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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Yep, victory is soon.
Something is off with this. They're setting her up to fall hard.
These were the candidates left after she dropped out of the primary first. She was first because everyone hated her with a passion.
Honestly he should’ve held off and announced it at the dnc convention that would’ve created more hype, how many people are honestly paying attention to his Twitter posts besides partisan democrats
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Didnt ask, bubba.
He was getting too much flak for it. Democrats are extremely petty and love bullying anyone who isn't culting hard enough
fuck Obama, that social terrorist
Definitely was a deliberate choice not to endorse her right away but I cant tell if it was to hide his hand in all this or if he had genuine hesitation. Anyway they probably threatened to kill another one of his boyfriends so he stepped back in line. He must have been a bad boy lately
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Also Blumf calling him out by name probably prompted this. Seems like a half-hearted endorsement
so drumpf baited obummer into endorsing her kek
I could See big Mike as her running mate. It would be the most diverse ticket in her/history
He'll still show up at the convention. This is now a Obama proxy campaign.
Drampf finally got his wish and is running against Obama. Next 3 months will be hilarious.
It has to be Bootygay
>Mark Kelly
He can't run, he'd have to resign his senate seat
>Section 38-296 of the Arizona Revised Statutes,[2] entitled "Limitation upon filing for election by incumbent of elective office" states:
>Except during the final year of the term being served, no incumbent of a salaried elective office, whether holding by election or appointment, may offer himself for nomination or election to any salaried local, state or federal office.
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Only faggots and cat lady democrats like Obama.
I agree it's Bootyjudge
Momala for 2025
big mike already said he wants no part of the campaign. stretching gretchin doesn't want it, newsom doesn't want it. everyone knows drumpf is going to win so they gain nothing by joining a losing ticket. it needs to be someone who is willing to take one for the team or someone ready to retire.
Not a single solitary chance of this. Harris is the Clinton faction. No way Big Mike would agree to be her veep. Every indication is that Mike doesn't want a career in politics, and if he did he would have run for the top job.
Regardless of the insane levels of shilling and fake polls, Harris is widely despised by everybody. Even BLM came out against her. She's got a horrible record, is dumb as a bag of rocks, and can't speak for shit. Her only "quality" is melanated vagina, and that's pretty much played out. Americans want to make money, not history.
At 5:40 AM? Wtf? Why is everything so fucking weird lately?
Bootscoot doesn't wanna risk being on losing ticket and blowing up his chances for 2028. It is gonna be some fucking rando governor.
Yes, it's going to be a nobody who has no 2028 ambitions. The ONLY reason to be her veep is to get name recognition, and the likes of Newsome and Whittmer don't need that.
get ready for Obama 2.0 if Harris wins:

>more radical social terrorism on America
>more "ups" for coloreds at the expense of everything else
>more coloreds being promoting in interracial ads everywhere
>more policies funneling money to coloreds

Whites wont get SHIT under Harris. you are a fucking fool if you are a White woman voting for Harris because she is a woman.
No, she's going to win because Democrats are going to cheat again.
>posting an endorsement at 5am

just another totally normal thing
Missed Drumpft doing that, the heat was certainly turning up and Obama would have to directly address it one way or the other. I think Trump enjoys making Obama squirm in particular. Notice how Barry attempts to backdate the endorsement to "earlier this week" like he just forgot to tell everyone. Weak, he doesn't think she has it in her. Put on your straight butch pants and say it with your chest
Ummm sweaty there are no white people on this site, much less any white women
>the fakest kikiest people on the planet + Yang hated her
this is a bad thing why?
I think you overestimate Gretchens name reco. Some polls have it real low, Gavin also doesn't poll as high as you'd expect for name reco. Still I think they talk Bootyboy into the VP even if it is a shit sandwich. They literally talked this clearly straight guy into saying he's gay for career advancement
Pretty bizarre. I guess maybe he wants people to think it’s old news right away? Or is he trolling everyone? Remember, Obama is not nearly as fucking retarded as most democrats. There could be a plan here, but I don’t see it.
Because it’s a half-hearted endorsement, just because Trump made that press release
literally none of this happened
and there was like one or two ads that had an interracial couple and white boomers flipped their shit just like they did for the tranny on the beer can, because they can't eat cheerios without thinking about black dick and they can't drink beer without thinking about girl dick, bunch of repressed homos.
You missed.
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>endorsed in the middle of the night
>on a Friday
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It was his campaign officially but might as well be him
Yeah, he’s definitely not too hot on their pick. Who would be? Literally the only worse person they could pick is Biden.
Yet another Kamalacat W
Trumpbabies son suicide watch
You are literally on a site with a user base that is obsessed with trannies and black men in pornography. Beating off and then screeching about how leftism is ruining the world. Did you contribute to Grindr crashing when you went to the republican national committee last week?
where the fuck are all these kamalabot dnc shills coming from??
why are they wasting troll farm resources spamming this board? there’s like 40 of these glow threads a day now. sage so the jannies can keep mopping up all this diarrhea
>floods board with bbc and trannies from pictures saved in xirs hard drive.
>pretends we posted it
>has grindr downloaded
>pretends we’re on it
Many such cases. Sad!
I heard he wanted Mark Kelly at the top of the ticket. Would’ve been way harder for Trump to beat
this is what im talking about. social terrorists will fuck you over then lie to your face.
im not voting Trump.

vote RFK Je
We can still have normal discussions in the post. Just think of them as automated conversation starters and have fun playing the “bot or not” guessing game.
Civil war erupts if Kamala somehow takes charge. The power vacuum will be too much
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Trump shamed them into action. They are just reacting to his barbs. Now they can't pretend there is anything democratic about the convention.

Way to "lead" dipshits.
social terrorists pictured
Wtf which Biden is that
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How do you think she’ll defend Kamalanomics?
why is Jackie chan so tall? bootygag is fucking tiny
He would have been a tough opponent for Trump if he had won his primary, if Joe would have announced a year ago he wasn’t running.

Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up
-Barack Obama
>trump literally forced them to respond with a weird ai generated video at 5am

>How do you think she’ll defend Kamalanomics?

"I was never in charge of that" Followed by hellish cackling. If a man is within 10 feet she will reflexively drop to her knees.
>everyone knows drumpf is going to win so they gain nothing by joining a losing ticket.
Everyone knew Trump was going to win in 2020, too.
They also cheated in 2016, they just didn't cheat enough.
If they put her with bootygig they must really want her to lose. East Palestine was a disaster and he was MIA.
Too big to rig, my nig.
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There are only two ways for this to end:
1. Kamala becomes president and starts WW3 with China

2. Kamala becomes president and the US will destroy itself.

I'm ok with both
Nigger country for niggers
Everyone knew Hillary was going to win in 2016, too
That half caste nigger was worse than 9/11 in regards to terrible things happening to America. Nothing has been right and the collapse of the nation just seemed to speed up since he came along.
There was really weird cope on pol for the last several days, like Obama would be the dems downfall. Obama seems completely beyond checked out but he'll show at the DNC when they announce Kamala's VP
You HAVE to admit a 5:00 AM endorsement is ducking weird. Unless you’re a bot.
Obama is as irrelevant as Bush. Please, go to the DNC. Endorse whoever.
This is a direct response to Trump calling him out for not endorsing her. They're trying to bait Trump into debating her before the convention.
Its not going to work.
Yeah, because every doubted that the Obama's would endorse Kamala...
Destroying America and Europe with a biracial abomination is probably at the top of the list of jew end time fantasies.
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Your politics has turned into your sportsball and your porn. Black dominated.
He's laughing at your mutts.
while it is strange, its likely just part of the than the general incompetence that comes with DEI "social media managers". For example, posting Samsung celebrity endorsements from iPhones etc
Nice to see she uses her phone in the authentic "loud and annoying ethnic style".

Wonder what they threatened him with
>would have been a huge thing at the dnc
>democrats desperate to keep the astroturfing going for 4 months
>trump forced them to blow it now

what's left? taylor swift endorsement? then what? they've got nothing.
Butt gig.
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Congratulations Madame President
>Destroying America and Europe
Man destroying America would be the best thing that ever happened to the white race.
Fuck off shill. Fuck your white race. Trump will win, America will win, you fucking lost.
Has anyone anywhere actually attempted to discuss policy? So far I've seen nothing but people saying they want to win a popularity contest.
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>love bullying anyone who isn't culting hard enough
The term you're looking for is "purity spiral", where everyone constantly tries to one-up each other in how "pure" to the cause they are.
Obama's in trouble now.
Nobody likes republican policies, so they desperately turned elections into a clown fiesta so they could stand a chance.
Wow if that’s actually what Trump intended to do that is honestly genius lmao
>Abhorrent post
Take off your Ukrainian proxy, leaf.
No retard it's more like Trump forced them to go all in with her and commit.
>caring what a disgusting, cocksucking fudgepacker married to a farenghi troon mother fucker thinks
They already chose who the president will be. This is all one big puppet show for the masses.
>we're going to do everything we can to make sure she wins>we're going to do everything we can to make sure she wins>we're going to do everything we can to make sure she wins>we're going to do everything we can to make sure she wins>we're going to do everything we can to make sure she wins

>I'm winning
t. Randy X. Hernandez-O'Bergstein III
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RFK is the obvious choice
>this cope
I think he intended to say "I will only debate your official Candidate". Everything else is a Democrat unforced error.

Trump will still not debate until they have an official candidate, and the States may have something to say at the Democrat convention.
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>Man who lost all dignity loses remaining dignity he didn’t know he had
By your logic, if I punch you repeatedly in the face, I never punched you at all. Please DOXX yourself, faggot.
Another cope is stolen from the chuddies kek
> victory is soon
First Joe must die.
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Took him a while, he doesn't seem very confident.

>Finally, Bernie 2024!!

can we please meme this into existence.
Kamala is low IQ and has a shitty record. This makes me think they are conceding 2024 because they are betting that without Trump, the RINOs retake the GOP and 2028 will be a landslide for Big Mike.
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im voting for kamala harris because we need a vice president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in his ass with cocks and eats cum

>Dem'rats re-hashing the least popular candidate of 2020

bitch ain't "black" she is pajeeta-mutt
her father wrote book about their slave-owning family history
mother was a street shitter
Kamala is an 'anchor baby'
she is the best advertisement for ending 'birthright citizenship' since 1965
Why did they have to film it?
You obviously werent paying attention, my target store, in a 90%+ white community, didn't have a single ad or model in the entire store featuring white people. Just Israelis.
kek what a gaslighting faggot, you just know this guy has spammed BBC threads
kek, Obama's endorsement has been the kiss of death for everything he's ever endorsed.
Kek, the same day when tromp said Barack Hussein Obama did not endorse Harris.
5am right before news anchors greet everyone on friday morning : )
I like this idea
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they dont need voters or consent
You're just now figuring that out?
>last four years of rampant inflation
>here's the other figurehead for that
The DNC is letting Kamala fall on the sword so they can wipe their hands clean of the Biden-Harris administration and launch anew with locals and 2028. They don't expect to win this one but they need a fresh campaign next go around.
she's a woman so it won't be Obamas
Which Yang didn't cuck for you know (((who))) the little asian nibba was a fun candidate
>last four years of rampant inflation
>had 1 year of 9 percent inflation
>makes it sound like second coming of Zimbabwe
Go buy groceries and get back to us, maybe swing by a "cheap" fast food place on the way back, and then buy some gas.
Hell yeah, drone strikes on wedding ceremonies back on the menu
They're spawning all the sudden, because she just got Joe campaign funds transferred to her. They're paying DNC bot farms. Look at this thread. 100 1pbtid memeflags.
Hey yo, last night, me and my boyz was up at the local chicken joint wildn’ out havin’ a ‘fuck white people’ meet up. Ya'll know we was just dabbin’ dat ass and talkin' shit about them cracka ass mayo monkies down the way.
Next thing ya know, ol' Kamala come dancin' on the TV screen and my homie, he preachin’, "Ya'll know what? For an old Indian lady, that Kamala be tight.”
And no bussin’ if them niggaz didn't go straight up bix nood, full stop. The was leanin’ tha gas press hard on they Caddies makin’ dat shit RUMBLE. They was even blastin’ caps up at the sky while joyful shouts of “UUH LALA KA-MA-LA” echoed through the night air.
I think it's safe to say... Kamala gonna get that gangsta vote.
>9 percent
>he believes the (((official numbers))) over his own bank account statement
Good goyim, I bet you believe mass immigration is good because it increases (((GDP))), too.

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