossible?
yes or no.

remember - simple YES or NO.
what kind of fucking retard writes out a 200 page document with no sources, and what kind of even bigger fucking idiot thinks it's a credible source? You're mentally ill, OP. Your brain is fried and is trying to find patterns where they don't exist. lay off the mushrooms and start taking lithium
I answered those questions.


It’s not my fault if you don’t understand the answers.
Maybe he’s an MKULTRA operative.

He said 4chan was not MKULTRA- exactly what one would say.
no you didnt.
you didnt answer with a short yes or no.

>is the earth flat?
yes or no.
>is space fake?
yes or no.
>is landing on the moon impossible?
yes or no.

remember - simple YES or NO.
I did. Sorry you cannot compute the data.
you did?
then link to the post in which you answered with a simple YES or NO to these questions:

>is the earth flat?
yes or no.
>is space fake?
yes or no.
>is landing on the moon impossible?
yes or no.

link me to your post in which you answered to these with a YES or NO.

your rat like squirming and not answering simple question reminds me of jewish behaviour.
considering you are also using a meme flag - can you also denounce the Talmud for me?

its super easy, like this, me first:
I denounce the Talmud.

Now your turn.
I already answered those questions methodically. I’m not reducing them to binary to appease your mkultra programming.
so you wont denounce the talmud, huh?
Yes of course they would use NASA for this and not some no name branch of the bureaucracy.
I’m not responding to your MKultra programming prompts.
sure sure, im a cia agent suffering from mkultra, it still shouldnt be a problem to denounce the talmud for you.

you believe the earth is flat, space is fake, and moon landings are impossible, which is even funnier than not denouncing the talmud.
>sure sure, im a cia agent

No one suggested such, even remotely.
The retards work incredibly hard to never state any position, because they know the moment they take a position they have lost
Because their positions are always laughable and trivial to refute
Then refute my positions.

Start here: earth is not a planet.
im am whatever you want, sweetie.
mk ultra brainwash victim, a glowie, whatever you want.

the most important thing is you think the earth is flat, space is fake, landing on the moon is impossible and on top of that: you wont denounce the talmud.

yeah man poor faggot started talking like the architect from the matrix to attempt to make himself look smart but in the end it turns out he's just a dumbass flattie, lol.

>earth is not a planet.
you are claiming that nonsense, so its your job to prove that nonsense.
so go ahead and prove the earth is not a planet.
I haven’t watched the matrix.

I already did. Aniximander who came up with the Globe Earth model, didnt recognise earth as a planet. No one did. Planet means Wandering Star aka observable upon the firmament as opposed to terra firma.

It’s not difficult.
>no one recognizes earth as a planet
are you sure?
also, denounce the talmud for us, please.
Earth isn’t a wandering star of the firmament. The definition of planet.

I’m sure about that.
As for the talmud, I denounce the patriarchy, of course.
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>The definition of planet.
A planet is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

Terra Firma is not a celestial body by definition.
here is the definition of a planet:
A planet is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

>i wont denounce the talmud
you dont have to hide under a meme flag, then, you can just use your israeli flag.
Is the Talmud a Patriarchal book?
i denounce the talmud.
not the patriarchy, not anything else.

i denounce the talmud.
this question is being dodged. interesting
Do you denounce the patriarchy?
(The Abrahamic Religions)
not being skitzo over nasa is even more bizzarre
why do you refuse to type the words:
i denounce the talmud.

why cant you type these words?
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the talmud is not a holy book, denouncing it does nothing
so just a bunch of lies and bullshit, got it.
It is.
apparently it does, all jews have trouble denouncing it.
Do you denounce The Patriarchy?

Abrahamists have a problem doing that.
is there any merit to 20 and back?
why cant you just type the words:
i denounce the talmud
just press the buttons on your keyboard so these words will come out.
can you do that?
Why can’t you denounce The Patriarchy?

Are you Christian?
denounce the talmud.
do it.
I would want you to denounce the patriarchy first

Somehow seems more relevant now
Denounce the Patriarchy. That covers much more.
i denounce the patriarchy, whatever it is.
Crooks was a total Mkultra case

Denounce the talmud.
Fair play.
denounce the talmud.
I denounce the Patriarchal Talmud which renders women as chattle.
are you guys done sucking each others dicks yet?
Denounce the patriarchy
im still laughing my ass off that he's a flattie, space isnt real, and moon landings are impossible.
it will never stop being funny.
shut up you dumb feminist cunt

they do deserve mockery

Many of those are (partially or 100%) jewish bullshit by the way.
No I like patriarchy. Judaism is matriarchy the mother hands down the Jewishness. I denounce the actual Talmud
yeah its obviously a jew, judaism is 100% a matriarchal cult, thats why it took him a thousand posts to somehow squirm his way out of denouncing the actual talmud.

just another jew trick.
If you are mass replyng bullshit to the thread it's because the information is relevant.
there isnt 1 relevant information in this whole thread.
You denounced the Patriarchy.
I denounced the Talmud.

A deal was made.
You don’t like the patriarchy.
how bout we drop your feminist obsesesion and talk about flat earth, huh.
NASA was founded by a radical feminist, it’s relevant.
not as relevant as you thinking the earth is a DVD.
You’re making up things I did not say. God knows why.
is the earth a globe?
Does NASA claim it’s a globe?
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Interesting how this thread quickly veered off topic into flat earth nonsense
Well it’s about black magic and michael angelo, is it not?
just including "NASA' in a thread title attracts the flat earth retards. same if you post a pic of the earth. they cant help themselves.
And yet this phenomenon is only /pol/
When the jannies move threads to /bant/ suddenly they have zero desire to post
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You are upside down again. There is no-sense of any curve or spin, or that endless vacuum world that you have in your head. No sense, literally.
Everything that we sense is that we are not spinning and not on a curvy ball. You prisoner in the matrix of the government.
Tiktok is where the amazing people are
theres usually a thread or two on /x/, maybe on /sci sometimes, but yeah they are generally fairly low traffic these days. used to be constant bust FE threads on /x/ but i think they got bored.

and yeah, the Great Vanishing once moved to /bant/ is a huge give-away that they are just here to shit the board up.
>including "NASA' in a thread title attracts the flat earth retards
Because that's the very subject, retard. There is a claim of our cosmology and existence in that, which is wrong and deceptive, you just can't grasp that "shit is real". NASA is the organization that only exists to produce the deception of the globe universe. That's it, that's their mission. And it has become a religion at this point. You are just too stupid to realize all of this is a scam.
how much sense of spin do you think you have anyway? any ideas?
you are just too stupid

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