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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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do incels really deserve to die alone just because chad and tyrone kill their wives?
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im a good man
>You numale, effeminate, pussy, dweeb nerd skinny, manchild betas got no hugs there?! WELL WHAT ABOUT THE GORILLA KILLERS WE KEEP DATING? Stay lonely god damn it!
Sounds like those two women should have quit bitching
>We kept dating bad boys so we can say: fuck you good boy you evil son of a bitch.
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It is odd how familiar with the touch of death incels can often be. I think about that sometimes so I am always nice to incels. No one else ever is.
Incels used to die in war, that's why they didn't exist in the past.
Rather be alone than be in bad company.
Sounds salty that she can't get a man.
Being social is prey behavior.
fucking checked
Women pick those men
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I'm 31 and I've never even hugged a woman. Never been to a date. Never approached a woman if we don't count the times I tried in high school and got rejected. Do I expect sympathy for this situation of mine? No, why would I, why would anyone care? Humans are selfish and only care about themselves, and the times they pretend to care about someone they only do because of selfish interests.

Imagine: I am 31, eternally single, virgin, engineer, programmer, reasonably rich and "successful", reasonably intelligent (but not a genius, not even close). Meanwhile low IQ niggers reproduce like rabbits.

Why don’t you just beat and rape women at this point? You have nothing to lose
It's not your respinsibility to seek out woman.
They didn't exist like they do now. Excessive Materialism caused this. Humans weren't valued on the most superficial qualities all the time. A world without any values or meaning except the Material comes from godlessness.
east bloc walking dead, raving about 2nd most populated, fertile race on the planet coming in to just drown them out and get rid of the unwanted paleskis for good.

He’ll be dead soon. We don’t even have to kill them all or castrate them. We will be rid of them for good. Never wanted by anyone.
Because I'm empathetic, so I would feel very very bad if I did something like that to someone. I would probably kill myself if I did something so horrible. And I don't complain about not having casual sex, I don't want STD's anyways so having one night stands is not for me. The only thing I would like to have is a partner, a partner I could trust and share my life with, and to maybe have a few kids with them.

I honestly don't understand normal people who fuck casually. Too many risks.
there's your problem
isn't it ironic how the ones who may be most fit to be loving, caring father's are the ones who can't get a girl to settle down with. I think if I could, I would go back to high school or some time before and try to find a wife then. Now, there are so many trashy women who couldn't stay committed and just want one night stands. Well, if I can ever manage to reproduce, I will try to instruct my son's better than my father did me
2 women arent murdered every week btw.
i havent had a hug in about 4 years.
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Move to the mid / south of Italy and work from there if you can. You will get infinite pussy as a Scandi and also your testosterone levels will be fixed.
You are stuck in Fin prison.
Yes. White incels are weak losers
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It is what it is. 10 Years ago I used to cry about my situation before sleeping. I haven't been able to cry really for the last 5 years or so, so I'm numb to this basically.
honestly 104 women dead from tyrone a year does sound about right, per week is just an insanely dumb way to say it
Reproduction is overated. I feel hopeful for the future because I'm single. Can't do that if I have someone I truly care.
You're not supposed have feelings as a man.
The idea of nuclear War excited me.
If he was able to that level of violence he would have fuck a long time ago.
oh, so I should have more violent tendencies to get a woman? Women really are the most retarded creatures.
It's ok to laugh at women who get killed by their partner.
>so I should have more violent tendencies to get a woman?
yes this is true. A lot of my friends who are married or have girlfriends never have time to commit to fun activities or have time to focus on their hobbies. I'm sure you can find women who let you have your time and what not, but I feel that most want your attention and money more often than not. Another reason why being single isn't the worst thing in the world.
That's the most midwit take, as expected from a low IQ nafri. Wars barely made a dent in the total male population, if anything it was always slightly dysgenic
Humans are sinful creatures, and I'm pretty judgy. They all fall short compare to God.
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Doesn't matter, you're still a kang
Why you bragging about taking over what was already built
I fear that the fact wrong people are reproducing the most, combined with nowadays liberal agenda, is going to be the demise of our technological progress. Unless the offspring of these "wrong" parents has enough intellectual potential nevertheless their parents capabilities nor the environment they'll be grown in.
Damn, what's the races of the men who murder their wives though?
yes, we are all sinful creatures which is why I can't have to much disdain towards those who make poor decisions. For now I will work on improving myself and finding God through the bleakness of this reality. If a girl ends up in my life then so be it. I am just grateful to be alive and living in this time
They literally date convicts and psychopaths and when they inevitably chimp out on them they blame all men? I swear women are dumb as shit
I am perfect, and sinless, and innocent. Because I'm a virgin, and I belong only to God.
these things are out of our control, no sense in worrying about them. Just focus on yourself, day by day, improving your situation and working with the hand you were dealt.
just ask a friend or a coworker to set you up
Where did this completely unsubstantiated view of history come from? What period of history are you even referring to?
No, when you are disconnected from society you have no morale obligations to fight for it in a war
Checked, saved and appreciated
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Based Fingod
4chan meet up?
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Why are woman so obsessed with murder?
Projection. They're extremely violent but lack the mental fortitude and strength to commit to it.

>Despite the feminist rhetoric about male domestic violence, mothers are actually more likely than fathers to neglect and emotionally and physically abuse their children. For instance, figures from the West Australian Department for Child Protection show that of the 582 substantiated cases of child abuse by their own biological parents in 2007-08, mothers were responsible for 73 per cent, while fathers committed only 27 per cent.
>Moreover, about 53 per cent of all physical abuse of children, and more than 93 per cent of all neglect cases, were committed by mothers.
>Between 1989 and 2012 women accounted for more than half (52 per cent) of all child homicides. Not only are mothers more likely to kill their biological children than fathers, but they also make up for more than half of the substantial maltreatment perpetrators, a fact confirmed by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC).

Custody stats for the same country:
>only 3% of fathers will have no contact with their children.
>when the Family Court makes child custody arrangements, 93% of parents will share equal parental responsibility.
>when the Family Court makes a Parenting Order, parents will share equal parental responsibility around 40% of the time.
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It's women's usual behavior. The men they themselves pick mistreat them, which makes them angry. But at the same time those men make their cunt tingle, so they can't unload their anger onto them, or else the guy might leave and the tingle remains unscratched.
So instead they have a woman moment and unload the anger onto a guy who never even interacts with women because women find him unappealing.

The only good thing is that at the end of the day, Tyrone and Jamal beat them to death. But not often enough.
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same bitch drove 6 hours (per way) to be some Chad's self-lubricating fleshlight btw
that's the one good thing about social media, you can always very quickly find out what kind of people they are, kek
yeah it's mostly the slags who are the problem
My mom loved to beat me and my brother over every tiny shit - up until the point where we grew old enough that we could have hit back, at that point she became a rabid pacifist, kek
it's a weird feeling, but yeah women only complain about the nerds who have never seen a woman and never about the men they actually interact with.
To be honest most incels are scumbags and deserve to be alone.
>months without a hug
its been about 10 years for me.
bro prostitutes in Finland are fucking fire what the hell are you doing, you could be having a threesome with 2 hot blondes tonight for a few hundred bucks
wrong, incels are colourful characters
dont be ridiculous, women complain about everything and the current bf's shortcomings is one of the most popular topics
they so have time they just choose not to spend that time wih friends becuse they fall into routine and people like routine, changing it causes anxiety regardless. once you have convinced that friend to just get out he will do it all the time because it now fits into the routine, people are so easy but they are also so nasty.
Women only want one thing and it's disgusting
You can see it throughout all instances of society, too.
Schools don't punish the bully, they punish the guy who got bullied and decided to complain about it.
At work, they don't punish the one who slacks off and just dumps their work onto someone else, they punish the one who got the work dumped on them and couldn't finish it in time.
The state no longer punishes the criminal, but instead punished the victim for defending themselves.

It's women's typical strategy. They are weak sycophants, so they try to side with the strong by kicking someone who they perceive as even weaker.
They are completely amoral in this. It doesn't matter if the strength shows itself in something bad like regularly beating women half to death, or in something positive like a man putting his family first and doing whatever he can to provide for them.
Actually the "strength" that shows itself in violence probably appeals more to them, because it's more easily visible.
It's coming from women. Women were the ones who pushed men to die in WWI with the white feather campaign. The idea of the male population pruning itself makes them wet, either because they hate unattractive men or because it relieves the anxiety of selecting the best possible man.
No one's more obsessed about the material than anti materialists, it's compensation.Besides the materialistic people aren't chasing material things, they want what they think it gives them social status, because they don't understand other means of getting recognition.
They were disobedient. How is this even a crime?
No, you baboon.

A woman without a man had quite a harsh life. Even a modern man would struggle to keep up with the medieval lifestyle. It would roughen you up. Even modern people who live rurally have it way easier thank to tools and healthcare and all the shit it's taken for granted.
half brain inbred sand niggers not seem to get you can just fucking leave them
Women say shit like this and then wonder why men kill them.
What a weird way of boasting. “LMAO WE GET MURDERED”
2 heckin women?!
Getting murdered by chad is like a badge of honor for women
It proves they drove a man to such levels of insanity he is willing to kill her
I'll stay lonely and you stay scared or dead, deal?
Butthurt Kike detected.
What race?
>isn't it ironic how the ones who may be most fit to be loving, caring father's are the ones who can't get a girl to settle down with.
You'd be lucky to raise some bastard nigger brat, these whores are insane. I'd rather cut off my left nut than to raise some nigger bastard.
Reject 3D whores. Embrace 2D wives.
this is why i dont care about them being kileld
>women getting murdered
all by shitskins
damn bro I wish I had a friend who would embrace me like that.
>ex partners
i guess those women were lonely after all?
also, toll paid
Only non-Whites are allowed to be killers
Leftoids will say shit like this and at the same time being too scared to ask for extra sauce at mcdonalds
Just got done watching "Out of the Cradle" by NHK japan youtub channel and this is such monkey behavior... and its fucking cool I smile big time. Love from netherlands
Everybody dies alone.
Based truthsayer
A lot of women wuold definetly be far more violent than men if they had the physical strength, an example wuold be femcels and dykes
>isn't it ironic how the ones who may be most fit to be loving, caring father's are the ones who can't get a girl to settle down with
no, it isn't, we left the caves barely 100k years ago [assuming history isn't a giant lie (it is)]
women still look for that caveman
I don't understand how supposedly intelligent people don't understand this
It's actually very simple. Women are optimized for the physical world because they never had to evolve higher consciousness. And therefore they revert to their primitive monkey brain with no higher thought form or spirituality. They inherently understand that Johannes the engineer and Chang the computer scientist are incapable of ever competing when it comes to the reproductive genetic game, which doesn't require intelligence/peace but subterfuge, aggression, and violence. And that is the only thing a primitive brain really cares about.

Once you understand just how pathetic and sad their existence, and thus our existence of being tied to them really is, you can finally let go of this world and exist in a state of true peace.
Man, you have been paralyzed by your upbringing. At this point you should just take risks, try something new, anything really, what will make you feel happy.

Even if you did find a woman, the marriage is unlikely to be happy one because you spent so long practicing being miserable. It's time to start practicing how to be happy.
Once you learn how to do it for yourself, maybe you can do it for someone else as well.

Get drunk to know how it feels like. Try out new mental frameworks, try out a cigar, spend a few days in woods alone, try fasting, try anything really because current ways of doing things aren't working and everyone is bullshitting for clicks.

You just gotta go out, experience things yourself that you were warned about because as things are, you know what the destination is.
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I’d like to develop a code of inertia for superior souls in modern societies.

Society would govern itself spontaneously if it didn’t contain sensitive and intelligent people. You can be sure that they’re the only thing that hinders it. Primitive societies were happy because they didn’t have such people.

Unfortunately, superior souls would die if expelled from society, because they don’t know how to work. And without any stupid blanks between them, perhaps they would die of boredom. But my concern here is with overall human happiness.
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Each superior soul who appeared in society would be exiled to the Island of the superiors..The superiors would be fed, like animals in cages, by normal society.

Believe me: if there were no intelligent people to point out humanity’s various woes, humanity wouldn’t even notice them. And sensitive people who suffer cause the rest to suffer by association.
For the time being, since we live in society, our one duty as superiors is to reduce to a minimum our participation in the life of the tribe. We shouldn’t read newspapers, for example, or should read them only to find out what anecdotal and unimportant things are happening. You can’t imagine the delight I get from the provincial news round-up. The very names make doors to the indefinite open up in me.
The highest honour for a superior man is to not know the name of his country’s chief of state, or whether he lives under a monarchy or a republic.

He should be careful to position his soul in such a way that passing things and events can’t disturb him. Otherwise he’ll have to take an interest in others, in order to look out for himself.
>the ones who may be most fit to be loving, caring father's
You would like to believe that's you.
You're most likely a manchild and women would rather raise Tyrone's niglet alone than to take care of two children at once.
t. some ex-weeb dad
Everything a female says is projection.

>Men are disloyal!
80% of divorces initiated by women
>It's because men cheat!
80% of lesbian marriages end in divorce and infidelity stats are catching up rapidly on the female side since the 90s

>men are violent!
majority of child murderers are women and violent crime is almost exclusively male on male anyway

>men are stupid!
despite all the affirmative action education, women barely contribute anything to cutting edge research and barely have any outliers above 110 IQ
Sounds like the cheap philosophy life coaching sentimental shit they shove in these animes for stupid manchildren and weebs.
niggers have high estrogen. They're literally women with bigger muscle and comparable brain mass.
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Why are normies so obsessed with incels anyway? Outside of work I just sit on my ass in my room 24/7 doing my own shit not bothering anyone only to find out that my mere existence as some virgin 25yo dude that's been treated like air his whole life is an offense in itself.
His premise isn't wrong.
If you're unhappy, depressed, etc. getting a GF won't solve anything and it's bound to fail.
You shouldn't get into a relationship thinking it's the last piece to eternal bliss.
I wuold also add
>incels are the way they are because they are hateful! They are sexists!
While if they cannot get the man that they want they become the most hateful creatures on the planet
Because human beings tend to be hateful towards the people that society they live in deems as "inferiors"
Today we live in a gynocracy, and therefore a lot of normies tends to seethe at the thought of an "incel" (besides the fact that being an incel had become more mainstream after the invention of social medias, but normies lacks selfawareness so they think that being incel means being sexist)
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youre not supposed to chill all day and let society rot. you should go to ukraine and rot for the globohomo establishment. thats why media is pushing this "inceldom bad" narrative, when in reality the only one that gainst from abandoning inceldome is globohomo itself and its global wars of perpetuated homosexuality.
I think it would actually lessen if they had strength.
The reason why they are so violently unhinged is because their stakes are so low. Any fight they have only leads to some minor scratches, or the guy trying to simply stop them without really fighting back.
If they were strong enough to pose an actual threat and people would feel the need to fight back for real, they'd end in scenarios where they get the shit beaten out of them, and it would quickly teach them the lesson that violence should be a means of last resort, and not be used so casually.
Same way most boys learn that at a fairly young age.
>Incels used to die in war, that's why they didn't exist in the past.
lmao, don't worry, settle down - you're going to get your fucking war
Women also just love to invert cause and effect.
Whatever reaction they provoked from the other side with their behavior becomes the retroactive justification for their behavior.
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> women getting killed by their violent bf is somehow the fault of the guy who never had a gf
>If you're unhappy, depressed, etc. getting a GF won't solve anything and it's bound to fail.
I just need my balls drained you retard and I'm tired of paying hookers.
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>Why are normies so obsessed with incels anyway?
Things are turning to shit at a rate that affects even them, so they need to cope by shitting on someone else and pretend their life is still great (by comparison).
Same how people will say that their country > some other country, even though they know absolutely nothing about that other country and could not even tell you on which continent it is.
I dont know about this
It is true to some extenct, but if one day men and women had their stregth magically switched for some reasons we wuold definetly have a spike in violence in every corner of society
Also this, they think that most incels are incels because they are sexist, and not the other way around
Oh, yeah. If men were not capable of fighting back, women would commit the most atrocious crimes against them at unprecedented rates, I won't disagree with that.
Why do women choose to go with clearly mentally unsound and violent people?
If that's all you need, then you aren't unhappy and a GF might fix that for you.
His comment is about deeply unhappy men thinking a woman is going to save them.
Learn to read
Do the arithmetic, having a gf is more expensive, because you bankroll her entire fucking life, not just the ball-draining. Clinging to a manic-pixie-dream-girl harem anime fantasy won't help you either, because that shit is just not happening. You may as well pray to grow wings.
>It's just who I like I can't help it tehe :)
And then they expect you to take them seriously.
dont worry about it. let them enjoy the world they create.
I haven't had physical contact with a non-family woman in more than 20 years.
Women like this deserve to be tortured in pain alone every single day of their miserable lives.
Is trade spots with you. Want my ex wife?
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Here is a Incel survival guide
>develope attraction to 2D women
>stop caring about real women

Bam. All problems solved, now you can spend all of your income and time on your hobbies.

>but muh children and family

Yeah not in this world, and this lifetime. Fatherhood seemed like a great concept until I realized this world is ran by evil occult pedophiles and society is being systematically uprooted to cause chaos and misery on the daily. If you want to bring a child into this world, go ahead, I will skip on that, thanks.
We need total war and total death
We need genocide on a scale never seen before
chad gets the rewards
non-chad gets blamed for everything chad does

always how it is
>Once you understand just how pathetic and sad their existence, and thus our existence of being tied to them really is, you can finally let go of this world and exist in a state of true peace
This anon
I'm almost there
100% right. You just have to tolerate the seething christcunts who insist you should be bankrolling an "immaculate" mary magdalene jezebel whore
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What people fail to mention is that this is by design. The demonic jewish globohomo elites in power since the end of WW2 have intentionally created a society where the most eugenic and high quality men are seen as undesirable. Because men like you ultimately lead to Fascism and Hitler. The jews in power want degenerate criminals and gangbangers to reproduce more because they are not a threat to the Jewish power structure. But high IQ white men of good character are. And same goes for men of other races with a good head on their shoulders. But white men are obviously their main target for demoralization. That is really all this boils down to. There is nothing wrong with you anon. We need to focus on defeating the demonic Jews and then we can roll back womens rights, immigration, abolish lgbtq, degeneracy, etc. Anyone saying incel this incel that die in war blah blah blah is a jewish or leftist shill trying to demoralize us with fake propaganda with no basis in reality.
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So glad I did this after being rejected multiple times in highschool. Made life much easier. In addition, just stop worrying about any shit you cannot influence, stress kills.
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You call it genocide, I'd call it justice.
Such people are extremely rare
Even more rare than a good and faithful woman
I never had anyy good friends
Just aquintances pretending to be friends
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It all starts to make sense if you think about it. The jews have created a degenerate society that filters out good people and rewards bad people. Why are reality tv whores like the Kardashians billionaires? Why is sex work and social media rampant and women are celebrated for their degeneracy? Why are drugs and hedonism promoted so much? Why are oversocialized midwits seen as ideal for corporate america while actual high IQ slightly autistic men discriminated against in employment? It is by design. Remember that. Anything that leads to Hitler and Fascism is suppressed by the Jewish power structure. I can keep articulating what i mean but you all get the general idea. The authoritarian personality. Strong families, patriarchal systems, etc lead to the Jews getting thrown in gas chambers.
>femoid openly admits only sex-havers kill femoids
Obviously there is zero overlap between those groups of men
White incel losers are more cancerous than niggers, illegals and feminists. They are traitors good only for hog feed
They get raped and murdered by jeets and niggers and women want them in the country for some inexplicable reason (sociopathy)
>muuh women are brainwashed by jews

Are you finally starting to understand that women are perfectly aware of the society they live in and that everything is beneficial to them and that they happily piss on you?
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your countrymen will set you on fire within 10 years, 4B spinster
>2 per week
I bet this women doesn't hate bees
On the other hand, they don't want immigrant women, they absolutely seething when we started explaining that we were going to import Ukrainian women into Europe 2 years ago

total roastie death
>Once you understand just how pathetic and sad their existence, and thus our existence of being tied to them really is, you can finally let go of this world and exist in a state of true peace

I have known this for years and i hate w*men more than ever
I saw this guy yesterday on several threads, he's a KPOP fan who spams about incels but spends his day on /pol, dont feed
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im a brown manlet but im not a bad man. In fact i spent my youth working hard meanwhile women around me refused to date me time after time to go after tall drug addicted losers. I mean I've my own flaws im not perfect. But I'm not a beater or an abuser.
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Try it zipperhead

Pic related, its you after I squish your weak noodle body
On the contrary, incels fathered the next generation after Chad's got thrown down to the meat grinder
Lmao, try what? White incel loser crybabies self extinct
yes. cope and seethe, incels.
incel absolutely fucking malding kek lil nigga is frothing at the mouth look at him lmaoo
Stalk 17y high school girls and if any of them bite, marry and reproduce before they even know whats going on
>for some inexplicable reason
They are stupid. Even if you tell them the obvious side effects of what they are about to do, and they actually admit that you are correct, they'll still go for the
>Well, but those will only affect others, I will only reap the benefits
Make that the new IOTBW
It’s their own weird cope about a very obvious problem. Just like a lot of guys don’t want to plapjak, a lot of women don’t want to date ugly, short, autistic, or broke guys, so they spout nonsense. Plus, they probably do legitimately find some incels creepy.
>hurr if you don't like spiders you must want to fuck them :^)
peak shitskin intelligence on display
I would like to add that Fascism and Hitler's National Socialism are two different things, with some similarities of course, otherwise your posts are 100% on point
Why are you having queer equivalent of lavrenty beria as a pic.
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>1920 AD + 104
The only people that desire mariage these days are incels (to have a ready supply of vagina available) and whores (to have a ready supply of money available).
34 and same except for the hug
> Random retard on twitter

What is this, i dont give a fuck about what retards who use twitter think.
Fuck off with these stupid threads
yes because incels are the only reason women have rights. unforgivable
Cows, horses, dogs, even rats reproduce. It doesn't take any brains to do so. It's a natural drive, but you live in an unnatural way.

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