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>Weak young men, unable or unwilling to improve themselves in order to increase their attractivity, will aspire to be like him, but be frustrated by their own failure, and take it out on women instead, as you point out. Hence taking women by force, or the "sour grapes" approach, to revile what you would really like to have, but can't.
weakcelbros...it's over...we've been found out...
Why are little girls so fucking hot?
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>but when women complain about anything, men need to prove they're men by fixing it for them
"Woman-Up" sisters, they found out that we only have agency when it suits them
Man already took women by forces.
Spousal rape laws wasn't even a thing until 70s.
Patriarchy, google it.
With new legal environment it's completely different game and changes of aproaches and understanding reflect that. Old ga e is dead. Nobody played new game before, so meta is settling and evolving as we speak.
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Imagine coming up through the public education system where most of your childhood authority figures are women you don't respect. Now you have to enter the workforce and women get preferentially hired. When you do land a job you have to work with women and you notice how childish and grossly incompetent most of them are. That's the experience of a lot of men. No sexual rejection involved. No manosphere influencers required.
I’m not reading all that shit
women will blame increase in rape/abuse on literelly everything except for the real cause (migration and the fact that every race of men but white biologically hates women)
I don't hate women but I do see some people that genuinely do so obviously those people exist. But what I find most remarkable is that women have culturally give through a massive change over the past several decades, yet the blame is always automatically assigned to men.
I don't hate women, but I do hate modern culture. Both regarding men and women. But never do I see a women, even the ones acknowledging that feminism has been a disaster every owe up to women doing anything wrong. It's only ever men's fault or some ambiguous thing like feminism itself as a concept.
I work for UPS. We got a new 5/10 awkward skinny 18 year old white girl. She must have had 8 niggers stop by and flirt with her every morning. Everyone else is working. She should be with an equal white man but all the attention from niggers will make that impossible.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Feminism is the only good thing happening from 200 years of democracy.
Feminism is good because it destroy the grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market. Women are sex capitalists. It's women who organize the competition . It's men who compete for women and not women who compete for men. So they are right to be very strict about the rules. And since they are the queens, and 99% of men just live to provide for them, they have the luxury of rebuking any male quest they want and imposing on men various duties.
>the blame is always automatically assigned to men
This is how women operate. They avoid personal responsibility and accountability like the plague. The nearest man will always be blamed for their own poor choices and personal shortcomings.

>y they hate womans tho
It really is the internet, or media in general. Women are almost exclusively portrayed in the worst possible way, from the more traditional things such as pornography, to the more modern girl boss (i.e: cunt). Women do this themselves, or are portrayed in such ways by others. The characters they make are all very much worthy of hatred, derision and contempt. You can't spend any significant amount of time on the internet and not end up hating women, it's impossible.
In real life however most women aren't really that extraordinary in either direction, they're quite unremarkable as people tend to be, but generally alright. The problem is when the only experience a person has is the character they've seen on the internet or in other media, with no reference grounded in real life.
In other words: go outside, cunt.
i dont hate women i hate feminists and the goydian
I’m gonna shoplift food and liqour, charge my phone then go back to my camp site in the woods make a dinner, watch some videos then enclose myself in my sleeping bag and listen to crickets, it’s supposed to rain tonight.
I love hearing the rain hit my tarp
It was tough at first, but I’m acclimated now and it’s very comfy
>be average girl
>get approached by average guy
>"ewww, what the fuck"
>wonder why that guy no longer likes you
>"it must be because he's such a disgusting loser"
>Feminism is good because it destroy the grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market
Anon men are strongest sex.
Only reason sex market exists is because it's protected by strongest men of the society.
The more interactions you have with women, the less you want to interact with them.
In a perfect world, I'd have to interact with only 3 types of women - my mom, my wife, and my daughters. That would keep the bullshit to the necessary minimum, while already getting all the rewards I will ever get from it.
Any interaction with women going past that is a 100% negative with zero benefit.
A lot of women, and men, act in ways that lead to them being disliked. Women are cold, cruel, self-obsessed and materialistic. Men are weak, incapable, awkward and fearful.

In both cases the 'jew', because of 'judeo-American' culture is the problem. These people have been brought up to act that way. Activities and ideologies that would have made them into better people have been relentlessly attacked and forced out of their normal places. From religion and stable families with father and mother figures, to books and films and shows that provide inspirational figures to look up to and emulate, to the stamping out of bullying and the removal of 'hands-on-activities' and 'learning-by-doing' in schools. All of this has combined to create weak, selfish, fearful, incapable people. And the funniest thing is that on top of that, all of those children were brought up to think they deserve the world; "you can be anything you want when you grow up, you can be an astronaut or a spy or whatever takes your fancy; don't just be a baker like your father, don't have a steady family job, you are better than that; you are better than McDonalds, you are better than sweeping streets"; and so these incapable broken people then think they deserve better and resent the world when their inabilities lead them to do things that they, mistakenly, believe are 'beneath them'.

The whole thing is a joke. Get rid of the jews and the West will heal.
>yet the blame is always automatically assigned to men.
That's just how women act in general. They are only concerned with two things, maximizing their own benefit, and minimizing their own workload. And they are completely amoral in their approach to this. If someone's life gets ruined just so they can have 10 minutes of fun, that is fine to them as long as they never have to see that person.
Never listen to a woman's words, only ever pay attention to her actions. Because the majority of what she says will be aimed at trying to manipulate you, so that you accept a scenario where you give her more (money, time, attention, whatever) while receiving less in return.
And this will be pushed endlessly, there is no end goal after which they stop.
Deluded boomer post.
It's not media it's legal system. Media is smoke screen to hide real happening.
In their time Boomers pinched their secretaries asses and had good laugh about it. And now they tell us how to be in current year? Pleeeeese.

But yeah jews are architects of the legal system too.
Whereas in reality women just aren't worth insane amount of effort it takes nowadays
I have 3 sisters, a wife, and 2 daughters. I've been on the receiving end of female treachery my whole life. The ones in my personal life have to deal with me directly, but in other parts of life like work there are 3rd parties who they will try to manipulate to side with them. They're the jews of gender, and any man with the ability to see and think clearly doesn't like typical female behavior. It's dishonorable. Men who act feminine are also shunned by other men and for good reason.
>1 post by this ID
There is like 12 incel threads going on right now... unbelievable...
nice try ms. foidberg
>or are portrayed in such ways by others
99% of portrayals try to put women on a good light, even if they're the worst of the worst.
Maybe it's a Swedish thing, or a Brazilian thing, but most women I've met were worse than anything I've ever seen on this board.
These two comments read like they were written by troons. No actual female writes like this.
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This. Women are childish, vindictive, toxic, belittling monsters. Worst still, they are significantly less capable than men on all levels and use their undeserved political power to erode our countries and societies. They overwhelmingly vote for permissive, socialist and progressive governments - helping weak soi-guzzling beta males to outvote the Chads in society. All they care about is voting themselves free stuff, and they have bankrupted our nations and currencies doing that. Marriage is dead because the law is so skewed in favour of women that it is financial suicide for a man to enter into such a contract. Men are hard-wired to build wealth, both personally and nationally. They can't do that when they get looted dry several times during their lives. The saddest thing in the world is an old man, having worked his whole life, living in a tiny rented apartment because he got divorce-raped - either several times or at a later age.
Ah, the power of EFL...
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Or ...
>Be average girl
>Is a really bitchy cunty cunt to anon
>Because she is a bitchy cunty cunt to everyone
>Later tries to flirt with anon
>Anon doesn't respond
>Who wants to live with a bitchy cunty cunt?
>Bitchy cunty cunt starts to spread slanderous rumours about anon at anons workplace
>All because bitchy cunty cunt is a bitchy cunty cunt

Fuck women, on the metaphorical and not literal sense.
bros I just need to improooooov some more
few more years of improoooooving and I'm chad
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Remember when women used to insult people with "virgins" if they didn't get their way? They seem to have updated the insult-word to "incel" because men were wising up to the scam.
kek, this
>act like a cunt towards someone in an attempt to grab their attention
disproved the "women have great social skills"! meme for me pretty early on.
anyone with half a brain would realize that this will backfire. no one wants to hang out with an annoying cunt.
yet they do it even at 30+, they never grow out of it.
This is who is calling you a weal incel.
I genuinely do not understand how her mind works.
You can assign a lot of shit to self-deceit and cope, but she is so hideously ugly that it should just shatter any kind of ego-protecting cope she built up instantly every time she looks into the mirror.
Yet she goes on record saying that kind of crap.
Be safe anon
I dont hate women, I just enjoy watching them have to wage slave and struggle to not starve to death and flail around like confused animals. I hate all people
As long as Andrew Tate shits on Israel and says the word nigger proudly, I have no issue with him
Cope. Performative men are obnoxious and gay regardless of if they're virtue signaling homos or faux machismo maxxing tate fags. The just b urself bro meme has always been gods honest truth.
Hahaha im still not marrying a 30 year old old roastie
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Here's something I've noticed women doing
>Woman likes anon but is too timid to ask him out
>Woman gets idea - "I'll make him insanely jealous! That'll work!"
>Doesn't realise that men do not swim in a sea of jealousy like women do
>Men can go through their whole lives not experiencing jealousy even once
>Woman - "Hey Anon, I'm seeing Chad!"
>Anon briefly wonders why woman is telling him this before mentally writing her off as unavailable
>Anon doesn't really care
>Woman goes into mega-seething mode
>Damages anons property
>Slanders anon at work
>Tries to get him fired
The phrase these whores like is
>butch up
They think butch up is a clever play on man up.
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Women are the gate keepers for sex, but due to hypergamy, high value men are the gatekeepers for marriage and even lower comital LTR’s. Women naturally are attracted to men they look up to in terms of various vectors of attraction and social desirability. Unfortunately, they conflate Chad’s willingness to bang them with their marriage prospects or rather their value on the marriage market. That is the primary reason that marriage rates and consequently birth rates are in the toilet.

Women are all going after about 10% of men, thus they are mostly beggars that give away their most valuable commodities in the relationship market, their youth and virtue, for free.
“Atractivity” nigger brain
Yeah, pretty much.
>kinda interested in her
>she tells me she's seeing some other guy
>think to myself "she's taken, I'll look somewhere else"
>she apparently bitched to her friends that I just stopped talking to her after that when it was supposed to motivate me
Why would that motivate me. If you're getting fucked by Fred, then you're getting fucked by Fred and I am no longer interested.
I don't play these female games of trying to steal someone.
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Isn’t it insane that these feminist writers are so adept at portraying women as psychopathic monsters with no sympathetic or redeeming qualities whatsoever?

Instead of the hero’s story, we get the overbearing Mary-sue cunt’s story. Where the protagonist is written like a villain who is surrounded by imbeciles whom she bullies, and she rarely faces any adversity beyond exaggerated “trauma.”
women's problem is really just that they have a completely fucked up self-perception.
average women do not look at themselves in the mirror and realize that the 10/10 guy is clearly just using them because there is no way he will commit. they will take the fact that he fucked them as a prove that the mirror must be lying and actually they are amazing, so now 90% of the male population is not good enough for them anymore.
you don't really see this with guys. some scrawny 5/10 nerd getting approached by a 10/10 would immediately suspect foul play and that this will not end well for him.

in the past that was kept in check by premarital sex being "banned". if you wanted regular sex without the risk of severe social consequences, you had to put a ring on her. so chad married early, was out of the market, and the remaining women adjusted their target towards the "new" untaken top10%, steadily working their way down that way till almost everyone was paired off.

now that chad can just fuck whatever broad he wants whenever he wants, he won't commit. women will eternally think he is still available and still within their reach, and their superiority complex stops them from realizing that this is clearly not true.
so they get used and abused, which is clearly not good for their mental health, but I also can't really feel sorry for them because they violently demanded things to be this way.
It's going to be alot worse than "sour grapes..." For you, that is... LMAO! More than half of young Western Men have rejected and turned their back on this rigged, unnatural game. The Jews and their lies have been exposed like never before, and women have revealed themselves to be grotesque whores with no value besides a fuckable hole. Nobody cares what women think or want anymore, hence their endless seething and THIRST for male attention online. Nobody wants to marry women anymore. Any form of female power is a gynocentric feminist social construct that men can smash to smithereens in any moment, because in the real world, women are weak as piss herd animals with no right to rule over any man.
The masses have been red pilled and there's nothing you can do about it.
MGTOW has checkmated you completely.
You will either suck, fuck, cook and breed without rights or you will be completely and totally replaced by AI sexbots and artificial wombs - rightfully so.

You're a fucking retard. Women are property of men and hopelessly inferior to men in every way. They always will be. 100% of women are just a walking fuck hole for men, nothing more. There never was a sex market, women were never the choosers - they were fucked and impregnated against their will most of the time and that's how nature intended it to be. Women all masturbate about being raped because this is the truth, that's reality. Nature knows no consent. Women's rights are completely unnatural and wrong. The moment men decide you don't deserve rights anymore, you won't have them, and you're too pissweak to ever do anything about it.
I stand with the Taliban.
Islam is right about women.
it's not about improving yourself to attract females, it's about females no longer being worth improving yourself for

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