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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot.
If it weren't for Puberty Blockers she'd look like a man in a dress, and she'd want to kill herself every time she looked in the mirror. That's the real reason they kill themselves.
Dont know what Elon is complaining about. He should adore his daughter.
didn't read
fuck off with your dogshit thread, nigger.
Who's this qt?
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Would smash that boipucci!
thought it was a cute chick when i saw a little thumb on Dialymail. then i saw the headlines. fuckin crazy. trannies are hot if they pass and if they are willing to blow me for free. i'd go balls deep in elon's faggot trannie and it would take a cybertruck to pull me out.
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Conservative tranny policy makes the world an uglier shittier place. It should be a choice made by parents collaborating with doctors, not an online mob of sexually frustrated incels

looks like a troon elon

ngl bros if it sucked my cock I might cum
elon musk's trans daughter.
I think she's gorgeous
>Who's this qt?
Elon's son.
Do not redeem, saar.
Good to know I’m not the only one who thought this tranny was good looking

Trannies should always do their best to look as good as they can

Beauty is always what matters most at the end of the day
Onlyfans when
Sounds like a man and is chemically castrated for life. I'm sure this will end well.
Well statistically it will end soon.
I don’t understand Musk

He says his son was born gay but transitioned so I don’t understand what he lost here that he didn’t already loss with him being gay. If your son is already gay, I really don’t understand how him being a tranny is any worse.
puberty blockers did guarantee he will never have a 'neovagina' however. He will always be tormented by useless genitalia.
Heckin cute & valid
>she'd look like a man in a dress, and she'd want to kill herself every time she looked in the mirror. That's the real reason they kill themselves.
The real reason when people kill themselves is
because there is something wrong with them.
Unfff just imagine pulling this faggot's long blonde hair while plowing that tight virgin bucci!
Neovaginas are disgusting. Real men like their trannies with dicks.
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erm. you owe me new pants
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>Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot.
>If it weren't for Puberty Blockers she'd look like a man in a dress
You are all retarded puberty blockers aren't responsible for this. She got facial feminization surgery too. Last year she looked like Elon with long hair, you can just google pictures of what she looked like. Had his weird big ass head and round face shape and did not look like a girl.
true, but he'll never have a decent cock either. puberty blockers make it so it will always be a useless, limp babydick
He lost billions in inheritance because he wanted to pretend he was a girl until he got bored of it at 25 and transitioned back

Absolute clown.
Topping a tranny isn't gay.
just looked up the vid (still on dmail) and his voice sounds really fucked up. some trannies have a hot voice but not this one. he's got a long way to go. updating my stance, would not bang.

troons need to go all the way and get their cock snipped off. this is what an actual hot tranny looks like:
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>That's the real reason they kill themselves.
>Putting on a dress will make them not want to kill themselves!
>They kill themselves more
>Taking hormones will make them not want to kill themselves!
>They kill themselves more
>Taking hormones earlier will make them not want to kill themselves!!!
>turns around and supports laws whereby any parent who does not consent to their child being transitioned will have that child taken away, and be shot if they resist.
>He chose
He was a sacrifice. He was probably fucked while on LSD by a trillionaire that looks like Nosferatu.
>small, useless dick
Troon with tiny trans clit is the best kind
By Allah I would and I will
thats a man...
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>Am i a woman yet
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Smashing like the hulk
Someone post the meme ball of looking in the mirror and feeling great anguish but you're not mentally ill
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>Topping a tranny isn't gay.

sticking your dick into a male isn't gay?1
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Oh God. Put the filters and mask back on
I would berry my cock inside her ass so deep that who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

I'd suck her dick afterwards
That is accurate.
They wont stop killing themselves until secondary male characteristics are prevented
It's literally Elon with long blond hair.
He looks exactly like his father.
Except his balls were taken away by (((doctors))) and his abusive mother.
We live in a society.
Vegetarian pets don't choose anything. His mother did this and she should be locked up.
>you can just google pictures of what she looked like
lazy fuck
post them here yourself
thank you
According to what data?
this, absolutely
have you seen corey maison's dick
search fappello
its so femininely cute and smooth
Id suck her dick for hours
Puberty blockers should be handed out like candy to everyone who wants some. It would cure all our problems. No more hags, no more overpopulation, no more excess mature males, just cute and funny worker bees. And no more pajeets.
Its actually better because at least there are more women in the world, functionally at least. No straight man wants to fuck a gay guy but when someone is literally acting and looking like a woman and only has a dick then its still fine. I guess it is true that gender is performative, even though sex of course is not.
And they will be the reason she kills herself as well. Can you tell us OP, what do hormones do in the body? What are the function they have? Do you know anything about the Endocrine system?
I would do unspeakable things to elon's daughter Vivian..
That is the hottest shit desu. These little dicklets that legit seem like they are a third gender, just a tiny little dick on a grown ass woman body and a tight butt to fuck. Jesus, you are boring as hell nigger.
>life-long addiction to big pharma drugs
If I was Pfizer I would spam trannie shit 24/7
They ruined his life, actually. He's far uglier and fatter than he would be if he had just aged normally. The most feminine and passable men on earth are always completely natural. Trannies shoot themselves in the foot with their ogre pills.
This looks legit like they came from the dentist and had their wisdom teeth removed, her face isnt like that anywhere else. And the parts that arent swollen on her face are actually feminine and cute. I have no problem with beautiful people of any gender or mixed gender or race as long as youre cute and hot you are 100% fine in my book and everyone sane thinks so too.
Puberty blockers have been scientifically proven to shorten your lifespan.
There has to be a better way.
Every sane person is against trannies and thinks that they're ugly.
This is what me and others have been saying, it results in health complications. This person is correct, too many issues arise as a result of the usage of those drugs. It is only meant for adults, and specifically for types of disorders that feed off of Reproductive system hormones. for proliferation and even then, only for a year at most. It isn't meant as some panacea for Body image issues.
Even if it had zero side effects, it's still not capable of helping somebody accept their body. The only way anyone can ever be helped in that way is by them changing their attitude. No amount of changing their body would make them feel any better. It's a problem entirely contained within perception and attitude, the physical body has absolutely no bearing on the problem.
Bro could kill himself for all I care. HWNBAW
Nah it would be epic cool
What we have here is a bunch of faggots calling another faggot hot, which means nothing since faggots are far thirstier than straight males.
is this the kid he had with grimes?
not surprised
True, I am just saying that stuff itself is poison and only meant for specific treatments. People used this for precocious puberty and have irreversibly damaged their health as a result. And the results are similar to this: Bone Mineralization Deficit
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>conservatives are now the ones policing people's pronouns usage on passing trannies
Holy fucking kek you've lost so much ground
>Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot.

Xavier Musk is a man. Topping a man is gay.
>Claims a man can ”pass” as a woman
What a shock!
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It is, however, a panacea for getting rid of autistic fags, ledtards and clout seekers.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is sterilizing himself and his children.
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>Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot.
Ah (((doctors))). Very trustworthy, only wants what's the best for their goyim cattle
Impossible to adore when you know what kind of utter wretch is going to be left over after age 40
A rotting corpse?
yes he
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>Taking puberty blockers for cosmetic purposes
>Purposely limiting your lifespan to 40 years due to undeveloped bones.

Honestly haunting that people do this. Especially when all of the Nordic Model countries have banned the practice as cruel and unusual.
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>Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot.
Only reason I am upset about this is because it results in the whole scientific field going down a path of Lysenkoism bullshit.
and how does he give a birth? how does people in the future see he has XY chromosomes?
Most of these progs in the west should see that, but don't. The "Dutch Protocol", the basis for all that shit in Europe was seen as a damned fraud. Why DID the Tavistock and Karolinska institutes stop administering them?
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>Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot.
And after all that, it doesn't work. There is ZERO cosmetic benefit to any of the things they do. It actually takes them further away from beauty and femininity. Puberty blockers always lead t obesity.
He has tiny internal organs that can only provide for a child's body and will be in pain for his entire life because of those blockers.
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now hang it
hollow boned, immunocompromised low IQ sissy
for those who don't know puberty blockers fuck you up massively and their consequences are not very well understood.
Each troon that is murdered is one less child predator.
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Post other pictures? Pretty sure that's not the result of having teeth removed, that's exactly how young Elon Musk looked.
Face surgery is pretty standard as it's a part of the treatment for gender dysphoria.
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>blurry image
he literally looks like an ai version of musk kek
Elon long hair lmao
I never say this, but

This lady is called ”Oulun romutransu” in Finnish media. Literally means trash-tranny of Oulu.
You've only ever seen this one pictute of him, idiot. He's also still young. You're just a faggot and a pedo
Looks autistic

Probably trooned cause girl autism "isn't real"(in reality girls are held to different standards so being autistic doesnt matter to them as much). Many such cases

Elon should fund detransition research
Probably would tb h
does she have lip fillers?

And don't care he will kill himself on a little while
Would fuck the shit out of this guy. If that's gay I don't give a fuck. Me ne frego. Enough of pretending some trannies aren't hot as fuck to white knight real women, who have ruined this world with the jews.
This one should be killed with fire.
camera filters
kys faggots
into the basket hahahaha
I feel a bit bad for her. She made her dad sound like an asshole who wouldnt accept her fruity ways.
Isn't it a boy with a dick?

And I don't care if jewTV calls it LGBTchoice bs
Admit it /pol/. You'd fuck a tranny if they were cute
He still sounds like a man in a dress
Also, trans or not....it takes balls to turn down all the money in the world to stand up for what you believe in. Dare I say it....queen of /pol/
i can't quote every single comment saying that kind of shit but basically all of you who find him hot or talk to him as if he's a girl are a bunch of homosexual degenerates
Kill yourself my guy
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"Puberty blockers" are repurposed prostate cancer drugs.

These drugs increased the death rate in prostate cancer patients. They caused osteoporosis when given to women in their 20s/30s.

>Once Lupron was approved, it use transitioned from only the most severe prostate cancers to all of them (even though, as shown by a 2009 study of 19,271 men, using Lupron actually increased the death rate). At the same time, a variety of other copycat drugs entered the market. The FDA in turn approved them (or Lupron) for advanced prostate cancer, advanced breast cancer, endometriois (along with its pretreatment prior to surgery), the pretreatment of fibroids before surgery, and preventing precocious (early) puberty.
>Numerous studies have found Lupron given at all ages significantly decreases bone density (e.g., many have reported between a 3-10% loss occurring after just 6 months) which often results in fractures (e.g., see this study). Bone loss, in turn, is one of the most commonly reported side effects of Lupron (e.g., many young women report having “bones like an 80 year old,” chronic dental or jaw issues like teeth cracking apart and repeatedly developing unexpected fractures from minor stressors). While this bone loss is often rapid, in many cases, it emerges years after receiving Lupron (e.g., women who went on it during puberty in their 30s learn about it because of how quickly the teeth in their mouth are decaying and being told they are not that far from needing dentures).
all the trannies on reddit are taking and getting updooted for recommending this drug

>Lupron is pretty much the best drug you can get on because it has very few side effects (to none) and you can track how it affects your T (compared to bicalutamide).
>Lupron all the way. Most people just can't afford it. Like me :'(
Looks 40-50 years old. Doesn't really look like a woman either even though he was pumped full of drugs that altered his hormone balance starting from puberty.

This is a pharma customer for life even if he retransitions.
>Dont know what Elon is complaining about. He should adore his daughter.
I love my son. I think so highly of him, that I want him to fill the world up with half-clones of himself. Elon probably feels the same about his son. Worse, with his wealth he had the means to prevent this, but was unaware of how careful he needed to be... if I were him, I'd blame myself.
Is he going to make an offer you can't refuse?
This is Elon's first wife, Justine.
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she does look hot
It's like you're playing pretend, like a child.
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Daily reminder
it's the makeup fuckface
those lips are all lip stick and the face is covered in foundation
also a fresh highlight job
yea he looks like a regular autistic boy tb h. just like this autist that we had in my school when i was a kid, he was always crying and also pretending that he was a car and all the other kids thought he was weird, and he skipped a grade so I suppose he was the high IQ kind of autist
Oh you're that fag who says HRT doesn't work and thinks it slows collagen production
ugly as shit
these people are are AGP weirdos
>self determination and agency mean nothing because muh money
>le lsd bad
>just accept your dysphoric bro
doesn't work, doesn't help
When I was young, I respected them. Now, as someone with more than 2 functioning brain cells, I'm disgusted by them. Not because of who they are or how they feel. I don't give a fuck about that.

From the dawn of history, all the creatures that have existed and evolved and passed their genes down the line over hundreds of millions of years lead to us, here, now. Our parents sacrificed everything to teach us how to survive and pass their genes into the future, and you're going to just throw it all away? Fuck, at least an autist or down syndrome fuck can pass broken genes on, but now you can't do a fuckin thing for your family lineage. Fuck off, I have other children who aren't disappointments.
>just continue le demiurge scam bro
your a primal retard, a literal monkey
>MUH GENES!!!!!!
Trying so desperately to be outraged. Guarantee this person knows 0 trans people personally.
Oh no please, don't end your gene pool and leave the resources for my offspring, anything but that. Fag.
Trans people are normally insane and are sexual deviants
I'm pretty sure HIS mom got him lip collagen
>From the dawn of history, all the creatures that have existed and evolved and passed their genes down the line over hundreds of millions of years lead to us, here, now. Our parents sacrificed everything to teach us how to survive and pass their genes into the future, and you're going to just throw it all away? Fuck, at least an autist or down syndrome fuck can pass broken genes on, but now you can't do a fuckin thing for your family lineage. Fuck off, I have other children who aren't disappointments.

that's incredibly stupid. maybe you feel smart with walls of text like that but you're even stupider than the average NPC. at least they don't go on pointless rants about what happens "from the dawn of history" lol

trannies are degenerates. simple as that
Lmao you aussies are too much sometimes.
>Yeah she's cute I probably would
JD Vance
Just making up retard shit as usual to feed your own tranny obsession. Meanwhile search history is probably full of tranny porn. You faggots are masters of psychological projection.
>maybe you feel smart with walls of text like
There's a 2000 character limit. It's 200 words max... but in his case it's maybe like 55 or 60 words. What sort of imbecile flunky are you that this is a "wall of text" for you? It's literally a 4 second read for anyone reasonably literate.
why are you seething then
>/pol/ user
>having kids
He literally looks like teenage musk in a wig.
Moral of the story:

The world makes men want to kill themselves so much, some try to escape via trannyism.

Even the ugliest woman gets to have sex with multiple partners and gets the full benefit of the system biased in their favor.

But, even if you take a million cocks up the ass, youll still never be a woman.
the problem is not how long it is, if it was interesting i wouldnt care if it's an entire book, but it's just a bunch of stupid shit
where do u find cute trannies to hook up amigo Paco. I tried making friends with a bunch of gays and went to the pride parades but there wasn't any tranny there. I guess it still hasn't hit mi Españita
The way you drew the child just shows me what fucking scum you people are. Totalen Krieg
ok groomer
They should be allowed to self-euthanize
Frogshit, giving me the finger won't change your genetics.
Very long midface btw, that's a rather masculine feature.
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I'd breed the fuck out of dude and put all my nowhere to go babies inside.
that's good
He, but that means I'm gay for him
So being ugly is like being disabled? Only beautiful people are capable of experiencing (or deserving?) of self esteem?
>the australian tranny that seethe posts all day
your delusion only works in your mind you frankenstein not woman. you're lucky if you have anyone in real life that isn't repulsed by you because the rest of are
you will never be a woman
Exact words of the text.
No, idiot. The real reason they kill themselves is because THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL.
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>"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Elon Musk the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Chudi would tell you. It's a Troon legend. Elon Musk was an Autistic Lord of the Internet, so powerful and so wise he could use his wealth to influence social media to create free speech... He had such a knowledge of the Internet that he could even keep the ones he cared about from trooning. The dark side of the Internet is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his son everything he knew, then his son went on puberty blockers while he was away at boarding school. It's ironic he could save others from trooning, but not his son."
She's attractive, sure, but I still couldn't, man. The association with Elon is too strong. I see so much of him in her that it would feel like I'm partially having sex with him. I get the same way when I think about Ivanka Trump. Plus, I know she has bolt-ons.
all fields
This is what 13-year-old boys looked like in Ancient Greece

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