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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475700114
Imagine if rightwingers ran wokipediea, how great would that have been
oh hay just like when avenatti was in his 15 minutes of fame story arc
remember that?
the fake news has not gotten worse, it is only being forced to do the bullshit more publicly now.
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why wont you stupid chuds vote for the commiefornian mutt kamala. god i hate you fucking incel trumpettes just fucking dont vote for trump
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>Kamala raising lots of money on zooms calls
>Trump still doesn't do zoom call fundraising
What the fuck is wrong with him. Biden raised huge amounts of cash in 2020 with zoom call fundraising. Now Kamala is doing the same. But I get 75 emails and texts a day asking for money.,...
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lmfao remember when you said
>dude politicians don't do any fundraising calls
>they should get checks cut automatically
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i wonder how many people remember that arc
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Buy an ad nigger.
>>dude politicians don't do any fundraising calls
I never said this. What? Biden literally raised tons of cash in 2020 doing zoom calls. I criticized Trump for not doing them then.
>they should get checks cut automatically
Automatically by whom?
Funny how you keep saying I said all this stuff but don't have any screen caps of these statements.
The press is the enemy of the American people.
Never forget.
>Rupert Murdoch didn't want Vance and was pushing Trump to pick Burgum
>Trump still criticizing mail in voting on Fox News
Why is he throwing the election?
another tick for Vance.
Only Trump's idiot sons changed his mind. Trump was going for Burgum (with Rubio as a potential other option)
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hey in between bantering with the retard allow me to share my pain
Vance wants to break up big tech.
oh lol, you're pulling that out of your ass

I was asleep why is white women trending, what did I miss?
MILWAUKEE — With the clock ticking to the Republican National Convention last week, Donald Trump met privately to discuss his running mate search with two of his closest advisers: his sons.

The conversation quickly turned tense when the former president indicated that he was leaning toward Doug Burgum, until recently the largely unknown governor of North Dakota — but someone whose low-maintenance, no-drama personality would never threaten to outshine Trump.

That’s when Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump chimed in.

“Don Jr. and Eric went bats--- crazy: ‘Why would you do something so stupid? He offers us nothing,’” a longtime Republican operative familiar with the discussion told NBC News.

“They were basically all like ‘JD, JD, JD,’” the operative said.
It's all connected.
many seem to be either waking up or melting down
the left are trying to drive a wedge in the sex of americans. it appears to be naked misandry at this point from the left because they know white men wouldnt vote for kamala ever
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Because they only like the idea of blacked.
they don't like the idea of bleached.
Vance is a bleaching chad, kek
everythings always been connected. now it's all being exposed for what it is.
everything is compromised, there ARE NO sane people shilling against America First.
simple as.
trends are user specific so it is trending for that anon for reasons related to his recent posts/follows
however a cursory search of "white women" shows the top algorithm posts are
>anontwt account showing white women apologize for islam dress standards because browns > all else
>libtards cheering about how kamala is so white woman coded and this is the age of feminism where girl power will defeat the orange hitler
>libtards crying about how white women are terfs and racist
smart move.
they knew there was a necromancer working with him.
You're right. Trump is just a complete retard then for choosing Vance 100% on his own.
Im not sure what they think JD offered them? He doesn't have a record but has said a lot of stupid shit to hurt the female vote for Trump.

I guess Peter Thiel bucks make Vance worth it.
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>perhaps they are wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing them out of an airplane
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Trump should do zoom calls. He should get onto podcasts.
If you want the younger vote, go on tiktok and make video replies. Do some streams. This is his last chance, get on it.
>get onto podcasts.
he has been for ages.
where the fuck you been?
His golf thing was kino
>Trump should do zoom calls. He should get onto podcasts.
This and this. Zoom calls = huge money. Podcasts = some youth exposure and maybe some viral clips.
>he has been for ages.
Like what? The only one I can think of is one from a few years ago that go censored off youtube because he brought up election fraud.
The money Harris is getting isn't coming from zoom calls, it's coming from big corps/banks and being funneled through actblue/zoom etc
anon spending effort trying to court "the younger vote" is proven the worst political tactic ever. he would earn more votes showing up on wheel of fortune and reminiscing about the andy griffith show
i heard trump say the word 'fuck' from a golf cart in a tik tok vid
does that count?
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More, he has been on a few which is getting good traction.
It was a good move.
However most people have shorter attention spans, so longform such as podcasts and long videos can't be the only solutions.
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Yes. But it would be better if he was goofing on Kamala or talking about the border
The money Harris is getting is from the dark money super pacs from Biden's campaign, or the mega donors who withheld money from the DNC until he dropped out. You're not wrong but it isn't about making money. It's about content and eyes. The headlines right now are "Kamala Harris had thousands of people in their Zoom fundraiser". Think about how much Trump would crush those numbers.
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I disagree. I prefer the authentic Trump. Pandering never works
anon trump could get 100x the number and the headlines will still talk about harris
Vance is a better pick than Burgum. Carson would have been the best pick, but he doesn't seem to mind too much not being VP, and he endorsed Vance then. Plus, the shrills would be bitching about how Carson would be too old. (I keep forgetting that Carson is 70, he honestly looks younger than Obama).
Younger vote is still votes. People have been going on about Kamala's memeability like they forgot who her opponent was. It is much more effort to do rallies than a podcast and Trump rallies like a machine.
He literally did Logan fucking Paul's podcast only a few weeks ago, you retarded shill. That's the height of zoomerism.
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>Carson would have been the best pick
i dunno, he's really low energy
The full Blackgate Prison speech this time around. BRAVO NOLAN.
tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
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>Kamala's memeability
you mean the memes of her on her knees?
anon, electioneering is a matter of choosing avenues of the most likely fruit and the youth vote is literally the worst choice. it is not
>do it anyway
you are requesting statistically, historically, common sensibly the worst tactic possible. i can only thank god the trump campaign is listening to online retards less this year because he would certainly lose if the eright was making decisions
Daily reminder that Cumala LITERALLY sucks Jewish cock every night.

No one thinks she is a memeable. Liberals will say anything to drum up hype for her.
He will never get another chance to campaign. He needs to do it like it is his last.
unless you are lining up a VP to be the de facto contender for 2028 GE then the VP for the Republicans was always just for the 4 years of Trump as President. Wit hte ay Biden has dropped the ball & left the Democrats with Harris as the Dem nominee then it shows that having the VP as bad as Harris can backfire when Biden clearly wanted her bad to make him look good
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>they feel like they are in charge
>and that that gives them power over me
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have to try and get my truck and trailer set up to drive 400 miles to pick up another car this weekend because i dont have anyone that will road trip with me and make it easy. instead every plan i have has to be insanely complicated and fucking the biggest hassle possible
that's different than what they are asking for
>Yes. But it would be better if he was goofing on Kamala or talking about the border
they seem to be asking trump to repeat himself in podcast form
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Do you feel in charge?
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hand cuffing a dead man
>Like what?
He was literally on Logan Paul's podcast one month ago and it did over 6M views, not including all the various podcast apps.
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I've come to the realization that societal brainrot had become so heavy that "web designer" is an obscure and difficult title for people to understand.
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That's pretty standard training
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i haven't heard that in years
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this anon will die to a zombie.
It's politics you stupid cunt, follow the money.
Who funds Vance? Peter Thiel
Who funded Trump initially back in 2014? That's right, Peter Thiel.

Who would have ever guessed that THE data broker on the planet who owns a company named after a crystal ball that can see anything anywhere even in the future would own the future of politics. Wow, real mystery to unpack there.
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did they read him his rights as well?
>King nigger endorse kamala
Looks like they got a good enough cheating plan to convince him. Trump is done for
do you have your digital loicence to post here?
>it’s November 4th, one day before the election
>Trump supporters are still debating conspiracy theories about Thomas Cooks and arguing with people who say Trump wasn’t hit with a bullet
>it’s November 6, Kamala has won the election with over 300 electoral votes
>Trump supporters are still debating conspiracy theories about Thomas Cooks and arguing with people who say Trump wasn’t hit with a bullet
no worries! i'll gladly remind you :)
you are wrong, yet again :)
Obama endorsed Hillary, how did that go?
Anon, what I'm stating is already what he is doing. He has been on some podcasts. He was on one youtube vid. Both gave great PR, not just for some youth vote but it's in the field of view. He needs to keep the train moving.
sorry i had to find the post in the archive (i was right of course)
anyways i don't know what is worse
>the memecoin garbage
>the amount of times /pol/ is discussed by shitskins
>the amount of people who are going "durr durr trump lost 4chan xDDD"
They underestimate Trump and not cheat hard enough, you think they will repeat the same mistake?
If you actually know any Kamala voters, make sure to inform them that her name is actually pronounced kuh-MAW-luh, not KAW-ML-uh. In American (and most other Anglosphere) dialects of English, there are phonation norms and rules governing the stressing of syllables, just like in any other language. And in our language, there is a pretty consistent rule governing words like Kamala. That rule is that in any word which is
>three syllables
>second syllable does not have a consonant final, or has a nasalized consonant final
>second syllable ends with a long A sound (claw) or short A sound (bat), or a diphthong which contains an A sound (bay/buy/mouth)
then the second syllable always carries primary stress.
Long A
>colossus : kuh-LAW-sus
>Polaris : puh-LAW-ris
>Mugabe : moo-GAW-bay
Short A
>Aladdin : uh-LA-din
>disaster : di-ZA-ster
>Vidalia : vi-DA-lyuh
EI diphthong
>tomato : tuh-MAY-toe
>volcano : vall-KAY-noe
>eraser : ee-RAY-sur
AI diphthong
>horizon : hu-RYE-zun
>Poseidon : puh-SYE-dun
>McGuyver : muh-GYE-ver
AU diphthong
>Malawi : muh-LAU-ee
>allowance : uh-LAU-ins
>encounter : in-CAUN-ter

Look across the language and you will find exceptions are incredibly rare. The only ones I could find which appear to violate this rule are Canada and paladin, but those do not actually violate the rule since the a in the second syllable is not actually pronounced, but realized as a schwa. (CAN-*uh*-duh). If there are native English dialects in which the a is actually pronounced, I would bet that they also stress that syllable.

As Kamala is not a native English word with centuries of usage in the language to justify an exception to our nativization rules, unlike paladin and Canada, then the proper pronunciation, PROPER, is to pronounce it Kuh-MAW-luh. Anyone insisting we pronounce it the way she pronounces it is performing a humiliation ritual by allowing foreigners to come in and tell us how our own native language is supposed to be spoken.
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Project 2025 and everything trump will do to destroy America
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now imagine looking through that
every day
for years
now imagine the bottle of bourbon
imagine pouring it into the tumbler
then gulping it
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>patriot front 2025
Do you really think that bullshit is going to work here?
i agree with about half of that.
The fact they blew their Obama endorsement this early is actually a positive. Rather than drip-feeding positive propaganda for Harris, they're throwing everything they have at this first week in a vain attempt to generate some hype falsely.
They'll have nothing left to boost her with come November.
do a qanon post next
but anyways yes i agree with your earlier post, this place is going to be markedly more awful for at least another month (maybe even a month and a half)
things will start to normalize after the DNC convention (and then after labor day /ptg/ will be in the end game)
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i’ll call it in
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i too, take whatever anyone says on twitter to be 100% factual
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it's gonna be retarded straight to november and the results will have zero bearing on any of it
i do not drink enough my subconscious keeps forcing me to look after my health
Drug bust!
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they must have put it back
Now post the history of edits.
i hope you get priced out of alcohol!
anyways i'm going to go shower and do stuff in a little, surely these threads improve
>U.S. told Philippines it made ‘missteps’ in secret anti-vax propaganda effort
I hope you are right but I wouldn't be so optimistic. These people are pure evil, they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves that you wouldn't think of.
>hear news Trump is dropping out of debate with Coomala
>everyone is pissing their pants over how “dreukmph too scared to debate le sassy nigger”
>Trump’s statement: “you guys are weak, I don’t even know if Kamala “Sucks Like a Vacuum in More Ways Than One” Harris will be the nominee yet! Also, I already beat crooked Joe to death like the gimp he is
this cycle is gonna blow until the summer ends/DNC comes
That's why we have to vote and poll watch.
Every time
Rust Belters like him apparently, he'll help with the turnout
don't forget
>actually kamala is the meme candidate this time around!
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it has been edit warred for the past few days
>added harris as border czar, along with many others not listed
>reverted: axios retracted their article [lol]
>reverted: there are more sources than axios
>reverted: official harris statements deny it
>reverted: that isn't sufficient, multiple sources confirm it prior
>reverted: opinionated misinformation
>reverted: source text doesn't care if you don't like it
it'll probably be reverted again in a few hours
that's pretty hard i buy bottom shelf sewage
Burgum would be easy to cast as a slick tech billionaire, which he is. Not helpful.
Also name is stupid and he looks sinister.
>everted: official harris statements deny it
That sounds like a PRIMARY SOURCE niggers!!!
Highly forbidden
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A lot of white women hate male trannies in women sports and Biden and Harris are pro-tranny, so I doubt all white women will fall for the Democrat propaganda, especially white women outside California
Remember the only reason Kamala is replacing Joe is because Trump survived
Well, that's certainly a credit in Vance's account.
the real stupidity behind it is the biden admin did have an official named "border czar" for the first four month, some kike bitch i can't remember her name, and the very day she left biden and harris held a joint press conference where he announced harris would assume the responsibilities of the border she held. the news reported that as her being the new "border czar," which she was very upset at even at the time, but on purely semantical grounds: she was indeed taking the same responsibility as the previous "border czar"
years passed and this specific argument was forgotten because people barely cared, but it's been revived now and it's back to the semantical bullshit about whether she was "officially" named such, when that's mostly a foil because it is without question she was given responsibility over border control policy with the same scope that "border czars" have, and while it's not an official OPM government position or whatever it has been officially termed such in government documents
not bad but needs something about fuel prices to really win over people.
anyway what's going to happen is the edit war will probably see a few more revisions, then a wikipedia mod will come in and lock it as controversial on the version where she's not listed based on "current information" (lol)
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>no muscle car provisions
Lmao I hope I can. these libtards keep spreading their woke shit all over the world, fuck them.
the original plan was for the republicans to have no viable candidate leading into the rnc.
God has a great sense of humor.
Jesus protect Donald Trump and his.
Everything on that list is so fucking based. Whichever anon made it is a king.
Ding ding ding
the win condition is if they decide on a compromise where harris is listed with an asterisk, which would be hilarious cope
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I will forever laugh at feminists getting BTFO by their own bullshit
>infinitely vote radical blue because fuck them males and yass qween slay
>enable faggotism and somody because woman to woman sex is okay since it has no men in it
>men put on make up and dresses and invade your spaces to take your feminity and dick you in the name of "lesbian" sex
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Is he fucking retarded? Why is Trump trying to get himself killed? The idiot just greenlit an Israeli op to assassinate him.
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>never forget what they took from you

>1975 Trans Am
After the last attempt and every other god damn miracle he has pulled out of his ass I'm practically certain Thiel is just feeding him future reads directly from his quantum computer so every blatant attempt on his life exposes them all. Wouldn't be surprised at all he had a hidden ear piece with Thiel telling him directly to move his head at exactly the last second.
>durr durr
iran has been trying to kill him for years anon
you have to be fucking retarded
It's true, they passed him a diet coke that they'd been shaking up for hours in a paint mixer like Bart Simpson did that one time.
anon the iranian government publishes videos almost weekly where they show trump being killed by a drone strike
it really isn't that complicated
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oh btw when looking up something from book i found the funniest possible way to have public park land
there was some climbing site that listed this peak and all the comments were seethe that it could not be legally accessed
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Why are Republicans so violent?
>capitalism protecting hundreds of hikers from going missing never to be found again
i kneel in reverence
And then everyone clapped.
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No men in SI swimsuit issue
For me, it's...
Sup, bros?
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I am le retard
>verification not required
T-thanks gookmoot...
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this should occur more often, the smoky mountains should be surrounded by private property that put up barbed wire fencing, cameras, and prosecute trespassers
then there should be a bunch of promotional material for smoky mountains national park as one of the most scenic, i think the response would be fucking hilarious
>pick Burgum as VP

>pick Rubio as VP
GANG OF 8 GANG OF 8 GANG OF 8 AMNESTY DON REEEEEEEEEEEEEE (also both Trump and Rubio are from florida so it wouldn't work)

>pick Glenn Youngkin as VP
Lose Virginia governorship + no guarantee of getting votes in rust belt

>pick Ramaswamy as VP
lmao even

>pick Vance as VP
They have to make shit up + get people who like to suck dick at first sight to self report, as well as out cuckservatives who say you can't use the lefts tactics against them

Vance was the only correct choice
I respect that you people understand that you have no real basis to support trump or have any good policy and just rely on fake information and boomer memes. It just proves you guys are just a low iq cult and or Russian bots.
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>Vance was the only correct choice
i mean yeah besides Alex.
>hates funposting
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yes most criticism is forced and people asking how high when faggots tell them to jump
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JD Vance wants childless men to pay more taxes and have no right to vote.
Vance was the 3rd best choice behind Carson and Tucker
JD Vance fucks couches
hey do you know there was a sizeable amount of "republicans" who believed the whole couch thing
truly incredible work
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I miss painting girl f riperoni MAGA
>Glenn Youngkin
you would have had shills bring up his Caryle Group past
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Im sorry for all the shilling /ptg/, i'm going to vote for Trump, believe me.
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okay wait i'm relooking at that link and there has to be a fucking giggle going on here
childmore niggers and beaners should still pay taxes then it would be good policy
I said I respected it. Still frustrating that you people have no real substance.
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Reminded thaf Newsweek was sold for one dollar
I would let him do brain surgery on me and all, but he sounds more geriatric than Biden

Let's not discuss the impossible please
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If any Trump campaign people are reading this morning, I've a tip.

Get Trump back on twitter, that's where he needs to be again.
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>nigger or russianshillbot
>best choices
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>ex-clinton adviser
oh well then i trust everything they say.
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If he wanted to really win he would have done this. Hes too proud and his retarded son's told him Vance.

Vance can still help with WWC voters in the rustbelt but Haley or Youngkin were much better choices.
>>pick Burgum as VP
Oh is that an issue with him? That makes sense, that's a weak spot
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And she does?
>Vance can still help with WWC voters in the rustbelt but Haley or Youngkin were much better choices.
nah. if he was gonna go with some1 else, it should've been the nigger.
Might be a pseudonym of someone who doesn't want his name on the internet.
Yeah, North Dakota has a total ban on abortion that Burgum championed

If he'd picked him, the only ones who's would be pleased would be 100% anti abortion people, which is a very, very small group
Not really. Abortion is a constant and perennial issue. Even if a R candidate is not opposed to abortion, the Ds will lie and say he is. You can see this with Trump already: he wants to make it a state issue, and the Ds turn around and claim he wants to ban it at the federal level.
The Ds will always make an issue out of abortion, because it gets one of their core constituencies (unmarried women) riled up. You can't escape that no matter what candidate you run, so you might as well focus on something else.
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Not a good look, i'll still vote for him but this aint it!
if the TikTok rivalry is anything to go on, Trump already has all the youth votes he needs
chasing brainwashed college fags is on the tail ends of diminishing returns
Alex would be the best press secretary.
How compelling, but I'm still voting for Trump.
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can remember when the fakes were at least funny, seems like a million years ago
Oh yeah that would be an own goal. Trump would be unable to use the "state level" deflection.
I think JD is actually a pretty good choice, the attacks on him are so weak and outright made up.
The thing about lies is that you can call them out, but will it convince everyone? No, but if you manage to convince just 5% of those people, then you've already done damage to the Dems

It's better that they HAVE to lie, instead of telling the truth
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There are more houses for sale than since 2008
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probably but it definitely is a funny double take
weird pseudonym too surprised they allow that but i'm gonna guess mountain peak documenting sites don't really have strong moderation
yes as i've said many times a huge amount of the right is still sucking down left-wing drivel in full trust right from the teat. you have to wonder why people even try to pretend to be on the right if everyone wants to be "center libertarian" or left it's way easier and there's way more spaces for that, but no they always have to smear their feces around the right
the nostalgia hits hard we want what was, unburdened by what shouldn't be
Fake, obviously.
It's an interesting new tactic, create fake screenshots and circulate them rapidly, like the JD Vance one with the couch.
It points to a Dem campaign focused on the youth target. Unclear if that's going to pay off. What will older people get from Kamala being Brat?
>yes as i've said many times a huge amount of the right is still sucking down left-wing drivel in full trust right from the teat
its just the boomers. just imagine how different your worldview would be if your only source of info was MSM.
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I think people really underestimate what it was like to go to the movies in 2003 or playing games in 2007. Every month you would have amazing shit that everyone agreed was amazing and more was coming all the time.
>It's better that they HAVE to lie, instead of telling the truth
Anon, they lie shamelessly and constantly. Have you not already heard that Kamala was never border czar, and that she's an articulate speaker with an impressive list of accomplishments? The Democrats are adept at saying whatever is convenient, unburdened by what is true. The vast majority of normies don't care enough to find out whether they're telling the truth and probably wouldn't care enough to respond if they did find out the Ds were lying to them. After all, nobody ever did much about the lies told during the pandemic or the obviously forged Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Just itt to point out how europoors have such daring and cutting American political acumen and how much grace they must have to deign us with their big brain thoughts. You go girls!
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it’s a fucking blormpf general at 7:53-2:08 AM no matter where you are in the USA. Blow it out your ass nerd this is /pol/ if you don’t like something don’t click on it
I noticed Kamala has frontal fibrosing alopecia and some FPB. Trump’s been taking proscar for 47 years though and had one round of plugs and his hairline surgically lowered. Albeit Kamala is odd
>94% of 60 year old colored women have at least one kid
>58% of women never experience any hair loss
Kamala takes 2 Ls
Yes but the difference is this

>Democrats lie
>normie goes on the internet
>finds out it's a lie (even by accident!)
>wtf I'm a republican now!


>Democrats tell the truth
>I'm still a democrat because there is nothing to call out
Again it's not that many people, by all means, but it's still damage done to the democrat party, it adds up
Based. The fire rises.
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she's so brat, sistas!
whoops first reply meant for >>475718095
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cringiest nigger shit ever
>kennedy 10

>+1 in Michigan is the best you can cherrypick

lmfao, Joe's best polls were +10 there in 2020
Trump has a larger percentage of the 50+ years demographic as voters.
DNC is targeting the youth vote to keep them energized. They lost significant grounds with Biden with the youth vote. Trump can beat them at their game.

is there any feeling that voters want to vote Harris to make her 'first female black president' like there was for making Obama 'first black president'?
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No one knows what race she is
Strange how you avoid mentioning Ben Carson while using a meme flag
Why not? Crime is at record lows, so it's clearly working
That's the current spin, that's all they got and it could work.

Also, slay sistah bs too.
LOL, nobody cares what niggers think.
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>all the kids say it’s a mitzvah
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Does Haley fuck couches too?
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Awoo and good mornin guys
It's weird to see people claim otherwise, too obvious
Call it cringe and forced, watch it crumble
>Harris is only +1 IN FUCKING DETROIT
Holy shit, democrats are done as a national party.
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The Dems themselves couldn't even tilt the table for her in the 20 primaries.
>wtf I'm a republican now!
I don't feel like they get to this step. I think it's more:
> accept beliefs based on Democrat propaganda
> discover truth contradicting those beliefs
> double down on Democrat beliefs
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch, and people tend not to be good at rejecting prior beliefs based on new evidence. I mean, gas pump prices and housing prices are pretty evidently worse under Biden, but leftists will rationalize them away. You can tell a leftist the stats about abortions (there basically are no abortions due to rape or incest, and the majority of women getting abortions get them repeatedly) or black crime (thirteen do fifty) or whatever you like, and you won't change his opinion, and in fact they'll double down on his prior beliefs.

Not at all. People don't understand the mood of the 00's, people genuinely thought voting for him would usher in a new post racial utopia. Exact opposite happened.
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>id: pug
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why is he so scared?
Obama won because he was against illegal border crossings, freedom of the internet and Americas stock market was about to crash, which made everyone vote for him (of course all those things were lies)

Shit you'd probably have to look really hard on this website for someone that didn't like Obama in 2008

Kamala has no such advantage, as a matter of fact the economy sucks and illegal crossing are at an all time high
It's not gone dipshit. The pic on the right just just scrolled up slightly so you couldn't see it. If you scroll down, you can still see it. Here, I'll do it for you.
>Trump’s been taking proscar for 47 years though
That's commitment, damn
>styx has gone from "obviously kamala won't win" to "she probably won't win"
It's becoming over. Acceptance she now has the advantage.

He doesn't owe an invalid nominee a debate and his internal polling shows he has a 99% chance of winning right now
>Shit you'd probably have to look really hard on this website for someone that didn't like Obama in 2008
It's true, I remember it. We believed the "Change" shit
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The MSM is busy creating images of Kamala in the appropriate shade of meme-brat green. There's a certain irony in the MSM creating memes.
>that flag
>believing that debating a Marxist accomplished anything for anyone
you're retarded
deny her the opportunity to grandstand in a moderated environment and let her shoot herself in the foot unassisted
You're right, but there's a new generation of voters now that don't know this and no one is warning them.
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my father has done it with vidya to me for a long time, gushing over the latest graphics and the cool jetpacks in CoD or w/e. you get something similar with zoomers shilling the latest overwatch or fortnite clone at you. i cannot stand other people
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Heck, Trump got more votes as a write-in in NH 2020's DNC primary than Kamala did.
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That's awfully pedantic.

It's hard to tell at this moment as the propaganda is so strong.
He didn’t “back out” of anything he refused to accept a debate until somebody is officially nominated. Enough with this literal fake news
He needs to for reasons other than hair
she is losing in the polls tho and even when she is “winning” she is under performing Biden. They have to bring both candidates below their actual floor to even give her the advantage
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lotta edit history tho
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That page is in such shambles that someone's put info in the header row.
She is her own wosrt enemy. See>>475720276

Nick Fuentes goes full leftist and anti-Trump, embraces browns and trannies
>please be nervous!

More concern trolling please
b >>475720229
sher hope your rite. Trump will make a nother good presdent because god and jesus.
Trump floor is like 48-49% in michigan. Those low 40s polls are trash.
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>almost a week later
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damn even nazis dont like trump? trump must be crazy extreme.. i better vote for kamala..
Childless man. Picking a fight with this glowie plant will make the media whip up a stir about infighting on the right, so the best option is to ignore him.
Trump is already losing and the debates haven't even happened yet.
I can 100% guarantee she'll win the debates. Trump is a retard. We saw it at the RNC speech
Word was that Onigger was pissed off that Biden endorsed Harris (Biden's "fuck you" to the people who drove him out) because Hussein wanted Mark Kelly at the top of the ticket.

Too true
on the plus side tho, this likely means that its gonna be kamala for realsies.
MIGA you guys love Israel more than America lmao
Googoo Gaga nigga
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it was sarcasm Bruce, but thanks lol
Not an answer especially now that Obama endorsed her.
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cernovich demonstrated how e-grifters can go heel and then eventually be welcomed back on the Trump train, not surprising to see nick the spic mimicking a jew
Vance is fucking worthless. He’s the most unelectable faggot I have ever seen on a ticket.
Only the best people.
Oh no no no
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hey maybe you should gather your credentials and go tell Trump that personally
Wtf is brat?
I don't give a FUCK about Skibidi Toilet
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Reminder that mods transformed /pol/ into a leftist shithole and bot mill
you seem pretty concerned for us anon. thats great that youre looking out, not many people show so much concern
lots of concern from these pots
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I only know homosexual Nick Fuentes calls himself that now in support of Kamala
it's bussin fr cheugy rizz bix nood gyatt
boomers are still used to getting $300k for their 1200sf shacks on no land
it'll be a while before prices drop
The usual, typical hate for the Republican Presidential nominee aside, have you guys noticed over the years and decades that the media reserves particular vicious hate for the VP nominee?

>Cheney, Palin, Ryan, Pence

They're under an absolute onslaught of childish hate, these are all normal people. And then no one even remembers the Dem VP's name they get so little press.
> disembodied Biden voice endorses Harris
> disembodied Obama voices endorse Harris
Why is Harris getting all of her endorsements by phone? Why no video? Why is it always disembodied voices?
In b4 AI. I think it's deeper than that, something tied in to the atomization of society we saw in the pandemic.
how does she win the rust belt?
do people even remember why they chose biden in 2020 in the first place
>do people even remember why they chose biden in 2020 in the first place

Will be the same reason in 2024, because they are voting against Trump.
That's it, that's the only reason.
>The name “Canada” originates from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.”
makes sense that an exception isnt even english
Her sdvisors already told pundits they are going for a sun belt strat+pa kek
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raise your cocoNUTS!
>Why is Harris getting all of her endorsements by phone? Why no video?
It's all an internal power struggle. Jill biden gave her parting shot in revenge for getting shoved out, while Obama got put into a corner and is saving face rn
i went a checked and theres a period where it was gone
prove me wrong
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>slashdot user poll
seriously anon.


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Good morning frens
Fuck off retard
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reminder still baking
yeah that's what you were saying about the debate with Biden too, before Trump annihilated the senile old fuck
I’m afraid you have me confused with some other anon.
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Democrats getting caught in lies left and right
Don't think so, anyone who voted for Biden was too stupid to see even back then he was going bad. If you can't tell a boomer in decline I don't think you should be voting
...and everybody clapped
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didn't even bother reading the article to find out who it is lmao
the correct choice was rand paul because whoever kamala picks to debate him would get turned into a pile of statist goo
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All of you are lovely people and I'm glad i get to spend time with (you)
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it was moar acceptable to gush over graphics when the n64 and ps1 were the consoles of choice. After MGS4's tons of cinematic cutscenes, I forever stopped caring about graphics
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If only Trump was as based as the left wants him to be...
Tick tock, Drumpfies! xD
Kamala 2024! :3
good morning everyone's favorite anon
That would argue against Kelly as VP, if he's sure of Obama's blessing for a tilt at the big one later on.
deflect if you want, the fact of the matter is that Biden himself said Trump was afraid to debate, then he went and shat himself in multiple ways on live TV for the whole world to see.
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>hi im gay
we know anon
I never found Rand all that great on the debate stage, he could retort okay but he never grew out of the high school debate stage and still expects a judge to be scoring him and awarding him a "win" because his opponent didn't address his argument.
>(((MUH OPTICS!!!)))
t. hans the everpresent leftist troll
>In my mind it was real
Democrats never lived in reality but this shit is just funny

I like all of that except "higher taxes on the working class" (which, of course, no Republican in history has ever proposed), it's a shame this isn't Trump's campaign platform

Iran wants revenge for Queso Salami
No idea what this is.

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