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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why can't argentina just be a normal country with normal politics and a normal economy?
You'd understand if you weren't an island.
Wtf are those sideburns
You think this image was taken in the 70s, but it was the 20s. The 2020s.
erm, akshually, austria is a continent
and your mom is a slut
Anyone who hates Milei is a communist who should be pushed out of a helicopter.
t. gusano retard
The Argentine voter fundamentally can't think of politics in terms of management and economics, it always comes down to an idiotic team sport and cults of personality. Combine this with the dominant ideologies being "whatever the fuck our candidate feels like doing this time, but with vague nationalism and bread and circuses" and "whichever current party wants to shred the economy, fuck the poor" and there cannot be a normal politics or economy.
too based
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communism doesn't work
The funny thing is that Uruguay was in the exact same train up until 2002, but the way the president then dealt with the crisis assured that Uruguay go in a completely different way.
>liberetards commenting on politics
I want nothing but for all of you to have a country all to yourselves. You're welcome to try real capitalism as much as you want, but if you try to flee you'll be shot.
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I've unironically been considering moving to Argentina now that Milei is your president.
Too many SHITalians who want a new Duce so it is impossible to be a candidate if you aren't a cult leader.
>Argentina is run by big business Jews
Seems normal to me bruv
You've always been the better, less idiotic version of us.
Please do, the free market has plenty of dumpsters for you to eat out of. I would genuinely love to put fences and watchtowers around the entire Patagonia and designate it as a free economic zone you can never leave, then round up everyone in favour of Austrian economics and put them in there to do anything they want.
I can't wait for peronism to get back in power and start doing their retarded shit again, it was so fucking based travelling throughout Argentina spending literal pennies. Last year I visited Buenos Aires 4 times, Rosario, Cordoba, Villa Carlos Paz, Villa General Belgrano, Calamuchita, Mendoza, Uspallata, Mar del Plata, Miramar, Villa Gesell and Pinamar.

Stayed at the best hotels, ate at the best restaurants, partied at the hottest clubs, all spending literal pennies.

Can't wait for peronists to come back and subsidize my vacations again.
There a lot of people who are just seriously misinformed and don't know how helpful Milei has been for Argentina
If you don't have information from the ground you'll think that it's been a disaster when in fact Milei is the saviour of Argentina and also I suspect the saviour of South America in general
Those were the days. I even gave waiters and taxis like 2x the bill in tips. At some point the exchange rate was THAT good.
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Lost your job?
nice 2012 meme, boomer
Thankfully not, but it's not uncommon. Hell, even if you own a small business chances are you either close or cut back hard because of the recession leading everyone to spend less.
I wasn't expressing concern.
When I went to Mar del Plata right before the first round of the elections it was insane everything was so incredibly cheap that you just couldn't spend the money no matter how hard you tried. Stayed at one of the fanciest hotels in Mar del Plata form something like 20 dollars a night. Rented a huge Jeep SUV for like 15 bucks a day.

In Mendoza I couldn't find a garage to park the car I was renting so I parked it in the street in front of the airbnb I was renting. When I woke up the other day I had a parking ticket. When I see the amount of the ticket it was less than the parking lot nightly rate lol
step 1). invite the dregs of italian society to flood your country, bringing their early 20th century fascist and communist fervour with them and infecting your country with poltiical retardation
step 2). be isolated from the ww2 and the actual consequences of such political retardation, in a country that doesn't have the resources or cultural values to make such ideologies work
step 3). said wop retards pull your country to the most retarded course of action in every circumstance
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I know, but it's good to be polite. That's why I'm inviting you to come, stay, and never leave.
Pensions wouldn't even be necessary if we were allowed to keep our money and families could build generational wealth.
we used to have private pensions until Peron stole all the money by expropriating them. Then we had them again with Menem until Kirchner stole them again
Most countries have private pensions and retirement funds, we're not allowed to
We're not allowed to choose not to pay the state for our retirement either, even though they use the money for corrupt peronist shit. We're also forced to pay to union cronies (they're peronism's biggest ally)
commies will defend this
This fat ugly jewish clown is destroying my fucking country beyond repair
he's based and you're cringe
Akshually, the continent it's Oceania, which includes Australia.
>nooo you need to use the approved haircut
i like the latinx american trend of wearing sashes of your cunt. It can look a bit tacky, but it makes identifying which cunt a president governs easy.
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Thank you mr president for saving us from this
Truly worthy of a helicopter ride
Hes on coke or meth
Milei must have lowered the inflation, at the cost of our purchasing lower and possibly inducing us towards a recession, moving towards his end game involving plan Andinia, but all of that does not exempt him from being in the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>Milei is the saviour of Argentina and also I suspect the saviour of South America in general
You're about as clueless about Latin America as expected to be.
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Non-Latinos using the term Gusano really annoys me for some reason. I think it's the thought of some paleface Anglo gringo pronouncing it with their trademark horrible accent in Spanish and also the fact that you live in Firstie countries and usually are very ignorant people about Latin America.
>avoid hyper inflation
>lower inflation to the lowest values since 2020 in 7 months
>solves central bank debt
>solves import debt, People can import things again
>positive trade balance
>budget surplus after 10 years
>rearming armed forces
>police allowed to kill niggers again
>wages increasing more than inflation
>economy slowly growing again
>peronists killing each other over investments

Yeap, future is looking bright
im more latinx than you considering brazilians aren't latinx in the first place
I've never heard anyone use gusano for a person
It's directed at cubans living in miami, I don't see why anyone other than cubans and miamiers would use it
you mean australia? austria is the capital
none of these things have happened and more than half of the country is poor, though.
they are supreme memesters, I'm half sure some solid 20% of people voted for this guy for the memes.
They are fun and funny people to have in your friend group but at the same time they are told not to take anything seriously except fútbol from a very young age so their way of thinking is very different from most nationalities I've ever met
Close second is italians but italians take a handful more things seriously
>"But muh dad or my friend is like this or like that"
yeah there are exceptions, like everywhere.
Because the right wing found a way to be corrupt and steal people's money, and the left wing found a way to be corrupt and steal people's money, so we had to vote a different guy which might be or not a little bit crazy, but it's better a crazy man than a criminal one.

Look up "San Martín", he is ripping off the national hero.
kuka sucio asqueroso mugriento
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Cope, if it hadn't been for us they would still be throwing each other rocks and spears. Also, every influential Argentinian (Messi, Bergoglio, Milei) is a pvre Italian chad.
the problem of argentina is they imported naive polentoni instead of smart sicilians and other terroni like the US did.
Private pensions are a scam

Our public pensions run at a benefit
Nope. Oceania is just a cultural concept, that includes Australia + a bunch of unrelated islands in the Pacific.
Australia itself is a geological continent.
yeah thank you for reminding me, almost forgot about that one
>poverty decreased from 57% to 50%
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it will become a superpower in our lifetime
you haven't had this kind of statism for as long as us, it promotes corruption in the long run. And even if you get there, france isn't as morally bankrupt as argentina for now.
One example: about a decade ago kirchnerist decided public schools kids needed laptops, so they bought laptops for all public school students. How did they finance this? Public retirement funds. How did they finance retirments, then? Printing more money and pretending it's still worth the same, fucking over everyone that dedicated their lives to work and then some more. Do you see how that's not sustainable? And that's not touching on the corruption of it all, of course the laptops were paid at higher than market value, of course more were bought than were distributed, you can guess were all these margins went. This reckless spending of everyone else's money was a monthly occurrence during all kirchnerist administrations
Too many immigrants with low education level coming in, while educated Argies leave the country for the US. Also working class people produce more children than upper class members which will only worsen the situation in the future. In the long term Argentina is fucked imo.
>we used to have private pensions until Peron stole all the money by expropriating them.
Kek, here it happened just 10 years ago
For some reason, Russia and China have not democratized despite their economic growth.
After more than half a century under Peronism... they need the bitterest medicine
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inflation is theft
Acabo de decir que los kukas son criminales, pelotudo, aprendé a leer.
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Too chad for that
>for the US
*Spen <3
do spaniards care about the sudaca invasion?
Ask a Spaniard, dunno. I see them more worried about Moroccans. The right wing is into this "muh hispanoamerica" thing.
But the profile of argie immigrants is different from other latin Americans, THANKFULLY no villeros have the resources to come here, so it's mostly middle upper-middle class.
Catholic countries can't do economics. It's that simple.
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They think they're white and European/Italian or some stupid shit
Their inferiority complex drives them to the brink of madness
France isn't actually Catholic it's just french post revolution the Catholic bit is a complete larp.
Mudslimes probably outnumber Catholics at this point.
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their government gives them the most generous gibs to live as europeans, but over the long term their economy can't really pay for that lifestyle... they don't generate that type of first world wealth, so very often they have to declare themselves bankrupt

it's as if the argie mind can't conceive living with peruvian living standards (their real level) because it's beneath them
so they'd rather live in constant debt
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>the amount of the ticket it was less than the parking lot nightly rate lol
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Obviously jews
He's very friendly with the jews. A bit too friendly, one would say. I wonder what his true plan is. Why do jews suddenly have an interest in South America?
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>san martin
he is copying menem
we are a jewish experiment
>t. mohammad
>niggers are poor
milei can't fix retardation
based mutt making a hilarious typo
so what
You have more debt than us, spic nigger. Gibs don't better the quality of life of the average argie, it worsens it

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