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Serbia is the only men's basketball team in the Olympics without a single black player.
I'm sorry for what our team of wild feral niggers is about to do to yours
I mean I'm not apologizing for them, but I just feel bad you're all about to get enriched
Don't ever let them change you, Serbia.
The niggers have lost their athletic ability and replaced it with wokeism. They foul dramatically now like gay europoor soccer players.
>be me
>go to Hungary-Serbia border area for work
>order scrambled eggs and black coffee for breakfast
>always get 1 cigarette with my coffee
Why are Yugos like this?
Jokers gonna fuck ma boy
Because you are white niggers and in normal countries nobody plays basket ball.
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Dude, your basketball players are nothing. Lithuania beat them into submission, last time they went to Europe.
I'm convinced that the reason why there are so many black basketball players is institutional racism.

>Kid (of any race) has interest in basketball and joins the basketball team
>At this moment, they find that there is a black majority of kids on the team
>They either get hazed and bullied off of the team by the black kids or they get along with the black kids
Basketball is pushed as a "black sport", it's where black kids are going to gravitate, and then you either gotta be a hiphop-kinda person to get along with them or you leave the team in disgust. It literally has to be this way. Most people in modern time have chosen the latter. If there were "non black" basketball teams, I bet that all of a sudden you'd see a lot more people interested in playing basketball. People don't get that choice though.
>They foul dramatically now like gay europoor soccer players.
Yep it's gonna be something. I'm hoping a Serb fights a nigger.
I hope so, Serb bro
I'm not actually talking about any game ability lol
god I hope they go all the way
But according to anglokike diaspora fags Serbs aren't white. I guess they aren't niggers either?
Oh... I understand.
Ive never had this happen to me. You get free smokes with breakfast in Serbia? Why would that be a problem?
Our niggers are out of control
here's to hoping Serbia don't take no shit
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Europeans are genetically the tallest peoples on earth we are made for basketball niggers are short, asians are short (like you fingoloids)
They don't but you won't see it on tv. You might want to count the players coming back, some might be missing, buried in some forest.
Yeah, a cigg with breakfast? Sounds like home. My DNA wants to go.
I was told Serbs were all mudslimes but those guys are handsome.
>online survey
Our brothers in Estonia are among the tallest and we mog many Germanics. Finnics are the top race of whites obviously. We are also among the smartest.
>Our brothers in Estonia
>Those guys from another country are tall though
let the dick sucking commence
I mean they are our kin whereas there are more foreigners + sami in Finland to drag the average down. Finnish men seem to be taller than Swedes, Norwegians and Germans according to the latest data.
Are serbs lebanese?
I think they're turk but are orthodox christian
>muh height
Let me know when you kickstart an industrial revolution virgins
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Classic non white cope and seethe at the mention of one of the only pure white countres remaining,

Are you brown or jewish or both?
some of you (u and serbs are the same btw) are browner than mexicans back home
however ive not seen a single nigger or pajeet since i arrived, the salami and meats here are fucking amazing, and cicadas are angelic
as a real white person, ill agree to defend your whiteness if you allow me to stay
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"The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race"
Based i hope they crush
Serbia is my favorite European country. Good for them! No niggers is a great thing

How about Lithuania’s team?
>mutt conclave faction size: +1
What’s your bear name?
Woman are obsessed with fake tanning and its summer people are generally more tan, everyone spends weeks in Montenegro and Greece at this time of year and tries to get as dark as possible. Cringe if u ask me
Lol I posted this thread some days ago
you're a nigger
Last week Sudan almost beat the US lol
C'mon man many of you are swarthy and could pass as turks. Obviously there are white ones like that Donic fella but still.
Team Gigachad
>oh nonono not racist white americans who tip well!
fuck off akhmed
Serbian women with tanlines hnnnng
Do they have any white players tho?
Captcha: NYGRXN
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Brother Europeans are diverse people, there is darker Europeans like Italians and fairer like Swedes.
We are somewhere in the middle.

You for example look fucking asian, you don't even speak an indo european language. Idk why ur talking perkele
That is great, and I hope it stays that way. I was kind of afraid we were going into the nigger-loving zone as a country, but it seems that is not the case for now. Unfortunately, we still have the problem of local wannabe niggers (gassers and all the other '90 shitheads criminal wannabes)
can confirm, fucked some finnish whore on vacation named sanja. looked like a happa and she had the iq of a nigger
croats and serbs are nice people so far. after poland this place feels like home again. maybe cuzz poles are so short and you’re not kek
>btfo me with an Uncle Ted quote
I hope your all white team crush the nigger lovers
I don't look asian but some Finns do. Same way some serbs look like arabs.
>can confirm, fucked some finnish whore on vacation named sanja. looked like a happa and she had the iq of a nigger
>croats and serbs are nice people so far. after poland this place feels like home again. maybe cuzz poles are so short and you’re not kek
Something something White Nationalism.
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>what our team of wild feral niggers is about to do

you mean the same over-rated lame USA team that BARELY squeaked past South Sudan this week??
>muh based Serbia
Fuck these 80iq cunts, especially that retard Jokic and his whole family. Pussylips and his party of mongrels betrayed Serbia by turning us into a German and eu mining colony, and selling us out to globohomo mining corporations which will poison the land and water. It looks like they're planning to open at least 50 mines. If that happens, Serbia is not going to exist anymore. And these fags are going to do what, throw a ball into the hoops? Literally bread and circuses for the masses
You probably look like asian, but your eyes are so squinted that you can't see it
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Maybe i mistook some Finns for Samis and you mistook Serbs for Gypsies (we got a lot of those unfortunately) Jumalauta
too bad none of them are white either
Can't argue with that one, we are taking the globohomo cock up the ass as a nation, besides getting fucked by pussylips and his pigs. Unfortunately, it seems it will stay that way for a while....
Just 2 look like gypsies.
This makes the most sense because if blacks were that overly dominate in basketball logically they should be 90% of the NFL and MLB too but those still have strong white grassroots recruitment and haven’t been niggerized as bad (though the NFL is getting there).
i like walking here but i wear spf and dont really tan. im surprised everyone sits in the sun all day here and doesnt die of cancer, maybe this sun-cancer thing is an american psyop
there are also a shitload of bodybuilders on this island. americans cant even get jacked with gyms the size of aircraft hangers with 9 walmarts nextdoor. no wonder we’re all incels kek
i mean, sandniggers are not far off from regular niggers

not really much of an upgrade
Spoken like a true 5ft 7" faggot
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Yeah not to mention that ANE genes which all Europeans share also cause asiatic phenotypes from time to time. It's why you can find asiatic looking Europeans in basically every country.

I wouldn't care either way my gf is white and thinks I mog the locals.
I hope you win it all.
Keep it that way
>I wouldn't care either way my gf is white and thinks I mog the locals.

The only thing that actually matters
and they're probably gonna win too kek
the situation creates a feedback loop where at every stage of play black kids are increasingly selected for. not to mention now we're 2 generations past and i gotta imagine nearly all youth coaches are nigs
I'm happy for his all white team. But let's be honest; apehoop, monkeydunk, niggerball, it's gay as fuck mate.
he's right though. i know a 5'7 kike who fucked hundreds of 7-9/10.
It's funny seeing USA with a full black African team with white names, meanwhile Serbia has Bogdan Bogdanovic
based. unfortunately i could not tell you a single thing about serbia or identify it on a map
Small Christian nation right next to Croatia which is right next to Austria which is right next to Germany.
Famous for Nikola Tesla, Novak Djokovic and Nikola Jokic
Also pulled the trigger that started WW1 and murdered a bunch of muslims troughout history.
Isn't Joker 7'0? How many more 7-foot niggas does Serbia NT have?
Sudans quarterly scores add up to 101 too. Wtf?
Completely true. It's an institutional push - having been done for many decades by now back when the whole propagation of niggers started to happen. It's the same in all Western oriented global sports circles, where the achivements of black people are put above everyone else. The same can be seen in female tennis and running although the long distance runners actually are one kind of African tribe, who seem cool enough compared to these American sports "idols"
i still haven't forgiven your nation for 'a serbian film'
I hope joker shits all over the USA team if they play them
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We (WE) are too dominate in basketball so I more than welcome more great white players/teams. White americans might be mad about all of this but this was the literal goal of the original Dream Team.
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Yeah, the Jews who own America who are pushing nigger worship in every aspect of life really are seething about an all-white sportsball team, unironically.
Replace basketball with soccer and switch black with white in your post and its equally true. Only problem there being the whites have the US soccer team looking like trash while the basketball team is historically dominate. Be better.
i'm an occasional smoker (if someone offers, i'll accept) so this sounds amazing
Professional sports is a joke. White men are better suited for using their minds.
Balkanites are good at basketball though. They smash niggers in these things all the time.
Sudan is in Africa genius.
meanwhile these are the pavement apes representing us
The greatest basketball player of all time according to those niggers, is Larry Bird a white man. He'd troll the shit out of them and outsmart them and they couldn't do shit to stop him.
Sure do you mean never had.

Look at all the black athletes in the world and you will see they always play the most laziest boring sports on the planet.
Basketball you WALK The ball down the court and then when the game gets close to ending you start slapping each other's wrist like a bunch of faggots in the hopes that you get a foul.
American style football this has to be the worst nigger breeding ground on the planet. They give the players all these sissy faggot protection to make you think it's dangerous sport. It's not. Any sport that has a 350 pound nigger in it is not an athlete. The sport is designed to stop and take breaks every 2 to 3 minutes. And when the players get tired they swap The entire team for another "team". Australian rules football mogs the NFL in every single possible way. What's the result of having a vastly superior and physical game? Almost 0 NIggers. They just can't keep up with white men.
I love that niggers now have no choice but to acknowledge hes great but the us team is too much regardless.
You mean rugby?
lmao delusion. the salary cap in AFL is 13 million for a whole team. Thats a mid level player in the nfl, one player.
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Remember the Romans who are admired by white nationals, saw northern Europeans as snow nigger barbarians. They even viewed pants as barbaric. Genetics matters more than skin color so if a snownigger insults you just remember they'd be the type to let a pale kike or blue eyed middle easterner into the white ethnostate. Genetics matters more than skin color for that reason.
I would say Australian rules football is closer to NFL than rugby. And rugby exist in the United States anyway.
A normal person would ask you while you're giving niggers so much money in America in the first place.

Don't worry no one's gonna laugh at you when you watch Nigger grab ass later this year
>Genetics matters more than skin color for that reason.
Based, not shilling, not a jew. Pretty rare to see on this website

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