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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Post 'em anons.
also someone bless this thread pls
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Love you khazakstan. Stay strong lil nigga.
thats burger fren
Satanism trying to go mainstream, falls into its own trap and makes our point.
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Found the mulatto
Turns out you weren't good at history.
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>things the jews probably regret posting
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I herby like to appolegize for my "countrymen" (a westerner, probably marrocan) and to insure you we arent all like this
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The dutch are painfully unfunny.

No I dont have a funny meme image. Just wanted to say that you are unfunny.
>survivorship bias
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Disgusting cuck
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I don't see the problem, it's like walking into a candyshop
it's a bot
My son, you're black..
Wauw het is bijna alsof er niet 1 zandneger is maar letterlijk honderden duizenden die numures fixus opleidingen baanposities en welfare stelen van de native populatie.
Tiresome. Do the world a favour and neck yourself - and take out several of your friends before you go.
Mabey you should study the history of the fall of Rome
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I can understand why the nigger that impregnated her, ran. He ran because he saw the bitch without the bulletproof layer of makeup on her face.
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The problem isn't globohomo left vs globohomo right. The problem is that his posts aren't even remotely funny. Thus he is an enemy to all mankind. A fun sucker that must be put down with great prejudice.
A White nation built by White people for White people should revolve around White people, and if it doesn't, there's a problem
makes me think if satan would be pro racism in humans or anti racism. anti racism pushed to extreme, causes conflict between various groups when inevitably the poorer group invade the space of the one who set their space better. I think it's even mentioned in the Bible "don't be equally yoked with unbelievers" and in other places, which I don't exactly remember. The gist being it's ok when it's a natural process and not social engineering.

pro racism is negation of the word of God in which we're all equal so it would seem more in the line with satanism. The thing being, the route to evil usually isn't as straightforward as the road to good.
that smile looks so forced on the bottom
Similar looking one lives down the road from me and the used to have a shitbull pet. Now her mother has to look after the goblin because she's le depressed.
Whatever causes division. He IS the great adversary. The solution isn't to race mix. The solution is to judge people on their own merit and allow outliers to thrive, and thus improve their people. As things are now the lowest common denominator takes precedence, by which we are all brought low. Tyranny of the less than mundane, the idiots, the genetically unfit, those that should die.
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No. But they will walk into a school, read to kill a mockingbird and flash 8 kids
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Go drink some petrol dirty abbo nigger.
you will never be a woman
Niggers who rape and stab people to death are seen as more important than law abiding wypipo who keep the nation from total doom. Ofc thats exactly as intended by (((them)))
but should people who hate western/white nations go there? no ofc not.
He’s jewish, all his history is revised to make the white man look bad
>How I becane a single mom
>Fucked with niggers
It's that simple, didn't need to write an essay or film a damn video

Talk about cope.
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>Thinks climate change is a legitimate thing
Starting off my day laughing at your proud display of ignorance
In my personal experience with angels / demons. They really don't care. It's all based on merit. They don't care about your race or if you are or aren't racist. It's a non-topic
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>tfw the people who think men can become women, spend a month celebrating sodomy, and want to give puberty blockers and mutilate childrens genitals have morals
Sorry chud, you fell for propaganda.

>Menstruation in trans bodies is still not overly understood
>Little research has been done on this phenomenon, but it can still exist....
"We have no proof of our bullshit, but here goes hoping no one can comprehend words"
Anyone who believes this men can menstruate shit needs to be shot on sight. No need to allow their mental cancer a chance to spread.
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ofc its germany
we are the cuckest of cuck
if god did not want you to be racist he would not make you one
check and mate christcuck
she should stuff a tampon to the place where it bleeds. problem solved.
That’s a Jewish women with fake dyed hair. Look at her face close up. She looks like Jazz Jennings
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>Thank God for fact checkers! I can't think for myself. Glad they are there to do it for me!
If you're not a filthy kike, well, congratulations, you just made the team as an honorary retarded faggot!
>Verification not required
Cool, cool. Now do the number of times the US has helped Israel vs the opposite.
>This is misleading; the channel said it adopted a more accessible format that uses color, not just numbers, to reflect daily temperatures.
>shows 22C as red.
Is this alluding to how uncarryable the Italians were? Or did some actually turn coat?
Why would you have all these retarded unfunny Reddit memes saved you dumb fuckin kike?

He can’t understand you because he’s an unfunny American kike with a vpn. No one from your country would have this many stupid memes saved on their computer. They’re all American related.
>When it's so hot that Macedonia literally takes over Germany.
he has a smile of his mother
>makes me think
wow wow wow, calm down nigga
>I can't think for myself. Glad they are there to do it for me!
Obviously you can't because you fell for disinformation.
Seethe :)
This one is pretty kek because he's only like 25% white, and 75% hard core mezo beaner, just proving the left can't meme or the pretend kike is on a few layers.
it's a meme, you dip
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I really want to bash her fucking head
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That's fucking disgusting. 1 can of sprite is already 89% of your recommended daily intake of sugar, and this guy does 2 days worth of sugar for his breakfast meal alone.

Then his full english breakfast, holy fuck, he just ate at least 3600 calories, and for what? He's a scraggly bearded obese man with tattoos, peirced ears, and the sticker still on his $28 baseball hat, the only work he's doing is driving a forklift or holding a Stop/Slow sign for construction.

I'll admit it, i dont give a fuck about faggots, trannies, kikes, muslims, it's fat pieces of shit that i want genocided from this planet. If you're fat and reading this, i hope you die slowly in a vehicle fire and your oozing fat is jarred and kept as a remembrance of you in the form of a memorial candle.
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Here's the unedited version.
I'm unironically about to head to Netherlands for work in a few hours. When I get there I'm going to be very loud and and extremely obnoxious. All you cucks say you hate it but I end up fucking 2 or 3 of your better looking woman every time I go. I think this time I'm going to blast nigger music at every fountain I rest at.
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the only disinfo here is that eating meat and driving cars will bring the apocalypse
its a jew
>individualistic religion
Shouldn't it be individualistic to hate whoever you wants?
It's the same hypocrisy of anti-racist misanthropes.
>person A: I hate all people
>person B: I hate niggers
>person A: You racist! That's evil.
>person A: I hate children That's why I don't want any children.
>person B: I hate black children.
>person A: You racist! You should be ashamed of yourself.
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>the only work he's doing is driving a forklift or holding a Stop/Slow sign for construction.

At least he has a job and is enjoying himself in the land of the free
So it’s okay for Jews to do black face but an Asian does it and now the best episode of Kikemunity is scrubbed?
This is pure cope
Lucifer would hate imperfections such as non Europeans
This "meme" is retarded
immigration = migrants flowing in
emigration = migrants flowing out
Leftards conflating the two might actually be the reason we are in all this shit.
A pure meme repeated by historylets
They were the bravest and fearless soldiers, they were outnumbered 3 to 1 but had terrible generals, they did more damage than Japan
At least they fought other men, unlike the Brits who dropped white phosphorus on children and women
His real name is Jon Leibowitz
yes, people should be able to LEAVE their countries. this does not mean that other countries should let them in.
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based Leaf, withholding the Blessing from Unworthy libshit threads.
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
>tl dr leftie meme
A death threat is just a strongly worded complaint
no winner
>>475719310 is a true leaf
Hes just trolling, but its so obvious that i think its funny again
>leftist meme full of verbal diarrhea from some libtard show
Let me show you how it's done, kike
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well, he's clearly a VPN Jew, since he's blessing a thread full of libtard memes. An actual leaf would never bless those.
where do you think they go when they flow out, you fucking imbecile
Women love attention so much they will read comments like this all day, just because its attention
>I'll post another shitty meme. That'll learn 'em.
The left still can't meme.
that mudshark is a disgusting piece of shit, and so is her son
we know kankerbro. you're cool with us.
so is having an IQ over 110 hehe
same deal with Objectivism
Ha. Based.
The irony is she fucked so many niggers she probably does not know who the father is.
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i like even in this theres the acceptance black guys go round in packs and attack. couldnt say an unarmed black man. lol.
Excellent very nice
How about a tranny who walks into a school with an AR-15? Do late you stupid nigger, it already happened.
Are you really “fact checking” propaganda with propaganda?
>the word of God in which we're all equal
You made this up. Give me a bible verse.
It’s a very stupid meme and you are a ridiculous clown for defending it. The existence of countries stupid enough to let anyone in is not an argument in favor of being one.
I wish I could go back to Nazi occupied France.
The one time France actually was well governed and beautiful.
It's often pushed under the rug these days, because politically incorrect, but most French were quite happy under the Nazis.
Today you only hear screeching about partiisans and the like, which were tiny irrelevant minority groups.
France only truly got destroyed when the Allies invaded it.
The time scale in this graph is in millions of years. We are experiencing these changes in decades
"no greek no jew..." etc
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I hope.lil bro.kazakstan gets better. This is for you, lil bro
Back to their own country, fuckface.
letting you know that i did not read any of your cringe lefty memes.
ten years ago this would be a master troll, but now WE KNOW that this is what you genuinly believe, with real convictions.

Shalom and good morning sir
John Stewart the jew and shit head..
okay then the death of a pregnant woman isn't double homicide. can't have it both ways schlomo
Don't get it...
But being facist leftoid i guess somehow makes this funny
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>how i became a single mom
>my story
>nigger offspring
What a Mystery, I tell ya
The Germans as a matter of policy went out of their way to treat France under occupation like royalty. It was mostly a PR thing. That and Germans have a weird tradition of being tsundere for the French. Most of the actual heinous shit the Nazis are known for were done out east.
thanks for blessing my thread
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True, that's why my grandmother fled Czechoslovakia, the Nazis strapped her baby, my father, to a clay pigeon and used him for target practice. Luckily my father was one that they missed, but many weren't so lucky. With a further stroke of luck, the clay pigeon acted as a little boat and kept him afloat otherwise he would have drowned in the lake of baby blood and baby parts at the end of the range. It's unbelievable but it's true!
Not my problem
lmao aged like milk
It is neuken
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If you've ever wondered why you've seen so many videos of Indians standing in front of trains...
blessings result in bans now

is this Calhoun?
that sounds awfully close to a kikes name
Jews control the Church of Satan, unironically.
>paying for abortable kids
I hate Judaism so goddamn bad it's unreal.
Motherfuckers don't understand how both apply.

Work cash only pay jobs.
Welfare at the same time.
>how I became a single mom.
>Spread legs.
>put up sign, "niggers wanted".
>niggers impregnate
>Announced I was preggers.
>Niggers disappeared.
>Apply for gibs.
So this is how car stealing kia boys are born
Lost. That was quick!
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You're late. The thread is full of cancer now and it's your fault.
LOL...BRUTAL. Fucking lost AGAIN to pic.
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Trumps birth certificate
I don't think you got the joke
rommel had a high opinion about the italian foot soldier and the lower officers
high officers seem to have been shit though
A story that answers a question with one word.

Nice post op, you can see the pain that she can't even hold back.
>How I became a single mom.
>I fucked a nigger.
Many such cases.
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why is he keep nodding his head like a less retarded version of a jeet?
fucking lost
All the race mixing things aside, could you imagine as a kid going out to eat with your mother and she plops a camera down next to you and starts doing a bunch of contrived fake things to "parent" you on camera for random weirdos on the internet to gawk at? There will be a lot of kids in the coming generations who feel like they grew up on an open-world real life Truman show. Is their parent really a genuine loving parent or was that just for the camera/audience? What a mindfuck.
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nigger, you are a meme-flaggot and only 60+ year olds and retards watch government "news"
indian or kike shill, what is it?
I live in nc too. if i ever see this mud blood and her nigger spawn ill spit in her face
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>my story | how I became a single mom
Step 1 - Fuck niggers.
There is no step 2.
so racism isn't evil? or is satan good? if satan is good, how is he different from god or jesus?
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History is great
He'd be fine if he stopped eating plants. Carbohydrates are only good for fattening up.
>tfw I grew up thinking I might be on some Truman style shit and everything could be fake
>It gave me social anxiety as an adult
Keeps the stupid sticker on the bill of his hat like a fucking nignog...
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you remember when the white house published obongos "birth certificate", only to pull it 2o or so hours later because they forgot to make a pic without manipulated history
you really could pull back the layers of photoshop edits, all the "e"'s were identical. i even showed this to friends, but they didn't believe their eyes
Can you say a bottle of water please?
Your prepuces, sir.
must suck to be a goblin, living next to a real human. i would be extremely mad at my mother to taint me so, instead of fucking someone with human DNA
That makeup is beyond stupid.
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did she bogged herself?
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>dats rite dats rite, dis some fookin great chow
That niglet looks like a demon from hell
That what happens when you buy insurance, nederbro.
Ensure is the word you are looking for.

>help me with my retaded niglet

No, suffer coalburners as single mothers forever.
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so sad
I witness it every single day and I can barely support it anymore
where to go frens ?
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Who makes these cartoons? No understanding how to convey messaging apparently.
The left sucks brown dicks and absolutely cannot meme.

You mean the scripts his writing staff hand him? Like most TV anchors, he's not actually well read or educated, he's acting.
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This isn't even boomer tier, this is nothing with no message or point conveyed.
Your entire country is obese dickhead. I suspect chubby fingers typed your post.
Does anyone have that pasta about finnish anon pooping in a swedish cruise and calling the maid?
you can leave your house but that alone doesn't entitle you to coming into mine. What a retarded meme
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Why? Jew trooned himself
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So, your Judearchy doesn't count as tyranny?
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Eh, would.
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>humiliation ritual
>Excited Hitler
it's alright, I'll still buy Colgate over any other toothpaste
based lol
it's dilation tearing in the colon lining of its cloaca, a tampon won't suffice
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Open wounds bleeding is not overly understood. Jesus tapdancing Christ...
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Fixed it for you
> both jade and amber
Wow, she must be a real treasure.
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A virus that mainly targetted the weak. A virus that was multiplied in power by the size of their wallet. A genius profit making device, culling the useless eaters. Next, we sold the cure. The cure contained something else. Definitely many were killed in this whole thing. The war. Definitely timed with the Vax. These happened at similar increases of power. Labor. Many new promotions went out. Very likely the weak didn't return to their jobs, or were killed. Systems should be operating more. This will be the biggest upgrade the planet has recieved. Occuring at a time when we have mass communication networks. The next 15 years will be something else. Every city is at least 10% more. Rate of progress went up. Likely won't be another serious war, but maybe there will be. I doubt that.
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If a man acted narcissistic like this, he would get his ass kicked within a day. Sometimes it's unbelievable what women are allowed to get away with. They aren't kids, yet somehow are pampered even more than kids.
When my daughter comes home with Jamal in tow, I will send her this webm. When she asks for money after Jamal bails, I will send her this webm,
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>what is deterrence
Ask the victims of the multiple genocides that have happened in the world since 1776
Oh wait you can't, they got fucking murked like bitches
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Her mom lets her have TWO stripper names!
When my daughter comes home with Jamal, she won't be my daughter anymore.
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Tolkien tried to warn us.
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i swear half you faggots are borderline useless
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Would self-cuck and simp unironically
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First, mass shootings are fake. Second, the Second Amendment is not dogma but law. Third, dogma is not tyrannical--the cartoonist evidently knows not the meaning of either tyranny or dogma.
That's just AIDS. Syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are even higher.
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ya it's great
The Jew Jon Stewart is neither good at history nor comedy.
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Aloo snackbar ?
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If you could just like focus on the female more so I can fap thanks
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>black history
You don't even have to be from a new generation to feel that way. The mix of camera being everywhere and people living for their social media personas instead of themselves is wild. No wonder there is mass psychosis and many people are on drugs.
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pretty grim - and implicating as hell. How would a text like that look in front of a judge?
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Is there any other kind of fetus besides the unborn? In any case, the law still treats the death of an unborn child due to intentional injury of his mother as criminal.
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The Vax likely did protect from COVID. Usually you wouldnt die from it. Unless, you were poor, or old, or already sick with something else. One thing this group has in common, they're drains on our planet. They weren't making enough profit. Another thing here is that many stubborn people wouldn't give up their jobs for more talented younger people. So we have way more of everything now, done. The homeless caste has been seen by me forging their own stuff. They had to be strong to survive.
They look happy. Why does this upset people?
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No, I believe man's natural right to self-defense.
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It's more amusing than upsetting anon. You troon out yet yourself fag?
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The one on the left is just one of those real dolls
So, if you are not a fan of blue team, then you must be a fan of red team? And people who dissent from your political opinions only do so because they're stupid?
Don't look into MY history
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Read the whole chapter next time, bud
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I'm so stupid :DD
Except you weak cunts can’t hack it, we use the free market, enjoy your socialist fag zone
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The country then should revolve around your perversion?
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This is humor thread .
Good answer, good answer!
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what is that niglet on the left?
You should really take that dick out of your ass before you post, Jos
Don't worry, he's Jewish.
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Get a job!
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Well, at least you admit that Obama was born in Kenya.
would it be allowed to kill someone for this? i think it should be allowed
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The only job that is worth working is the removal of all non Americans from American soil
You must provide birth certificate from USA or face exile execution
That's the only job I will work
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Talking bout my generation !
we have always been at war with eurasia
I'm all for aborting Dutchfags.
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>Chief You-Tellum liked your post.
A civilization which does not protect the innocent hardly merits the name.
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because it's awesome and the only women seen in the movie is there for 10 seconds and said not a single word
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Idk what that thing is but it aint white (talking about the mom)
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I wanna kill cops and put them in mass graves and decorate it with a memorial "all Jews golem lay here ' 2025 liberated"
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It's an old joke in Bongland anon
>Whose side were Italy on during the war?
>Whoever was winning at the time.
Does anyone have the webm of a thot showing off a particularly ugly mixed kid?
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Fucking Italy
British roastie and coal burner suffers the goblin consequences of her actions.
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Indians should love an antifa rally then.
anyone going to bake a new bread?
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the boy is white-passing, she was just a whore, not a miscegenating one
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that's a white child with genetic disorders you're mocking
you should feel bad
do you know how I know you are a fucking newfag?

Cause that gross kike isn't white, you goddamn retard
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>you should feel bad
do you know wherest you are?
C19 is fake.
Imagine still having to ask 'Who?'
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God save King Charles
>from getting caught in front of this fat fuck in a buffet line
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a white child is dead and you're laughing
How would it look in front of a (((Judge))).
Completely fine.
big brained and on point
Holy shit...
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kys and I will lol
this ain't the pill i ordered, doc
He sent me to the psyche ward in room num 666. Every night I had terrifying dreams with audio. He also sprained my legs, so I couldn't walk that well. He did that actually by controlling them to flex, very interesting method. He would replace feelings. In bed. Constant desire to raise up the curtains. Random. Every time I would try to get up to do it, it felt like there was a manhunt for me. Paralyzing fear almost, like I had commited a huge slaughtering, and there were hundreds of cruisers and helicopters looking for my head. He actually could replace feelings like that. In my dreams, I was being eaten alive. I could feel it. The hospital itself was resident evil tier. Missing limbs were everywhere. Random screams coming from hallways. Violent people. Mental patients rocking back and forth whispering. Held down and injected hard medicine. Totally sane. Another fun thing. Every person there spoke to me about something, but never looked. I was told to stare at the floor, and shamed for raising my head. He told me I was a slave. He had been hurting my head every night for months before this. He would crash a brick into my head. I did meet him here officially twice. He possessed the body of a nigger and a white woman. Used to tell me the code number. This was unique because he let me see them talking. Usually I never see them. People whisper my name from around the corner. They tell me I'm dead. Kpop videos telling me nobody but me.
jamie oliver is a big bag of hot air
I think they've conveyed their anti gun message quite clearly, anon
I remember talking with some student girls (all around 20) while on fieldwork about movies they liked and this was one of them. Why? Because they liked the masculine male leads of Russel Crowe and Paul Bettany, naturally.
Hollywood are wasting their time trying to push feminism in movies. It really, really isn't what girls want to watch.
jews are not white

typical jewish behavior of the parents, eh?

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