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No more aces to play.

This is it for me, the final stretch of my life. All the doors have closed in on me, all my options are gone and all my opportunities vanished. I have abandoned the few remaining people in my life and further drifted into obscurity. I don't have anybody anymore, from here on I stand completely alone.
The few remaining battles left in me now look more and more lost with each passing day, I'm afraid I just have to show up and accept defeat. And so capitulation draws nearer.. it's over for me bros.
you are gay all fields because you had hope, having hope is gay, consolation and an incentive of being even more weak and useless, one day hope will help me.. , now you cry because you realize there is no hope and that makes you even more gay and pathetic. like a little child
Buy signal
Me too. That's where I am.
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Rest well and godspeed
There is no death
But you'll learn
just lift bro
Juden? Juden Peterstein,Is that you?
I fell for that meme. I m Better but it disdn t solve the fact that i am an autist who is unable to play the game of life. The only thing that keeps me going is my gf. She s awesome. My only luck in life.
Have you tried speaking to girls and having sex? It makes life a lot more tolerable.
I think like that sometimes but it's a very pathetic attitude, life is for living
call Jesus Christ, check out the Bible (KJV if English's your first language)
just stay hydrated
go fuck a bunch of prostitutes before u die, u have nothing to lose
This playlist is very interesting, too. You are not a mistake
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Welcome to the world of coping with borderline personality disorder.
Congratulations, rock bottom is where you realise you are free.
Nothing can make it worse, so you can try anything.
>everything is gone = everything is now available to you
when you've got nothing else to lose, who gives a shit?

godspeed, anon
you can either do a funny thing or you can reclaim what's rightfully yours
Are you yet another person that refuses to take responsibility for your own failures and fuckups so you blame it on other people instead until you're alone and homeless? Always someone elses fault, life is out to get you?
Met a fair few.
Stop being a retard, face yourself, accept your failures and start appologizing to the people who have cared for you. Go forward taking responsibily while considering impacts on others like an adult and stop acting like a spoiled child.

Very few people actually end up where you are due to other people, unless they get kidnapped by a cartel or raped and tortured as a child or something.
Dont give up anon. I was at the same place two years ago believe it or not, all you have to do is change your style, move to a new town or even state, and make new friends. You will get a new set of cards. Life is random as fuck.
if he lives in the U.S. this is one of the most unforgiving countries in the world for people who have lost it all. at least in the (((first world)))
Quit being an absolute nigger.
what is wrong in your life exactly?
Lift weights and microdose hallucinogens, faggot.
find an Orthodox church, pronto
take the white pill, anon
not trying to demoralize but rock bottom
does not free anyone
its different problems
death is freedom
but its frowned upon to take ones own life
if we were free, it would be of no concern to anyone else
who choses to live or die
i want to die but i have people i care about
i dont want to hurt them
i want to die
one day my desire for death will outweigh
the hurt it would do them
fuck jannies
>I have abandoned the few remaining people in my life

Who cares? I only live to see pissrael burn.
You are a gay little drama queen. Get that thong out yo bussy playa.
Haha lighten up guys. Death isn't so bad but you only get to live this life once. You've got a way out but why not keep pushing a bit further? It's got nothing to do with bravery or cowardice.

If my body and mind were totally broken then I'd probably ask for a bunch of drugs and just OD. Anon is wrong about hope, hope is based. You might not have all your hopes met but why stop trying?

This place is just a test. We are not meant to be attached to this world. There's a better one beyond this.
Lmao, fuck you Jew.
I've already given up. Now I don't have nothing to worry about
>No more aces to play.
Invest in popcorn and movie food companies.

Sit back, snack and enjoy the fireworks.

You gotta take the piss outta the world by pointing and laughing.
>Are you yet another person that refuses to take responsibility for your own failures and fuckups so you blame it on other people instead until you're alone and homeless? Always someone elses fault, life is out to get you?
Met a fair few.
Stop being a retard, face yourself, accept your failures and start appologizing to the people who have cared for you. Go forward taking responsibily while considering impacts on others like an adult and stop acting like a spoiled child.
I agree, any tips anon
> >Very few people actually end up where you are due to other people
Can you elaborate? Imo lots of people only end up where they are because of the people they meet and get along on with. Its not what you know, its who you know.
Nah you can't have it both ways. You have to apologize to people AND take responsibility? And what about the people who hurt you? It's not so black and white. You can point blame at the right places AND take responsibility. Your bitterness is cucked and buck broken, lad.
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Mummy loves you fren.
When God closes a door he always opens a window. Things will look up again. Repent for your sins, read your Bible, and call on the Lord to guide you. Truly, from my heart to yours, hang in there.
With desperate need like that, she's unlikely to stick around.
Who the fuck needs a purpose? Go sit on a beach on the ocean for a week and realize your insignificance and obscurity means you're free in a way few men and no women ever realize.
And then enjoy the world in its fall.
You wouldn't want to miss that, would you?
>Congratulations, rock bottom is where you realise you are free.
You don't just get a bunch of super powers to fight your way back once you reach rock bottom. That's a happy-go-lucky fairy tale we tell ourselves to feel better, in reality, we only have to look at the increasing suicide rate.
I don't understand what it is you want. It sounds like you have a good life
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Study the myth of Pandora's box, only hope was left inside. For the ancient world it was the worst of evils. The modern world does not understand that only the hopeless are allowed to be the true victor, as they are free from illusions.
At least film it nigger
Zoomie finally turned 20 years old

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