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The Mystery of the fences of Australia and Mars

I have been thinking for a long time about why fences are being built in Australia, why those who use drones to try to see what is behind these fences are fined, why they are not allowed to get to the deserts in the center of Australia...

This is somehow connected with another paradox - the sky of Mars, it is red in some photos, then green, although if you imagine logically, then such a rarefied atmosphere (0.5% of the earth's) should show the stars in the sky even during the day

What if the Martian landscapes are filmed in Australia??? At the same time, the construction of fences began exactly when space missions switched to Mars (in the 70s). It would be possible to find photos from Mars (moronic, some even have real bones visible there, huge, but they lie that this is erosion) and compare them with real photos on Earth to determine which desert or canyon it is. But if you don't let people find the place where Mars is being filmed, then they won't be able to match the photos. Very simple
If it were any canyon on earth where tourists constantly go, there would be a huge chance that someone would just find photos corresponding to those on Mars.
>The State Barrier Fence of Western Australia,[1] formerly known as the Rabbit-Proof Fence, the State Vermin Fence, and the Emu Fence, is a pest-exclusion fence constructed between 1901 and 1907 to keep rabbits, and other agricultural pests from the east, out of Western Australian pastoral areas.
There is a bone on this photo of Mars!! This is not erosion at all. There are trillions of stones on earth and I have not yet seen stones like a bone of this size
Where’s your flag from pal ?
Well, OK. In any case, this is an ideal place for a fecal shot of Mars, as there were no tourists there
Does everyone in aussiland live to the right of that red line and the left is Outback desert country ?
Is there like zero devlopment there places like Phoenix Arizona exit why wouldn’t they put cities to fight over population in the desert land ? Is it like canda where the land is literally uninhabitable to the north
>anon it’s pest control
uh huh, so why can’t you film it
*meme flag unintended
>What if the Martian landscapes are filmed in Australia???
that's the logical conclussion if you use Ocamm's razor
it takes way less money and time than actually going to mars, even if space was real
You mean shit like this ? I’ve seen some other simulated astronaut pics in some tundra or desert area too may have colour shifted the screen but tell me more about why you think aussiland would be a good space to fake Mars over other places ? Do you even have a space agency ? Why would we leave America and the Nevada desert to go there ? Which is why I ask is it permently uninhabited.
Fuck, in Southern Siberia (where I often visit), the climate is already incredibly terrible, as well as in the place where I am. Russians are couping living in some Norilsk, although even in Southern Finland it is warmer because of the oceans. These places are uninhabitable. Southern Siberia and even further south are absolutely unsuitable
hey downie
Because these places have been closed by fences for a long time. So no one took a picture of them on camera. This means that if you take off a fake Mars there, then no one will compare the photos and find the same place on Earth. Look at how they find Minecraft sids from photos or a huge number of scandals when they find a place to shoot something just for some detail of the terrain
I don’t believe that it would be Occam'srazor to account for laziness. I believe we have good technology to get to and from places in earth v2 to icbm why not just angle straight up ? I feel like it would be harder to fake a secret of that caliber. I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around the moon landing satilite footage that aren’t balloons and space probe missions but how could someone be so creative to lay pictures of objects we can see from home via telescope ? It would be like telling adults Santa isn’t real or something. Where as a kid it’s the only logical explanation.
Mars exists. It can be seen through a telescope. It's just that these fuckers saved this money (presumably 100 billion) and instead of space they sent it to merchants in caps for wars in the desert.

>>Hall starts with the basics: explains why NASA made a secret decision to simulate space probe flights to Mars - of the previous 44 missions, five were canceled due to the presence of defects in technology detected at an early stage, four probes missed the target, seven suffered as a result of disasters, and only six probes from the alleged eleven who reached the orbit of Mars nevertheless landed on the Red Planet

When I played the Kerbal space program, I thought it was me who was oblique and crooked, unable to land a station on Mars, it turns out NASA is the same, lol
Then how would you explain the Venus rover? And have you ever tried to compare the old pics of Venus or is it everyone agrees to close it out to aussieland ? I would think with the construction and make up of the planet even shifting all colours to green wouldn’t make it believable. I need a red pill on the spuntik if I was to believe all space is fake. I think it’s nefarious stuff but I do not think it’s fake. Too much devil worshipping and red scare post space to not take it as an incredible warning. Like a threat.
>I don’t believe that it would be Occam'srazor to account for laziness.
you dont understand, extraordinairy claims require extraordinairy evidence, the evidence (((they))) provide isnt extraordnairy because it could have been faked here on the ground
just look at downie's video at 2:20 >>475712740
a guy made a believable enough pic with gimp or whichever software he used to make flat earth dave think its the real deal, if that same pic came from NASA, people would gobble it up as real
I think that Venus has been landed and some missions are successful. But most of them don't, in particular there are no rovers on Mars. If they were, they would broadcast regularly, but all the pictures from Mars that I see on the Internet are constantly the same pictures
That sort of terrain is also found in the southwest of the USA, they wouldn't need to erect a huge fence for that kind of crap but the dingo fence is there to stop dingo's not humans, people can go anywhere here, you might need to buy a permit for a few dollars to go into blackfella country.
Haahhahahahahahahaha bitch. How funny
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your instincts are good. it is not australia (as far as i know, maybe they are there too) but in the video posted it's pretty clear this is in canada, although the video says greenland. this is where they "train" for mars expeditions. they are using images from this training to simulate space travel
also they drew a dick with the rover
>I have been thinking for a long time
you should stop doing instead starting to feel
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It's weird is all I know
Mask of Majoura?
They have already written to me that this is Devon Island. Fuck. I wonder what prevents them from actually flying to Mars and making a successful landing. I've seen Mars through a telescope, it exists
>I've seen Mars through a telescope, it exists
no one says it doesnt exist, people just say you cant physically go there, dont be a strawmanning piece of shit
Damn it, fuck you, I didn't say that someone here confirms that Mars doesn't exist. It's just that there are real freaks who think that space is a hologram.
How many mexicans do they need to hire and payoff for decades to pick every single weed, shrub and tree for miles?
The southwest isn't like the sahara or namibia the ground is carpeted with tiny dead plants.
They still want to fly to Europa (Europa Clipper), if they couldn't get to Mars, as they get to Europa, the Jewpiter will destroy all their missions
space is fake and gay
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Well no, ezf
South Americans made that style heads though
You just put a filter on and green becomes yellowish or reddish or something other than green
wtf, a new filter or a typo
cows on mars, simple as
Devon Island in Canada is used for fake Mars pics.
I was amused by the moment of "landing Curiosity", it's 3d graphics 1000%.
I understand that they couldn't shoot the whole video, ping after all, especially from the outside. But I haven't really seen a single photo since landing. We would take a picture next to the engines, as they do in the current videos of rocket launches
Top left would be actual proof for fakery but how can we know it's actually from Devon island and not some schizo who made it up?
kazakhanon did you find a suitable way to heat your home for next winter?
I know nasa says they lost the technology to go to the moon, but was the technology and equations made public about how they did it? I could see thay somewhat. I'm an electrician and I remember one of my instructors going to a home that was wired before nob and tube. He never saw a panel or fuse like that before and had to call his foreman on how to replace it. Technology moved on but he didn't know how to do something old. So I guess it could be possible in some capacity but does seem weird since they can land rovers and launch satellites.
Are you talking about the "Canadian well" and that thread about heating? I decided to stoke the firewood
yes I think so, you wanted to provide heat for your cats or something?
Phoenix has water and great soil. Its just fuckin hot.

Some niggers live in Perth.
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It would be hard enough to take two photos from exactly the same angle and all but this one is bottom right, how do you take 2 pics and put them together like this, the line goes over some rocks and shit
I call BS on this one at least
Oh it is both fucking Devon island but the other "mars" picture was never officially claimed to be a NASA image at all.
You fucking worthless pos, kys.

While it is true that NASA has conducted simulated explorations of the Martian landscape at Devon Island in Canada, the image in the post is not taken from this location and is not an official NASA photograph as claimed.

Instead, both images depict an area in County Clare on the west coast of Ireland known as the Burren, as shown in this public domain picture which was found through a reverse image search. In the Facebook post, the image on the right has been tinted red and a small section of a Mars rover added.

The images come from a satirical video on YouTube called “NASA Training Session Mars Photography Workshop 101”, in which the creator pretends to run a session for NASA staff on how to fake photographs.
What an insurmountable fence. Surely that will stop people...
>should show the stars in the sky even during the day
you can't actually be this retarded. that atmosphere on earth isn't what stops you from seeing stars during the day, its THE FUCKING SUN
You have a good memory, Canadanon. You're talking about a thread about underfloor heating and installing it on tiles outside. I decided to move from this place, so it won't work.
that's not the point of the pics, they are most likely just edits
the point is that if those same pics were presented by NASA, people would actually believe they are real because they're space fetishists
But unless you pick them all you'll see dead grass and wildflowers for 20+ feet even with a 2006 webcam.
There's a point where a hoax requires so much manpower and so much hush money that it's actually easier and cheaper to do the real thing.
>Cordon off a huge swath of desert
>Make a rocket
>Make a rover
>Clear 50+ tiny plants/ft^2 for 100+ feet for every 3-5 images
>Clear any footprints and car/atv tracks
>Employ a shit load of people willing to pick weeds in the desert for years
>Pay those people wages and hush money for decades
>Repeat daily for the entire mission length
>Make a rocket
>Make a rover
>Drive in circles and take pictures of mars.
NASA's budget is big from a personal perspective but it's tiny compared to most corporations and is constantly being cut. They can't afford to pay thousands of people across decades to keep quiet.
>This is somehow connected with another paradox - the sky of Mars, it is red in some photos, then green
This is what brain rot looks like. "Wow the sky has different colors in different pictures".
... And the only explanation you can think of is that someone manipulated you. Fucking retard.
Based and realitypilled.
>burger forgets image editing exists
kek. silly mutt.
>has no idea how compartmentalization works
how can you be on /pol/ and not know it works?
jew slide thread, he's full of shit
Jewish hands wrote this
Australia isn't truly a free country. All "livable" areas are essentially containment zones for our population. We are not truly allowed to venture off into complete wilderness to live off grid. There is a lot of military personnel that just roams in the wilderness as well.
>to keep rabbits, and other agricultural pests from the east, out of Western Australian pastoral areas.
any 6yr old (White) girl will tell you not only are rabbits great tunnel diggers, but its the females that do 98% of the construction.

so WTF about "rabbit fence"???

makes about as much sense as mosquito fence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws_yM7O1N-oa this song goes very hard
much love to kazakhstan
Capitalised jew. Can jidf make themselves more obvious?
they don't want you to know that australia is directly connected to antarctica
the sky of mars should be black. It is the same density as the earth's atmosphere at an altitude of 30 km
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Oh well OK that's proven beyond doubt that science junkies are that way (picrel) and that it's possible to fake it but it doesn't prove it was actually fake, big difference
You can just saturate the soil in the area with weed killers and off you go
I would be able to live on IO, the conditions on it are similar to Kazakhstan.
You can .
It's funny you mentioned. It only comes up as "jew" on my phone because that's how often I wrote it and my phone just keeps it at that. Unless it starts a sentence in which I'll lower the j. Yea, I phonefag, but I don't respond top often and don't post images or anything.
>What if the Martian landscapes are filmed in Australia???
sure, go find a plane, animal, bird or an insect on the pictures. surely australia would have all those?
>that it's possible to fake it but it doesn't prove it was actually fake
not how this works, i will give you an analogy
if i wanted to prove to you that unicorns exist, and gave you a perfectly shopped pic of one that makes it look like its actually real, would you believe they're real or would you want to actually see one for yourself? if so, why?
>land is literally uninhabitable

I've spent a lot of time out in the outback here. Once you get over the great dividing range on the east coast I just gets drier and drier the further west you go. Some of these places, there's no water for hundreds of miles and daytime temperatures of 50+°c aren't uncommon. Go up into the Pilbara in western Australia and it's hot as fuck with nothing but flies and spinnifex grass as far as the eye can see, you can easily die out there.
I'm no gynecologist but i'm pretty sure they can tell wind erosion from water erosion as well. Most of Australia was underwater at some stage.
The fences go under the ground also. And they do work. I think there are many thousands of miles of fence. Also, you can't go to Pine Gap OP. Look it up.
If a necromorph smells the Indies, he will turn into a Hindu
> the sky of mars should be black. It is the same density as the earth's atmosphere at an altitude of 30 km
Let me address your retard points one by one:
1) No, the sky "should" not be black.
2) Mars' and Earth's atmospheres do not have same density.
3) The density at 30 km is a stupid metric if you want to make assertions about the color of the sky.
4) Go outside at dusk and then again at noon, and make note of the color of the sky each time. Then go back home and realize you're retarded.
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>Flerfers evolve yet another retarded twist to keep their stupid well poisoning going.
Just so everyone is clear on the level of denial, delusion, and ignorance they're dealing with. The Croat is known for
Thinking it's impossible for the Moon to orbit the Earth:
Thinking the distance to the sun causes seasons and that this "debunks" Earth being a globe:
Thinking Terrence Howard is correct; that 1x1 = 2 and 1x0 = 1:

"concession" is a funny phrase of his as well:
In a thread where he refuses to accept the mathematical explanation for the Monty Hall problem:
In a thread where he tries to prove the Earth is flat
Three times in the 1x1=2 and 1x0 = 1 thread:
But yeah, surely it's not the same person at all lol.
same problem as with australia used to fake mars pics, there's no insects, birds, rains, planes never fly overhead on devon island?
he's not a flat earther
It's certainly easier to land a rover on mars then to get rid of all forms of life for a video in Australia
Why the fuck does nobody just walk around with a black sack collecting rubbish. This is what separates us angloid civilizations from the shitskins.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
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Every single iteration of "space is fake and there is a massive conspiracy involving tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people to cover it up. Which is what this stupid shit is, is just repackaged flerfer.
start with getting rid of bushflies.
let us know how it goes.
see >>475715940
he's not a flat earther, just read his posts
In his 2012 article "What Color Is the Sky on Mars?" Vitaly Nasennik writes:

Let's try to estimate the number of molecules in the atmosphere of Mars. The main part of the atmosphere of Mars is carbon dioxide with a molar mass of 44, and air (a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen) has about 29. Consequently, the number of molecules that scatter light, giving color and brightness to the Martian sky, is another 1.5 times less (than on Earth at an altitude of 31 km - L.K.).
And here is his conclusion:

The brightness of the sky on Mars relative to the light of stars, which can be taken as a standard, will be 140-215 times less than on Earth.
You might as well be asking why animals don't pick up after themselves. They don't, because they're animals.
They lack the divine genetic spark that is required to be human. Spend any amount of time with a shit skin and it becomes obvious very fast, unless they're high admixture, that they are just flesh automatons.
what are you trying to say retard? say it.
I hate women
And newfags
Like they're all doing fuck all anyway, sitting around wallowing in cow shit next to the train track favelas. Jesus wept man, just clean the fucking place up. this is why nobody has no respect for Indians, because they have no respect for themselves. Absolutely subhuman filth, this is the kind of mess these browns make when they come to England as well. Fucking pissed off me!
you don't even need it being underwater in the past, there's flood zone signs everywhere around uluru today,
the Australian desert actually is mostly covered in little plants and shrubs it's not like Mars or the sahara
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If you send a ship with Hindus made of sulfur to Uranus, Uranus will die from the smell.
I agree, the sky should be black overhead and scattered on the horizon as you're looking through the thicker part of the atmosphere, most of the shots are of the horizon though. Not saying they're not faked, just that they're better liars than that.
do they use nokia 3310 to take pictures too?
this may sound like a really schizo post, i hope you dont label me a conspiracy theorist from what im going to type out
what if, but only if, they just dont use the pics with planes and the other shit you typed out?
i know, im a real schizo for saying this
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Alice springs for example.
yes, you are
then you're a space fetishist
Give them a break, it's not like they have billions in Jewish currency and entire governments helping them. Mars is still in early access.
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That’s obviously where they hide the six million mboooodiiiies you dumb niggas
It's from NASA's site dumbass, there's the link pinhead
Ask Gina Rinehart
ive asked for the source many times but they never post it because its just another lying meme
yours is a good example. now scale that up to the entire apollo stack and the whole 'why they lose the technology' argument is seen for the ignorant bullshit it is
>Top left would be actual proof for fakery
>ive asked for the source
Here's the source - a sarcastic video made as a joke
And the flerfs believe it
>the flerfs believe it
im surprised. honestly. shocked i tell you
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it seems to be a trend
i dont get it
now you went from "they always lie" to "they are retarded"
which one is it?
they are very trendy
Sorry jew but White men landed on the moon.
Bones don't bend you dumb nigger.
>flerfs believe
I don't know what the percentage break down is. But you have grifters that are just grifting for shekels, and don't really believe, and well poisoners that try to try flerf faggotry to other things they want to discredit.
>I don't know what the percentage break down is.
just make it up. thats all they do anyway
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They can't go to the moon again and film the entire globe spinning around in one day, they can't even send a camera there or a give us footage from a satellite. But they go to Pluto and Mars... and then they give us cheap photos with a red filter of earth. They are liars and charlatans, of course they didn't went to the moon in the 60s and they didn't go to Mars or Pluto or any other supposed object in this heliocentric universe of theirs. It is all fake, it only exists on a screen and in the minds of people. The problem is people want to believe, it's also a pride thing, there are people who really don't like being wrong, especially not about existence itself for decades of their life. They don't want to be the fool, so they double down on their retardation instead.
No one ever went to Space™, it's a cult and a money machine, and a huge control mechanism. We don't live in this physically absurd spaceball universe. Earth is the only material level of existence and none of the lights in the sky are material objects that you could land on. It's a story they invented, a counter-reformation plot, an alternative creation myth to counter the Bible.
>astronomy is fake
>because this 2000-year-old book featuring talking plants and animals says so
tell me what do you see there?
>>astronomy is fake
why are you strawmanning him? did he say that you cant observe stars or planets?
what a monstrous retard you are. you should be ashamed of yourself.
We already know they are filmed in northern Canada. You could fucking google maps find them doing it.
Shills will be hunted down. You're not safe.
yeah, some proof of that would be great

neither are your neighbors or anyone else near you.
That video wasn't supposed to be real though. Why are you so enthusiastic about being unable to read
It's absolute hell in the interior
You Americans think you get it but you don't
That image doesn't look anything like a star though. Anyone from an authoritative perspective would instantly tell you that.
who said it was real? he even said its 3d graphics
His post and the language he used indicates that he thinks they played it as real and he judged it as cg. The use of "1000%" further accentuates this

Yw for free English lesson
then you're just a contrarian
Canada is incapable of sustaining life.
We get it. The harshest place on earth is here and you and Europeans constantly come and die in it like retards.

The outback is like 80% of that, forever.
There are regular uploads of new pics from the Perseverance rover
I'm sorry but you don't really understand English enough to communicate with me. Best of luck over there
take your meds, Borat.
That's exactly it. We also get eurotards trying to drive to Alice Springs in their little rental cars and dying
says the guy from the country where the average person knows 0.7 languages
....why don't you go to the mission page and browse the frequent uploads?

You are displaying very clearly how a stupid person thinks
They are hapas, not kikes, weird flag.
When will you faggots start selling your special honey online? Those in the mountains?
i dont know where they claim that rover is but how are those pics exclusive to the rover being on another planet?
I just meant that for what it's worth new pics are available, not just the same old ones like anon said
Some remote viewer cia guy said there is a conttol center in the middle of australia, like somewhere in africaand mount hayes alaska.
They extract resources and energies for their maschinery and in turn humans have to guard them since they have a deal to provide technology to the governments.
Same with antarctica, no matter hoe many fake and gay wars people have nobody fucks with the nephilim hybrid races of alien demons.
You have to learn other languages because your people and country are totally irrelevant to the world.

Literally the only known person from your country is a prostitute that married Trump. Awful person btw. I imagine her heartlessness is very common among you like most mongrelized demi Russians.
You can already buy them. Search for madhoney Nepal authentic.
why would i care about imaginary lines on a map?
Probably because the imaginary lines you are in have designated that you live a life of irrelevant squalor

I just spent USD $8 on energy drinks. This doesn't matter to me at all. I will drink them in a row. Convert $8 USD to your currency and imagine spending that totally carelessly.

That is what I can't speak French and don't care that I cant. No important person in the world that I ever interact with will EVER not speak English.

Oh so Venus landings are real and Mars landings are not?
Might that be because Venera was a soviet series of missions launched from your homeland, whereas soviets never managed to land on Mars?
I detect a slight bias.
money isnt real broski
Lmao it's like ten times harder to do Venus too

Landing on Mars will be commonplace for commercial companies in 35 years. Looking for minerals
you took it before? Is more like weed or more like mushrooms?
seasons change, you know that? the weather changes up there on that island, its snows rains etc, and there are animals living there, wolves and foxes and stuff.

"it could be faked' does NOT equal 'is faked. you need evidence of fakery.
inb4 mars rat rock
>Is more like weed or more like mushrooms?

Doesn't have any effects like that. Is a scam.

Niggas in Brazil eat magic mushrooms? I guess you have lots of cow shit.
you dont understand my point
the problem here is that you get the images from government organizations and take them as real from the start, and you look for fakery AFTER you assume they're real, which is illogical
That's not a point. you consider operating in bad faith to be the order of the day because of where you are from

Based on your worldview more than 50% of anything you hear is a lie-- you are suggesting anything anyone says is automatically untrue and you live by this axiom

But that isn't how humanity actually works. This is why your people are different and less successful than ours. You regard everyone as competition like an ape.
>you consider operating in bad faith to be the order of the day because of where you are from
some kind of genetic fallacy mixed with baseless occusations
>Based on your worldview more than 50% of anything you hear is a lie
strawman, my point is that neither of us can go to mars or venus to actually check if the rovers are there
you should go back to r*ddit btw
i need a reason to begin from a perspective of assuming fakery. Saying that 'nasa lies' isn't enough, and you have no evidence of that anyway.

how would you prove to yourself that the images from mars are real? what would you accept as sufficient evidence?
You should go back to shearing sheep or whatever it is you bumpkins do.

I don't need to check. The fakery you are suggesting is more expensive and harder than doing the real thing.

Did you know people can tell when others have no accomplishments by their worldview?

Genetic fallacy? No you are lesser people genetically. Soviet type people don't value human life which is why you think everything is a lie
>what would you accept as sufficient evidence?
someone actually going to mars and seeing the rover there
>The fakery you are suggesting is more expensive and harder than doing the real thing.
how can you type that with a straight face? how is building a rocket, engineering a rover and sending it to mars less expensive than snapping a few pics and editing them? are you retarded?
So anyway slide thread check out the new UFO video


It appears to breathe and changes height by 50%. No balloon.
ok, so thats teh end of the discussion since you wouldn't believe them anyway. you need to go yourself. thanks for popping in, nice to see you again.
Snapping pics editing them then fabricating millions of man hours of demonstrable real world work and paying/coercing tens of thousands of employees and contractors to stay quiet permanently

See, you think in simple ways, that's why you have simple thoughts. Have you ever considered the fact that you are not intelligent? How old are you? 22 or so max right?
i would take someone that's not affiliated with the government
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>fabricating millions of man hours of demonstrable real world work
no need to frabricate, the work they do is real, they would just be doing it for nothing
>paying/coercing tens of thousands of employees and contractors to stay quiet permanently
you dont know how compartmentalization works and you're on /pol/
>no need to frabricate, the work they do is real, they would just be doing it for nothing

So you admit it costs more to fake it. Checkmate.

Nice talking to you. Not really.

Challenge yourself before challenging others, okay? You are not good at this
right, so for the foreseeable future you can't get the evidence you want. no need to say anything else. ta ta.
The idea that the amount of people working on it means it couldn't happen is retarded. Only those at the top know what's really going on. The low-level workers just assume what they are seeing on their screens in the control center is real.
I don't, faggot. That is hippie shit that spill all over in brazil too in the 60's, thank you for that, hippie faggot.
You are also implying our mushrooms are the same, most likely not. And for the sake of the argument I would say my country has more variety of shrooms than yours.
Fuck, when will you learn to read completely, I wrote here -
I wrote that I know that they can't show the full landing because of the delay, they publish 3D graphics and not a single photo during the descent (like rockets on the ground), yes they have a delay, but at least 50 photos of the descent could have been taken
>So you admit it costs more to fake it.
not really, it would still cost less to have the rocket land in the ocean than actually going to mars
im not the one that blindly believes government organizations like they're some kind of priests here, toodles chink
Because they will fake Mars! lol
You got it.

When you hear space, it's a lie.
The idiots are not going anywhere! :D
Landing a rover is 10 times harder than landing a station. Yes, I learned this in the Kerbal space program
>im not the one that blindly believes government organizations like they're some kind of priests here, toodles chink
fine, who the fuck cares that you have a retardedly impossible to get standard of evidence which you waffle your way around in every damn thread you talk about this in. it doesn't make you smart you faggot edge lord.

you have no reason to think anything in particular is fake but you just assume it because you're a contrary faggot. thats all it is.
There is a list. Welcome to it for life.
>you have no reason to think anything in particular is fake
its the other way around, i have no reason to blindly believe it like you do, the only reason you believe it is because you fetishize space
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Didn't believe until I came across picrel
grass in Mars?
You need to put a NASA logo on that somewhere to the flerfs to use it for their horrible arguments
you fetishize your own skepticism
It could be a sign of life on Mars but we can't be certain! We need another 3 billion dollars
Do you think aliens would live there if it was a barren wasteland?
come find me nigger. i'll bury you in the woods and no one will miss you.
tell me why would you blindly believe images that NASA puts out? are government organizations trustworthy in your opinion?
does we even have any night photos from mars?
what about jupiter/saturn photos from mars?
why must you throw in such biased bullshit like 'blindly'? theres absolutely zero evidence that placing a rover on mars and returning images via radio transmission is impossible or even unlikely. The technology, the math, everything lines up and checks out and nobody has ever brought a decent criticism against any of it (so far as i've seen so far).

Do i know for 100% sure that something is not fake? no, of course not. but its unreasonable to call it fake without any evidence that it is fake.

Its not a matter of trusting or not trust muh government. its about looking at each thing in its own context. people are neither wholly untrustworthy or wholly trustworthy in general so its best to focus on the thing instead of the people
>Venus rover
there is no venus rover tho
soviets landed few probes but they all get destroyed shortly (like in hour)
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>what about jupiter/saturn photos from mars?
There's from Mars orbit, but left is a NASA image from Mars orbit of Jupiter
Right is Deimos (Martian moon) with Saturn in the background

It's because the US government uses your retarded landmass to test weird shit way out in the middle of nowhere where there are only three things
>Snakes/bugs that can kill you instantly
>Petrol huffing Abos
>US government employees
send niggers to mars
i mean night photos from rover so you could see night sky from mars
>why must you throw in such biased bullshit like 'blindly'?
because in the case if its not real, you'd be believing shit that's not true
>theres absolutely zero evidence that placing a rover on mars and returning images via radio transmission is impossible or even unlikely
i never said that
> The technology, the math, everything lines up and checks out and nobody has ever brought a decent criticism against any of it (so far as i've seen so far).
still doesnt mean that there's a rover on mars, i could theoretically give you an equation that shows how superman can fly, but that doesnt make him real
>Do i know for 100% sure that something is not fake? no, of course not. but its unreasonable to call it fake without any evidence that it is fake.
that's not how this works, see >>475716792
>Its not a matter of trusting or not trust muh government. its about looking at each thing in its own context. people are neither wholly untrustworthy or wholly trustworthy in general so its best to focus on the thing instead of the people
people are the ones presenting the thing, things cant lie, people do, and we have mountains of evidence that governments and by extension NASA lie
>night photos from rover so you could see night sky from mars
Why would they do that?
The cameras on the rovers are for looking at Mars and not looking at the stars
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Those memes were creating to gaslight people who found real strangeness.
any night photos from mars?
funny, but my profile looks normal for a white guy, im no chad but im nowhere close to that
>because in the case if its not real
but you have made sure you'll never know either way. you've chosen to assume its fake and you could be believing that bullshit shit too.
>still doesnt mean that there's a rover on mars,
it makes it more likely than not.
>that's not how this works
sometimes it is. all you have as your base assumption is 'people can lie'. thats it. thats all you have

>mountains of evidence that governments and by extension NASA lie
no, you're just a black and white thinker who can't into nuance.

enjoy your mental masturbation and skepticism fetish
This panorama, taken on Feb. 20, 2021, by the Navigation Cameras, or Navcams, aboard NASA's Perseverance Mars rover, was stitched together from six individual images after they were sent back to Earth.

link to og photos?
i think its simulated based on day light photos
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Turns out that guy was a lying cunt and color-adjusted it to be night and added the stars
The closest I've found for a rover image at night is this twilight image of Earth
Done arguing with the flerf retard
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>i have no reason to blindly believe it like you do,
We already matched photos from Mars to the deserts in the U.S.A.
Nobody believes this Mars shit anymore.
>We already matched photos from Mars to the deserts in the U.S.A.
Show one
better send them to Israel
>things cant lie,
thats why i said to focus on the things instead of the people. you're doing exactly the opposite.
You argue like a religious cultist.
Just thought I should point that out in case you missed it
Antarctica is the harshest place on earth.
Without shelter you're dead in less than an hour.
DV you can at least survive for a day or two.
You won't be happy, but you've got a much better chance than if you were just plopped down in Antarctica.
And that's year round.
DV during the winter is far more pleasant than in the summer, at least during the day. Then you'll probably freeze to death.
Everybody knows they exist. They used to be spread around ad nauseum. You must be too young to post here or brown. You don't even know how to reply to people properly.
>but you have made sure you'll never know either way. you've chosen to assume its fake and you could be believing that bullshit shit too.
i've chosen to not blindly believe what government organizations present to the general public, yes
>it makes it more likely than not.
that is your space fetishism talking
>sometimes it is. all you have as your base assumption is 'people can lie'. thats it. thats all you have
yet im here telling you that its not how this works, i never said it was fake, all i said is it's not exclusively real or that it COULD be fake from the start, meaning that its either real of fake, in this case you cant just assume it to be real first and then ask me why i think its fake
>no, you're just a black and white thinker who can't into nuance.
if i give you a fake 100 dollah bill every day for a week and then on the 7th day you'd find out that they were all fake, would you still believe me on the 8th day that the 100 dollah bill was real or would you be sceptical?
>Everybody knows they exist
Then it should be easy for you to show one
Come on, retard, make a claim
>omits the "people are the ones presenting the thing"
and you say im doing mental gymnastics?
but im not believing in it blindly. i just think that the weight of evidence is sufficient to accept it as being genuine and take that as my working assumption. Could be wrong but im happy to see what future evidence presents.

see. its that fucking easy to not be an edgy fag.
Suck my big, White cock. Faggot.
>Flerf refuses to show an image of something "Everybody knows" exists
Many such cases - sad!
You have to be 18 to post here.
>Soviet type of people
Mentally ill retard.
Where Bimba??
Muslims aren't raping anyone in my country (unlike yours).
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That looks like a Walrus humerus. Most people don't realize this but NASA """practices""" in Labrador.
you're clearly biased because you think space is cool
>Best evidence is "This kinda looks like something else"
Every single time
you dont even argue at all. you've no fucking evidence any of its fake but your cult like mentality wants it to be.

i dont believe it blindly you repetitive faggot. just because you know shit about it and get fooled by flat earth memes doesn't mean everyone does,

>that is your space fetishism talking
and thats your flat earthism talking.
>oh im not a flat earther im just asking questions
fuck off you bore. do you have anything to actual discuss other than your heckin awesome level of skepticism?

> in this case you cant just assume it to be real first and then ask me why i think its fake
i think its real because of the evidence. you think its fake because......people can tell lies sometimes. if you're happy with that knock yourself out.

> would you be sceptical?
when has nasa done any of that?
>buh buh muh government
dont worry
we will visit canada too
althout its gonna be pajeetnada at that time
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That's right! Bones don't have curves in them!
Who the fuck needs Mars when there is IO, Ganymede, Titan, Europa, Triton?
Actually, no. Photos supposedly taken from Mars were matched up with various deserts around the world including the U.S.A.
Bet you wish you could see the evidence eh? I'll just allow you to think they don't exist.
Muslims already tried pulling their shit here and got rekt. They've assimilated (as you would or you would get smashed too). Bongs are merely cowards that refuse to do what needs to be done. We do have a Indian-streetshitting problem here, you're right. And it will be dealt with soon enough, whereas your women will get raped forever.
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That's glownigger damage control when a rat was seen on one of the Mars photos.
>Flerf leaf continues to assert things without proof and will not show a single image of these things "available everywhere"
focus on the thing you faggot THE FUCKING THING. people can lie yes yes i fucking get it. thats why you focus on the THING.

you're biased because you think your skepticism is cool.
thats why you waffle on and on about how people MIGHT lie to you about something instead of realizing thats a fundamental part of the human condition. its as if you just recently discovered this shit and love how good it makes you feel to be the heckin big doubter.
Rat?? this is Shlomo Vekselberg
please show that evidence

i hope you pass the test
Correct. The Moon landings were much cheaper and easier to fake. Americans are jews, so they went with saving money and lying.


The absolute cinematic hackjob that was the moonlandings only fools boomers because tv was new to them.
>not possible to build a fence on border
>possible to build a fence around a desert
The state of western civilization
It's not that I can't it's that I don't care enough to. If you don't believe then that's because you haven't seen the evidence, and if you haven't seen it then I'm not going to waste my time showing it to you - because fuck you. Lol.
I haven't heard of these fences or fines or drone attempts until now
But I'm listening anon
im not talking about flat earth here, i dont give a fuck if the earth is flat or not, it could be a car for all i care
like i said at least 5 times to you already, im here to dunk on fallacious logic
>i think its real because of the evidence. you think its fake because......people can tell lies sometimes. if you're happy with that knock yourself out.
and that evidence isnt exclusive to it actually being real, because it can always be fake and gay
>when has nasa done any of that?
i havent read a single line of this thread but i can imagine you could find something here >>475705427
you should really go back to r*ddit, maybe there you'll find more space fetishist friends
No one is allowed behind the fence. The fence is there for a reason.
Can never be sure when the Jannies are on their "Period", mate.
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NASA literally "trains" on Devon Island. That's not even "conspiracy theory". The only "question" is whether or not all the "training sites" NASA uses are just the production sites for their fake bullshit or not.

>A score thousand, a score and 4 years Anno Domini
>Believing the government if they tell you the sky is blue
I seriously hope...you know...you know the thing.
we have lots of red dirt wasteland, areas no one would visit, in the northern interior of WA. Geez that jap that did the sarin gas terrorist attack even had a cult farm in WA. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8314201/How-Japanese-cult-tested-nerve-gas-sheep-Australian-Outback-property-fatal-attack.html
>please show that evidence
Spoiler alert: he won't
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Hmm did someone say small furry mammals?
>focus on the thing you faggot THE FUCKING THING
the THING can be either REAL or FAKE in this case, you choose to assume its REAL in the first place and then tell me to give you reasons to why its FAKE, and im telling you that that's not how this works, its either REAL or FAKE from the START
>you're biased because you think your skepticism is cool.
no, i dont have a personal fetish to all things space being cool
Because all space programs after collapse of USSR are fake and gay, nobody ever went anywhere, all the money finances Rothschild's heart transplants and deep fried baby foreskin buffets.
>NASA lends "moon rocks" to some school
>school tests rocks
>rocks are ordinary Earth rocks
Woooooow duuuude like spaaace, like, we ruined this planet time to colonize spaaaace dude donate 5 dollars and you helped build a rocket fuck off with this bullshit
Jannies be soaking the tampons over this thread
but leaf
i am doing the raping
>it can always be fake and gay
you are most welcome to your radical and unreasonable skepticism anon, as you are welcome to your assumed position as master logician where, every thread, it always comes down to you not accepting any kind of evidence other than 'i must go and see'.

its boring and pointless, i hope you can see that.
It's frozen oxygen
you're right, because literally EVERYTHING about space is non-exclusive
im sorry you're so religious about this
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UwU what's this?

>>NASA lends "moon rocks" to some school
>>school tests rocks
>>rocks are ordinary Earth rocks
you forget that some were fossilized tree parts
anyway that pose serious question
what hit earth so hard that earth rocks and trees landed on moon?
i almost can't believe it. again, im shocked.

>and im telling you that that's not how this works,
it fucking is. you constantly refuse to understand how burden of evidence works. did you ever read this:
>i dont have a personal fetish to all things space being cool
you have a fetish for your own mental masturbation, which is why you loop this same exact line of worthless shit in every single thread.
i told you at least 10 times already, THE PRESENTED EVIDENCE IS NOT EXCLUSIVE to the rover actually being on mars so it needs to be rejected
>NASA lends "moon rocks" to some school
Oh wow, such detail makes this easy to verify!
I'm sure you didn't make that up on the spot!

If flat earth just the evolution of grandmas forwarding "informative" emails?
Memes and lies seem to be their only way of communication
> Petrified Wood
A gift from a US ambassador to Norway(?) I think.
They tried writing it off as some "Gift of significant importance to just give-away, so a replica was given instead" - bullshit
Aliens most likely threatened both the USSR and the US in the 70s to stop exploring the Moon.
you are religious about your skepticism. its unreasonable and based on nothing, absolutely nothing, other than 'people might lie'. its fucking childish.
dont get your panties in a twist if you dont want to understand how burden of proof works
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They did no such thing
It was never an official gift and 30 seconds of searching would have told you this
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it was petrified wood from moon back from time when earth trees reached the moon
ive fucking agreed you moron. so you have to tackle it based on probability. i think its highly likely that the mars rover is real and as advertised.
you are the one refusing to learn about it.
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Care to show me what bones look like this rabbi?
i seen it on mars tho
it was still there last time unless some martian nigger steal it and sold it to jupiter gypsies for scrap
>so you have to tackle it based on probability.
still not how this works but i'll humor you
and what is more probable? them actually doing it or faking pics here on the ground?
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On the September 2017 Equinox, 23 amateurs from 9 countries measured the shadows cast by a vertical pole at solar noon
They gave their data, photos of the measurements, and their positions to a Youtuber called Sly Sparkane
All the photos and GPS locations are is shown in the video

He mapped them onto a flat plane and saw no correlation indicating a close local Sun
Then he mapped them onto a sphere and saw all angles fall within one degree of parallel
This is what Eratosthenes did over 2000 years ago, but he did it with many more data points

The Flat Earth is thus disproven by sticks and shadows
>They did no such thing
Yes, they did.
i hate it when Boris does this...
>Retard flerf is too stupid to read the infographic posted
You're just trolling at this point, right?
>great soil
what the fuck are you talking about
>uncircumcised martian boner
>remnant of aryan soldier from mars-venus wars
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Flerfs cannot explain flight times
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Flerfs cannot explain the drop of the horizon
are you the ship bearing guy?

Learnin's HARD. I literally told you what bone it looked like, you imbecilic pencil-pushing spicike.
why cant it just be a mars bone?
shit lived there FOR SURE
something still lives there now
something subterranean and small, something that sleeps for all but 3 months of the Martian year
I agree with this.
These billionaires and investors:
> "let's spend all our money and power to send expensive instruments to a dead planet with near zero potential to yeild kickbacks"
Also these billionaires and investors:
> "let's trick people into thinking we are spending all of our resources sending instruments to mars as a giant front to launder illegally obtained money and the billions we make off human trafficking and organ trafficking and adrenachrome trafficking and laugh while the got actually believe and become inspired by it"
I wonder which is true?
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Flerfs cannot explain the Southern Cross being seen when the observers would be looking in entirely different directions
Ah yes, ALL those bones that have a FUCKING HOOKS in them. You GODDAMN fucking jew.
>still not how this works but i'll humor you
obviously it is if you ever want to come to any kind of reasonable conclusion in your own lifetime and not forever remain like you.

> them actually doing it or faking pics here on the ground?
since everything about flying a probe there and landing it is perfectly doable, and the only people who ever raise doubts about it generally know zilch about any of it, why even bother faking it at all?
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Sunsets disprove the flat earth "model"
calm down Professor Dave
Oof, someone's desperate. You do know this shit is already out of the bag, right? You're not going to be successful. We know about Devon Island and its wildlife you retards keep accidentally putting in your "Mars" photos.
it was never a gift handed out by nasa. the whole thing looks like no other sample ever given to a head of state etc
30 seconds of searching would have told you this
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Flerfs will lie and say converging sun rays/shadows prove a local sun, when they are in fact parallel
> never a gift handed out by NASA
Who said it was?
Is this the natural outcome of acting like baiting is a real form of humor while also never caring about saving sources and other related images for the sake of infographics?
>why even bother faking it at all?
i dont know... maybe because
>it costs less
>they use up less resources
>to keep space fetishists masturbating
>its way easier
there are more possible reasons
>it was never a gift handed out by nasa. the whole thing looks like no other sample ever given to a head of state etc
And even when shown the exact images of the official rocks and the wood "rock", this retard refuses to address it
Brah, NASA used to sell "moon dust" and shit to the public. It was all fake. Always was. Even "astronaut icecream" was fake. NASA never used it. The entire thing was a huge propganda campaign and money-making opportunity, appropriate for a judaized nation.
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the amount of confusion which shadows in photographs have cause to flerfs is incredible
lol you understand that the 'possum' would massive beyond belief?
you'se sending mixed messages ITT, Professor Dave
Prove it then kike. GO THERE. These are places on Earth that you can go to moshe. You can prove once and for all that NASA is lying. Oh, what's that? You won't? because you're a hook nosed kike? Thought so.
How can it be just a stone and not a bone??? We say that this is wind erosion of the stone. Although there are trillions of stones on earth, there is also erosion and there have not been a single photograph of a stone of this shape of such a huge size
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Oh shit that's a great image, leaf.
Adding it to the collection
What do you mean, do you not have niggers collecting welfare?
a flat earthers flaw is being unable to discern small angles or to imagine differences of angles in the range of arcminutes
the people calling it fake assume it was, when it wasn't

some people like to advance knowledge and think its worth putting time and effort into. crazy idea i know.

>NASA used to sell "moon dust" and shit to the public
what? i remember that there was some controversy about an auction of Armstrongs moon dust or something but ive never heard of what you're on about
They fake everything. You won’t believe me, but this is the truth as I know it. This planet was taken over by ETs thousands of years ago. ETs who utilize brainwashing techniques and societal resets to enslave lesser races. They then work with all kinds of minions to guide that species into an open air prison. The Moon was also brought here long ago. It is actually a super massive spherical spaceship that barely functions but also has a hologram of a rocky surface projected on the side facing Earth. It augments the magnetic field of the Earth into what we know as the Van Allen Bands which serve as a means of quarantining this planet. The controllers of Earth know this and know we can’t ever explore space legitimately as most objects crossing that barrier get fried although some spacecraft can be shielded to cross it but without any life onboard. They never went to the moon, they won’t show you the real Mars or Venus because both those planets have numerous ground settlements and ET activity. Once you have accepted this fact, that life in the Universe is the norm not the exception will you be ready to advance to the next level of your spiritual journey.
yeah, came across it the other day. very simple and clear.
>some people like to advance knowledge and think its worth putting time and effort into. crazy idea i know.
all power to them, sadly there's still a possibility that they're doing all that for nothing
flat earthers are jews. Literally the simpsons skit
>the earth is flat?
>Mars landings are on Earth?
>May I see it?
so they're lying or just stupid in your opinion?
>that barely functions but also has a hologram of a rocky surface projected on the side facing Earth
I know everything except this part.
Speaking lf Armstrongs and other astrofrauds
>is asked to put hand on bible and swear he went to the moon
>just do it, place hand here, and swear you've been to the moon
>he refuses, tries to play it off as ridiculous demands
He just knows he's going to hell for lying with hand on Bible, that's all lmao.
More like
>may I see it?
>sure, the mars landings were faked at these locations: *location names*
>hmmm I don't see it *hardcore cope by spacefags*
It's simple. Armstrong just a hohol
>Spouts off random locations
>have you been there?
Literally the 40 dead babies by jews. believe us and not your lying eyes.
A wizard has been raping and torturing me. He's replying to me a lot on 4chan. I point him out sometimes. I've seen a very small number of posters who are aware of his deeds. I thought I was the only real person for awhile. Still pretty sure that's true. I've only seen 10 people who have talked about him.
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>some people like to advance knowledge and think its worth putting time and effort into. crazy idea i know.
Lol nobody fucking does that since Ghislaine Maxwell's father took over science.
Not if the rocket's just a model.
>doing experiments and collecting data
This technique does not work on flerfs
theres a possibility of many things, even that this conversation might not get repeated again next time though i believe the probability to be very low.
i believe the probability is very low too, maybe next time you'll get it
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Where Bimba? In the Jewpiter satellite??
Glownigger. All conspiracy theories are real except the ones the CIA fabricated.

- There are no space reptiles on Earth
- They are not piloting clearly human made craft
- The government is not comprised of hypergeniuses that are 30 steps ahead of everyone
- The Earth is a sphere, humans have never been to outer space and the ISS is in the upper atmosphere (close but no cigar, I'm afraid)

- Morgellons are real (microfibers)
- Chemtrails are real (weather manipulation - Bill Gates MUST be slaughtered before he freezes the planet and causes an extinction event)
- 9/11 was an absurdly inside job
- The moon landings were LAUGHABLY fake and this is ridiculously obvious to anyone that grew up after black and white television

>Oh but why didn't duh russhins expose dem!?? Huh?!?
Because they were doing it too.
True but lets be real, it doesn't look like a possum or an actual animal at all. It's a stupid piece of 'evidence' to bring up because people that are on the fence or have a neutral position will look at it and wonder how much of the other evidence is as ridiculous.
There are many shady things about the Moon. It was said to have been badly damaged in a war before it was repurposed for use here. Areas said to be off limits due to radiation leaks will still have activity. If you could see behind it you’d see thousands of parked spacecraft. The largest is like a flat arrowhead in shape and is something like 300 miles in length with actual ecosystems inside such as mountain ranges and oceans.

The mind control aspect on Earth extends well into space. Not all, but most of the species up there are not told the truth about Earth. They will be shown videos of the atrocities of WW2 and told humans cannot leave earth because we are violent; but they ignore that the commands for that war originated with non humans who manipulate us for their own gain.
Nigger you're posting from the globhohomo capital. I'm not even reading your posts.
maybe you'll finally accept that your current concept of burden of proof is anemic and 1 dimensional, and that radical skepticism is not cool
You're posting from Israel first, why is this relevant where we're posting from? I'm giving you advice how people can take your position more seriously when you don't present ridiculous 'evidence'.
If it was a model they could just remove the """rat""" and redo the shot, retard
i heckin love the space rats. it wouldn't be the same without them along for the ride

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