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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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zoomers are calling for the destruction of the kike tranny nigger evil empire
It's weird, this seems to be a mix of Antifa types, but also a fringe of tinfoil conservatives. The main point I have been seeing is that they 100% focus on Israeli "atrocities" and HAMAS is made up of angels.
We didn't give 200 billion in ordinance this year to jews for them to look at it.
>HAMAS is made up of angels
they kill kikes, how can they be bad
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It’s funny to watch the “””America first”””” groyper shitskins crash and burn like this. Good thing trump early on distanced himself from your garbage cult. You can stick to your newfound friends in antifa and BLM. I’m sure you won’t at all turn away any normal well-adjusted person by burning the American flag and screaming for sharia and saving muh global south from imperialism like some boomer communist straight out of 1968
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>burning the American flag
you mean the flag of niggers, jews and queers
lol @ the white women there. They truly are retarded cattle, aren't they?
and also the death of Europeans
America First but we should totally join the International Criminal Court and let them nab a visiting Prime Minister during a State visit. They're like Jedi but cooler!

But America First!
its funny how they care about flag burning now but didnt cover it when they did this during nigger riots in 2020
Well you’re not America first then. You’re anti America (and probably anti every western white country). But not to worry, you might end up siding with BLM communist niggers on every issue but you’re doing it to own the Jews and trannies so it’s totally different.
>you might end up siding with BLM communist niggers
i dont care what someone larps as long he is killing jews and trannies he is my brother
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>military base mongrel's goyslop opinion
exactly, it's a no win situation, TKD, TMD, they both need to get the fuck out, access to whites is not a right.
Ye and this sort of braindead thinking is why you’ll keep being expelled to the fringes of the internet. Normal people don’t care about Israel or trannies. They care about immigration, inflation and taxes. In fact the ONLY issue that should matter is immigration. It isn’t a coincidence that this “group” of freaks never talk about immigration and instead try to divert to abstract nonsense issues like muh trannies and muh israel.
>military base mongrel's goyslop opinion
projecting much?
Holy based
but america is BLM communist niggers
not true, my father will defend israel to his last breath if you talk badly about them. he doesnt vote
No it’s not. You are, however. You’re also siding with South Africa in your BRICS cult despite them genociding whites. But who cares about the boers though? What matters are brown Muslims in Palestine
Look at the jew telling Americans about its country
You know it's really bad when zognald cult worshipers have become the most cancerous braindead idiots on /pol/. These tourists need to leave. I know your kind, you're so braindead in the GOP neocon tier Trumptard cult you actually will insult people on /pol/ and X for not licking every GOP member's asshole that's full of kike semen. Go to Instagram, Fox News, and whatever trash is infesting your zogged out mind. The only thing crashing and burning is Blormph who destroyed all his momentum like the low energy sellout scammer he has become.
It's really funny how you're more upset about an angry crowd than our government literally rolling out a red carpet and washing this criminal rat's dirty laundry who is subverting our and the entire western world's government so he can continue corruption and war crimes.
tl;dr : You are Jewish.
You see my flag? I’m not American. I don’t really care about American politics beside my ethnic sympathies towards white people living there. I see you people siding with openly anti-white communist hordes and muslims because you’re so mind broken by your Jew obsession. To the degree you’re even still white at this point, from what I’ve seen this “new right” seem to be mostly niggers, Muslims and mutts like candace Owen’s and Andrew Tate
>you're more upset about an angry crowd than our government literally rolling out a red carpet and washing this criminal rat's dirty laundry who is subverting our and the entire western world's government so he can continue corruption and war crimes.

Sorry, are you lost? This isn't a thread about January 6 and the Biden family relationship with Ukraine.

>tl;dr : You are Jewish.
Is the Jew in the room with you? Can you point to the Jew?
Nobody cares about dead sandniggers. Good riddance. They're not human anyway.
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Zoomers are also calling for gay sex and trangender education for your kids. So suddenly when they say something you agree with they're not retarded? Kill yourself hypocrite. You're the cancer that destroys this board.
Post nose.
go away bot
You seem to have no concern about the number one problem that is responsible for all of this, including what's happening in your country. Your concern is fake and dishonest, and you know it. Go shill somewhere else rabbi.
The problem with those types of protest is that it is often an unholy alliance of communists, trannies and whatnot who use terms like zionist instead of calling them for what they are.. Jews.
I never believe these videos. The Jews are too cowardly to put themselves in such situations.
>go away bot
If I am a bot then you got owned by a fucking bot.

Have a better day!
That is the main issue with the left, but at least it's waking a lot of people up to the rat infestation. There were some right wingers there, albeit a minority. Regardless you are right, because people think this is a new phenomenon with the Jews and don't realize that the Talmud has existed prior to Zionism.
You are a moron. This subversive rat got a record number of standing ovations in our own fucking congress that is literally owned by him and his minions.
I wonder what middle easterners living there think when they see Americans act like this
Either "Fucking Morons" or "I'd throw that faggot off a roof".
No they're not. They're just a broken clock. They're mad at the Jews for the same reason they're anti-White, pro-miscegenation, pro-fag, pro-foreigner, pro-women's rights, the same reason they worship celebrities, and consume all the slop, buy all the expensive name-brands. 'Always accuse your enemy of your crimes.' That's all they've picked up on, and even still, they're completely impotent, so they're no real threat. Still so easily controlled by their witless emotions. Just look at occupy wall street, one year, people knew the problem was the very people who collapsed the economy were given all the money to "fix it" and gave themselves all of our money; the next... JP Morgan Chase presents, FAGGOTS ON PARADE! Suddenly, the issue was fag rights, and other worthless things. And all the money continued to flow exactly where (((they))) wanted it to. And it's the same in government, 80 impotent retards boycott Netanyahu, while their masters give billions and billions to the Jews to continue their slaughter, and they still cheer for them because of the feel-good issues.

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