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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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is physiognomy real?
is there a difference in the hook nose of a kike vs the roman bump many white people have(considered a status symbol in ancient rome)?
Physiognomy had been discredited by the mid-20th century. Held under scrutiny, its claims were disproven. Physical anthropology abandoned the practice.
thanks chat-gpt
but I have little faith in the current "science"
Both of those noses are jewish. The whole aquilline bump thing is just to cover up that jews have been in positions of power all throughout history, even during the Roman era when they pretended to be oppressed.
Physiognomy had been discredited by the mid-20th century because it exposed the jew
there's clearly a huge difference in them
BUMP (roman)
>imaging caring about the shape of your nose

What are you, a vapid 14 y.o. girl?
i believe it, and I'm gonna tell you this once
always trust your instincts before it's too late
? How about you kys, mutt.
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I would look into Chinese A.I. Systems for facial recognition.
Ever wonder why some people always get targeted at stores?
Most Axis Camera systems have facial recognition that will flag you for being a problem or match your face with someone that has in the past.
It also has the "Capability" to detect people faces and expressions that will often steal things.
so does your desire dictate your face or your actions
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>because it exposed the jew
Thread indeed.
"roman bump" is retarded, all the people with prominent hooked noses had "roman bump" when they were younger, a strong hook nose grows with age, like a nice beard.
they use it hardcore for absolutely all animals.
but not for humans.

>it's all about ideas! not skin or facial features!
where do the ideas come from?
>you're a nazi!!
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hook nose comes from mouth breathing due to talmud reading sessions and their ugly guttural language
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Not really sure what the Chinese are up too.
But what I can tell you, is that all Hikovission Hardware and software beams back to homebase and is able to use that as training data to find problem people.
Sadly, the chinese are so far ahead of the game, they made it so that even remote viewers would have trouble with the software stack.
But truthfully, this kind of software does exist in the USA, but under the guise the software is being held on non Western servers.

Example? :
I have the nose on the left and Jews from NY uses to come at me thinking I was one of them.
no, they aren't, kill yourself rabbi
the problem with kikes is not their noses
>not technojuden with augmentation
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well there's ai shit hidden everywhere
like here pic rel
it's from a vending machine
has ai facial recognition in it, but people only found out when an error happened, no one knew not even the people who installed it
We can now build machines better than jews.
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The jewish nose hangs downward unlike the med roman bump which doesn't.
But almost all of them are getting rhino-platies nowadays which is why so many platic surgeons are jewish and by extension why white girls getting their face fucked with is so prevalent.
I'm a jew and frankly i've never seen a nose like in that pic in person.

Either Hitler cleansed that nose very well or it's a case of mistaken identity as apparantly either Armenians or Georgians do have that one.
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That has to be the most blatant fucking lie ever told.
I'm no even jewish and I know jews with noses worse than that.
Current science believes in dark matter (lol), vaccines are 100% effective, and you can stop the weather from changing by avoiding plastic straws
I don't see what's not to trust there, anon? Why can't you trust the science?
I belive roman times were the only ones that defeted phonecians (jews)
Cool story bro but i've never met those then.

I mean if you equate noses with jews that is only to my advantage so go ahead and do that.
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Jews are obsolete.
It'd be unironically hilarious is this is the driving force behind AI.
what like jews are a tool of satan to bring about ai, or robot jews are the ones
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Hebrews were twatted by every empire that's ever existed.
Even the Chinese traded with time along the Silk Road 1000yrs ago and kicked their arses.
>>twf jews had to invent a god so they didn't feel like losers
THx Anon!

Imagine how many of these machines are on Military bases?
Man, that would mean that we might even have a few of these at the white house?
Maybe even in Secure areas?
Police departments?
No more like.
>We don't like jews!
>But jews too smort to miss
>We make robojew to replace!
>is there a difference in the hook nose of a kike vs the roman bump many white people have(considered a status symbol in ancient rome)?
There is.
The jewish hooked nose in general shows the nostrils content, has a "6" shape and is unsettling.
The roman nose has a bump and just it, no nostrils show-off no unsettling uncanny valley feel to it.
>is this is the driving force behind AI
Algorithms will replace all jobs where someone;
>doesn't get the hands dirty
>just makes decisions based on available facts
>shuffles paper
>relies on past experience learned
>has an expensive office taking up space
>gets stock options
>can change corporation with ease, irrespective of product or company
I am actively making jews extinct in the workforce.
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says the kike
As a NEET jew i admire your hard work towards ensuring a steady supply of tendies for me.
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juden in 2003; "GOYIM, LEARN TO CODE"
me in 2003; "okay"
me in 2024; "JEWS, LEARN TO (MINE) COAL"
jews in 2024; "OH SHIEEET!"
This is a fact!
I got to warm up a cheeseburger.
I am making you extinct in the workforce, jew.
Learn to coal.
anthro is the most pathetically kiked of all social sciences. nothing but insane jewish women with trust funds and their acolytes
"Roman nose" is a jewish lie, they invented it to better blend in to their host nations.
The nose ALWAYS knows
well who owns the machines or the software servers that the info goes to
>Physiognomy had been discredited by the mid-20th century.
Funny thing is the Chinese national databases when run through physionomy algorithms have LEARNED to stop criminals.
Chinkies found it's not bs after all.
Read their 2004, 2007, 2020 and 2023 papers on the subject.
I was already extinct in the workforce.
I am learning to eat yet more tendies.
Ding ding ding, found the kike
If black;threat=yes
>well who owns the machines or the software servers that the info goes to
I do.
And we coincidentally now have a plan for the useless jews and useless niggers, one that doesn't involve silly 1930s German tech based on all those showers, crematoria and cattle-truck nonsense.
We've MOVED ON technologically a big deal since then.
>6m in 10yrs
Fckin' rookie numbers.
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>I am learning to eat yet more tendies.
Run, lard-jew.
>tfw jew-herding and nigger-wrangling will be future career choices
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Translation from Globalist Kike Speak: Yes, it's real and practical
good luck friend
are the breakaway germans coming
I can definitely tell a person's character by what they look like and I'm rarely wrong about that sort of thing. It's real enough to me.
Runming is for faggoty goyim like you fighting wars against their own shadows.
Also i am not fat, sooner ripped since i do a lot of cycling.

Hence the tendies.
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checked and why-not-pilled
>tfw it's not as if they're gonna be able to fight back, is it?
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>since i do a lot of cycling
Peddle harder, lard-jew.
Don't mind if i do, that's kinda the point of cycling.
I am not sure but Jews are why the Uncanny Valley is a thing. Seeing them in person, their insane characteristics and movements, it’s not human. They prey on us and say or do anything to take control and so they can enslave and kill us. The Uncanny Valley exists to identify them. Give you a sense of unease. It’s not robots we fear, that thing where they move their head and then their eyes, Jews actually do that. Some of them. But they are getting better at blending in.
I can't believe this is what war has come to
>those who live by the sword die by the drone
It's just a personalised explosive basically.

Only real difference with past wars is better aim and better foorage.
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Jews exist so genuine humans have an example of all the worst traits a hominid can have.
They're just an object lesson in how not to live and what kind of thinking to avoid if you want a nice civilized society.
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Jews big nose = fat nigger nose

It is NOT a hook nosed armenoid whitoid nose.

Whitoids culturally appropriate everything. A race of fucking assholes
The modern jew is usually Ashkenazi or Shephardi but for practical purposes they are both the same stock.
These people colonized Sicily and immigrated to Spain and Italy, and then much later the Jews of the Holy Roman Empire claimed to come from these groups, but this is complicated by an influx of Khazars converts.
Its possible the Khazars are distantly related by another branch from northern Iraq entering the modern gene pool via Turkish vectors rather than Italian and Spanish ones.
but in any case yes they were in Rome and in a racially diverse period with lots of immigration where it was easy to drop the identity even with conspicuous noses.
Say aren't your cities infested with muslims that insist they totally had nothing to do with their transport to your country?
I mean pots and kettles and all that.

You're just discount versions of us that can't even fight worth a damn when push comes to shove.
All you do is bask in delusions and boast.
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Imagine american soldiers up against that.
Stop fighting the last war, buddy. Warfare has moved on and so should you. Your silly little guns don't matter. Flying death-squads now roam the battlefield.
Join the usarmy now to die for juden, lad.
Join the usrangers and raise your gf's pet nigger with your time and money.
Those faces flick a kill switch deep in my brain, almost like it's instinct to hate them.
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Nothing you said made anything I stated less true.
Present an argument like a real human next time, jew?
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The IDF are hilarious.
More keks for you to take away the bad taste of vile juden.
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Nobody is telling me these aren't inbred mutants.
I would present counter arguments if i had noticed you had made arguments.

Isn't the usual complaint that we're too argumentative anyhow?
How nice of you to present quintessial judaism as a defining trait of humanity.

Sometimes i wonder how many of our servants serve us precisely by hating us.
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They have so many mongoloids and defectives you can just tell they're marrying their brothers and sisters after this many generations.
And this is the human trash they have to draw from to make their army?
Poor cunts are fcked.
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Argue over the meaning of words some more, mighty word-jew.
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Why does this white couple have a little nigger baby? And more importantly, why are they showing it affection rather than disdain?
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Maybe they're a lesbian and a poofter and trying to eat it?
Americans are strange. Who knows?
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I would, but you've given me nothing to work with. It's basically like a cat acting as if it has said something profound when i am not sure whether it even attempted to speak.
yeah what the netherjew says is true. consensus among all the science experts says it is debunked so you should definitely be ignoring anyone claiming otherwise to avoid circulating misinformation, which is very dangerous to a democracy
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jew yapping
yap yap yap
If you go for the nose jews you'll catch more noses than jews.
He knows how you function as a contrarian too.

You serve because you fo not want to.
Again with the pottery.

I am starting to think you never even had any arguments in the first place, you sly devil you!
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>onsensus among all the
Chinese use it in their criminal justice system AND their CCTV algorithms.
It appears to work.
Maybe brain shape from skull shape does equal behaviour after all... like when comparing genuine humans to darker subhumans.
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>too argumentative
Arguing about whether to let my people be demographically replaced or whether my son should chop his dick off is a trait that needs to be permanently removed.
Dutchmutts are retarded
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I like jews.
They're easy to set on fire.
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Cool story bruh, but neither of those is done by us to you.

Your people are inconsequential to us, which is why we do not prevent it. But the actual act us just you hitting yourselves in the face.

Americans are especially weird like that with the circumcision; we circumcise because for most of us it is a medical necessity. We would do it even without the religion telling us to do so since not doing so would have clear and swift consequences for us.

Americans do it to emulate us.
Yes. The smooth rounded hook is semitic, the bumped nose is Aquilane and more Roman/Gallic.
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>Your people are inconsequential to us
So much for that 'blending into society' and 'all the same' nonsense.
See how they think when you scratch the surface.
Case Closed.
The only times I got shafted is when I doubted my first impression due to physiognomy.
Always trust physiognomy.
I did identify you as a muslim earlier on.
I mean no certainty on that of course but i'm not gonna pretend i don't notice patterns.

Hence the wording anyhow.
There's not a single shred of reality attached to it.
Ancient Greeks used to to justify that Germanics overall were subhuman and dumb and then when Germanics got the longer stick in history they re-wrote identical books with identical titles writing that Greeks are subhumans and dumb.

It's just shitposting in book form, banter that makes fool more insufferable once they absorb it uncritically.
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Pre-judgement is not a flaw.
It is a survival instinct.
There's a reason White people are successful and have been the most successful humans on this planet for thousands of years.
>"Oh look... they want to be friends"
No they didn't lol the fuck trash do you speak. Germanics meaning Scythians as they were known. They shared a common ancestry. Greeks looked like the Waffen SS 2000 years ago.

They're not the arab cockroaches there now who haven't done anything great for the past 2000 years. Interesting how it racially coincides with their achievements... that being the racial quality.
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>cannot permit itself to image a White Blue-Eyed British guy has called out its jewish nonsense
>cope-circuit-activated; must be a dirty fckin muslim
jew yapping
yap yap yap
Learn English you subhuman immigrant.
What utter nonsense and low IQ retardation have you uttered.
Yeah, for hundreds of thousands of years the difference between life and death was a choice made in miliseconds through instinct.
Always trust your instinct, it's the reason why you're here today.
Nah, just experience.
Also blue eyed white Brits would look a diminutive version of me.

People always forget what millennia of mixing does.
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They still carry the DNA of a dirty jew.
Oh I'm talking to a gypsy let me retard what I'm saying so your drooling cockroach skin kind can understand: "duurrrr u peepl aren't capalbe of making civilization, ur ppl are only good 4 crime".
yap yap yap
The guys is a turk or azeri iirc.
Literally what you are doing.
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So you won't mind when you're removed from all financial, media and legal professions in the US and Europe then? Because that's what needs to happen to jewish 'people'.
Is this your ancestor?
Probably, might also be a kurd i suppose.
It's from that region anyhow and i have literally never seen anything like it in jews.

Then again we're the ones that didn't flee, it stands to reason that o'l Hitler and his goons took care of the more obvious ones more easily, leading to greater death rates for hook-nosed jews.
If you met an Italian mutt and jew mutt from the northeast, you can not tell the difference in comport and most of the time, physically. .
>we circumcise because for most of us it is a medical necessity
What kind of bullshit is that.
Depends on how you "remove", people like you are goid at moaning about that which fights back and consequently losing to it.

Do it nonviolently, without theft, coercion or the obvious intent to abuse such things immediately after and no one will oppose you.

Otherwise you will fight and you will lose as many times before.
Taken that from an islamic Playboy magazine did ya?
what are you a kike?
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>removed from all financial, media and legal professions in the US and Europe
It is already happening.
Legal and business decision-making is ALREADY being done my algorithms meaning the next huge waves of layoffs will put millions of jews out of work.
The kinds of jobs where some synagogue-enjoyer never gets their hands dirty but makes 6 or 7 figure salaries are the ones PRIMED for replacement by low-cost algorithms as a service.
I personally am in the process of being responsible for putting thousands of jews on the scrapheap. They will never work again. They entire career/job-description will be a thing of the past.
It's literally a common medical procedure for ill-fitting foreskins, which is something most jews have.

Hence it being nearly uniquitous even among the non-religious.
It's real, it is factual, it is also grounded in easily replicable experimentation with a 100% success rate.
Why is this board in particular filled with obnoxious and retarded brown people seething about Jews, Europeans and Americans and fanboying for Russia?
Only jeets and pakis use expressions like "yap yap yap".
Whenever you see someone using extremely childish vocabulary and acting like he's tough, it's a jeet.
I mean, to me it looks like (the left) is an honored warrior of the gods that will with honesty and honor, fight to sustain peace of the land.
Meanwhile (the right) looks like a lying and deceiving human that lies every chance they get, would sell gheir own family for an extra shekel, the opposite of the other to the point where god himself sucker punched the fucker for lying to be ((gods chosen)) when it couldn't be further from the truth.
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You have made up your little jewish mind and I find it amusing you cannot change it even faced with facts.
It's why your kind fail.
>why is this board of anonymous people them being honest
Because we're better than you.
Might be what set off my muslim detector, but he's funny.
What do you know about anything, Gomez?
Jews are the ones writing these algorthms, numbskull.
"AI" is 100 percent Jewish. It's more Jewish than a Passover Bar mitzvah celebration.
Are these "facts" in the room with us right now, or are they with your imaginary "arguments"?
>"AI" is 100 percent Jewish.
Shows what you know, Ivanov.
Look you stupid little brown fuck, I don;t know about Jews but I know your tyope hindu/muslim are fucking cancer that have to be deported or die. So what don;t you get the fuck off this site and pack your little bags for your trip back to whatever arid shithole your worthless dna slipped out of by accident?
Can you fuck off pissing and shidding
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My coffee break at the lab is over.
You may return to your kvetching and hand-rubbing, Mr van Goldberg-Toothpaste-Shekel.
Gomez is more of a Spaniard/Portuguese last name, next time use Sanchez
Nah, muslims and hindus browns are the literal shit on humanities shoes and this board is full of jibbering brown morons demonstrating their inferiority. I remember when his board would discuss classical literature. Your parents probably used books to light fired to cook goat.
Good luck in your endeavors in securing yet more tendies for me.
>which is something most jews have
Proofs? They probably dont even know what a foreskin is supposed to be like.
90% of the D&C threads in this board are made by jeets who thought that by making them, they will stop being the most mocked race on the internet.
The thing is that before they started doing that shit, most people didn't think much of them aside from feeling bewildered at their lack of sanitation and basic hygiene.
I just want to discuss politics and most of the time I have to filter the catalog because a street shitter thinks he's quintessentially italian or that he's the best programmer in the biz or some dumb shit.
It's annoying.
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People could mistake the basque nose (probably of ancient Georgian-Caucasian origin from the mountains) with the jewish nose.

This is the basque nose. This kind of nose exhibits ancient European traits.
Proof lies primarily in it being conducted by just ordinary doctors that evaluate the reasoning and necessity beforehand.

My own parents didn't see a reason to do it but a bit later an infection caused by the issue forced them to seek out medical aid anyhow.

Practically doing it earlier rather than just waiting for the obvious just improves the succes rate.
Makes sense. Generations of cutting foreskins at birth would make it so natural selection doesn't discriminate for genes that would produce bad foreskin.

It's easy to identify the jewish nose. The jewish nose has the nostrils hidden under the beak, because it evolved that way to protect them from the desert sandstorms. Sand in your lung fucks you up, after all.
Notice that in your picture, you can see the nostrils. So no jewish nose.
As a fun fact though, in Mexico, our crypto jews have Basque last names. Not saying that the Basque are jews, but that jews somehow started getting their last names to blend in.
I guess it has to do with the fact that our first emperor was Basque.

bump nosed cosa nostra's are cryto. cryptos and their shabbos goi hewers and fetchers are everywhere, every nation has them.

Yirm 24:9 And I will deliver them for abhorrence, for an offense to kol mamlechot ha'aretz to be a reproach and a byword, a taunt and a kelalah (curse) in all places where I shall drive them.
Anyone who stays Europeans with big noses are not White are just kikes lying to you.

Kikes have various other fetures that are noticebly Jewish not just the nose. It's a combination of these features which Jews have

common Jewish characteristics
-beady eyes
-fish lips
-a curled grin
You just described most of non-islamic england with that.
>is there a difference in the hook nose of a kike vs the roman bump many white people have
The difference is the protruding mandible that bends the nasal cartilage like a bow (its called prognathism)
there is no "roman bump"
all people who have noses downward are jews.
nigger people don´t have downward noses.
true white people have small noses and straight line noses
nordic people have bigger noses but they are straight and with adequate facial proportions.
the problem is that jews and sandjews are mixing with whites to bypass as whites.
look at high level people in the USA.
but Jewish DNA is a cursed DNA, no matter the amout of mixing, they all come ugly, remember when you see that white dude, but he is not pretty and he is strange, that´s a jew.
God placed a curse on Cain lineage(jews lineage) this curse will keep happening until the end of the days.
this is why jews will do plastic surgeries to try to imitate true white people.
this is why also why jewess painted their hairs blonde, to try to imitate, but it became so mainstream that other woman also did it.
jewesses always have that ugly body shape that is not proportional.
they even developed science to try to get the maximum near white people, but in the recent events they are using white people golems that are stolem from white families and used those orphan kids to be artists in jewlyhood after they have been sodomized in espstain islands.
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>hook nose of a kike
That nose belongs to a Turk
>they’re the same
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Is dog breeding real?
that (((roman))) nose is actually the northman's nose
There a re other races with big noses, including anglos and Germans
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Take a good look at the old Roman statues. Why are all the noses removed?
Never underestimate the power of a schnoz. As anon above said, Jews thought he was 'one of them' just because he had a large nose.

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