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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is it possible for Russia to invade Poland given current military exercises?
Why would we but yes, we could carpet bomb the place and do drifts with tanks and come back home.
it's a typical boogeyman like china invading taiwan, dams getting broken, yellowstone erupting any second now etc.
That would be awesome, please bomb my neighbor and his loud 24/7 barking dog.
Is it possible, sure. Will it happen, no. Contrary to the hyperventilation and pearl clutching from the pollacks, Putin has repeatedly stated he wants nothing to do with running Europe
Just like Putin repeteadly said he wouldn't invade Ukraine.

The goal of the mongol muslim horde has ALWAYS been the eradication of the white race and it continues to this day. That's the only way to properly understand Russia.
> what is NATO?
Why would he bomb us? BlackRock isn't a polack corporation that's buying up clay in hoholia. It's an *nglo corporation. You pirate scum thunk you was gonna flip us into GAYTO corporate legions and we was gonna rush in there by the hundreds of thousands to be used as meat shields. LoL No, some of us actually learned from our history lesson and clearly know better than to trust an *nglo buttfuck fuckover.

Your corporation, your problem. Simple as.
Your country is ran by a globalist faggot, your military leaders are constantly banging the war drums and your women are unrepentant coal burners. If Putin was a man of God he would bomb that hellhole you call a country back into 1945 just to give it a chance to regrow into something that's actually worth having around, but he's not going to do that because fuck pollacks
of course. come and invade us, I made pierogi mit barszcz :3
Too long didn't read, get poo'd/chink'd and fuck off, scum
Mald harder poolack, it's not going to stop your women from fucking niggers
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Invade with what soldiers, with what military hardware?
They've been stuck in the same few (bordering!!!) regions of the 2nd poorest country in Europe for almost 900 days.

The chances for them attacking NATO are pretty much as ones for a rusnig to not have AIDS- extremely low.
What tanks?
>brings bbc out of nowhere
1st of 2nd poo's law I forgot
anyway wash your ass poojeet, yes people in public can smell you
It would be a declaration of war on NATO, so no. Maybe in the future if NATO attacks Iran and this conflict flares up into World War III.
If I was a pajeet I would claim to be fucking your women myself...but I'm not because roasties are disgusting
you drunk, crawls back into your igloo and dont share your tendies
we are alias u dumb idiot
I think it really depends on the outcome of the US elections.

Trump wins there's a real risk of him withdrawing from nato , leaving europe on its own. And when that happens and Poland is threatened, The alliance will try to either prod them into initiating the war on their own, not triggering article 5, Or if they do trigger it, they will get into semantics on why they will not send anybody to help it, but will be happy to deliver some half assed PR equipment to use by an army that will inevitably be attritioned. Polish president will then be turned into another Zelensky who's begging for money and the right wing media will just choose to swing it that way while sitting back in their temporary safety.

If Harris wins, I have no proper clue. I guess Russia will not be as eager to attack until another moron who wants to withdraw from NATO wins. And it heavily depends on how the war in Ukraine ends, which I'm not optimistic about at all.
yes, its easy. Poland gave away most of its hardware and hasn't received much replacement yet. It would be a perfect time to invade after drompf takes office and drops out of NATO. No one will go nuclear over poland
now show the current map, nafotroon.
> muh poorest nation
its getting the entire stockpile and MIC output of most NATO countries, and they are STILL unable to halt the russian advance.

as for attacking NATO, they'd probably only do it after trump wins and withdraws from NATO. The you balking chiuauas are in for some BIG trouble.
The desertcross/MT-LB forces... I fear...
are you finally going to fuck off back to russia already?
You're like an untreatable diarrhea. You are a stupid scum. Tell me where you live so I can break your fucking jaw.

Your home country is a despicable shithole and your people are the lowest form of subhuman that is still wearing white skin.
lmaooo the seething of the butthurt belter knows no bounds. CUUUUUCK bitch.

also who said Im russian you little polish chiuaua. bark for me, show me what you got))
Possible, yes.
Good idea, no. Probably not.
Only if could indoctrinate local populus, otherwise no
Oh well I guess if Putin says it it has to be true, he would never lie to us right?
They can try, but Poland has a fuckton of himars and shit. Russia would lose millions. It would be suicide.

they've been halting the russian advance for years anon. At this rate it will take russia 100 years to reach Kiev.
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invade with what?
were you niggers in coma past 2 years
Nope, would instantly lead to the launching of nukes.
do it, accelerate

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