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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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and pol will still prefer the couch fucker

he a homo? if not no way
Shes not even the nominee, turkroach.
Thanks for another shill thread, faggot cunt fuck.
>White race traitor who went to the moon
>White race traitor who fucked a couch and hates roasties
is a harder choice than you think bruder
>Russian space suit
Emblematic of the collapsing USA. If it weren’t for Elon it’d be over for us in space.
remember when he killed a baby seal using his shitbull
How can any white man honestly reasonably support the democratic party.
>Shes not even the nominee
this is current cope but what comes after?
why men can't afford to vote for the MAGA cult unless theyre already rich.
Looks like a cross between her husband and jeff bezos. Hes a total deep state handler.
Kelly and his twin both put America in serious jeopardy. They've decided to violently schizo-level attack the UAP issue to the point of going after the careers of anyone that reports anything anomalous. So Russia/China can slap some plastic on a drone to make it look weird, someone reports it as an unknown, then never gets a promotion. Chilling effect on reporting, allowing Russia/China free reign.
These guys are dangerous for America and untrustworthy.
Is this the dude with the potato wife?
>Hey Lil Donnie, you got your ear clipped, my wife got domed so hard she became retarded. How you like them apples Lil Donny?
So that's a strategy I guess.
Leftists literally don't want white men to be employed and have rules on the books to enforce it. So you're lying and disingenuous. Possibly a woman.
Most white men who support democrats now are homosexuals.
What's sad is that Russia and the US should have become allies long ago.
Homosexuals are exempt from the unemployment enforcement laws.
>couch fucker
lol, QRD?
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Proof Hawk Tua Harris is the border czar
There is nothing democratic about the democrats.
Well of course they’re untrustworthy, they’re democrats. The ultimate hypocrites and liars.
they did
they just arent our allies
Please, in this political climate PLEASE keep telling this easily-debunked lie. Anyone who looks in to it even slightly will find out it’s a lie and continue to hate the way you people act and will definitely not vote for the second worst candidate in American presidential election history, Cackling Kamala Harris, who is only marginally better than the literal senile Sleepy Joe Biden.
If she picks this dude she's a shoe in, naval career as well as a shuttle commander and related to Ned Kelly to boot.
It's just a shame he isn't running for the top job but democrats will be democratic.
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Dick with ears…
Kelly is somewhat popular in AZ, but little known anywhere else. He will not secure AZ for Harris, who is way down in AZ polls. The only thing he could do is hurt his political career by resigning his current office and signing in to a losing ticket. So I agree, Harris should pick him.
Why the fuck is he wearing a commie spacesuit
>He sat in a chair for a few hours while the rocket engineers took him to space.
Why are astronauts celebrated again
Do you have to resign to run? Surely not
>Trump can call him OtherRocketMan
Hey good point - if he's wearing a Russian suit that means he rode on Soyuz which is 100% automated. The cosmonauts are just cargo.
If he flew the shuttle back home he might be worth a shit as a pilot.
He would have had to work at least to gain rank in the US navy, the only real service they have. On top of that he became an astronaut.
Isnt his wife is the one that always pops up stuttering different and alternating her paralyzed walk.
AZ has the “resign to run” law. Pretty sure it counts for federal elections too. Even if it doesn’t, signing on to Harris’ ticket can only hurt his career so I hope she picks him and he agrees.
>They've decided to violently schizo-level attack the UAP issue to the point of going after the careers of anyone that reports anything anomalous
Anywhere I can get more info on this? Something anomalous about all this UAP activity. Seems like there are factions in Washington who are strongly at odds about what to do. Chuck Schumer and some republican, forget his name, just reintroduced UAP transparency legistlation.
Oh wow ok no fucking way he's going to risk that. Holy shit.
Title 38, Article 6, Section 296 of the Arizona Revised Statutes states:

Except during the final year of the term being served, no incumbent of a salaried elective office, whether holding by election or appointment, may offer himself for nomination or election to any salaried local, state or federal office.
The Hot Wings guy?
Yep there it is:

>Section 38-296 of the Arizona Revised Statutes,[2] entitled "Limitation upon filing for election by incumbent of elective office" states:
>Except during the final year of the term being served, no incumbent of a salaried elective office, whether holding by election or appointment, may offer himself for nomination or election to any salaried local, state or federal office.

I don't believe he's in his final year, so he would definitely have to resign. He won't do that lmao.
Rounds is his name. Matt Laslo is a reporter that covers it. He has a website ask pol, he gets their sound bites. So we have these guys on record with their stances.
His twin at NASA was the one vehemently trying to debunk Kirkpatrick who himself was a debunker during the NASA meeting on the sphere issue.
I’m reading other places that he does not have to resign, so I could be misinterpreting the law. Doesn’t matter. She could pick Hank T. America as her running mate and she’s get ass-blasted in the election.
This guy looks like a kid fucker
Had democrats been as they are now when he was younger their unemployment laws aimed at white gentile straight males would have ensured he never became an astronaught.
I don’t know man you can’t beat a fucking astronaut
The left news is certainly shilling her as much as Hillary atm.
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Bald men are not successful in politics.
From the wiki page
it seems that Texas and Florida make exceptions for presidential elections, but Arizona does not do so. At least at first reading, he would have to resign. At the very least he would be subject to a court challenge. Anyway yeah I agree no VP is gonna save Kamala
He would’ve been a much harder candidate to beat than Kamala, but thankfully Biden fucked it up
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Thanks I'll investigate
>A Congressional resolution is proof. Kek.
At least there would be a woman dumber than Kamala hanging around the campaign headquarters.
Lol like this creepy looking dude isn't gay
>would have ensured he never became an astronaught.
Just the contrary
but it would have ensured he never became an astronaut.
This isn’t really that kind of political climate. He might do well against Trump at the top of the ticket, maybe. But he would never be the top of a ticket. He’s a lefty but he’s not a psychotic California cut-the-kids-dicks-off lefty and the psychotic wing of the party is ascendant. He might run in ‘28. Might even do well. But today, this election, he will only hurt his future by signing on to Kamala. So I hope he does.
He lost his hair in space while serving his country.
It would figure as his Jewish wife with a Hebrew alias fakes her speech impediment after the Arizona false flag shooting for gun control (a pro 2A federal judge was actually the target killed).
Afterwards she moved to Mexico and worked on outsourcing jobs in the US.
Many such cases, the shock of the flat earth reality does this.
>completely normal looking guy
You are a woman, obviously, or a bot that doesn’t know that’s how women talk. So if you aren’t a bot, you know the rules.
He ventured into the Van Allen belts for one second and instantly lost all his hair
Yeah I hear he bounced off the dome and that's why his head looks like a dome
I don't know man, I've heard quite a lot of people say Vance fucked his couch.
Why would he do that? Was it Memaw?
>went to the moon
How old do you think this motherfucker is? I'm 49, and there have been no manned moon landings since before I was even born.
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>man who escaped earth's gravity
>man who fucks couches when mamaw isn't around.
>I'm 49
Well good day to you sir
You don't know where he's been. It's classified.
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He was able to escape earths gravity but his hair was not
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When he was young and so full of hope.
there two types of bald men those that own it go take over it, or those that cower in fear and attempt to hide the baldness even if their hair line is thinning out and receding.
>Wears make up
>Retarded looking beard
>90's kid haircut
This guy spend lot of time in front of a mirror caring about his look everyday. Creepy as fuck. Look at OP pick, that guy gives zero fuck, he has more important thing to do like exploring space.
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>those that own it go take over it
Those men don't exist. They pretend they don't care. Losing one's hair is a brutal nightmare. For every man.
see that side hair he is clearly cowering hold over what little he has left. a man in denial.
He would whip Vance even harder than he’s getting whipped now and would be a huge draw for independents. I really hope she’s going to pick someone dumb like buttgay or Pritzger.
>one eye on the prize
>one on the skies
biden has been bald for years and is the current prez. plus george washington and thomas jefferson both had receding hairlines
Those eyes inspire something in me. Can you see it too? It's an almost childlike wonder yet determination
still voting Trump
enjoy dying for israel, faggot
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>biden has been bald for years
Sure, but you know that hairline of his is a transplant? He would never be in office otherwise. Hair is life. Without hair, you have no life.

>george washington and thomas jefferson both had receding hairlines
Back then it wasn't so important. Women were less superficial and still wanted to catch your pokemon if you had some hairloss.
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>completely normal looking guy

Lol dude looks like a pedo
Imagine being an astronaut wanting to explore space and then aligning with democrats pushing for WW3 and a totalitarian government. Egghead fuck
Uhm yes
Looks like an average American with that typical bone structure or lack thereof
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he didn't even fuck his couch, it was a thing in the couch anon.
A space actor? I always enjoyed his theatrical "space station" videos.
So this guy Howard Wolowitz is the Democratic space hero?
Why do (they) keep publicly humiliating themselves?
Here he is flying his rocket ship
Based gooner
As if you never wore your mom's and sister's panties.
Which one was it?
Is fucking your couch meant to be an insult? I've fucked a couch, homemade sponge + Pringle's can fleshlight, banana peels and grapefruits.

Unironically grapefruit feels better than most roasties holes. No regrets.
He's a Freemason. duh
He is such a great VP pick:
>Decorated navy war veteran
>In favour of gun control (for the dems)
>In favour of border security (for the repubs)
>from a swing state (Arizona)

If they don't choose him they are retarded.
Let's be real fellas you sick fucks posting on the most vile sexually deviant forum to ever exist you little perverts.
Most of you would fuck a couch if you even had one.
He'd have to resign as a senator and no way he'd do that for VP on a risky ticket. He'll try for president in 2028. See >>475708706
You faggots are getting filtered. Enjoy talking to each other, jew shill faggots
My God. Didn't Trump read that book?
How does being an Astronaut quality a person to write laws and vote on legislation.
This is why the world is fucked up.
The world is fucked up because average people who don't know anything about government get to vote for other people who don't know anything about government.
Harris/Winfrey 2024!
It's a shill post. Every single right wing figure of note gets shilled against here.
>Juju cum
>Muh book quotes
It's never left wing figures. Its always right wing figures who can do actual right wing things. They literally overturned Roe v Wade undoing decades of leftist legislating from the bench. And these retards are still shilling against trump, because he takes money from the Israel lobby.
These are not right wingers. These are an amalgam of leftist shills, bots and retarded losers who only and always shill against right wingers with power.
They almost NEVER attack left wingers. It's always right wing billionaires, right wing politicians, right wing cultural figures.
They do it because theyre leftist faggots or completely low IQ. So Vance wrote some embarrassing book. Who cares? Many left wingers are actually destroying the country. Oh but here's this right winger with actual power who wrote some book.
>Muh purity spiral
>Muh he didn't condemn kikes in public immediately!!!
>How does being an Astronaut quality a person to write laws and vote on legislation.
It means he is loyal to the tribe. Because it is all a theater. There is no such thing as a space station, space travel, satellites or any such nonsense. It is all badly fabricated videos using augmented reality or green screens where they are dangling in wires.
Why do Turks obsess about 'merica?
It's not real.
I reckon he will if picked, he's in his 60's and it's not like he's a career politician desperate to be a congress critter.
The vice president is the chair of the national space council, you can send a literal astronaut as the head of the national space council, don't wast this occasion.
Also he has a twin brother so if he dies he can be replaced easily.

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