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Are they nice people? Do they contribute?
Her tits are way too big. They are going to sag horribly and cause back pain. If she's smart she will get a reduction.
Worst people ever. On Somali level I'd say.
They cost tax payers in Poland and Germany and UK a lot of money.

They get nice buildings for them, all with the west tax money.

Fucking sub humans, if they are in Germany theu should be sex slaves for Hans.

If not, they should fuck off back to Ukraine
Can't say anything good about them. Local Russians are much better rhan these retards. Lost all empathy for them as a collective.
Good people. Way better than Muslims.

Ukrainians take the jobs nobody else want, and they're happy to do it even if they're paid less.

They learn the local language, and they generally do everything to try and fit in.

Unlike Muslims who bring 5 wives and get on the dole for decades, while they try to spread Islam in a Christian country.
>Are they nice people? Do they contribute?
If I know my Eastern Euros is that they can be grateful but if you just give stuff away they will treat you for a fool or if you believe dumb excuses, they can work hard but do anything they can not to.
They are very materialistic, cynical , the women especially some people say they can be mean in a relationship and because they don't bond and are liars, lots of suicides happened because some western dudes got married with an eastern euro women that fucked then over even though the poor fools loved them.
>Are they nice people?
Very pleasant people.
>Do they contribute?
I have never seen someone learn Finnish language that fast.
Idk I don't really notice them because they don't stand out. Better than all the tajik scum, that's for sure.
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never met an ukrainian but i know for a fact that they dont suck my dick despite being supporters of the make love not war slogan and this is why i dislike these liars and hypocrties. They have to go back.
Ah, so they undermine the local labour market, but aren't total leeches, got it.
i'll give her special refuge if you know what i mean
those tits need watered with the force of a thousand suns
Shalom zigger
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Ukrainian here. I'm an alcoholic on the dole and I masturbate twice a day. Make of this what you will.
the few I've seen personally found some low-level job like food delivery and desk clerks but they seem to be struggling with the language immensely even though it's so close to theirs
Gayest shit ive read all year
We have some that have come into our town. I think they're ok. 100% would rather have Ukrainians than niggers. No question.

Sadly one of them had a 9y/o daughter get murdered in my town. It was very sad, but the city came together for a bit.
They have contributed to draining my balls, so Im all for it
Majority of them are exceptionally rude and entitled, especially the women
>Ukrainians take the jobs nobody else want,
Niggerfaggots like you are the worst.
Our own people undermine the labour market. The labourers for thinking some jobs are beneath them, and the employers for preferring cheaper manpower over qualified one.

The west successful make the german man pathetic cuck, shame.
They are cooking alive in the summer heat.
Nah, ziggerfaggots like you are worse.
should be shipped back in body bags so they can be used to blow up the mines in the fields, fucking losers.
I havnt interacted with them or any other refugees. Definitely huge amounts of blacks and browns in dublin though. The city looks noticeably different. The bad behaving ones seem to live in the same places as the bad behaving whites. Obviously if you are the type to get a job and not be a complete pest you get out of the bad white areas as quickly as possible.
checked and keked
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What the fuck are you on about? Ukrainians are white. They are welcome here. Unlike you. You definitely are not.
She's milkrainian
they are all on social media and 4chan supporting ukraine and wanting it to win yet they are escaping the draft, fucking cunts deserve to die for their country not bum like scum.
This is true.
Locksmiths wanting €400 to change a lock and electricians wanting €150 an hour. They might as well get in the boats and collect the refugees, train them up and then commit suicide. They are contributing to their own replacement more than anyone else.
They're fucking useless and absolute retards who can't function normally in any setting. They also get bigger benefits than anyone else and get all the services faster without queue.
I wish for their swift return and THD.
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Dont care about them, never met one and i hope it stays that way.
They are basically the same but more entitled. But the standard behavior of any Ukrainian and Russian is to sit in parks drink and be loud.
Basically the both suck
I wish we had Ukrainian refugees. We get Haitians lol


My friends tell me he see these sub humans Ukrainian women in Germany going out with arabs or whatever.

In normal world there should be no arabs and African in Germany and Ukrainian women would be used as sex slaves for ethnic germans.

If they are not used as sex slaves, they have no reason to be in Germany.

Look at you, i can small the simp from you, never and i mean never, be simp.
I have Ukrainian colleague. He isn't a refugee though. As far as I know they are intelligent and capable. I think the war is awful.
In Warsaw 20-24 year olds cost about 80 euros per hour. Some are more expensive but its not worth it
>back pain
why do people act like deadlifts don't exist?
White refugees wouldn't be a good fit for the US. They would stand out too much.
Upright rows are unironically more important for that sort of backpain, if you are hunched over upright rows will help.
nice r*ddit spacing there kike. back to the oven with you

You have more than half million Ukrainians refugees in usa, lol.
Go work at the egg-packer factory why don't you? No? Your tax-paid education makes you too fancy for that work?

Ok. Shut up.
> Ukraine supporter call me Reddit user

The Babiy Yar is waiting for you.
And how much would one make in such a low tier job? 500€? You get more if you bum.
Hard workers always looking for a job. Seen some return to Ukraine because they could not find jobs here.

Willing to learn, respectful, good wits about them, usually with a degree in something useful unless from the absolute countryside where they constantly ask for work in farms, pretty good people.

And regardless the internet - decent, usually with family, family oriented.
they fuck and suck for a bigmac
Verification not required.
When was the last time you got hired to wipe shit off cattle?
>What has your experience been with Ukrainian refugees?
One Ukrainian (from his words father of 4 - that's why he was let to Poland) gave us (me, wife and daughter) a ride during some very shitty weather. 10/10 would ride again

Other than that there's a plenty of them around. Nobody robbed me.
(from what I've seen on Tinder)
They're parasites living off of anglos like every other immigrant
The blowjobs are adequate but most refuse anal unless you pay extra.
Ho, also.

In Israel we also have few, half of them are just Ukrainian jews.

They don't seems to do troubles.

But either way, Israel is not meant for goys, the non jews Ukrainian need to go to other Europe countries (even if they are only like 20k+)
If you pay enough, people will do it.
I've met too many ukie refugees who just coast on gibs here. They usually don't make any problems but they don't contribute like they could, for sure.
idk but cow lady got some utters
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I'm not simping at all. I've got a wife and kids, ukrainian women are inconsequential to me. But I haven't seen anything like what you describe. Maybe that shit goes on in the liberal degenerate hotbeds, but around here, I've only seen the orthodox ones or just the average normie who fled the war. Most seem very humble and respectable. Something I can't say for the muzzies and central africans. They have no respect for anything.
Then you woke up and had to finish those shawarmas, right Gögtuk?
They walk around speaking a retarded language, they make waiting lists longer for NHS care, they also are sucking up huge amounts of money from local councils because they are building houses for them. That money should be spent on stuff we want, like road improvements etc.

They also tend to keep to themselves, so we aren't even getting any pussy.
You existing causes everyone to have pain, you should have life reduction surgery.
Haven't interacted with any. I do hear some kind of russian spoken sometimes in the supermarket and assume they are Ukies but I have no opinion otherwise. They used be good cherry pickers and cherries are already so expensive nobody can afford to pay an actual Finn to do it.
>Fucking sub humans, if they are in Germany theu should be sex slaves for Hans.
Ashkenazi remphaggots complaining about people free loading off of Christendom while simultaneously trying to create more slaves to abuse.
>Moloch, not even once anons
I meant berries not cherries lmao
Zigger forgot his memeflag today
Ausstard forgot the kikes are on Ukr side.
They're just as bad as the mudslime and other nigger ''refugees'' bunch of entitled little faggots, typical Eastern Euro trash. And they're never leaving.
>refuse anal
They're not bad people but their work culture and ethic is very soviet, even to our standards.
>I wish we had Ukrainian refugees. We get Haitians lol

I try to look at it this way
better hohols than niggers, especially if the men stay out
2 generations they are integrated, mostly
Check out forum garsoniera
They are ok. Some have even found jobs and have learned the language to some extent. I think it's somewhat impressive.
>What has your experience been with Ukrainian refugees?
Rarely notice them, because they blend in. We have tens of thousands of them here (keep in mind, we are tiny shithole country, so even 50k means noticable influx). Most of them speak in russian, as war is happening largely in dominantly russian speaking areas of Ukraine. And it is hard to distinguish them from local russian speaking population. Sometimes you can identify them by behavioral patterns, because they tend to pay less attention to what their kids do. Fortunately, none of their kids have not drowned in my presence.

Overall, nice-ish people, who tend to themselves. Very, very rarely hear that there have been some issues with them.
>snip the foreskin, reduce booba, fake teeth
burgers at it again
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More or less my experience
Saw one with huge tits too, which is nice
I want tits in my mouth.
mostly good experience with them. I hope they send more ukrainains here. Rather ukies than asians and africans
me kicking you in your hump will peoduce backpain faggot kike
some work and don't make trouble(small cities) big city fags can cause trouble when drunk but get slapped into oblivion immiediately
Better than niggers and mudslimes. The ones with PTSD are the problem cases.
The ones I know were pre refugee times and were born her but their parents were from there.
>Married aussie guy with depression
>Stacy looks but will do farm tier work
>Covers his ass when he is down
He is a lucky guy.
Here most of them are mothers with kids. So somehow non-tiny booba are kinda by default.
Yeah but not in my shitty little town. They import Haitans here. It's actually a town where many Ukrainians and slavs settled a hundred years ago so it's even more funny
Should have visited /chug
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I can't believe a jew is saying the truth

>>475708488 >>475709319 >>475709534 >>475710568 >>475710806 >>475711067
subhuman piggers, go back to your shitholes
The one that moved in next to me is working as a literal prostitute and had her child taken away.
they suck too intense while they should rub more
The meme fag has spoken.
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Tinder is FLOODED with ukrainian women, they all have pics with theyre boobs out and all looking for "a long term relationship with someone who can take care of them".I've nailed a couple myself, what can I say, they are more whorish than the romanian girls but a bit more demanding as well.They are however much dumber and you can see that russificated mentality in them, it's almost feral. They receive gibs and free housing from the gov here while our streets are filled by local homeless. Fuck Oinkraine.

bitch whines about the sweets in Romania
lmfao get them out of here.

I don't see them, really.
I hear some russian every few months but that's about all.
it's usually women with children.
I see them at playgrounds with their kids. They seem nice.
Oh suddenly you care about costing taxpayers money. Stopped reading. You people are fine funneling infinite resources to every nigger on the planet. Fuck off.
been buying produce from couple of them at the country market for a year now, lower prices than locals that inflate it up the wazoo, seams nice people
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I have fucked some hoholinas from Tinder. Easy. Just take them to a mid range restaurant and feed them a nice meal and it's a guaranteed fuck. One sucked me off in my car on the first date after feeding her a steak and a salad.
Wife's half Ukrainian...I can only imagine how fucked up full Ukie broads are...
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They can milk my fucking dick 24/7 for causing us unbearable financial, geopolitical strain. Every Ukrainian is a whore dickwasher and dicksucker, fit only to serve around my home sucking dick and taking cock up the ass on demand. Fuck them, fuck the Jewkraine project, and FUCK ZOG.
Lmao what kind of fairy tale do you live in?

Ukrainians all shoplift and their young boys have worse manners than even syrians. I hate it when I have to wait on a train next to a group of Ukrainian teens, they act worse than Somalians.
Smokers, drunks.
Typical slavs.

Not good not terrible.
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Not many but there are a few.
They are smarter than niggers but they definitely lie & gibs me dat, scam like niggers. How so?
Their lies are transparent and obvious, easily discovered with basic casual Who What Where When Why How questions for verifiable by empiric inspection answers.
They do not like inquiry into their obvious lies and scams. Especially gibs me datting. Which is so bizarre.
Just give me, do for me what I want at your hassle or expense and don't question it, just do it.

When questioned or denied, the mask slips and the lies start, not good lies. Always child tier lies, same as niggers. Easily busted, but they try to use some weird force of will through the eyes, volume, emotional sperging etc. to get their way. Never like what I consider white people, rhetorical acumen. It is in that skill they are total bigger tier. When they finalize realize the gibs ain't happening, will never happen is when you finally see the real. The real is a childs tantrum that will more than likely end in breaking things or fighting people.
They are the insufferable drunk, crying over glory days and his high position until he fell into the sewer with you.
It's unfortunate that they are reduced to nigger tier societal blemishes instead of being honest, hardworking and benefitting proportionally by their contributions to society instead of feed off of it.
>Her tits are way too big
no such thing faggot
They are slavs, much like the polish and russians. Shitfaced drunk, trashy and jobless stinking up public places.
none of what he said is true. if anything ukrainians suffer in poland and they want to move to germany
>flee war
>come to your country
>claim gibs
>undercut locals
>seem like nice people
What an actual sap you sre anon
well I guess they bought a cow or two with their gibs, since they can sell the cheese and butter
what did you do with your gibs when you got off the boat in uk? bought an iphone?
saddam bet on bunkers, too.
and he got wrecked in a few days.
When are you killing yourself loser?
1. Saw one in the shop I'm managing in NY buying a pack of gum wearing every emblem conceivable associated to Ukraine. He was kinda mean looking but that's it.

2. When I got home, saw them hanging out with Russians in a tourist trap island here. They were just drinking beers and were well-behaved.
they look white but are loud and trashy like niggers its surreal
I bought a cow too, except this cow is your mother. Making very different types of cheese and milk
I need to visit europe and poach some some Ukranian WHOREZ. I assume you all just speak english with them. I heard they had actual hotter teen whores in Ukraine tho before the war
Does your mom know you're gay?
sounds like parentless behavior, did I hit the nail on the head? which was it, you were made in some sand nigger mosh pit, they drowned or got blown up?

Best answer
Pretty good, I dont have anything against helping them to be honest but those ukrainian men who are unhinged about Russia and still claim Zelensky is a legitimate leader should be returned to fight, most of them are actually women and kids like refugees should be
My math teacher from middle/high school was from Lugansk. She was nice. Very good looking too. Don't know what she's up to now though, the last time I've seen her was in 2017 I think
Shit wrong flag.
Lol easy bait for nu-/pol/tards
>What has your experience been with Ukrainian refugees?
They're whores. Pump and dump only. Fuck 'em and forget 'em.
Haven't met refugees but rather ukrainian immigrants from years ago. They usually fit in, work hard without complaining and are much more far-right than the average person here.
They only go for the Polish guys in Paraná State.
Thanks to Ukraine I fully support Russia
Why the fuck should people from outside your country be allowed to just come in by the millions? Are you insane?
I'd make exception for big titty refugees any day.
>take the jobs nobody else want
2004 called, it wants its pro-immigration punchlines back.
That's fucking cheap wtf? 7.5k rub for an old slut
thin upper arms + massive tits is such a rare combo
unbelievably hot when combined with a thin waist as well
unemployed and on life-long government gibs.
also even worse at learning german than fucking Afghans here
I wish we had more Ukrainians.
Nope im white keep seething, fuck jewcraine
They all need to go back, hohols, rusniggers, go back to your steppes
>Ukrainians take the jobs nobody else want, and they're happy to do it even if they're paid less.

You're either trolling or the ukrainians going to denmark are completely different from the ones going to germany.
Because in germany, ukrainian "refugees" are being accused of not being willing to work at all. If I remember correctly, they are the nationality with the highest unemployment rate among all refugees, about 75% I think.
She has boobs I noticed
They are good whores and generally pleasant to talk to
I dont know if she contrubute but she has some nice personalities
milk truk
Excellent bait
Well played
>work at the egg-packer factory why don't you
Pay a proper wage and we sure will, but they wont and will claim that no one wants to work jobs after offering shitty conditions and benefits. They've been pulling this trick for centuries to justify mass migration floods and disturbing the social atmosphere.
in a normal world there should be no jews or Israel either.
just because you rats exploit Ukrainian refugees and force them into sex slavery doesn't mean everyone is disgusting a rat like you
Ukrainian refugees are actually grateful for what we give them. This warms my heart.
Muslim refugees don't give a fuck and still end up as violent thugs no matter what we offer them. I makes me so fucking mad. We give them food, water, beds, roofs, free education, a literal golden ticket. And they still go out and rape and steal. Fuck em.
Muslim middle class people are fine though. I don't know why, but every muslim IT dude i've worked with has been super kind, polite, humble, and smart. My racism is exclusively towards the muslim refugees. They behave like animals.
Complete subhumans given cozy lives with benefits that are not given to struggling nationals.
I'd invade her Ukraine
Blow up her Nova Khakovkha dam
FAB-3000 her apartment complex
Iskander her military base
and occupy her Kherson

if you catch my drift..
storm her heights
delactate her ammo depots
Two hoholinas at my factory job, one nice and skinny. I would have loved to fuck her. We only discussed our mutual Ukrainians heritage. The other was fat. Both in their late 30s. There was also a hohol who was really fucking annoying. Reminded me of one of those folksy picture books with the collage art about a Pinocchio doll. He was always ready to help except he was really fucking annoying and ruined stuff. I hate all Ukrainian slopeskulls since then. My only regret is not fucking the hoholina or at least getting a creepshot of her I could then nudify with AI.
Shahed her Leopard 2 tanks.
Storm her BACKmut.
Scuttle her Hetman Sahaidachny frigate.
Penetrate her Syrsky line.
Gain control of those two massive reactors.
Obvious false flag is obvious
Nice vpn zigger tranny
shut up you MONSTER
Whores like that are immigrating to find some rich cuck.
>Are they nice people?
>Do they contribute?
Being normal friendly white people with no rap sheets? Yes. All we ask.
>get a reduction.
I'm adding you to the list for the Day of the Rope
Rich cucks needs love too
Boobs are magnificent. A nice looking pair of boobs is infinitely superior to ass or feet. Boobas don't stink, boobas provide life to the newborn and the husband. Delicious life-giving milkers.

Assfags actually only like the aesthetics of a muscular gluteus maximus muscle, not the anal cavity itself- and if they do, oh my oh my, imagine finding the literal sewer of the human body, the shit pipe, a better place to insert your penis to the vaginal cavity, a hole designed over billions of years of evolution to accomodate human penises. It's pure mental illness.

You can use boobas to stimulate your penis as well, without getting shit on it.

Yes a nice looking gluteus muscle is very arousing but it's just a muscle, no different than finding calves, tights or abs arousing.

In the end boobs are light and ass is darkness, and much like the worshipees, the worshippers of each represent good and evil in life.
Feetfags are just cringe.
True that.
they deserve the sweet love of an axe to their necks
looks like mady gio
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They hated him because he told the truth. Best type of woman is a B cup with wide hips and a fat ass.
Big ass on a woman literally means smarter kids lmao
>and cause back pain
I could be her personal milk carrier. I'd work for free.
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All your country men must salute you over your contribution
>there are no Ukrainian "refugess"
only a third of the country is a battlefield, the rest of the country is peaceful so why are they leaving and why are they refugees, not that I blame them for not wanting to fight a zog war but they are not refugees
There's a lot of niggers out there that run counter to that theory of yours.
You're the fag for wanting veiny saggy tits. My balls look like what her tits are going to look like. Want to juggle these nuts, nigger?
No and no, at this point im not sure who’s worse, the men or the women but im leaning toeards the women
Yes, you don't have to pay them for sex.
Looks like 10 lbs of potatoes in a 5 lb bag
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those in your pic are C cups
>t. boob connoisseur
Most of them are nice people but they abuse our welfare system and just chill 24/7 on gibs without contributing anything.
It’s our own fault to be honest because for some reason ukrainian refugees get even more money than refugees from other countries.
At least they know how to behave and don’t commit crimes every day like the sandniggers.
Denmark in comparison is very strict with immigrants unlike Germany, also towards immigrants from other EU countries. I had to sign several papers when I moved here that I will never be a financial burden to the Danish state and that I will work or study at all times.

All the native Danes complaining about the immigration problem in Denmark have never lived in France, Germany, UK, Sweden, etc.

source: EU citizen living and working in Denmark
Oh shit you right lmao
>Fucking sub humans, if they are in Germany theu should be sex slaves for Hans.
They basically are as much as I know.
I am married, so no idea, but a good friend that is pretty active on all these dating apps and stuff fugs them left and right. Bit jelly, actually.
They’re disgusting. I don’t know how they even manage to get into my neighborhood which costs 3x the state average. They’re also going to the fancy shops. Who the fuck is giving this money? Even their kids are running around on electric scooters. Fucking Hoboken have to go back.
This, but in USA. Hooks have to go back.
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Had a Ukranian gf from 2018 to 2019.
10 years younger. Was really into sucking dick and face fucking. eating my cum off the floor. I already know I won't find that again in a woman. Also liked it if I sit on her face, which made me uncomfortable. Like I shower already, but it'a gross still.
But she wasn't anything for long term, she couldn't formulate a wish or direction. I know men give guidance, but it rustles my jimmies if a person only tells me 8 months in if they don't actually like doing X or Y (non-sex related)
We split before the war stared.
She gained about 30kg since.
Wish I was kidding.

Apart from that experience, I kind of lost my interest in the round face blone hair stereotype. I liked it before, but now every second Starbucks barista is Ukrainian here in Vienna...
Yes retard, it says 1 post by your id too. Because it is based on the thread, not your fucking total post count fuck off to reddit
Thank you for your service
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Unironically kys
I've only spoken to five of them. There is the usual awkward misfit syndrome that comes with being a refugee, and uncertainty about their commitment to settling in another country permanently.
Understandable, only some kind of perverts would want to become Finnish normally.
A few of the ones I’ve met are genuine people but I’ve gone off them as a race. A absolutely Shocking % of the women are prostitutes are just slutty gold diggers. A lot of them are rude and brazen and have no shame, will steel and cut the cue in the shop.
Some are, others are fucking pricks we should have thrown back over the border.

I remember last summer I went to the sea here, one guy I know has a bar there. At 20:00 there was the Ukraine Girl Hour, where the Ukraine girls would dance and take their baithing suit tops off.
There was this blonde with big blue eyes, she tried to hook me. I'm married and I don't fuck around, not with mistresses at least, so when she figured out she wasn't gonna seduce me the normal way she switched to pity mode. I love that, I do, hearing these whores give me their sob story makes my dick hard. It was amusing, I went home with a huge boner.
Here in Mexico all of them are escorts that frequent the rich areas and dine with sugar daddies.
Fucking GAY
Seen a bunch of them but not the like the ones that get posted here.
"Ukrainian" people have been subhumans for quite a long time.
Russians are okay however.
Ive had my fair share of hohol hoes.
Although many of them can be very goodlooking and theyll suck your dick like theyve never eaten before, besides that, they are the most unattractive women one can imagine.
Extremely materialistic, no sense of self worth, most already got a husband at home, laying in some trench somewhere with his legs blown off.
They got no moral compass whatsoever and care only about themselves.
I once knew a hohol hoe, whose father was actually fighting on the frontline right now. When I asked her what she thought about the whole conflict, she said it isnt her war and she doesnt care about it at all.
> woman moment
Most of them are also progressive feminist cunts, makes you feel good when you degrade them sexually. Just make sure you leave when they start bitching around.

They suck good dick tho
stfu Hungarian, have you ever even met Russians that live in Hunagry? I doubt it, because why tf would any slav move to Hungary if Czechia is right next to you, and you already know half of their language. I imagine some Ukrainians may have been unfortunate enough to have had their hand forced and had no other choice then to stay in Hungary.
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Ukrainians have been horrible overall.
In ce statiune fratelo? vreau sa fut si eu cateva ucrainience
im noticing a drastic increase of indians
Aryan demi-gods from hyperboria or whoever tf you can fathom to migrate to any country is going to undermine the local labpur market. You can call anyone you want a scab. Good job! This is no different then stating that the water is wet. People moving to other places undermine local labour markets. Fuck even internal migration does this.
You've contributed nothing to the conversation.
>In normal world there should be no arabs and African in Germany
I visited Israel once as a tourist, and I know for a fact that it's 20% nigger or mutt. The the majority of your local "jews" is as well not white, they look like some type of shit skins, arabs whatever. Of all people, Shlomo, you should shut up when it comes to no-whites
they're good, I have a gf now
Go back to hell demon
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Call yourself a man you son of a bitch?
i would love to ``house`` her ``ukrainian refugees`` if you catch my drift
when people with degrees are bitching about not getting payed enough, you sure as fuck won't get paid a living wage for a job you can take any retarded dumb fuck off the street to do
Mostly just extreme realized FOMO because I left Germany the day Russia invaded Ukraine, and now all I hear about them is that they're hot and slutty
Notice all of the shitskins leeching off Europe seething at your post? lmao
my beer gut alone should weigh 2-3 times that and I'm fine
>You're either trolling or the ukrainians going to denmark are completely different from the ones going to germany.

Well, then our Ukrainians must be different, because all our employer organisations are begging our government to in more Ukrainians and extending their stays.

Nobody actually complains about Ukrainians here. We love them. Muslims on the other hand ...

The only reason we don't do it, is because we suddenly don't want to appear racist against Muslims.
precisely what they're doing, along with cleaning up. unlike the NIGGERS you sent us, take them back
>Ukrainians take the jobs nobody else want, and they're happy to do it even if they're paid less.
pajeets literally do this, do you want me to be happy over that?
>Because in germany, ukrainian "refugees" are being accused of not being willing to work at all.

That would be Russian propaganda doing what it's supposed to do.
Germany is a propaganda battleground. You can either acknowledge it, or ignore it. Doesn't change the fact that it is.
La Mamaia, pe plaja, nu mai stiu cum se numeste, Tropical ceva. Nu stiu daca mai are panarame pe acolo ca nu am mai vorbit cu el anul asta.

Vezi in pula mea ce cumperi pe acolo ca si un pahar cu apa te costa o avere.
Pajeets take the jobs everyone wants (doctor, engineer, ...).
Ukrainians pack eggs. Your government can't even force you to do that, but Ukrainians do it happily.

I will carry her burden
your dumb book caused this, 6 more years 'til the golden 30s where we shove you in the oven, for real this time.
don't think for a moment 109 was the last one (guatemala was 110, pissrael itself is close to being 111 but now they can use Haredim as canon fodder lmao)
kill yourself
You fucking people deserve death so bad.


I know this, 20% of Israel are arabs Muslims, other 45% are arabs jew, other are white jews (mostly from russia).

We also have like 100k illegal nigger who are around 1% of Israel.

I know it, so what? Why should i shut up? It make no sense.

Based,i support Ukraine now
..are downsyndrome gf legal?
youre a kike, no one cares what you support
I had a gf with tits like that once, its been like 5 years and I still can't get over it. Its not a thing you are supposed to experience and then suddenly lose forever

booba > anything else in life
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>make love not war
Already am with my Clara wife.
agree with everything except
>and they're happy to do it
In my experience, they are a miserable lot
Impressive numericals mean the gods are pleased that you're not partaking in this unholy jewish brother war. Continue doling and jerking.
Based bait
>those digits
post more
Fuck off jew
based take from mein juden
Imagine falling for an obvious ragebait copypasta from the first year of the war.
Newfag infestation is absolute, 4changs has fallen
I work in Paris museums, which are free for refugees. I only saw women and children, some looked very rich, some not, some entitled, some nice.

There was an ukrainian construction worker within a mostly polish crew I worked with, he went back to fight russians, no news.

I can't recall of any big trouble caused by ukrainian immigrants in France.
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Fuck Ukrainian women. The women from Moldova is where its at
> Posts a face containing more chemical paint than a paintball 50v50
So what people have ever been refugees by that logic you dumb fuck faggot? what country is 100% war? no matter the country there will always be a front line and peace on either side of it, right?
Sure you might have the stray missile hit your apartment building or the factory you work at, maybe even the hospital where kids are fighting leukemia.
KYS you bog dwelling retard
They are the same people Vlad. It’s like a paki and a jeet saying that the other is subhuman when they are the same race and used to be part of the same “country”
bet you're the type of retard that would claim that they're the same people as well
this faggot isn't even in denmark. this is some flamboyant airforce homosexual posting from Eglin AFB
Yes, I'm here to fuck with your head.
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She looooves chcolate bro and btw just talked to her and she'd be willing to eat some spare bars you may have. Here she is with our pet talking carrot.
Yep. There's just no denying it. We've had tons of Muslims refugees and tons of Ukrainians.
Nobody likes Muslims here.
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Good dudes, hard workers, assimilating well. There was already a significant pre-war diaspora here.

Picrel -- canada sucks so bad that whites would prefer to live in an active war zone.
Many of them work, but of course there is scum among them as well as good ones.

I hate that they don't understand how to behave in public, they are super egoists and don't understand how to live in civilized society. I hope their kids will learn this in school so the next generation can behave at least.

Always when I see a "white" behaving badly I am thinking that for sure is a eastern euro, and it always is.
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You're being too obvious, Tarasik, everybody knows what the ukranians are barely different from shitskin muslims and mongols because historically they were their slaves and rapebabies. The ukraine is an 80 iq retarded shtiskins capable of only menial work looking for a chance to sit on welfare.
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sluts without morals
fucked her next to her 7yo son in bed
extreme obsession with superificial whoring around & attention, even putting off the average german woman in our circles ("look at my stories how hot & cool i am", 20 mins later "cry for ukraine", 20 mins later "hehe look how cool the stuff is I do", all day every day)
looked at what they consider friends from ukraine (buttload of them around here) => every single one is a thirst trap of the highest vulgarity on social media, but has kids and no dad
one is married to a "doctor" who's still in the ukraine, the other is divorced & kidnapped the son, even though live live fuckall near the war
lived on jobcenter gibs for two years

this is what happens when you spend a century surgically removing every person with the smallest shred of morals or integrity from the gene pool, you get what is nowadays known as a slav. pre-soviet russian culture at least had an upper-class which had some good culture to balance out the perm-atrocity of their common people. now it's just a race to the bottom, completely broken gene pool.

if they weren't so detestable characters, they might be more attractive than western whites. but there is absolutely no character, so all the mannerisms, beauty, femininity, default pro-natalism is worthless.
pot calling the kettle black
lmao based and checked
fags btfo
faggot likes girls that look like 13yo boys with slight gyno
I don't know where you live but you are right about them working and being appreciated at some work places however they can't behave in public here in the capital.

Also everyone hates muslims thats why they prey on children and groom them to even have any whites to talk to
Based, retards should've come to the prairie provinces, fucking FOB rapefugees just settle in the first coastal city because they're fucking lazy
I'd like to think that NOT ALL UKRAINAIN refugees are fucking annoying, but all of the ones I've met thus far are fucking annoying, the refugee ones I mean.
The ones that moved out way before the war are usually pretty okay.
I used to work with this one ukrainian dude who was pretty cool, talked about old soviet motorcycles and "architecture" with him.
His opinion on the Russian invasion was "they can keep the shithole".
Then again he was an USSR supporter and said that Ukraine was better off during the Soviet times than afterwards.
>this is what happens when you spend a century surgically removing every person with the smallest shred of morals or integrity from the gene pool, you get what is nowadays known as a slav. pre-soviet russian culture at least had an upper-class which had some good culture to balance out the perm-atrocity of their common people. now it's just a race to the bottom, completely broken gene pool.
correct analysis. so the jews are to blame yet again (bolsheviks)
I second this, also they are actual refugees who are 100% women and children unlike arabs who are just cowards who leave their women behind. Arabs/somalis are just welfare shoppers who complain about food etc.
>be me
>be working in tech
>get new hire email
>He's ukranian (29 year old)
>mfw he's a pussy who ran away from responsibility
>work with him
>full of retarded ideas
>full of laziness
>full of stupidity
>does weird shit constantly that makes everything overcomplicated
>quits after 1.5 years
They're the ultimate faggots judging by this one guys actions.
theres a ukranian woman at my work, but she is outnumbered 7-1 by polish women who complain that there are too many ukrainians in poland
They only care because it's attractive women stealing their men, then they try to vote for retarded policies to allow a bunch of swarthy shitskins into the country en masse.
i like their demon eyes, but i will only invest düsseldorfer tabelle
Nuclear levels of gay.
This should be obvious to everyone now.
They’re more willing to learn English than Honduran, Venezuelan, etc type beans. Dumber than Mexicans for sure. Like they are capable of comprehending how to not be retarded they are just slightly below the ability to execute. D tier refugees for sure. I’d still take 100 of them over any Somalian.
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they drive like shit
lmfao get drafted vatnik.
it is hard to say since my municipality has had an existing diaspora long before the war.

some moved into a house nearby briefly, was quite a large family. the male Ukie spent a lot of time working on cars, and a babooshka-type watched the children. They tried trick-or-treating one year which was cute.

Their local stores have an excellent selection of cured meats.

Their children are also well behaved when playing at the park around my daughter.

They're fine, send us more.
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>Are they nice people?
They are women. So yes they have nice bodies.
>Do they contribute?
They are women. So no.
We hired one, he's a hard worker and nice guy. Moved his whole family here.
He's lucky that there's a large (aging mind you) slav community here tho.
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as the years have gone by, my behavior with prostitutes has become more ... questionable

> be me
> like hookers because you save time money and have guaranteed success
> stop even trying to flirt in nightclubs anymore, i just go to the brothel by myself
> been going to brothels here for the past 5 years
> 0% interested in women, just like banging them and cumming on their tits
> also abusing them within the confines of the law
> one day on message board reviewing local hoes read that some of them will lick your asshole too
> "i cannot believe someone would stoop so low for 50 euros"
> mustfindout.exe
> they usually ask for a supplement of 20 euros, 30 tops, but they agree
> spend my weekends lying on my back getting my asshole licked by a different hooker every saturday
> hardly even bother to fuck them anymore, i have them suck me to erection
> then just spread my legs, continue masturbating while they lick
> i lie there like a happy baby with some refugee tonguing my anus
> idea.mp3
> "i want to have women from all 192 countries lick my asshole"
> already 24 nations covered, picrel
> coincidentally my best orgasm ever was one time i let out a little fart on some brazilian 65 year old whore
> she laughed a little, i laughed a lot and i wanked to completion
> mfw i'm not even from kazakhstan

i added a ukranian a few months ago, the thought that her choices were being bombarbed by putin or bombarding my anus with her tongue had me diamons
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Praise the Boobies
This is similar to the cultural mentality in China. A total lack of respect for suckers and that anyone gullible to get scammed deserves it.
The only ukrainian i know is some fat middle aged guy with his fat wife and fat children, all refugees. Nice guy though
he ain't wrong tho. Bitches like this are like those breeds of dogs they've bred to look a certain way. They cute for a while but when they get older they ridden with health issues. Big breasted women are not unlike dachshunds or English bulldogs or pugs. They look hot but that's temporary.
They drunkards and promiscuous.
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I'm in California. We have hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, Uzbeks, and other random ethnicities from former Soviet Republics. You can always tell when you're looking at a Ukrainian or a Russian because they're white in the same sense that the light-skinned spics you meet are "white:"
You can always tell that there's something "off," trashy, and 3rd World about them.
Ukrainians ate very pushy at the line in grocery stores, they don't obey unwritten social rules of basic etiquette in public, and they don't control their children, opting instead to let kids roam free in a grocery store like it's some field in Chernobyl or some shit.
Ukrainian and Russian immigrants are low-key some of trashiest excuses for white people I've ever seen.
Still better than poos, Haitians, and most spics I guess -- but, I'd rather have NO MORE migrants flooding into my country, thank you very much!
You forgot your meme flag jigger. I don't have a dog in this fight as far as their war goes but you need to stay in your fucking lane.
None, my friend however worked with one on that faggot lied about half of his family being bombed.
It was obvious because he talked about it so carelessly and ended with “what can you do”.
It's cause of the jeets isn't it?
Just imagine opening up your home to her and in her gratitude she opens up her bra and engulfs your cock between her tits, trying to talk around the head of your cock as she explains how grateful she is in her Slavic pig tongue.
Pajeets aren’t white anon
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I don't understand what the problem with this is.
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I see them in big SUV, apparently there is no money problem in Ukraine, it's nice.
Christ I am but a man
forgot your memeflag
I got a better idea. Get her pregnant, keep her pregnant, and rent her tits out to the skinny women in town. Free coffee creamer can't be beat.
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they bring crime they bring drugs they're rapists
>Lust provoking image
>irrelevant, time-wasting question
sage, faggot
>bait of gold
Milk, cream, butter, cheese, I want Ukrainian refugees now.
no sex outside of marriage, that's the problem
partly your creation btw
these worthless fatherless slutwhores need gangrape
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Why do you say that? I figure that would only make their psychological condition rather worse.
They beat up a bus driver in sweden for not giving them a free ride. But atleast they wont be around for long. Give em hell Putin
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What if they just need more safe spaces exclusively for women instead?
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Wait. I thought most Swedes hated Russians and were cheering on Ukraine. What gives???
Only npc's are afraid of russia. They wont do shit yet its all ive heard since i was a kid. Shitskins invaded, not russia
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I guess that makes sense. Although, I'd be kind of afraid of Russia because they're so close to you, but I guess you know better.
They would not hit us first although we have strategically important land and sea passets. If they tried all of europe would help out of mutual interest. It's a total nothingburger threat
they do, it's called the kitchen and the home

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