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>the supposedly largest international event of the decade is here
>nobody even pretends to care
What does this say about the state of the world?
They had a tranny escort the torch in the beginning
I'm just waiting for more bloopers and some brave anon to watch it and post webms
lmao no thanks
Probably wont, but I might watch the Olympic gold finals for a few track and field events, boxing, tae kwon do, and soccer. I otherwise don't give a shit. Watching sports is a waste of time. Fucking loser hobby
>nobody even pretends to care
I don't care about anything and it's slightly disturbing
>President shown to be senile at debate
>Former President shot in the ear
>Summer Olympics!!
The bothersome thing is that I can't figure out if they are intentionally trying to make us apathetic or if this is an unintended (and unwanted) result of acceleration.
Boring event.
>Fire is designed in shape of woman
That makes it cringe and boring.
this plus child rapist.
The event has de-legitimized itself.
It's about the world coming together to compete with each other and having some fun. Now it's just for the purpose of sucking money into the country and the city that's hosting it. The only interesting things about it are the opening and closing ceremony.
watching olympics is a shitty past time, the only people i know who actually cares about it are gamblers.
>fire logo
Anyone else expecting a false flag event?
The french team doesn't look french. The English team doesn't look English. The Italian team does look Italian.
They are showing a woman/troon using that logo
The events were the main entertainment for the tv addicted good goys because they had nothing to watch anyway.
People today can't even sit down to watch a movie without having a phone in hand to scroll some reels while the actors are talking. You think anyone's interested in watching a bunch of sports?
Hell, they even added skating as an official olympic sport, somehow. Fucking lmao.
It was same before. No one cared about last 2 Olympic games.

France is also worst country ever.
What's wrong with fire? Isn't it just symbolizing the olympic torch?
I don't think anything would happen.
most of rus elite friends and putin families live in france
there's just too many NIGGERS now.
many of us, even normalfags outside of 4ch, have NIGGER FATIGUE.
WAIT. So you are telling me that nobody cares about a globo-homo version of the Olympics that make fun of our nation and the true values of the Olympiad? The Olympics should take place only in Hellas and specifically in Ancient Olympia, the whole thing should be as it was in ancient times and there should be no exceptions. No niggers, no women, no faggots.
It's a woman with bangs on her face, look at the lips
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I only care about muh brazilian skateboarders in the olympics. WE COMING FOR THE GOLD! GO FADINHA RAYSSA!

Is the war in Ukraine even paused for the event? Or did they just exclude Russia for the event?
>the supposedly largest international event of the decade is here
Same reason I don't care about local major league sports. The teammates are all imported from somewhere else. They have nothing to do with my locality.
Thats looks like a fireball, not a torch on the logo.
Not true, the French trying to remove the shit from their river while simultaneously "protesting" by shitting in the river was slightly amusing if not unexpected.
This exactly. The Olympics used to be a contest of nations, now it's just ethnic mercenaries. Will French blacks beat the German blacks? Who gives a fuck?
there are many sports, olympics features the gayest disciplines of all. Who can run faster? Who can run faster but in a different way? Who can run faster but in the water? etc etc
Very gay.
Soccer, baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, etc are much more interesting, they require to train and use the brain instead of just being an hyperspecialized insect/genetic freak, and they are played at the highest level outside the olympics.
If we then add that they are 100% state-funded and therefore extremely corrupted it just adds to the disgust.
Maybe if the olympics featured less disciplines and less State they may become interesting again.
No, its the representation of a woman in shape of fire.
wonder what the non narrative story to this is.
1 year for raping a 12 year old is comically low for a white man in clown world
>The Olympics should take place only in Hellas and specifically in Ancient Olympia, the whole thing should be as it was in ancient times
That is actually being discussed, no country wants to host the Olympics anymore because it's a huge expense and brings no prestige anymore
So there are many proposals to just fix them in place and host them in Greece every time
What do you mean? I stopped paying attention to olympic and other sport events years ago.
They need to add mma as a sport with Dana white as their promoter.
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Olympics without Russia are simply not interesting. Sports and politics just should be separated entirely, but as globohomo excludes states who are not playing their games, then obviously these are not allowed to play at all.

People simply start caring less, because like this the competition is not real. For example the last 2 Ice Hockey World Champions are not real world champions, because one of the very best and most successfull teams was not even allowed to take part. So why care?
not excluded but they must not show any Russian colors and participate under a white flag. Basically a humiliation ritual
Rich influential dad, you think middle-class people can afford to spend their entire youth on trainers and nutritionists? You don't get into the Olympics by training one saturday every 2 weeks
So Japan can't show their flag?
2008 was the peak Olympics. After that everything was a meme.
They are adding esports now. This is how shit olympic has become.
Never really cared about the Olympics, it's cool that it's an international event where everyone gets along or pretends to, but the event itself is meaningless to me. Pretty much every performance looks identical, and the scores given seem completely random. Some of them are kinda cool to watch, but most are just boring.
I'm waiting for the inevitable terrorist attacks.
Its not much worse than adding women
The winter games are better because niggers are scared of snow.
Middle-class? yes absolutely.

There's plenty of elite level athletes from middle class or lower in the UK couldn't say for other nations
Why does the logo look like a tranny with a severely receded hairline?
Niggers should represent their actual African countries
I just want to eat and play vidya. Don't care much about anything else anymore. Used to watch the olympics religiously. Maybe it is old age. Goodbye world.
It's a hon hon
Odd how when the 2012 Olympics happened in London there was this mildly patriotic peaceful period where despite not recovering from 2008, everything was OK. Cool Britannia was back, global Britain, luv me minorities, etc. Now I think we just have too many real problems to give a shit about this pageantry.
I don't give a fuck if some black dude wins an event in a sport that nobody cares about
>Intentional competition between people representing individual countries
>the representatives are mostly immigrants or had immigrant parents, ie the equivalent of mercenaries
Gee, I wonder.
How does this event help me insert dick into pussy? Oh, it doesn't? Then idgaf.

I wonder if some columbian or whatever commentator will call him a rapist on life TV
>nobody cares
Because it hasn't even started yet.
Me too anon
They already reported about local train(s?) getting attacked
That's certainly a good start to blocking off exits
Same, unfortunately they have the whole city in lockdown to prevent it. I hope their efforts fall flat.
If trannies are allowed to perform in the olympics now, then that means every female participant is only there out of pity.
>the supposedly largest international event of the decade is here
wdym the largest even of the decade when this is the second summer olympics game of the 2020s and there will be another one in 2028?

also is that a woman's face on the logo
>No niggers, no women, no faggots.
Hold up, this is where you and I have a big disagreement, buddy. I think there should be nigger and faggot crucifixions on the opening ceremonies.
Everyone is demoralized and very few people watch regular TV anymore.
Oh I remember this. I saw a viral tweet from a British feminist saying that this mofo needs to put in jail or on death row. The funny thing is she's a pro-immigrant intersectional feminist who looks past all the rape and grooming done by immigrants but she will literally call for death if the rapist is a white man. They even compare this fucker to some black bitch in America who was barred from 1 track and field competition because they found weed in her.
The West stopped caring when China started winning everything. The Olympics was big when westerners were good at sports but it's too humiliating now
This, but you can be sure boomers will still massively watch it on tv because they're completely clueless.
>China winning at everything
Only gymnastics which is separated into dozens of individual disciplines, thus skewing the amount of medals certain countries win.
They wanted at least some of the aquatic events to happen in the Seine River, but it is horrifically polluted with raw sewage running into it. They spent 2.2 billion cleaning it up, but Parisians were offended and started shitting in it from the shore/ bridges to "protest" the pollution right before the mayor swam in it.

It may or may not be clean enough to swim in, but all that would mean is that it contains just under the legal limit for shit bacteria in water.

Welcome to France swimmers, enjoy the free infections in your un air conditioned rooms.
the japanese sent home one of their own athletes for alcohol consumption and smoking, because of the social responsibility of olympic athletes as role models. i guess the dutch just have different standards.
Not even China give a shit about it. I remember when people were laughing at them for hosting the winter olympic with nuclear power station cooling towers nearby. For a country that gave so much shit about their face value, they sure acted like they didn't care. Now I found out that trannies were allowed to compete in olympic after 2020. It made some sense.
most american post
An anon in an earlier thread proposed that the Olympics should only be with randomly selected people to represent the country. That would actually be entertaining to watch.
>Parisians were offended and started shitting in it from the shore/ bridges to "protest"
The French should be honorary Indians desu. They exhibit the same behaviour as the jeets.
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I'm there, too. It will probably take a nuke in a capitol city or something that massive to even move the needle at this point.
Everyone is waiting for the big war that's coming, consciously or not
Trannies have been doing it since at least Caster Semenya or however that nigger is named. Funny enough, now that is "cool af" they admitted he is a man, but back then the media came with all sorts of bs excuses like hormonal imbalances and "I was just born like this"...
It's a cringe mixture of wokeness and corporate soullessness plus a dwindling sense of national cohesion for several countries. It's also terribly unorganized so far and as speak arson attacks have stopped French railways and lots orppl will probably miss the opening ceremony

that logo a woman from south park?
Don't worry, they can flood the stadium with "new French" straight off the streets of Paris.

Diversity is Strength!
I was very happy to hear that the matildas lost. So fucking sick of hearing about those dykes it's unreal. Here's to them losing again in there next game
no one cares since all the Western countries are full of non-Western peoples so they are not even national teams anymore
>tranny DEIlympics by jews
Why should I care?
There's no point in national pride when all the athletes are replaced by niggers.
I think ((they)) will do a repeat of Munich and blame it on Iran to set off Dubya Dubya 3
From what I've read, 2020 Tokyo olympic was the first time when trannies were officially allowed to participate in.
Down the line they'll all be seething about how "we wuz da original kurlers n shiet." Mark my words
That would be great, except it would transmogrify part of Greece into pure globohomo. I imagine it would look like central Brussels
That will make the false flag more impactful and credible.
Greece is in a state of decline right now. They might benefit from it.
It depends on the sport. Most of the sports/disciplines that Team GB are still competitive in are the preserve of the mid-upper classes, like rowing and sailing. Apart from that you'll get the occasional wog runner or the like.
That's why I mentioned that specific case. Officially speaking you are correct, what I'm saying is that they did it before but tried to hide the fact because it wasn't cool. If I'm not mistaken that was during London 2012.
It's quite the opposite, lol, lmao.
>What does this say about the state of the world?
In the air there is feel of divide and hatred. People don't enjoy things anymore, they want to squeeze their enemies into red pulp . And their enemies live across the street and taunt with their existence every day.
They're doing pretty well in the swimming too. Australian swimmers are seething so much that they organize "anti-doping" protests against them
really? what i heard is that their population is declining, young workers are leaving the country due to shit working conditions
As our German friend noted, Greece is currently in the middle of an economic boom
Weren't they specifically shitting in there upstream of the politicians who were having a swim in there to show how safe and effective the cleanup is?
>Will French blacks beat the German blacks? Who gives a fuck?
Normies do
>man that's crazy
>catch the olympic games last night?
>Sports and politics just should be separated entirely
But Olympics were always political in a sense. All wars stopped during Olympic games....
I legit forgot about 2022 entirely and don't even know where it was held. Was that Beijing 2?
Tokyo I only remember because of AKIRA predicting it by accident 30 years prior
I couldn't even begin to tell you where the fuck 2018 was held either.
It could be a lot of fun if the Olympics were a local competition in Greek instead of the corporate-sponsored globohomo event like this.
Most sports tournaments now are just advertisements anyway.
>Everything should be as it was in ancient times
>No faggots

Choose one
We lost our swimming gold medal to Korea this time. The Ian Thorpe era is long over for us.
watching greco-roman wrestling in a palaestra would be sick.
Nool should get his logo back.
Brexit fucked you over big time but you dumb faggots are too proud to show even a little humility at your childish tantrum and come crawling back.
fuck off globohomo shill
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I just want Paris to be nuked but all i hear is "2 more weeks" again and again and nothing ever happens.
Watched a woman's soccer match in Rio that had gone into overtime like an hour before because no one could score a goal. I had seen enough of what the Olympics had to offer.
Damn that's a huge dog, almost looks like a sandstorm. Is this real?
Kikes oversaw a massive, decades long media campaign to tarnish the reputation of the Olympics. Why? First, because it's a pagan tradition, and if there is something they truly hate and fear, it's the pre-Christian European soul. Two, because it's a celebration of physical prowess, which is, let us be frank, not something they excel in. No wonder they have their own "Maccabiah Games" set up only for them to compete in. The fact that none of you brought this up in the thread so far makes me kinda sad desu, it's clear as day.
>"Maccabiah Games"
Nothing special. We have commonwealth games. I think >>475708877 makes more sense.
One of the olympic cycling teams got robbed at knife point by a dozen illegal immigrant niggers within an half hour of landing at the airport. One of the olympic swimming team women got gang raped by niggers that kidnapped her from the olympic village last night.

It's been amusing hearing about left wing Olympians get culturally enriched by the very African rapists they held "refugees welcome" signs for over the past 5 years.
Too many niggers in the summer Olympics
We have other problems than nigger sports
holy shit. import low gdp people, you get low gdp problems..
>pagan tradition
You mean hellenic.
>Watched a woman's soccer match in Rio that had gone into overtime like an hour before because no one could score a goal.
That's just soccer in general, anon
don't worry, the UK gave him 4 initially for not being a paki. and it was statuatory "rape", not real rape, so the netherlands released him early

The Paris 2024 Olympics would like to speak to the manager.
Any betting company takes bets whether a shooting will happen at the opening ceremony?
>caring about the judeolympics

ishiggydiggy. like an another anon said, just expecting the inevitable truck of peace parades.
that logo is gay as fuck and feels wrong to make it gril-centered for what's essentially a merit based sporting event for all
Yes, but "pagan" from their point of view. The mere existence of the modern Olympics undermines their myth of a "Judeo-Christian" civilization. There is no such thing, our civilization is "Greco-Roman", but they want to erase that from the collective mind of humanity. Christianity's spread helped them achieve the greatest historical self-insert in human history, they essentially inserted themselves into the cultural roots of completely unrelated ethnic groups all over the world.
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I don't know anon. Everything is just so boring and bland now. I don't get excited for movies, music or any world events. COoooF and it's consequences really buck broke a lot of us mentally. Blatant propaganda everywhere, meaningless wars, materialism on social media, nothing is even funny anymore (can you think of some good comedies lately?), angry people with extreme political views, declining purchasing power. I hate this hell clown world.
japan was 2021
It is strange. The last few Olympics had some hype. I didn’t even know they were happening until my mother-in-law mentioned it in passing last weekend.
It's in Paris, what did you expect? Paris is known for their Islamic stabbings and gang stalk. If you're a woman, walking alone in Paris for more than 15 minutes will get you groped and sexually harassed. They literally had beheadings in Paris because some French dude insulted Mohammed.
> Paris for more than 15 minutes will get you groped and sexually harassed.
Well it’s the city of love afterall
They're running troons and a troon lit the torch.
It's UN/WHO/WEF humiliation at this point and everyone's tired of it, even people who support it.
The French are making up daily plots by Russians to attack the Olympics and still no one cares.
It's pretty sad.
Men can compete as women. Competition sounds like a joke now.
Biggest reason is they haven't made too much publicity. Have seen few brands put out package that advertises the Olympics.
Sucking our. Olympics is a massive financial drain that brings objectively absolutely nothing positive to the nation or the country that has the misfortune of having to host it. LA games in the 70's being the exception
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>What does this say about the state of the world?

will the TGV just surrender already so we can run the jews out of Paris on the rails?
Any sources on that? I've not paid the bare minimum attention to anything until I browsed this place today.
All non-Abrahamism is paganism to them, just like all goyim are cattle.
The French aren't making up shit. In fact they are only reporting on the Russian retards, but not the rest.
I'll be watching as should all of you.
I don't even remember anyone ever caring about the dumb olympics since like the early 2000s
Just thus morning watched the goy news. Finland sent 57 people to compete. Some talking head is saying "Um so our goal is two medals from this olympics". I ask myself wtf are the rest 55 people doing there? Fucking waste of everyones time and money. Could not give less fucks.
Olympics were for showing off your best athletes for that given Country. Now that the evil Satanist Rabbis have ZOG'd our overnments it's all over, and collapsing.. Olympics? more like Ozempic®s.
all hype for frog olympics died when they unveiled the fucking meme dance and the swamp tier pools athletes will have to compete in.


also nobody cares about olympics since its always chinks,mutts and russians winning.
Bring the Olympics back to Greek. Stop moving it around. That'll cut the cost by half.
>I don't get excited for movies, music or any world events
Good. That means you're less distracted and you can focus on your own stuff and improving yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being out of touch with irrelevant mainstream shit.
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>It will probably take a nuke in a capitol city
Why should I care about that?
The cargocult of globohomo has destroyed in less than five years what its predecessors have built throughout centuries, potentially millenia.
>Former President shot in the ear
The New Testament was written in Greek and Christianity has heavily neoplatonist elements.
Judeo is a meme, Christianity preceded modern Judaism which is descended from the Pharisees.
>The Jews gathered around him, saying, "How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, [3] tell us plainly."
>Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me,
>but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.
Btw I'm adding to your points for lurkers not arguing just to be clear
This was why I didn't give a fuck about the Euro.
A nation is supposed to be a country of one race.
Now that the jews have shit up the entire world mixing everything to the point that your passport is your alledged etnichity, why would anyone care.
Its like playing a 2 player vs game against yourself
I only care about Ukraine and cheering for Russia to conquer Europe up to Portugal.
Is Paris gonna get nuked?
>why is no one talking about the sporting event
>when the sports haven't even started
that's a tough one hey
>Is Paris gonna get nuked?
Why? It's already a bio hazardous shithole full of ghouls and raiders.
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But that would solve so many problems.
Soccer, rugby, and handball already started
>invented by greeks
>invented by greeks
greek seethe that normal people dont care about shitty greek invention

inb4 götzturk
>I remember when people were laughing at them for hosting the winter olympic with nuclear power station cooling towers nearby.
Nuclear power is cool tho
Nugreeks hardly resemble ancient Greeks tho. They’re Greeks by name not by ethnicity.
It's general apathy at the atomization of culture. Your politicians don't support your wellbeing and the interest of your people, so it's pointless to care which doll gets to be in the chair for a bit. It doesn't matter if your country's team wins anything at the Olympics because they're imported talent and don't represent your people. It is a consequence of realizing that these social rituals have lost their meaning and it's just their corpses being paraded around.
>Nugreeks hardly resemble ancient Greeks tho.
Which Ancient Greeks?
The "Heroic Era" (Mycenae, Iron Age), Classical Greece and Hellenistic/Roman Greece are completely different
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Is it just me or the logo looks like a woman's head?
That's...that's the idea...
why would they do such a thing?
subliminal messaging for BURN THE WITCH
I’m so tired of not being able to kill and forcibly remove niggers and mexicans from my presence in minecraft, devs need to enable pvp
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It's obviously a man with a mustache and emo hair.
Nobody care about the olympic games for at least 20 years. Only one who care are third worlders who got their first tv 10 years ago and discover the thing.
>the supposedly largest international event of the decade is here
The world cup in football has always been larger.
People cared in 2012, but that's probably the last one
Imagine the rapes.
>The world cup in football has always been larger.
That's called the Super Bowl. The World Cup is soccer.
Because everything has to be about women
Why is it called American Football then? Cause Football is the original sport, football, not soccer.
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NIGGERS competing against other NIGGERS to know who will get the GOLD MEDAL OF NIGGERY wooooah color me very impressed, how much will this cost to the country again? 10 billions? How much will it get to the average person in the country again? Oh yeah, zero euro great thank you Goldenbergstein. Very cool.
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Actually, it was originally called association football, hence the contraction to soccer, from asSOCiation. The term soccer was originally assoccer, is older than calling it football
France is a girl nation
>no women
>no faggots
>same as ancient times
m8, it's a bunch of naked men wrestling each other and running around. You're only gonna get faggots.

I would have
>naked contestants
>only feminine women's sports
Sorry, got "disenchanted" by Chinks ruining the Japanese economy with Tokyo Olympics, then having their own the very next year in Beijing.
See, this is why I didn't even pay attention
I fucking knew there would be some globohomo bullshit right at the start, they can't fucking resist it can they
They can't even WAIT a few days, it has to be right at the very start to 'set a tone' and 'send a message'
Fucking shoot me
Well that would explain why they have so many black men over there
Indeed but the point remains that handegg will never be football.
>The bothersome thing is that I can't figure out if they are intentionally trying to make us apathetic or if this is an unintended (and unwanted) result of acceleration.

You're getting old is what it is.
(((Olympic Committee))) is just another group pushing faggotry and internationalism
>Super Bowl
That's yankee gridiron handegg, the rest of the American continent plays football with their feet and a ball
>Cumguzzler Harris "elected" president with 60000000% of the vote
>declares shitskin-on-White crime to be legal, orders purge of all non-faggot Whites
>by the time it's time to care it's too late
20 years ago the olympics were big
back then we did not have constant brainrot from smartphones, and western teams didn't have niggers
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Most are niggers or sandniggers by now anyway
What will (((they))) ruin next?
Disease X will be released at the 2024 Olympics.
The release will be attributed to Russians to galvanize the EU populations into supporting the war.
Disease X has Ebola symptoms, meaning the infected spurt blood, but it is nowhere near as fatal as Ebola (15% tops).
Do not fear the next pandemic. Stay strong, have faith, and maintain basic hygiene. Godspeed, anons.
Do you have the white version?
I feel like that was almost 30 years ago.
I used to watch women's tennis, then they starting with that hulking 'gro chick ironically named "Venus" as if she were a personal attack on the Olympics and it's origins.
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>ancient times
>no faggots
Im just waiting for gojira to play
Yeah, half the city is on fire 40% of the year that the Parisians just take it as normal now. The end is nigh.
Pro sport is shit. Oh we bought the fastest nigger and have him wave our flag! So what. Also Olympics are an apolitical event so no Russia. Israel/USA are always welcome though because we are apolitical.
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Careful, comrade. Putin does not like you talking about his beloved niggers like that. You will die in a pointless conflict in Ukraine while Jamalius and his brothers are imported to take care of your wife.
People only pay attention to the gymnastics, political stunts and the 100m mens sprint.
olympic games are boring as shit
Should have banned Israel from participating.
Yeah trannies, and also that all the white county teams are filled with brown/black foreigners . There’s no point of the Olympics only if you are into ‘my niggers are better then your niggers’
i wouldn't watch this shit even if i was paid money to do so.
Wtf why can't we have that in 2024?
The world's a much different place twenty eight years later
Nah. I grew up looking at playboy and girls of the Olympic games
Girls don't pose nude anymore in 2024? Huh... I could have sworn...
Only behind paywalls.
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Because now the majority of nations have niggers competing for them, and nobody wants to watch niggers
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>look at athletes
>dont relate at all
thank goyslop

on a side note is it true that glowniggers sent their best to compete and gather intel about others?
source: aquarium
I mean at the Olympic Games retard.
>They had a tranny escort the torch in the beginning
how many kids did he rape along the way
fucking monsters
Another festival of nigger worship. Niggers on steroids are the new gods of the western world. Offer them your daughters to rape out of penitence for slavery and racial discrimination.
>>beach volleyball.

There's too many stupid sports. Let's just go back to the ancient greeks and do their sports and leave it at that.

Grenoble 1968 was the most glamorous Olympics ever. The rest of it is worthless. I mean what possible use is pole vaulting?
>Washington dc
Pretty sure most of the population in respective nations would celebrated if these capitals were obliterated. All of them are degenerate central. Also most people are tired of urbanite cosmopolited faggot niggers running their country.
It's not "largest" or "international" anymore once you've banned Russia from participating under a fake and gay pretext.
If you ask me, it means people are getting smarter. I never cared about this bullshit and now more than ever it will be just giant diversity campain. I would rather watch fucking Twilight.
>live in france
Lol no, why would Putin's friends live in an African country?
This. France is an African colony. I'd rather go to the Ivory Coast. Similar experience for a cheaper price.
Ugly dyke feminists say beautiful women are not allowed to flaunt their bodies.
Pro tip, the Old Testament was also written in Greek. (No evidence survives that an "original" version in Hebrew ever existed, despite Jew screeching. The oldest known Old Testament was written in Greek.)
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
I wouldn’t care about that either
Because nobody cares about a globohomo jackoff?

I fucking hope some shitskins blow that shit up with a truck/bomb of peace
Don't forget Malmö, svensk anon.
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not my problem , don t care , don t watch , only the politics are happy with that fucking olympic bullcrap
now that niggers and chinks are dominating it, the cope and seethe from this board was inevitable. still watching.
Just realized the logo is the wig of "brigitte", the real president of France.
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the four yearly "who can throw the most money to train an African" competition is upon us again.
marking your words anon
i can see the headlines now "curling roots in sub saharan african gourd sliding on sand"
I had no idea it was even happening xD
You can't lockdown your own guerilla agents.
>mutt doesn't know about the Olympic torch
random people trained by pros, it would be fun por a (((show))).

but this is already a (((show))), be prepared.
never known anyone but boomers and athletes that give the slightest fuck about the olympics
Your nation?
You've been re-colonized by Byzantines after your entire nation has been raped and burned bv Slavs.
>They had a tranny escort the torch in the beginning

Wait.. wut?...really?? lmao...The absolute state of clown world.
>most american post

I think you mean zoomer post.
>A billion Poojeets have done jack shit in the history of sports.

Your post is not surprising honestly.
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>the supposedly largest international event of the decade is here

Olympics should have an event 'Raping white girls'
I'd watch it.
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Everything is according to the plan
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I do care
People are sick of globohomo slop.

Simple as.
Shitskin. You don't care becuase your country is fucking worthless lmfao. I don't care because I have a three digit iq
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>drug addict rapper can walk with the olympic torch
I swear, we exist in worst simulation out there...
Failed to add on the list: criminal and porn producer
Snoop is a cultural icon.
Atomized information distribution. There are no memes anymore - culture is dead for the next 200 years. The new classic is going to come from the extreme radical far right. Siege and Sezession
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an other globohomo event I guess

He is more popular than your entire "country"

What is your excuse?
If a nigger is your national icon then you might wanna start preparing for the worst.
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The nigger that spends his whole life doing drugs and making money talking about it, carries the symbol of competition, fitness and honor. Full globohomo is destroying western culture at full speed and you will witness it in your life time.

In the last 30 years, Sweden has been known for niggers too.

Pot calling the nigger black
>No faggots
anon I...
the material realm is completely saturated, humanity is ready for the next evolution which will be spiritual in nature. it's gotta happen, race isn't as important as you think but they are definitely attacking white people which makes me think they are the ones most primed for the next evolutionary step, aka attack out of jealousy. no amount of material wealth/power will prepare a person for this, which causes seethe.
Western culture is gone since 1929
Its history, currently it's just winter, the "culture" of the past 90 and next 110 years won't matter in the grand scheme.
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it's all about nigger worship, even though white boys do just fine if not better, at sports that matter.

I don't think you know who he is

He hasn't done much other than weed in 30 years

Shows how much you kids don't know shit about anything
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Not a single one of our niggers are known as ''national icons''. Remind me again which country was it that rioted and burned down cities because some useless crackhead nigger was killed?
> America's hat and jeet colony thinks it's worth anything
Whoever is running the Scandinavian bots need to kill himself - range ban Scandinavia and Canada
based. will he commentate the /horsedance/ event?
The Olympics doesn't matter except to sportfags and most of them were already sated by the recent games of foot-propelled niggerballoon.
>Synchronized Peruvian Nipple Tweaking
>100m Backwards Hopping
>22km Freestyle Midget-Nigger Kicking
>500m Women's Running About And Then Having a Smoke and Discussing Shoes
Who won gold in the last Olympics and how many people care?
Just makes it more irrelevant + les smellye warbling negroes.
I only watch it for the opening ceremony and the list of countries and wondering how many isrealis will get murdered before it ends.
That's an optimistic outlook on things.
Rolling for a sir to rape the fire.
>unfortunately they have the whole city in lockdown to prevent it.
So they're corralling their own people into bottle necks to make it easier?
Snoop Dog hasn't been relevant for the past 20 years.
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I know what most of them girls would prefer...
>no faggots.
So it was a competion between the only hetrosexual men in Greece?
weird you left helsinko out from that list. are you some proxy user ?
>white-gurl can run fo real. shieeet
It's a French women being culturally enriched.
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Why do you care who he is? Cause your cultural entropy circle has been lobotomized to be constantly in the most abusive, prolongued, structured and crafted way possible for him to be part of your social environment as many of the other characters forged into your belief system designed to make you a burger citizen. Everybody can know about anything with the vast amount of information today, but not everybody can discern about people in a frank way without collective bias.
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Germany to take GOLD in the;
>100m German Toilet-Shelf Turd Stare event
India will face stiff competition for Silver with Andorra and Tuvalu.
frogs have this weird conceit where they think they're important and the center of civilization and society and refinement etc etc etc But in reality they're a backwater and nobody cares about them nor even really thinks of them at all.
everyone else in the world is busy doing their own thing like landing on the moon or drilling for oil or cooking tacos or fighting wars or whatever. The frogs stare into a mirror in love with themselves, but outside their door nobody really remembers or cares that they exist.
A skinny little Indian incel thats only ever played videogames his entire life would think that
The Olympics became irrelevant as soon as the powers that be decided nationalism and patriotism bad, so nobody cares about celebrating whose athletes are the best anymore. Unless it’s niggers playing sportsball, in which case, millions of subhumans care.
We let them have their moment of triumph... then remind them they only won a few battles because of a dwarf Corsican.
they all come from masonic background more or less. I noticed this even with pious high middle class christ women. extreme beauty, low body count... but the skeleton in the closet is that it doesn't have good ending
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>american handegg
To be fair, those industries have been declining because they'd rather drink the kool-aid than actually make a proper good movie/song. I felt that way with video games until Palworld came along and I actually had fun with it. So I know its not me, its these industries themselves that are declining.

I think you may be retarded, if you think we idolize Snoop

I don't listen to "rap" usually at all.

Spain has had issues for years

I just didn't know so much sand was in your vaginas
Indians shit in a river because there's a river, the French do it because there's a politician in that river.
It's not the same.
wasn't skateboarding originally about counter-culture movement, then uncle to.. i mean tony hawk made it a shabbos goyim sport with all the sponsor shit and money involved
so maybe now they'll use them to start one?
>It is a consequence of realizing that these social rituals have lost their meaning and it's just their corpses being paraded around.
Couldn't have said it better albanon. This is it. Same with euros earlier.
they put it in a third world country and filled it with lgbt of course nobody cares
jokes on you, this has been me for almost 2 decades now
A 6 day work week is the kind of shit even Stalin pulled back from.
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There's not just shit in those indian rivers, bro.
at least they have some community to belong to, even if it's a shitty one
That's a jew, anon.
That no one really cares.... About anything
>turd scuba club
>it's not so much about the end goal, it's about the stories created
If it was in the usa the whole usa would be all over it like niggers on a chicken nugget.
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>>nobody even pretends to care
If it's not happening I don't care
any good events to watch over the opening weekend?
>No faggots
Weren't we talking about returning to ancient greek tradition though?
>No evidence survives that an "original" version in Hebrew ever existed, despite Jew screeching
There's 3000 year old kike scratchings on pottery shards of the proto-old testiment.
"Sanjay, do you remember when Daveeb dived into the water and when he came up he had a log in his ear... how we redeemed that day, indeed!"
Combination of too many interesting things happening in close time proximity recently as you suggested and internet globalization, i.e., too
many interesting things happen throughout the world that you are now aware of because of the internet, which you wouldn't have been aware of growing up. Something really big has to happen for people to care much anymore
Olympics is a retarded BOOMER interest, they rot in their lazyboys watching all the commercials on network TV.
Once the boomers finally die off, so too shall the olympics, it will be downgraded to a trackmeet held in greece eventually.
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>There's 3000 year old kike scratchings on pottery shards of the proto-old testiment.
Don't be daft. Kikes couldn't read and write back then. All the Old Testicle is copied from other better cultures with empires that enslaved them and raped their women into submission.
>noah = Gilgamesh
All jew history is a larp because they were a defeated, starving and broken group of powerless nobodies.
Guys we need to keep on the lookout for satanic rituals
>this is an unintended (and unwanted) result of acceleration.
>nobody even pretends to care
Am I supposed to care about the unevenly matched hoop ball game or the constant product shilling?
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>artistic faggotry
>artistic faggotry and nigger worship
I'm sure there'll be none of that in the opening ceremony, no sireee,
i said demon worship
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>nigger worship
So did I.
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Who do you imagine is behind the terrorist attacks on the froggy trains today? Norwegians?
>The Olympics used to be a contest of nations, now it's just ethnic mercenaries. Will French blacks beat the German blacks? Who gives a fuck?
It was about the time they came out the desert as illiterate tribal herders to conquer to post bronze age collapse farming communities.
It was probably written by a philistine scribe, but it was the proto-kike branch of the myths.
It's why I stopped watching football.
One set of niggers kicking a ball vs another set of niggers kicking the ball.
No contest.
Just niggers kicking a ball.
Niggers ruined sport for everyone.

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