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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Are you guys ready for the woke, islamized, brownified version of Poland?
You can't succeed economically without this happening to you, unless you take the Chinese path of treating it like a mental illness and cracking down on wokeness and islam.
with a fertility rate of 1.1?
neve gonna happen
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Someone is asking to get their asses beaten again
I just want WW3 man
The Chinese path is the only sane way, the rest is pure kikery.
Poland will be superpower 2026.
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>Poland is set to become a new world superpower

No, no, no, no. That would be India.
Pierogi supremacy
You know, I was excited when Ukraine was invaded, but it's turned out to be loads of money sucking bullshit instead of something interesting
Maybe this is how people felt during WW1 and WW2, at home with nothing but "we spent X more billions today on the meat grinder"
What a waste
India is still coping with its muslims
>Canada - 77k

Lol, lamo even. If war broke out today Canada would have a hard time finding enough active duty and reservists to form a single infantry brigade ( around 5k). Trudeau has made the CAF such a laughing stock with DEI nonsense that all the experienced people are leaving in droves. The vaccine mandate only put gas on the fire.
2pbp, the pic
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They have HUGE potential.
They managed successfully launch probe on The Moon. Month or so later russians tried too, but crashed. Keep in mind, that russians had decades of experience. Indians are catching up quite quickly.

With their diaspora spreading overseas, they can expand their intelligence networks. They have already entrenched presence in multiple western hi-tech companies.

They occasionally do some retarded thing. But overall, they movement to progress is noticeable. Albeit, slower than chinese.
Is there anything about Canada that isn't shit?
Are you a foreign student in Latvia?
Did Horton's already go to shit? Is canadian maple syrup still good?
We're still good at hockey but that's about it

Tim Hortons is ran almost exclusively by pajeets now. Literally toxic waste now. As for maple syrup, most of what is sold is really just high fructose corn syrup with maple flavour
Isn't Poland jerking its cock and waiting eagerly for Russia to give them an excuse to rush over the Ukranian border and to start plundering Russian lands?
I've seen what real Maple Syrup sells for in a store where the prices are too high for it just to be markup.
Nothing we're getting from Aunt Jemima or Tim Horton could be real at the prices offered.
America has been getting Poland ready to be it's attack dog in Europe for while now.
You have had Jews like George Friedman telling them that they will be the next Great Power in Europe for over a decade.
No. Latvian.
Had may be 45 min interaction with indians in my entire life. 15 min while traveling in Europe, and 30 when meeting one of customers representative (project manager) in international company, who was indian.

I see them almost every day. Every year, they are becoming more and more here. Their network and influence are spreading even to this shithole area of Europe.
It's by design.
We are just used to train "Freedom Fighters" in areas that need Democracy.
The Americans will protect their Natural Resource colony.
They need our Oil, Gas and Electricity to fuel their nation.
Yeah and that's the problem. Real maple syrup is hard to make and therefore expensive. Aunt Jemima is literally goyslop and that's what most people get because the real stuff is too expensive
>They need our Oil, Gas and Electricity to fuel their nation.

And yet they aren't importing any of that in significant numbers. Also, if this was by design why are all other NATO countries pitching a fit over our lack of defense spending? This is done through sheer incompetence
They get almost all of our Oil and Gas.
We are by far the largest exporter of oil and gas to the US 60% of their oil and gas imports
We export over 50 Tera watt hours of electricity to the US
We are a vassal state in the American Empire.
When they say "Jump".
We say "How high?"
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Thank you anon for positive thread. I'm just in the middle of general renovation of two houses in here, so I really needed that, knowing investments will only grow for my children. Ruskie won't do shit agaist NATO's 3rd army.
>Are you guys ready for the woke
Isn't this trend dying already?
>islamized, brownified version of Poland?
We live next to the biggest shitskin magnet in Europe. It filters out all the lazy scum. I've heard that even Ukrainians in Germany don't work, like they do in here.
This is everywhere in the world. Whole fucking humanity started dying out lately. Even niggers will get to 1.1 in like 3 generations.
No we aren't, fuck off.
1) poland doesn't exist
2) we are a shithole
3) fuck off we're ful (no seriously)
Poo for the poo god
Poland isn't a thing without EU money
there is only one super power. and this super power has no allies, only vassals
Poland will do what its told and allowed to do
This. Please leave Poland alone. There is literally nothing to see here. Nothing
Very proud of our polish meat shield
> Literal ooga booga niggers are getting cucked by feminism

And the Poles are paying for it by hosting hordes of niggers and arabs. Warsaw already has the lgbtq+×÷= infestation. Warsaw is the primary source of Eastern Europe tranny parade shitdisturbers. So, basically a gay nigger shithole. Hope it was worth it, pollack nigger.

There's gotta be more than 5k based Canadians, no? Like a million? Why don't you overthrow the government then? I thought the "being nice and polite" was a passive aggressive dig at the Americans and a forced Reddit meme.
>forgets about krakow
Poland and Finland together with their military hardware, I'm talking about shit that matters, tanks, artillery, shit that wins wars - mog the rest of the cucked westies by a fucking country mile.
US is in another league entirely. They have police forces that have more people in them than many armies.
Eh rather indians

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