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>we are ready to negotiate

K. But, why would Russia negotiate now? All they need to do is keep pushing until Ukraine capitulates. There's nothing for Russia to be gained by negotiating at this point.
How about we nuke Russia instead?
Everyone knows russia won't negotiate in good faith. They will just use any break in fighting to rearm and prepare to continue the invasion.
your nukes don't work because they are fake.
Russian ministry of foreign affairs already said they are not interested in negotiations
Like how 404 did with Minsk agreements?
Like CIA and Victoria Nuland in Kyiv in 2014, and Ukraine outlawing the russian language, and bombing civilians in Donbas for 8 years? Any other zigger lie that I forgot to mention?
All capitulations started with talks, idkw how you imagine such things work
Kiev can only agree on surrender terms if not operation continues like for these years passed by
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Checked, these digits don't lie.
Also, remember Zelensky overstayed his term and is no longer a legitimate leader of Ukraine that can negotiate with anyone. He's nothing more than some coked up criminal faggot clown that needs to be shot.
Kuleba is hohol not Russian, hes talking about negotiations you dumb fuck
>the jew is doing everything to force us to capitulate
He won't succeed.
What does that have to do with the undeniable fact that russia will just continue to rearm and eventually invade Ukraine again? Niggers can't go against their nature.
There wont be again, they wont stop. At the same time they'll stockpiling, just like China is. It's pretty same to assume baltic states will be taken over and Poland will be next in line to be minced.
>bombing civilians in Donbas for 8 years
Even Prigozhin said it's false.
Best part of all of this is that europe is pretty much out of ammo, out of hardware, and the US is unable to help either, so wont, will just look at the middle east pondering, watching europe gets demolished. KEK
As long as the demons in charge of ukraine keep buying arms and training their monkeys to point said guns at russia more and more of ukraine will disappear into the history books. If this is your job to defend nato then great, you're doing a shitty job. If it isn't a job then you are in delulu land. As the saying goes, you want it one way, but it's the other way
That's right, don't negotiate.
This only ends when Ukraine surrenders unconditionally.
Russia is way too weak and scared to go against a NATO country. And besides, just Poland alone could curbstomp russia now. Russia has literally zero chance against an actual fighting army.
>he thinks NATO even exists and it's not solely a US institution. NATO can't do anything for the reasons I've already mentioned, it doesn't exist.
Now ask your self what can Switzerland bring to the table?
Poland isn't even at 20% of what Ukraine was. Should know better before you speak.
Of course it's false. That doesn't stop vatnig shills from repeating it all over. Lying comes as naturally as breathing to russians.
I wish you pussies would. Just end this pain once and for all.
>He won't succeed.
you've seen the alternative?
So Russia conciders a non-existant entity as a threat? So they invaded Ukraine because of a spook!? Wow!!!
>This only ends when russia surrenders unconditionally
Fixed that for you. The war will end and we will have peace when:
Russia withdraws from all Ukrainian territories
Russia agrees to pay war reparations
Russia agrees to a demilitarized zone 50km from Ukraine's borders
Russia turns over Putin and his cronies to The Hague

It's so fucking simple. The only thing that prevents this is the fact that Monke is the most cowardly "leader" in the world.
Now this is one scared zigger. Russia is weak and finished, and you know it.
The russian mind is amazing. They will effortlessly believe two completely contradicting things at the same time. They will also lie effortlessly about everything, and when they lie, they both know they are lying yet will believe it to be true at the same time.
and ukraine can trade small 20k people towns for 10-15k dead russians.
Where did you figure this out, obviously not if they're willing to mince Ukraine, which is 100% funded and thoughtfully supplied by NATO, to the scale of disarming it self. This is why Russia won't stop, can't allow the enemy to rearm in years to come. So europe is next. Might even use nuke or two and wait for coping responses. And the US watching and keking around the fact that it wont get involved because it means MAD.
There are a lot of synagogues in Amsterdam. Do you really want to do that?
You bring no arguments to the table, can only cope. Russia might stop, if the europe capitulates to the demand of neutrality and demilitarization. But europe won't accept it and it'll be slowly devoured.
usa guts and skull fucks aids bear so bad even without nukes if russia uses even one mall tactical
I'm not Russian :D
What I bring to this thread is a reality of situation. No matter of narrative or a rhetoric, they couldn't give a damn about whatever media or what Europeans think what so ever.
yeah it gonna take more years in ukraine than putin has years to live. and russian gains are so small its fucking joke to us now, it wasent 2 years ago
so you are some orc simp meme flagging nigger or trump tard chud?
USA wont involve it self because it can't, it's also demilitarized in this worthless conflict, it pushes the world against the $ forcing it to inflate. Besides, USA has other business to take care first, like making sure Israel is safe, and that needs a lot of support.
Should have negotiated when it was the time to negotiate. But corruption runs high in Ukraine and they did think the whole world would run to their aid.
Talk about being a delusional vatnig virgin. Russia is losing to the weakest army in Europe. Russia's economy was 10% of Europe's before the war, and now continue to shrink. The sooner russia acknowledges the reality of the situation, the sooner we can all have peace. All they have to do is withdraw their occupying forces, stop their terrorist attacks, and pay war reparations. And extradite their war criminals. Again, why is that so hard? Any other world leader would have done this long ago, except Monke. He's a senile old diaper-wearing fart who lives in constant fear. Amazing how you worship him as a "strongman" when he's anything but.
Ukrainian women are hot af. This war sucks. But european pedo elites thought they'll defeat Russia with sanctions, thinking US is in it 100% LMAO. Imagine being that stupid.
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i don't get it either
should've negotiated way back in feb '22
now its 4 oblasts instead of 2 (not even talking Crimea) and God knows what else
gl, hyhyls, you wanted this
If russia is so great and winning, why aren't you going back there?
Ask dead moskal scum why.
>He won't succeed
What Russia should have done is gone in full invasion of Iraq style and flattened Kiev instead of pussyfooting around
Once you lose too many men you are forced to go for all-or-nothing because of the sunk cost
Russia is literally is rising in economy, it already surpassed Japan and Germany, evne in terms of fake fiat economy. So that means it's double that. European economy is based on debt economy, which isn't sustainable. More of the industry is relocating to the US and China, so what's the point of lending money to buy goods that cost insane prices, even if that increases a GDP on paper. It's better to be able to actually produce and own resources for free or cheap, even though it looks like GDP is smaller. Your argument is essentially "I'm more powerful because I have a lot of money", and what will you wage a war with then, money?
Yeah keep pushing 50k of vatniks into the meat grinder for every small town. Just 2 more millenia until they capture Ukraine.
lets make it 6. Also ivan, please capture Odessa soon. I want to see them seethe
Why would I since I'm not from there. I'm just putting things into context and presenting an actual reality of situation, not some retarded dumbed down narratives which serve to say the opinions of the masses that play no role whatsoever. It's not like Europeans have a choice at the end of the day. They live in a gated totalitarian full spectrum brainwashing and censorship mode anyways.
i thought so too at first but waging a war like this didnt hurt the home front.

Iraq War was a meme, Saddam ordered his army to stand down and surrender
>russia is doing well according to russia
>inb4 but muh look this western finance magazine who takes russian claims at a face value
Yawn. Of course there's no war propaganda in russia they report the objective truths only no matter how inconvenient.
Yes, yes, let them push. To the last zigger pidor
Sure there is, but to make sure population knows whats up.
maybe, but Putin has trusted the eternal ang*o yet again, fucking retard
oh well>>475711081
>lets make it 6
Nikolaev + Odessa? fingers crossed
Russia's monetary is also debt based fiat you retard. What saved them was being a 70% petroleum export economy and most of the world didnt sanction them
Debt economy of Russia is a meme compared to the economies of Europe. They don't need to lend to buy their own resources.
they involve sooner or later, israel hammers hamas and subhuman rape orcs will get killed and their pathetic deatsh documented for years to come.
You live in a dreamworld! Try to keep your legs warm when you go to bed or such issues will arrise.
Ukraine has lost the minute they thought they can win a war with Russia.
Ukraine should have negotiated, because it's just a weak corrupt country that doesn't even honor the contracts it signs.
With all the help it got it's still losing the war.
Get your facts straight about Russian economy before and after the war. Again, delusions.
If someone nukes Russia, it's just going to bring atomic ww3 to everyone, so that is stupid and childish.
Ukraine played stupid games, won stupid prizes. Nobody really cares what will happen to a corrupt country.
And Russia will not sttack any other European country, because thats ww3 again. You have to be stupid to believe leftist propaganda that tells you otherwise.
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>The war will end and we will have peace when: bla bla bla
Why do nafotards act like they are the president of ukraine?
You have no say in ukrainian matters, you are just a demented old slave to globohomo
At most US will involve it self is to stop all of this. And this will mean Europe will have to capitulate and sign comprehensive security for both Russia and Europe. No more bickering, sanctions, propaganda and so on. Ultimately, US has changed it's position because it's well known this can't continue and it'll destroy very value of the US $ and wellbeing of americans.
You're too scared to even reveal your current location or VPN, Ivan. Russians like you are truly the scum of the Earth. You know as well as everyone does that russia is finished. Russia is weak. They have no future. Yet you still defend them on the internet, is that because you think Monke will reward you with a virgin tradwife if you simp for him hard enough? Let me tell you the reality of things: he doesn't give a shit about you or any of his underlings.
>location or VPN
.t The duality of a shill.
Agreements with Russia are pointless, Russia would brake them and invade again like they did in 2022.

Negotiations would only make sense if 3rd party military strong enough to curb Russia (aka NATO) would volunteer to deploy peacekeepers to enforce peace. NATO didn't voluntred so any agreements without such are pointless with Russia. Russian don't keep their word, they only understand violence, simple as.
Pretty safe to claim it's completely the opposite.
Even "peacekeepers" in this case.
>Agreements with Russia are pointless
suit yourselves then!
Combined Europe's military is at least 3 times stronger than russia's. Europe's economy is more than 10 times larger than russia's. Russia is a puny, weak, irrelevant player. And you're saying Europe should surrender to russia? Lol. Once again, if russia is so great and powerful, why aren't you moving back there?
cucktin will cuck
Verification not required.
Economically no, but had Putin gone full Red Alert at the beginning he would have lost far fewer troops overall, and Ukraine would have a tiny fraction of their losses
As it stands now, Ukraine is doomed as a country due to losing an entire generation of men because Kiev wasn't decapitated early on
The Anglos as always are servants of the Jews
they will just throw more money at you so you keep killing yourself
For the millionth time, hohols and their American handlers started and kept this war going based on assumption and one assumption only: they can freeze it anytime they want (i.e. when they run out of hohols and money). And guess what, they are 100% correct in their assumption.
Sorry tranny, Russia are the good guys simply defending their citizens living within old borders as they should.
Fuck ukraine
I like it best how they don't get that Russia isn't alone in any of this, but has a backing of major allies.
Just look at this dumbass comment
When I was spamming on this board, fucking 10 years ago almost, saying omg they're getting huge backing by both China, India, Iran, saudis, etc. Everyone was like "nah, it's not happening, nothing, doesn't exist, etc".

And today, some newfag nato shills come here and argue with the people who pretty much know EVERYTHING. And try to argue with null and void rhetoric and lose every time.

Like some wise people once said, pride before the fall.
By this point I actually believe being overtaken by Russia completely has to be better than whatever awaits Ukrainians after Putin takes his slices and leaves. we all know the devil doesn't do shit for free and all those weapons, money, and supplies don't come free. and whatever debt they do own will be mighty hard to payback with their working population dead and the women who should be repopulating it are whoring it up across Europe and the US.
all of what you said is wrong.
>Like CIA and Victoria Nuland in Kyiv in 2014, and Ukraine outlawing the russian language, and bombing civilians in Donbas for 8 years
Yes, it's true. Try google, it works.
Ukraine and America attacked russia on February 24, 2022?
did you know that russian rubble is worthless as trading currency and nobody takes it and they are forced to take loans in yuan? Did you know china is already screwing the screws tighter?
Did you know that Russia is currently in a war economy and is using a large amount of savings?
to think Russias economy is growing is to be retarded.
What's going to happen is Ukraine will be flooded with niggers and pajeets to "repopulate" it
>why now
because thats the next scene in the script.
You are not making good case of making agreements with you.
Thank you for confirming my point.
Don't play the retard. And I won't take the bait.
Who started this war and when and how? Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Is this wrong?
>They will just use any break in fighting to rearm and prepare to continue the invasion
But enough about ZOG.
Keep saying that to your self, almost like God supports Russia in this war, since they're literally collapsing and losing tens of millions of solders and yet somehow NATO is talking about how they'll invade Europe.

Doublespeak doesn't even properly work on 70IQ individuals, but considering that you your self believe into contradictions, your must be even lower.
What do you mean, Switzerland? This is obviously just Volodya shitposting while draft-dodging on our dime.
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>You are not making good case
making peace aint a market haggle, bruv
wanna stop dying - sue for peace
I dont think the Russians will negotiate, they are probably just baiting the Ukrainians into demoralizing themselves by saying they want peace and then refusing.

If it was 2 years ago the Russians might've accepted a peace deal but now they've lost too many men to stop. They need to conquer half a few more oblasts to make it worth. Sunk cost and everything, ya know.

Ukies dug their grave without knowing it. Thank Boris for it.
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>Just look at this dumbass comment
>Combined Europe's military is at least 3 times stronger than russia's. Europe's economy is more than 10 times larger than russia's
I wish those subhuman piggers would at least put on memeflags
Average nafotard world view, what a simpleton retard. I wonder why people even bother with replying
Russia will only accept an unconditional surrender where they get to dictate all the terms.
Because like you said, otherwise they can just continue and take whatever they want.
Don't start wars you cannot win, Germany also paid dearly for that.
No they would have accepted, all the way up to about 5 months ago as 5 months ago they said they are done trying to negotiate. I mean, they accepted within the first few days but jewlinski just lied to them.
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>Russia withdraws from all Ukrainian territories, agrees to pay war reparations, agrees to a demilitarized zone 50km from Ukraine's borders, turns over Putin and his cronies to The Hague

least delusional nafoid. you can only cope and post demented fantasies
Idk, I can't blame it on vpn since this board doesn't allow them. But VM can work tho, for which I have no information or a proof of it so can't claim for certain. If they're Ukrainians on vpn, I feel sorry for them. Imagine knowing that your country and countrymen are being ravaged and yet you work to lie to your self and everyone you can that none of that is true. Walking and talking cognitive dissonance.
Pun intended.
nigger country gonna perform a backlfip with war economy and will break its back
huge backing...
dud artillery shells? flammable winter coats?
these fucking niggers dont even have common language to fight against nato
biweekly timeline estimate?
I don't blame Boris, I blame them specifically. It's like taking bribery money and rest of the satans offerings, similar to a temptation of Christ, and yet accepting it, even though it walks like a satan, looks like satan or talks like satan with forked tongue. And being told to do a crime in return for which it's almost certain you'll be punished.

Sold out idiots. This just means Ukraine was being ran by sociopaths and criminals.
You don't matter, your rhetoric does not matter. The wage they pay you is a waste of money. There are probably a lot of Russian shills here too, payed to shill, to sway opinions, to get the people to accept their perspective of things. But at least in this case, they have something to bring to the table, or even back it up with facts or deeds. What is your value when everything that you say is a complete nonsense.

Even as Nato puppets beg for peace, they are building ammo factories in ukraine.
Putin would be fool to trust them.
Sounds big but it's not
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Hohols bet everything on last summer counter-offesive and this is what they got
Yeah, interesting how they'd rather pay as little as possible building a factory using very cheap work force in Ukraine, employing thousands of people, and just in time, when it's finished, get it blown up by Russia. Where is the logic in this? Maybe they're doing it on purpose, wanted to be seen as an actual support, but in reality expecting it to be blown up. Do they work for Russia? LOL
Putin has never broken any agreements or lied, right?
like you could decide anything lmao, how that farmer protests are going, surely your democratic government submitted to the people's will?
Remember how hohols betrayed China on Motor Sich agreement? Hohols lie as they breath and accuse others of their own faults.
if this won't happen we gonna send nukes
more problematic is all the weapons scattered around now. i think that even after russia leaves, terrorism of one flavor or another will become widespread.
>Maybe they're doing it on purpose, wanted to be seen as an actual support, but in reality expecting it to be blown up.

I wonder as well.Note that it's german firm not Usa one.


He did show remarkable restraint i think.
How wold USA react if there is russia backed coup in Canada in your opinion?
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Obviously he is.
It's sad what happening though, so many dead, and they were just average people, on both sides.
Politics is disgusting.
Agreements don't matter at all. They're something you can wipe your ass with.
All that counts is tanks, artillery, planes and nuclear bombs.
If your country doesn't have these, no signature will matter.
You won't do shit, kike. Lmao
14 post filthy kike want war but it toi much.of a fucking pussy to fight himself
ok cunt shill
check the UN reports
>I don't blame Boris, I blame them specifically. It's like taking bribery money and rest of the satans offerings
Nation states do not have interest of their citizens at heart. They were offered money, and the modern ideology is money (and power, but that's a product of money), and they took it.
Not true.
While they are winning they too are incurring heavy costs.

And nothing is certain while the war is raging, least of all victory or defeat.

So now would not be a bad time for both to negotiate: Russia to cement its winnings, Ukraine to halt uts losses.
Ukrainian government will lose it's power if they make peace now. They know it. They will make no peace. All the things they did will pop out when the peace comes, and there will be no insane wartime patriotism and "we have bigger problems" to hide behind.
Well, if they're not outright controlled by Washington in the first place.
>thread about russia/ukraine
>seething butthurt beltniggers shitting up the thread

I am starting to think this is a coordinate discord raid or something to nip in the bud any meaningful exchange/discussion.

You're the biggest loser in every Ukrainian thread. Just stop.......It is embarrassing.
The latter is the main reason for the absence peace.

But realistically the Ukro gov't knows its time is running out regardless, so they have something to gain from a negotiated peace with Russia.

Russia can ensure their safety from their former benefactors after all.
you shouldnt throw stones, retard
Russian debt: 260 billion
Any discussion on /pol/ regarding the conflict in Ukraine has become moot at this point. Too many ukrainian diaspora (((refugees))) and paid shills shitting up any actual discussion regarding the current state of affairs. Every non-internet Ukrainian I talk to tells me how the country is totally fucked unless NATO actually intervenes, but then we enter the WWIII arc. Best Ukraine can hope for is current territory and a neutral status. Anything else is delusional.
Negotiated peace means that there will be no more martial law and no more totalitarianism you can use to enrich yourself and pass laws, no more ways to steal money, and the things they did, like selling their country to Blackrock will all pop out.
They're criminals and either way they're fucked.
Yeah I know, Germany is a weird case. I bet most, even the most notorious politicians or businesses that are supposedly against Russia, actually don't want this. But we all know Germany is occupied territory. When soviets controlled east Germany, things were much clearer, but the US never ceased to occupy western Germany.

Some might argue it's a peaceful occupation, with their consent, allowing them to profit and pretend they're in charge of their own autonomy.

But that's like saying Ukrainians are in power of their own leadership. There's a reason why any political party in Germany that shows any sign of independence is called far right nazi or Russian puppets, just like any party in Ukraine that wanted whats best for medium and long term interests are called Russian puppets.

Precipices of the US empire. Using the federal reserve to bribe just about everyone it can to accept lgbt, feminism, transhumanism and so on. A literal deconstruction of moral, cultural, ethical and social value for a cheap short term bribery, similar to how Finland ended up in NATO, by having it's leadership bought and payed for, Sanna Marin, to accomplish this goal, shilling on this board. US literally buys foreign elites. It's similar how the US wanted to control the Afghanistan, essentially how neo liberalism works. Buy out foreign elites, political and business, and claim it's an interest of the nation. Even though everything that people care or like about their own historical, moral and religious value is being actively deconstructed.

Shills think I'm Russian shill in here. But what I am is far fetched reality of thing that leads the case of this board and makes it immune to propaganda. If people even knew the scope and scale of evil that's consuming the western societies, even talmudic zionist jews who ditched it for Kabbalah would be envious of.
All you nafo losers can do is lie and project. Its sad really, my tax dollars pay for this.
They are, but exactly that means they posess the pieces needed to negotiate a safe retreat, namely Ukraine.

Russia will save thousands of lives and incalculable amounts of reaources by offering them a way out in exchange for victory.
And we already know the Ukrainians are corrupt to the bone.

Do you think either side will hesitate if such an opportunity arises?
between prolapsed anuses beltniggers, holol dispora cucks and nafro trannies on one side and zigger shills, antiwest thirdies and "commie" trannies on the other

the white man stance should be clear : not my problem.

but this conflict is so fucking funny imo, literally a half a day car ride between euros having sodomite parties in berlin and holols getting blasted on the frontline lmao
Get behind me. Read some of my posts, I knew everything since the beginning. Humanity and what it represents is a the precipices. I know the winner, but I was also someone who were saying that it's wise to move out to mountains because a nuclear war is either imminent or medium term when the sides get consolidated. There are multiple theories of how things might emerge considering the forces at play here use the power of the america to accomplish these things. The all mighty dollar. There's nothing above it, so, it's no wonder the rest of the world is trying so hard to ditch it, since it's really everything that represents this power.

Sadly, it'll mean a death to an american living standards. And here where the nukes come to play. Nobody wants to deal with angry rednecks armed to the teeth storming a military base in the US and pretending they're f16 pilots, trying to bomb white house.
The reality is 150,000 troops are about to enter the was and Kiev is shitting a brick. Thats why all of a sudden they agree to let lost territory go.
Anybody that says Russian shill is a retarded hyper-specialized beta getting fonked over by Democrats who take 50% of their income and charge astronomical rates for goods in blue cities compared to cities in Red States.

We perpetrated Euro-maiden and are actively perpetuating a war on Russia’s literal borders.
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>Makes this board immune to propaganda
Fucking L M A O needed a good one to wake me up. You're having a grand old time with that Dunning Kruger echo chamber you've erected for yourself there. Holy shit you are dumb. Like the dumbest, blackest gorilla nigger to ever walk the earth kind of dumb. /Pol/ Immune to propaganda holy fucking shit you are a RETARD dude. Shut up and stop embarassing yourself.

Your entire argument is predicated upon the fact that Jews want to destroy the west for some reason even though we are the only ones backing them. Yes, the kikes want to destroy the countries that are armed with enough nuclear missiles to blow their asses into oblivion and the core of the earth at the same time, and flood them with people that hate them.. for some reason.

So fucking dumb dude.
How about toothpaste shut up and focus on dealing drugs and tulips? So annoying when all the microstates who rolled over during WW2 talk about anything.

Stay in your lane.
There's old saying, repent. Consider it if you have a soul.
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I think the progressives and Justin would like to put their meat in your homosexual mouth.
Predictive programming works.
I hate Plebbit so bucking much.
There's a reason why they stopped posting. Demolished is an understatement. I still remember when the war started when shills were overwhelming (they're not even trying anymore), by literally destroying their own thread, even though an same posting argument went to a conclusion that Russia is evil and it had no reason to attack. Simple, how, by showing facts how Ukraine started increasing shelling donbass, lugansk or w/e in a week by tens of thousand the times it did in the earlier years. All the sudden, nobody responded anymore, and it was moving fast, like a live chat and instantly stopping. It's easy to own shills, just need persistence and backing with facts. And in this case, showed them links of the european organization in the charge of Ukraine. Even cropped a picture to make this point to the lurkers. It's easy, but imo, Russia doesn't pay enough to it's own shills, and here it's me with no invested interests doing a job for them. I guess it's hard to realize a personnel to become masters at this front they're waging for. West is no better either, but they were swarming this frog board of casual libertarians or right wingers who just want freedom and an end of the satanic monopolies trying to manipulate them.

Nobody pays me so I post once a week LOL
you are in mid air coming down from 7th floor and trust me there is no safety net
lmao what a nigger
you and what nukes, Colgate?
your polluted shithole port-nation is only good for prostitution and drugs

that's literally 50% of your economy, the rest is the Rotterdam port

and you stupid fucks even complained about it and want to outlaw whores and drugs, lmao

learn your place as a lesser European country and leave the talking to the adults
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>the country the west mocked and humiliated for 2.5 years may not want to make a fair peace
Gee it is almost like you shouldn't have done that.
if at any point you respond with NATO to economic arguments I made. you show yourself as brain-dead retard.
>Prigo says something I don't like: LIAR ZIGGER SUBHUMAN TRASH
>Prigo says something I like: IT MUST BE TRUE
Fuck off nafo tranny, Russia wins, the cursed West loses. Simple as.
I have bad news for you. "Agreements" worth shit unless you can enforce it. When the USA deices to flatten a country on the other side of the planet they will do it and you can't do shit about it. The same is here, if you resist they will break you. Only retards think real war is an RTS where you can play the same until the last unit loses the last health bar. When they break you then you can't have demands.
There's 8 years of news stories corroborating the failures of oinkraine's "anti terror operation" ...or there's some dead drunken retard with obvious personal grievances... Hmmm
It looks like some countries didn't get the memo !
The Dutch are retarded apes, we should have genocided them when we were part of Sweden.
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>and trust me
why would I?
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>economic arguments
I know your kin doesn't lurk. That's a part of the plan you dummy.
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>There's nothing for Russia to be gained

Save Russian lives?
Oh wait, I forgot those are worthless to Putin
If you nuke Russia we will have nuclear holocaust. Specialy every western european country get fucked.
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gay ass map
Unironically colour the entire Balkans except the Albanians blue.

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