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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Like father, like daughter
What kind of piece of shut turns on their family like that publicly?
So I don't get it. When he told Jordan Peterson in that recent interview that his son was killed or that his son was dead, he wasn't really dead? He just trooned out? And then Elon went on tv or whatever and said he was dead? His son should fuckin sue him. He'd win. You can't just go around saying people are dead when you know they're not. Saying it in a published manner. That's called libel and his son should fuckin sue him for 50 million
What piece of shit doesn't raise their kids?
Literally his own fault
Why does musk even care that his fag son trooned out when he has multiple back up children to ensure his bloodline doesn’t end?

I would understand his worry if that was his only child but when you have multiple children one of them trooning out is fine
She looks really good. I love young pussy. She's only 18 and I'd treat her really well. I bet she's Tyrone or Chad only. Most girls nowadays would never even pay me any attention because I'm a natural nice guy. Fuck my life
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Elon is the reason this place has been flooded with Kamommy shills such as myself. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut.
Wow, both a faggots.
Boys will be boys
Xavier is dead. Vivian is not
To save his face. While he's busying fighting trannies online, his own son turned into one. He could've turned his son straight if he cared about him.
Oh ok thank you
I lost my oldest daughter to the trans woke agenda. I was in her life EVERYDAY. My wife and I have been together for 20 years, happily. Her younger sister is a fucking cheerleader FFS. But my oldest, she thinks she's a boy. I was the parent most in her life growing up so a lot of her interests were mine first. Comics, cartoons, video games and shit. Hell, when she was 3-6 she would also pick out Disney Princess dresses at the toy store so she could pretend to be a princess. Fast forward 2020 and all of a sudden she thinks she's a boy. Which I find fucking insulting since I only had daughters. I had no sons. So the thought the my daughter thinks she could pretend to be a boy and I would accept it is fucking cult like thinking. She left our family and hasn't spoken to us in 2 years, and vice versa. Make it make sense. The girl experienced ZERO TRAUMA growing up and got everything she asked within reason and that was because she had ZERO behavior problems at school and was also an A student. But a social outcast. She wouldn't even fucking try guys. I was at a lost and now I lost my baby girl. The woke will fucking pay.
lmfao chud can't raise kids blaims cnn many such cases
You will all die, slowly.
Is your fault really, you didn't want her to grow up, and also didn't go search for some arrange marriage with a guy you know is decent.
I hate lesbo fathers the most, bunch of fucking faggots.
*daughter. He has a DAUGHTER.
Have you tried asking HER why?
>"this is insulting!!! this is all about ME!!!"

good job on him getting away from you
You giving her your interest didn't help
WOULD if Elon watches in a corner
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femmusk is sexy

elon lost
Hopefully that boy hangs himself so Elon doesn't have to deal with his faggotry anymore.
actually, that's his son
hearing breeders bitch about their children is so annoying

>randomly generate child
>get random result
>blame politics or pollutants or vaccines or plastics
Keep drinking your beer Cletus
> Like father, like daughter
Is she a widwit too?
Is having a trans daughter the ultimate and final cuck?
look at those lips

built for deepthroating BBC
I hope your other daughter also troops out. Imagine being a father and don’t support your child if she’s obviously has a hard time.
Yep I just stop talking to her because she made some wild decisions as a teen.
>one chance at life
>born to the riches guy on Earth
>disowned because demon tranny mind virus
Same with Mr beast tranny
He/She/It will rebel by doing a depraved sex tape which will be shared on the internet for years
the likelyhood of turning trans all of a sudden as an adult is very very low, almost zero. It is pretty clear that his daughter has been poisned by woke propaganda. the fact that she disrespects her family is shameful and he is right to reject her.
he was talking about deadnaming and about his son being brainwashed into believing the person he was born as is dead
Imagine going up to a billionaire’s bed room and pounding the bussy of xer hard after sitting together with Elon on the Christmas table, lel
And his bedroom being right underneath
I would be mad at him just for a stupid name he would give me. I'm not surprised at all that his kid would turn against him, he seems like an narcisst and is probably pain in the ass, if hes even there and not list working 24/7.
>absent, drug-addicted, autistic, egomaniacal, billionaire father
>child is trans
Many such cases. Sad!
if she became a tranny pornstar, imagine how pissed off elon would be kek
My favourite part is how the son talks like a deranged faggot. If you had to guess if that’s a man or a woman writing. No one would ever believe it’s a female.
My eldest sister would given the chance.
The kind that pumps out kids without care and leaves raising them to others. Worst kind of parent.
Leftists have no class, no honor, they have turned this board into a tabloid comment section for right wing figures.
People who discuss these familial situations are trashy.
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>be elon musk
>have billions of dollars
>be intelligent
>cant keep his son from being brainwashed by the jews/masons

>And then Elon went on tv or whatever and said he was dead? His son should fuckin sue him. He'd win.
but he has no son.
hence the term "dead name" (their words, not ours)
musk owes nothing to this stranger wearing his dead sons skin like a body suit.

RIP elon musk's son, your father will miss you.
That's how you know he's a terrible dad.
Even before his son's tweets, the simple fact Elon posted shit about his son would tell you enough about the man as a dad.
What an insane thing to say to someone. Parents aren't obligated to support their children's decisions. Kids fuck up all the time. It's especially painful if it's something that's permanent. This is like your child going to prison for a long time. People make bad decisions. Doesn't mean you have to congratulate them for it.
Will Elon weaponize his riches to destroy the troon menace now?
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>effectively dead =/= dead
hate having to explain this to retards

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