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So, I think the cat is out of the bag now that Peterson is completely insane, right? In the past, he used to be able somewhat control himself, but he seems to have degraded into a genuinely psychotic loon. Sane people don't look or behave like this...

What do you think about what's going on with him?
I think you're a big joke, that's what I think you are, cowardly anoymous troll demon, nazi RAT
He's some sort of repressing faggot or tranny. The high pitched faggot voice, he willingly did let his daughter do his makeup and posted it on social media, he's angry all the time online to the point of making a fool of himself, he's a psychologist. It could be something else but that's my guess
I'm not sure if he was always an insane neocon or if he was just better at hiding it before
There's holes in your floor and you're filled with snakes, and those holes are filled with snakes too, and the second people learn about all those snakes you're going to end up in hell.
That's the real hell, a hell full of snakes.
I quit listening to anything he puts out. He's very odd, kind of feminine and I don't trust his grasp on reality.
He was definitely better at controlling himself in the past. He had all of his characteristic quirks present, but he never genuinely appeared to be mentally ill. The only clue to his underlying insanity were his books, which nobody actually read.
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My teutonic clock says, it's time for your gas medicine, moshi!
do you believe he's a genuine catholic? I cant help but think he's a faker and grifter.
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I read this post in a Russian-accented Jordan Peterson voice
Peterson is part of the atheist system. He has no solution to offer and he is a plant. Peterson is the kind of guy who writes self help books to convince himself that he has the right ideas about life, rather than to really help anyone else.
I ditched the 12 rules when he started talking about salvation through god, personally. it's a book by a man born in a society fashioned by atheists for 300 years, and indeed is a generic teacher bug in some atheist university after the atheists revived the greek one to larp and also to build some fake intellectuel lignage lol, and who got depressed and turned drug addict because ''his'' wife died and who's daughter turned as usual into a whore.
Fatherless 20 yo atheist men are so lost in life they would listen anybody telling them what to do , especially if the guy puts on some mild authoritative mask as an attempt to make people believe he knows what he's talking about lol. Anyway, his advice is limited to ''clean up your room'' ie what atheist parents have been saying for over 50 years because they have nothing else to say as part of their educative plans lol. His audience is of young white men wrapped around his finger, there is something coincidentally feminine about how he does this; essentially he says very little but a lot and he peppers it with hysterical breakdowns to arouse sympathy. Is Peterson an intentional homosexual gateway? The 'daddy figure' ...fucking hell...For those who don't know, the most 4chan book of all time is 12 Rules for Life. It embodies the core impulse of 4chan, which is traditional larping without any real life experience. That's why Jordan Peterson is considered a dad figure, because he embodies this pretend play spirit of false authenticity in his own life. He talks obsessively about war and conflict, while never having experienced it.
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As a sane person I avoid JRE like a plague but why that jacket? Shouldn't it be menorah/jew star patterns?
He idolizes free market enterprise, while from a country with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system, which paid his salary. He obsesses over traditional values such as dignity and stoicism, while being a nervous wreck over the smallest things, such as having to delete a tweet.
Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist. A permanently triggered manchild who complains constantly how immature the dreaded esjaydubblejoes are.
Kek kikes killed
> What do you think about what's going on with him?

Grifters gunna grift.
sane people don't need to meddle too much with the psyche, and those who do as you see end up needing help.
>In the past, he used to be able somewhat control himself, but he seems to have degraded into a genuinely psychotic loon.
Abusing benzos causes this.
The control was the benzos
He doubled down on his jewloving and probably thinks its as brave as refusing to use trans pronouns.
>believes in god
>is literally insane
all christcucks look like this faggot to sane people
I'm personally offended that he dares to wear Christian art as sort of a fashion gimmick. If I see him wearing that shitty jacket, I will take it from him like a school yard bully and I'm going to have a stern talk with him, not in a violent way of course, but fingers will be wagged at him and I will make a disappointed sour-face!
Good post memeflag, he is the epitome and avatar of western cuckservatism itself.
He's very obviously not Christian. His entire "Bible" lecture series people here raved and creamed themselves over was clearly aimed at deconstructing Christianity, by running the Bible through modern instrumentalizing constructs like Freudian Psychoanalysis, and reframing it into a bunch of topical self-help platitudes. In Maps of Meaning, he makes very obvious allusions to Automatic writing, etc.

He's a New Age weirdo at best
supporting free markets is actually noble in Canada because or businesses are saddled by regulation on regulation and monopoly control in lots of sectors with regulations set up to make it difficult for smaller companies.

i support any leaf that is in favor of making it easier to do business in canada.
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>give a schizophrenic even more dopamine
I've read his books, I enjoyed them. I watched his JRE interview. That's all I want to know about him. The Iess I know the better.
watch videos of him being asked 'is the bible true' and he gives a squirming jewish pilpul about "what even is truth"

I can tell you if you asked him if the holocaust was true and happened there would be no introspection into the nature of truth.
what's your grievance against free markets anyway? I'm assuming you're canadian since you're so passionate but it actually is making canada poorer putting regulations on regulations so that compliance is next to impossible.
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I'm so used to calling him Juden Benzos Peterstein I unironically forgot his real name desu
why do american christians fall for these grifters?
I like your take for the most part, small correction though: His wife isn't dead. I guess she was severely sick, but she hasn't died. Maybe she was just pretty sick and not severely sick, who the fuck knows? Mr. Tell The Truth has been known to dramatize here and there, muh I haven't slept in three years, pinky promise.
Maybe I just misunderstood you and you didn't claim she was dead, my English is not the best, clarification please.
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>if you asked him if the holocaust was true
And that's not to say it's at all clear that you're in hell when you don't know where you are or where you're going 4hwts chaos man and it's not at all obvious but you have to rescue your father from the belly of the beast. Really. Really. Not good
Benzodiazepines damage your brain chemistry permanently to put it simply.
nazis are the historical enemies of jews and i have a hard time not seeing people using nazi as an epithet as crypto-jews.

why would a supposed swedish-american catholic frame his world view around nazis vs jews? as a swedish-american catholic you'd think the nazi myth has nothing to do with him if he's not jewish...
I havent finished it, but the 1st hour seemed to be dominated by Joe Rogan giving his speech about DMT. Not only does he not mention the Young Earth position (soft tissue in "800 million year old" dinosaur bones), he entrenches himself in an almost completely untouchable and subjective position of "WE MUST UNDERSTAND DMT TRIPS". There is no debating a hallucinogenic experience.
He is not le christcuck nor a Christian. He idolizes j$ws and cannot give a simple yes or no response when asked if he is a Christian.

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Because this is the end time. In other words the time of grifters, monsters Gramsci said.
do you really think a guy worth 50 million doing a daily radio show is actually doing dmt in his spare time? I bet his producer forces him to shill drugs to the goyim.
Lmao at meme flag trannies screeching about Peterson
Get a job you subhumans.
i've grown up with real talmudic jews in highschool since my school was one with an AP programs that jews liked and i have seen the fake crying that jews do first hand and it is EXACTLY the same as how jordan peterson fake cries
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Lack of education, probably. Peterson seems to enthrall people who are not well-read the most. His high verbal IQ and sophistry only seems impressive to someone who never read an actual book (like a classic or some non-fiction work).
I mean, his wife is jewish, therefore his children are jews by descent and he worked in an entirely jewish line of work (psychology), taught in a very jewish dominated environment (university), now he works for a jewish company (Daily Wire). Jews are his managers and his publishers. He knows who pays his bills and who helps him finance his luxurious lifestyle and his faggy clown clothes. He's as jewish as you can get without being an actual jew.
It seems possible. But I guess what youre saying is too.
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Zionism is a mental disorder. Look at the biggest zionist figures, they are all neurotic and genocidal.
They will cry about the imaginary lolocaust ad nauseam, and in the same phrase will tell you that every palestinian man, woman, child deserves to die.
thats a good video. i remember watching it a while ago. One of the mistakes amerimutts make is that they believe the Jew's propaganda and about the left right political wing war when the real conflict for power is between jews and non-jews. There are other assertive ethnic groups but they're marginal compared to jews and heritage americans.

getting stuck on the wing war paradigm means that people can follow "right wing" jews not understanding that jews are the actual ethnic adversary and the fictitious wing war doesn't exist. Ben shapiro is an example of a race conscious jewish "right winger" that dumb goyim follow without realizing that it is HIS TRIBE that is gunning for full spectrum political power.
Retarded. His old stuff is unironically interesting.
The real jordan peterson never woke up from the coma, so now juden is ruling the place and destroying his legacy.
Imo most church leaders suck at their job . My mother's néeded spiritual guidance having been 4 years paralyzed and absolutely miserable and inconsolable and abused left and right by the systems and hospitals and yet ..

They've visited her once , well not the priest , a deacon, and no one else from the church has visited or called or sent any letter or email to help her

But every week you can bet your ass she'll get a packet of donation envelopes in the mail.

It's the first thing I throw away. Where is that money going? Don't care.
our press in north america is VERY controlled so very few people even know to look for information outside of the controlled jewish press. i spent my formative years reading and rereading the protocols and similar books but i am 1 in 100,000 in north america.
Really , how can they live with themselves. What the fuck.
Faggot read Jung but forgot to actually intregrate this shadow because while he claims to be an expert his knowledge on Jung is surfacelevel.
>Jewrdan Yidderson
He is kremlin's asset.
>The real jordan peterson never woke up from the coma.
Oh boy, this old chestnut. He's not doing anything new he wasn't doing before his "coma". He's just now doing MORE of it. He was doing speaking tours with Ezra Levant in support of Israel and Balfour Declaration back in 2017-2018, come on man
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More and more people are losing their god damn minds lately. It's everywhere now, people are walking into me, standing confused, sluggish, you can see the despair in their eyes, their souls are suffering and it shows in everything around them.
>What do you think about what's going on with him?
maybe brainless retard celeb charlatan? the bar is incredibly low to be just smart and articulate enough to 'gain an audience' and become a popular celebrity and whatever else
browse youtube, there's tons of celebs and no real intellectuals of any kind, at least i've never heard of one. i don't think they exist in the last 50 years

I stopped listening to Jordan Peterson as soon as I heard about that he was using the $50,000/month patreon money to buy antique carpets (this was soon after the initial thing)
He's always been a stupid centrist liberal guy, he's a big fan of capitalistic dystopia, yes blackrock should own absolutely everything and you should work for 3 cents an hour, very deep stuff

From another thread, I just watched JP and Musk, in the first 30min:
>JP agreed that Musk "figured out" philosophy by reading Hitchhiker's guide
>JP implied that "Grok" will save all of humanity's knowledge from AI/woke
>Elon said "a cell is not conscious" because it "doesn't seem to be".
I hope musk's gay son fucks mikaila peterson up the ass
>he used to be able somewhat control himself
When? When he was crying in every interview? When he was addicted to drugs? When he was on the verge of death because his whore daughter put him on a beef-only diet? When he wrote a book about lobsters?
as if russia needs to sponsor jewish intellectuals when there are millions willing to do this kind of subversion in north america.
>sold over a million copies in the US, UK, Australia, translated in 50 languages
>his books, which nobody actually read.

>Le nafri PsychologyAnon on 4chan
>more knowledgeable than a boomer who spent 20 years as clinical psychologist
Made me kek gain.

These threads are fascinating, like a NEET gathering.
Same with my aunt. I asked the priest at my uncles post funeral reception how they could help her, knowing she's insane and too quirky to have any friends. He gave me some vague suggestion briefly that amounted to "she can go to church". Ok.. that's it eh? Fucking hell. Never saw the guy again.

On another note he didn't even know my uncle, I mean whose fault is that but what are these people actually doing for the poor folk who could constitute their greatest flock
why hide your flag when your nationality matters when making sense of your comment? Are you turkish?
he is an agent. their posts are easy to detect
The only REAL church I can confidently and happily say exists was a nondenominational community of house Christians. Actual Christians who helped me out, and I was a total stranger.
yeah, i was never impressed by my pastors growing up. i wish i could have gone to church of the creator in america when it was running or william luther pierce's cosmotheism church.
So on a related note, why the fuck would anyone listen to any e celeb of any renown?

Find the hidden gems among you and decentralize . You know how it works. Why bother discussing it
But that's wrong? Peterson diligently practiced what Jung preached, and it landed him square where it was supposed to (just like it happened to Jung himself). Le Two Face Peterson is what happens when you unironically try to “integrate your shadow” and complete the so-called process of “individuation” — you think you're now more enlightened and in touch with your “inner self”, but IRL you just become an unstable mess with aberrant behaviors.

Peterson is a living testament as to why C.G. Jung's books were moved from the psychology to the New Age section of the bookstores way back in the 1970s
Visionary people are often insane.
I had no idea what was going on until I read some of the Bible for myself as a young adult. I was astonished at how fake and useless these Potemkin churches are
Im literally a psychologist and a huge Jung fan was a reddit mod for /r/Jung for 6 years before it became pozzed beyond return. You dont know shit and neither does Peterson
Hes not integrating his shadow hes possesed by it
The faggot dispenses basic bitch Pop Psychology 101 nuggets to dumb people and doesn't practice what he preaches.
>integrate your shadow
Yes this is either misunderstood, advanced practice needing expert guidance, or total bs meant to drive you to hell by accepting that which violates ones moral code. If the point were actually to just admit one was evil, then that should be enough
He is a sick man, endured too lengthy a dance with simulated death. How could anyone be normal after enduring a long term induced coma of any sort
And I don't care what he's being used for, but it's not going to serve anyone well to have a mascot who is clearly a shadow of his former self. After all he's been through it probably gives him meaning and fulfillment , I hope, but I hope he's getting help
This is correct. It's why I can't watch Peterson without feeling a pain in my chest. I've experienced severe diabolic phenomena in my life, so when he says "integrate your shadow" or "become a monster" or be "cruel to be virtuous", etc., I know exactly what he's talking about and it's a lot darker than he says. There has never been a proper religion that has asked you to integrate your darker side or whatever. It is pure schizo nonsense the end goal of which is a Faustian pact with the devil.
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>he's possesed by it
But the Jungian "Shadow" isn't real, that is the issue in of itself. It is an imagined state, a literary device...
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>What do you think about what's going on with him?
>Rule 12: Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
Toxoplasmosis Gondii
I actually thought he had a salient point about Cain representing the leftist view of the world - the depressed, woe is me, I tried my 'best' (but it wasn't really my best because giving your best requires sacrifice and I'm to scared to do that) attitude vs the righteous Abel who gave the absolute peak of himself in sacrifice.
>Commit to an endeavour
>Give your all
>'Pray'/think about how its going to be successful
>Blessings will ensue
No, that's just the exoteric cloak to hook in the plucky young reader who thinks he's learning something profound.

But if your mind is open to it, the devil—or some dark manifestation of subconscious or super consciousness or whatever you want to call it—will speak to you and offer you power in exchange for service.

Thankfully <1% of his readers/listeners will have this esoteric experience, but it's still profoundly evil.
Newsflash faggots, when someone gets recognition and starts wearing ridiculous outfits that means they have sold their soul to Satan.
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It appears as if there is a sudden call to Christianity from all angles (soley for the purpose of defending the Holy land, of course)
Maybe he got MKultra'd, for real.
>It is pure schizo nonsense the end goal of which is a Faustian pact with the devil.
I wonder how many casual C.G. Jung enjoyers know that he was unironically into spiritism seances and mediumship, and claimed to have channelled a demon named Philemon (he specifically clarified that this wasn't a vague “mental archetype”, but an actual independent entity).
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Hes made a good living from religion and found all sorts of ways to market the subject religion is a brand and hes not the first to wear a Jesus shirt socks jackets hes not a preacher hes a showman and merchant. saying all that i don't really care how people make money or what they preach and my personal opinion of him right now is that hes trying to have fun saying and doing whatever the fuck he wants he has the money even if he didn't work another day in his life he could live in comfort that type of security might just make you say and do things you normally wouldn't.
You probably don't watch him, but he has done weed many times on the podcast even a famous one with Elon, he has done hallucinogenic like that honey from nepal mountains on a episode when he got the honey.
TMT is his second obsession after bears, it's know anon.
And like most podcasters, trolling guess with smelly salts use for lifting weight, is made by another corptuber.
Joe Rogan was doing DMT well before he got big on podcasts.
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I don't care about his mannerisms, though many of them are strange. What I do care about is this:

>Daughter has mysterious auto-immune disease that breaks all the bones in her body
>miraculously recovers
>Wife has mysterious unknown cancer without known treatments
>miraculously recovers
>Father has mysterious illness that makes him not sleep for weeks and causes severe depression
>miraculously recovers

There is something very strange going on in that family.
I think he just lies a lot to explain/justify his abberant behaviors, not a huge mystery
I think he’s just a drug addict and an old fashioned liberal that can’t accept the world that liberalism leads too, he’s got huge cognitive dissonance.
The man got too high off his own farts. While his advice was always rather generic, with profound thought shining through occasionally, it appeared in the right place at the right time, when almost all young men were starting to completely check out of society. He has always been Neolib but his stance on trans issues aligned with the modern right thought as well which enabled him, coupled with his eloquence, to spread his message and become famous.

As an intellectual, he is frozen in time. There are no new insights to gain from him. Only rarely does something profound still make its way out of his own-fart-huffing gibberish, like the observation that the beauty of having children is that they are the only people on earth that will want to have the best possible relationship to you at all times, that he mentioned in his recent Elon Musk interview.

Other than that, he has completely fried his brain. He his visible nervous at all times, his voice has gotten scratchier, ready to start sobbing and crying at any moment. His hubris is unbearable. He refuses to make clear points anymore. It's got to be a metaphysical masturbation at all times.

Strong peak, now just a neolib talking head. Sad.
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He's always been nuts. I looked at his videos that he already had up, when the whole "I control my speech" bit played out. It was all "vibe" woo woo shit. He just happened to say what many were thinking at the right time and got martyred for it. He immediately turned his guns to blame young men and tell them the society is fucked because they won't assume responsibility. Boomers didn't fight their battles, and now, as old wretches with nothing to live for they still won't stand against troons, niggers, Jews, etc...so it's our fault we sit back and wait for collapse of this jew run nigger support system. Everyone wants someone else to solve the ponzi scheme without violence or even mild discomfort. Well boomers, that's not going to happen. This had to be changed in the 80s.
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He's a jewdog, like all Christians. Shitty rip off 42 laws of Ma'at Egyptian slave religion.
Moral of the story?
kek good Jordan Peterson impression, 7/10
Mediocre pychologist (pseudo science) ruins his brains with benzos and goes off the deep end, not that shocking. What is shocking is how many fucking idiots held him in a high regard in the first place.
The leftist 5th generation warmachine psyop'd his life into a living hell that destroyed his psyche and caused the addiction doomspiral/MK ultra treatment that suddenly disappeared the second he shook hands with shapiro and started praising Israel, basically a sad and innocent soul that was very thoroughly finessed into becoming a feckless puppet instead of a canadian paragon against the ZOG. He is still useful to cite tranny metrics and due to the Israel shilling he does his content lands more along the moderate side of the political spectrum if you need redpills that are palatable to the most normie of normans.
thats what makes him more credible to me
insane people often seem visionary to midwits
He's just an open shill for the Zionist establishment, he has zero credibility and is simply a lolcow for his low IQ evangelical followers who didn't even realise that cleaning their room was good for their mental wellbeing.
judaism is entirely about the dark side of your spirit.
this makes nutcases respect him more because they also see spirits.
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Peterstein went down the left hand path. To do so you must be strong both mentally and physically. Peterstein is neither
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>hates trannys
>funny voice
>really makes me hmmm

I will always love this guy
>repression pseudo science
>gay and tranny as identities pseudo science
canadian intellectuals are of abysmal quality. he's actually the best of the bunch. easily half are foreigners that just mumble gibberish in incomprensible pidgin english with no unique thoughts.
He didnt convert, his wife did.
He should though.
He's changed. If you listen to his Maps of Meaning pre-2016 lectures he has a completely different personality and way of speaking.

I'm pretty sure he got MK-ULTRA'd when they hospitalized him.
Brain damage plus humiliation ritual. Remember when Dracula killed Renfield? Same thing is going on here with Juden Pedostein. The kikes have used up their dumb, mentally unstable shabbos goy and are now forcing him to play the clown for their own sadistic amusement. They've got dirt on him, so he'll do as he's told, unless he wants the world to know that he repeatedly raped his daughter Mikhaila when she was a small child. It doesn't pay to sell your soul to the satanic kikes.


Sully this board with your presence no more, you disingenuous cur.
because literal esoteric demons were giving him knowledge?
>he doesn’t actually “believe” in God.
>doesn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah, just a nice person.

Slow brained atheists at it again
Anyone who hates trannies is good in my book.
Fun facts about Juden Pedostein:

Did you know that he spent three years working for a Soros-funded think tank called the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) where his job was to help the UN write a couple of Agenda 2030 reports?

Did you know that he studied under MKUltra researchers at McGill University's notorious Allan Memorial Institute?

Did you know that he was a guest of honor at the Trilateral Commission's European Conference in 2018?

Birds of a feather flock together, and Peterson sure liked flocking with glowniggers and globalist oligarchs. A suspicious person might wonder if Peterson is controlled opposition. His recent behavior suggests he's now become a shabbos goy and ardent propagandist for Israel's Likud party. Interesting shift, but both factions are still anti-White. That's always been the core of Pedostein's secret ideology.
I think whatever they did when they "re-educated" him actually worked. Like some Clockwork Orange type shit.
He is one of ((them)) now. He is not the same.
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I wouldn't be surprised. Or he just made a deal with the devil, and now has to suck the circumcised dicks of his children.
>He is not the same
That's a huge cope. He's been like this right out of the gate, he literally was a keynote speaker at the Balfour Centennial event in 2017. He just didn't (yet) act like a fucking bugged out retard while doing it, so all of you guys pretended not to notice or played it off as him being a Boomer
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He means the older books like Maps of Meaning not 12 Rules for Life.
He's a classic case of someone who really wants to be a certain type of person without actually having those traits himself so it comes across as weird and performative.

If you look into his past work he's always been obsessing over eccentric and creative people, he idolizes weird mystics and recluses like Carl Jung and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and can't stop bringing them up in everything he does. He also studied creativity and came up with a quantifiable measure of creativity through a questionnaire, a strange thing to study for someone who mainlined alcoholism and addiction as his main topic before. He wrote a weird book in his 20's, maps of meaning, which wasn't really noticed by anyone. Years later when he became popular he can't stop talking about that book and especially its reputation as "weird", he keeps forcing people to acknowledge that the book is "weird" and too out there for anyone to even critique it well, while in reality it's just an obscure book that nobody was interested in until he became famous 20 years after it was written.

This is what he wants, he wants to be seen as weird and eccentric, but it just seems so forced and awkward because that's what it is. He keeps telling you how weird he is, even in passing, he can't just have weird paintings at his house, he has to tell you he has them and also explain why (which is something a freak eccentric probably wouldn't feel like they need to do). He's weird and he loves explaining how. He's like a vegan but with his whole personality and long term it gets pretty grating. Based on how he writes, I don't think he's super-creative, 12 rules for life genuinely sucks dick by the end. The weird clothes are also performative, because of his research he knows that this is what an actually creative person would be compelled to do, weird that he only started that after he became famous and used to dress totally normally before.
He's a junkie.
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It is the natural cycle of a Jew. Honesty makes him angry. The fact that anyone would dare to have a different view after all his masters have accomplished makes him seethe uncontrollably. The fact that there is even this thread at all makes him picrelated. Pottery, a Jew's worst enemy is an honest man.
I remember this conman. Only if peterstein had his energy
There's an old video of this on YouTube (already has the hairplugs, but face is still fat) where his tries to analyze David Lynch's Mulholland Drive
His critique at around 19 minutes culminates in him basically saying that “David Lynch probably thinks he's smarter than me, so that's why I don't like him”. He's insecure as fuck
hes so bad he blames communism for billionaires' greed and a predatory capitalism
"oh look i lost my keyes... i blame communism!..."
He works for Daily Wire btw.
If he doesnt shill for Jizzrael he gets Candace treatment.
>“David Lynch probably thinks he's smarter than me, so that's why I don't like him”
But David Lynch IS smarter than Jordan Peterson. Most grad students in STEM departments are smarter than Peterson. I know construction workers who are smarter than Peterson. Peterson is the perfect example of a midwit.
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Remember when Juden Pedostein advised Brett Kavanaugh to resign his position on the Supreme Court to appease the screeching mobs of man-hating feminists? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I like him. Not for advice on my life. Just, his content is enjoyable. I do find it sad that he is so successful. He is needed. People are so retarded these days that he's the Father figure they need. To a lot of retards out there, they never would have figured out on their own that living in filth watching porn and playing video games all day is actually bad. So they need someone like him to tell them to clean their room and make friends and not be porn and video game and cell phone addicts.
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>Toxoplasmosis Gondii
This scam was brought to you by the World Economic Forum reminding you to that feeding pets meat based products is bad for "environment"
>I'm a retarded nigger
What did the Bible give you? Serious question not trying to start a fight
>agent Peterson, trusted UN employee was activated
>became super famous over night
>is at the spearhead of the controlled opposition
>totally organic
I think this is just the inevitable end stage of (((clinical psychology)))
>sold over a million copies in the US, UK, Australia, translated in 50 languages
you're naive if you think people buying and ordering books means that they read them. I'm not being difficult either. It's very common. They try reading a chapter or so and mostly give up after a few pages and resume watching t.v. or watching porn, or whatever. Then they just leave the book as some decoration by placing it in some salient space in their home to showcase to either their friends or themselves just how cool they are. People do this all the time. I've looked through Maps of Meaning out of curiosity and there's no way people read that book. If people had, they'd be mentioning its schizo parts like where Peterson talks about seeing his grandmother's pubes in a dream. I bet its the same with 12 rules of life.
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and all tell them to wash peen
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8 figures and he sold his decency, honesty, principles and integrity, he then fell victim to the meds he gave others. for so long.
He's deeply deeply unhappy now you can tell.
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It's almost as if... his original position was not genuine but was meant to make him appear genuine
>intellectual dark web
He's Thiel's and Bibi's bitch
Just look at the picture, feast your eyes. Look at the nose, the comical Dumbo ears, all the weird shapes and the weird skin color.
He quotes Jungian ideas and philosophy without mentioning his source so often that he becomes hard to listen to. He reminds me of dr evil going to the past and performing modern songs to idiotic henchmen.
The most greedy and vicious people I've ever met always think of themselves as virtuous and innocent. Acknowledging that you have selfish desires and are just as capable of evil as your neighbor is a step in the right direction. The whole "wearing a persona" because authenticity requires you to acknowledge your own human frailties and selfish drives seems accurate to me.
>What do you think about what's going on with him?
He is a philosemitic jew worshiper, a self professed christcuck, whose only goal in life is to be a sniveling back stabbing traitor to his own people to constantly shore up jewish hegemony.
It doesn't matter how long you've known someone as a friend or family member, no matter how good and loyal you are to them, if they are a christcuck they're going to fucking stab you in the back for a tribe of 'people' deliberately cursed by God and stricken from ever being in a nation of their own, this is why they call everyone else goyim, 'people of the nations'. If you are professed to God and you give your life to jews, you are a blaspheming traitor piece of shit and there is no coming back for you.

Its hard to even quantify or articulate just how evil this is, but you will begin to understand in time as they are slowly dropping all of their masks and have nowhere else to go. They'll call it anti-christian, but you'll remember their hand wringing when you have that knife sticking out of your back from your "friends" and "brothers". The tower of Babel will fall again, philosemites and their masters will be wiped from the earth.
>worth 50 million
Isn't he worth close to 1 billion?
> What do you think about what's going on with him?

When he had his mental breakdown the Jews compromised him, probably using a sex tape with an underage student.

Now all he can do is quack about how amazing the Jews are and how we need censorship.

At least Ben “The Wire” Shapiro is paying him, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a portion of that money must be “donated” (washed) to some Jewish organization.
I know dozens of people who have "Finnegan's Wake" on their shelves, and only one person has actually read it. What are some others? Moby Dick, War and Peace... In certain social circles people are obsessed with projecting the image of being a cultured intellectual.
When I saw that he was the JRE guest in the tab, I closed out JewTube and just listened to music instead. I'm not subjecting myself to 2-3 hours of his babble
All you had to do was look at his daughter and know he was crazy. His daughter dresses like a white. I bet he fucks her.
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>Sane people don't look or behave like this...
This is not the reason at all though.
You can like or dislike Jung, but the reason he was cancelled was that he pissed off the Jews.
He got too much attention that inflated his ego, too much confidence can be a bad thing

He got Russian coma therapy which was alternative medicine bullshit for idiots and essentially was the same thing as what mkultra did which made Americans crazy and angry like the unabomber. He lost all his joy, soul and nuance since then
He took the vax and now he has brain damage. Simple as and who fucking cares, the tard only deserves mockery at this point.
Right. Its extremeley common. I can give you another example from my own family. My father is obsessed with Tolkein, for example. And by Obsessed, I mean that he would watch Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy every year and go on habitully eulogizing the genius and depth of Tolkein. This is only amplified that my father is Catholic, so Tolkein is obviously conveyed as the quintessential Catholic writer. My father is a member of a Tolkein fan page on Facebook, won't shut up about the LOTR, etc, etc. I'm sure you can picture it well enough. Anyways, has he ever read a shred of Tolkein? No, nevere. My brother owns the physical copies of the trilogy plus the Hobbit. Well, I had to be the one to tell him that if he's so enamoured by an author he's supposed to have actually read him, otherwise he's just posturing. And finally came the day where he tried opening a book by Tolkein (the Hobbit). And guess what? He literally read three pages (I'm not joking) and gave up. He never opened the book again. But of course he goes on with his pretentious little praises of Tolkein's spiritual grasp and literary inventiveness. I told him what he likes is Jackson, not Tolkein, since he doesn't know him.

I'm not really saying this to focus on my father in particular, but to give a little case study of how a lot of people are like when they bother to even pretend to care. This type of thing is very common. Pseuds are everywhere.

>do you believe he's a genuine catholic?

Is he supposed to be? To my mind he's a classic Protestant. From head to toe.
>esoteric stuff is nonsense because I know these things
Getting bible bashing vibes, credibility falling like a stone
>what tranny derangement syndrome does to a MFer
He is living proff that benzos are satan in pill form and will give you damage you will never recover from. You can tell he is an incredibly smart man, imagine if he wasnt on the satan pills. He might have been one of if the great thinkers of our times, instead now he is remembered for his funny suits and his daughters woman moments
Jung was borderline insane, yes, and he was also a genius.
This is what makes him unique.
another potential fiction writer that couldn't separate their fantasies from reality.
Bignose spotted
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well, it depends on what you mean by 'do'? And it depends on what you mean by 'you'?And it depends on what you mean by 'believe'?And it
depends on what you mean by 'he's'? and it depends on what you mean by 'genuine'? And it depends on what you mean by 'catholic'? You know? It's no picnic, roughly speaking
True. Less than 5% of books sold are ever read. The rest just gets put on shelves in people's homes.
You missed the 'safe spots' which are filled with boiling feces and bile vomit. No true iteration of hell is complete without pits full of snakes, pits full of gnarly pointy rusted barbs AND pools of boiling feces and bile vomit that give you hyper aids.
Peterson was ironically the behind the scenes person responsible for pushing the gay/trans stuff as a distraction from the wall street protests of 2008.
For some reason he is being paraded around now, perhaps as punishment? He is totally comped and someones parading him around like a clown
Read L Ron Hubbard. He knew a lot about the world.
All of his characters that are Psychiatrists or Psychologists are raving lunatics, sadistic freaks.

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