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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump keeps delivering LMFAO. Meme energy is officially back. I hope he uses X too.
Checked. Kek has spoken.
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Meanwhile, on J. D. Vance's twitter...

Hey granpa what is a truth social again?
this is just sad. her hairline? no one cares. we're broke and tired of niggers of jews ruining America.
HAHA fuck I hope this is real
He should challenge her to a game of golf amirite miga bros?
Sorry bud, you lost on the Jew issue. Nothing that’s been happening lately in any way shows a global Jewish dominance. Why the fuck am I talking to a bot?
Fake and gay. Jd Vance never had this.
Trump is pretty damn good at golf, he’d fuckin end Kamala.
Chill nigger. Let Trump become President and it's only a few months away. TKD and TND at the same time after that.
he basically sucked enough kike cock at RNC to make this seem pretty real
>Democracy is about comedy
i cant wait until October
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Hey faggot do you realize how stupid you look
Mr. Trump your hero who betrayed me and thousands of people like me , glad I didn't go to the Jan 6 protest.
That fucker has endorsed Bibi, and enlisted Nikkie the NWO whore Hailey and her warmonger coward buddy Pompeo to ride with his queer MAGA posse
That carnival barker faggot talked the good pro America talk then sold us out for Israel
You might wanna shut that pie hole before someone kicks your ass faggot
Don't support treasonous fat elite East Coast shit talkers
RNC is not a Trumo convention. It's a Republican one. Its like this way since the republican party started.
She would lose in the Golf too. He's pretty good at it.
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You know it
love the meme
We will ally with the left long enough to eradicate these zionist filth
Then we can deal with the differences once they are gone.
Don't let them play you against the wrong people
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Yeah but Kamala can suck a golf ball through a garden hose
That's fucked up.

you follow at least 613 tweeters? get a life.
He’s locking in the nigger vote, anon.
>Jan 6 protest

He got stopped by Secret service


Trump doesn't give a fuck about him

>Nikki Haley

Trump legit hate her


Trump hate him

You don't have shit on Trump. Admit it. Go kike someplace else.
This is your granmpa young man wash the dishes ive eyes on you and tuck in your shit you look like a mess
He should challenge her a cocksucking contest
And only she should participate in it.
>I have better
Home schooled mongo cant even make a fake tweet lol.
R u a trumo secudal?

That failed flat in your face.
Based and gets my vote.
needs some better lines, should call her Cackling Harris
Politics for the low IQ.
Not just 613, 613 of his whole following follow JD vance. He follows north of minimum 10000 people. Crazy.
Jada Pinkett Smith will probably come out virtue signaling now.
Hawk Tuah Harris is a great line.
That's an edited one so I assume that's his full time job, following people. JD never had that as a profile.
>Oh god oh god I just love kikes niggers and spics
Kamala HawkTuah has a better ring to it.
not really
Have you got your latest warp speed booster? He is still promoting them. Or is this some sort of 4D chess move?
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kek so what do we do now pol? pick the lesser of two evils like always?
Gay flag. Opinion discarded.
That's a fake screenshot you gay moron.
Stop vooting
No way that's real social media post.
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Trump was president for 4 years
I don’t get it?
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post more trump memes you faggots
it’s the only reason to keep threads like this going
It is but now it's gone.
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Barron probably made it.
Drumpf takes fin though
Hi Stella
Kek, disgusting balding Kamala.
>I hope he uses X too.
Only after he wins the election

Truth Social is an absolutely necessary Social media platform that everyone should be on.
Only poor people dislike jews.

Poojeets however...
True, also Kamala has years of getting her hair pulled from behind
She just became a wojak
Its hoever
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Holy shit he's not wrong
That hairline is more receded than mine!
Based. Hair pulling doggy style took a toll on her. She loved it though.
Lol nobody cares about him anymore. And he even got his ear pierced to appeal to trannies...
The same post on Twitter would've got 1 million likes.
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Too bad no one will see it because he stupidly invested in a failing social media platform
It's not failing
>meme energy

Fucking moron.
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This is fake, right?
If this is real, it's incredibly sad.
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He's not wrong though.
You're right, failed
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Why would you even deny the jewish question?
Fucking you american Orange fucking
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Hope you boys are ready for war with Israel. The copes will be delicious. By the end of Trumps second term only jews, paid shills and absolute retards will still be on the Trump train
There's nothing special about Trump.

He's the same as all the other warmongers in power.

'Haha but jokes' bro your standards are low


He does take millions of dollars from jews like Miriam Adelson, Ike Perlmutter, Bill Ackman, Steve Schwarzman, Bernard Marcus, John Paulson, and Geoffrey Palmer. What do you think they'll get in exchange for their massive campaign contributions?
Top kek
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He sent White men to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. The fuck are you talking about When jews tell Trump to do something, he does it. He takes money from them and is openly philosemitic. You cant be anti-war and be a servant of jewry. Thats not how that works. All it takes is another 9/11 and Trump is putting White men in Iran. You know it, I know it, everyone with a brain knows it.
>balding Kamala

lol. Not bad.
fake. show me a link or fuck off
Sign up now and get your friends to do the same. We can't do this on our own!
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It won't even require another 9/11. His Jewish masters just need to kvetch and he will achieve sending white goyim to perish for the le based orange kike. Then again, this whole "sovereign democracy" is ran by """them""".
Wait until you hear what the other candidate wanted to do:

Jokes we both know you already know this because I we already had this exact conversation before, but of course that won't stop you from pretending Trump is "the war guy" because you're a shill.
Retard. If someone offers you free money, would you say no to it? He's drifting these kike retards and you're too dumb to see through it.
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holy shit, this is WACK.
This is just pathetic.
Cope and dilate and touch grass
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Gay. Fuck off.

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