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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What is society going to do with all these childless, unwed wino millennial women as they get older and become more unhinged and deviate towards the left and democrat party, pol?

They either refuse to settle down or are waiting for the top 1% Chad / Mr Big to come in to their lives, which is never going to happen, but they simply refuse to come to terms.
Would rape her tits
They can go to IVF tinder and find the best sperm (not yours) and create super tall Aryan men. If they want. They don't need men who refuse to work.
Lol. How the fuck they gonna do that? With what viable eggs? You're just as retarded as a woman if you think that's any option at all. Yeah, that's what the world needs, more unhinged single mothers. Old ones, at that. You're retarded and should leave now.
80 year old men need sugar babies.
Menopause getting so close.
Bet she's on call for some chads or older farts with cash, whenever the fuck they call she's there in 30min sucking cock.
You know JD Vance was right. Give families with children extra votes
You're very uneducated about women. Everything you learned is from incels that wear anime stockings.
you could have saved her /pol/
Fuck them. If not literally, then figuratively.
Terrible filter. Shit should be banned.
She will be a dried up 60 year old cosplaying as the handsmaid tale. Single issue voting (kill the unborn).

Women’s political opinions never stray beyond self indulgent narcissism.
Skid mark eyebrows will do that
Not my problem
I’m gonna shoplift food and liqour, charge my phone then go back to my camp site in the woods make a dinner, watch some videos then enclose myself in my sleeping bag and listen to crickets, it’s supposed to rain tonight.
I love hearing the rain hit my tarp
It was tough at first, but I’m acclimated now and it’s very comfy
Just waiting to die

Good thing she isn't reproducing
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>Blonde hair
>Blue eyes
>Big tits
I would be perfactly capable of regulary getting my dick wet. But since I turned 30 I realized how its not worth it anymore considering how damaged modern females are. If you want to do hook ups you better fucking wear a rubber, but sex with a rubber is not much better then jerking it. If you get a real gf to bump her full cum, chances are high she will one day skip her pills to get knocked up. Whatever you fo its a lose lose situation.
Look at the nose lmao
brap barns
They'll just collapse the current system with their stupid shit (it's already stumbling anyway) and whatever replaces it will be a system that does not pay attention to the opinions of women.
and now realize what that says about her personality, if she's still single at 33 despite those things
I'm in my 50s, I'll redeem that one boys.
Have you ever met a blonde with a good personality?
They're broke and don't want to give up what little free time they have.
My wife is alright
Maybe if she hadn't put those hideous tattoos all over her body she could have spent it with a husband and children.
>over tattoo'd
>maybe some mutt kid
next time try treating yourself better, babe
i have a wife and kids, and he is right. women don't want to be single mothers.
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we have 8 billion people and 10% white people.
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There ain't no bouncing back
Coping old hags
Who cares? I'll just poach a zoomer wife
>What is society going to do with all these childless, unwed wino millennial women as they get older and become more unhinged and deviate towards the left and democrat party, pol?
Rob, rape, and murder because they aren't defended by a man
>bottle blonde
>green eyes
>filter tits
fucking chink/jeetdnyk

Honestly who gives a flying fuck anymore.

Society moved past a point of no return for the millennial generation. We'll try again with the next ones.

I feel bad for my sisters, but then again, they made their own choices, too.
>Nose Hoop
Hard pass.
Do those US figures count "White Hispanic Americans" as white?
Oh come on she's not that bad.
Are you 100% sure of that?
As opposed to a cat that'll cower in a corner when niggers break in?
why not? 335 million americans in 2024
in 1980 was 220 million, so childless okay, even if US down by 100 million people, it will be same as in 1980
She’s deserving of a labor camp.
>unironically interacting with a federal agent
Yea because a dog will do so much againt burglars, lmfao. Least delusional dog fan, are you? Fucking retard.
>You know JD Vance was right. Give families with children extra votes
Yea thats what we need niggers spics and Muslims who abuse welfare to have a 5 times voting multiplier. Do you retards not think for a fucking second?
This also claims France is over 90% white. The actual white population is much less than 11% of world population
>Yea because a dog will do so much againt burglars
That would be fucking hilarious, a woman literally paying to make herself a single fucking mother hahahahaha. So why don’t you think women tend to do that champ?
Anti-dog mudslime shills have been psyopping here a lot lately. Even the bark of a tiny dog has a significant effect on deterring break-ins.
Well, yeah. Even black bears are scared of them!
>childless millennial men seething about childless millennial women
Pretty sure pent-up aged women will start an actual anarchist movement way before any of you chuds do anything significant.
Dadless women are creating the very incels you hate, retard.
>septum piercing

Single women without any stable dad for the kid* that is
Give it a few minute and she will have a baby with a nigger and then start posting about being a single mother looking for a daddy.
boring guys give her the ick so she has chosen to be a doggoomommo. many such cases.
Hopefully Canadian health care treatment
Excellent frontline soldiers.
>with my dogs
>septum piercing
why are they all like this? they all worship and possibly fuck dogs and have pig nose piercings. why does everyone ignore that dog worship is the modern contemporary religion of the US and a lot of Europe too? if you see people taking their dogs everywhere they used to be barred from like grocery stores and airplanes, every woman has a fucking COMFORT DOG, and you dont see a problem, that likely means you suck dog dick too. stop worshiping dogs. the reason why women do this is because the left, the right, nearly everyone equates sucking off dogs and letting them sleep on your bed to being a good person. its why white women fuck niggers.
niggers=cool in the US. women are just fucking what you think is good. you made them do this. women are NPCs and dog worshipers in their family, every single fucking movie, all media with talking dogs and endless dog worship made them do this. its EXACTLY why they fuck niggers. dogs are 4 legged niggers. if you have a problem with what im saying, you worship dogs.
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Yeah, we all know what she did in the bathtub.
>tats and cow nose ring
That's a "yikes" from me, bro. I have no idea why women do this to themselves.
That’s not how it works albeit
well behaved women rarely make history chud.
ah yes i'm sure they'll be great single mothers, raising great kids before dying of old age when her kid turns 20
>nose ring
I don't even want to think what 'sexual' acts, she's been involved in, but I imagine that woman is pretty gross. Plus she has that neantherthal skull shape.
What did she do in the bathtub, anon?
id happily spend my birthday up in those tits
They’ll spend their time with Netflix and radical left wing political causes endorsed by the Democratic Party.
They dont have the money nor the will
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Didn't read. Don't care. Googled "PTHC porn". Jacked off.
I’ll be a brokeass nigga with more than one child but at least I’ll get to have more than one vote and get to pick between red shabbos goy and blue shabbos goy, right?
They'll be fat, saggy and gross (they usually are already) and vote themselves more benefits so they can loiter around bars hoping to find a brownoid desperate enough to nut in them
The worst of the worst will adopt teenage shitskins from the turd world and basically molest them while advocating for more "aNtI rAcIsT" causes
The ideal golem
Society is going to use them as an example for the girls they have as to what will happen to them if they don't get married young and have kids for centuries. That's assuming these stupid cunts don't end civilization itself first.
Brazil and Mexico are white?
Sorry chud, neither have you. They rather collect EBT than look your ugly face two seconds more.
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Did you read that in the latest TERF only secret Harry Potter novel?
and then you realize she's jewish, but you're a nordicist so she's white to you kek
probably just stood there and reflected on her wasted youth and all the incel comments related to it
That isn't readily available for everyone
>white devils going extinct

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
Pretty much a step away from being finally put into barns, where they will be bred and milked to the full extent of efficiency granted by human Zootechnics, and then unceremoniously disposed of with a pneumatic needle when their bodies are spent and unproductive.

how it work than?
>Aryan Men
Most likely a Wakandan Kang instead.
We will import more niggers and they will teach them a lesson in violence. TOTAL ROASTIE DEATH
It’s not just numbers on a screen - there is a qualitative difference in going from 100m to 200m and 300m to 200m. A country that has seen a loss of 100m people over X years does not look like a country that has seen a growth of 100m over X years.

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