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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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In Spain, Italy, south of France, Greece, Croatia. Only losers are at home now.

I love partying too! Mostly at nude beaches. Weirdly enough, the number of arrivals seems to have dropped in the past few days. A real bummer I say. Me and my friends loved the view. A real delight to watch whilst shitting.
only nepo baby chads can enjoy their youths fucking, sucking, cucking and partying while you wagecuck your years away, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, then you die LMAO YOU ARE A MAGGOT
Of course Europeans would be partying in Europe. That's how it's supp28mrgosed to be.
Why would i go to those shit holes, when i can buy 6 eightballs of coke, some whisky, cigars and tell one of my friends to come over so i can fuck her in a coke rush for half the price of what it costs to fly to those shit holes? Fuck off traveljew
womp womp shlomo
what else ya got
>Use 'while' if the next word begins with a consonant. If followed by a word beginning with a vowel, then the 'st' form gives a more euphonious transition: compare 'while I was' to 'whilst I was'. The same rule applies to among/amongst.

I guess that rich education isn't what it used to be

Very sussy
it's 12:30 here you nigger, parties start at 22:00
hey poor euros dont let this guy demoralize you, americans of all wealth strata are also inside -- but we have air conditioning its a whole thing
>6 eightballs
Nigger thats almost an oz of cocaine
Memeflag, I live on the country side where rich Stockholm people come to relax once a year. I relax here all year.
Besides south Europe is way too hot, it has been sunny and 20-30 degrees here since may
I wish people wouldn't come to my city. Octuple our population in 8 hours
Only losers are partying.
Rich people are getting richer.
My home is ruined thanks to these fuckers and no most of them are not rich. Most are hobo backpackers and english scum from Liverpool.
Rich people party, poors stay at home and cope
Partying in those region is literally for poor people though
Yeah, recipe for a good weekend
Lol 21 grams in 3 days youd be dead unless you have a monster tolerence or you buy shit cocaine
I heard scandinavians actuall live like this. Everyone works like a good goy during the week. You can only find balkaners and foreigners in the streets in the city. Weekend comes they zombify themselfs with drugs and alcohol and fuck like zombies and barely know where they are. Sunday they sober down and repeat.
Duality of man. Rich because I’m partying in Croatia, poor because it’s my home
Got me a 2 weeks vacation with my wife and 2 kids planned in Rhodos soon mates.

Its true that i work like a workhorse, but what ill build here, will last a 1000 years.
When i start talking about my plans i can feel the jelousy and hatred in normies face. My wife keeps telling me, to not share my plans, as normies are retarded and hate me jsut because ill pull it off.
commies will take over and kill you and i will lulz in my free cuck box
1pbtid slide thread
>partying where everyone was invited
What are your plans?
I designed a plan for a legacy that will last, atleast for 3 generations, and hopefuly for 1000 years.
I know exactly what to do to keep my offsprings loyal to the family name and keep them creating offsprings of their own.

All i need, is a country that remains white though, otherwise ill switch my allegiance to Russia. or whatever country is upholding our race.
if you believe in the white psyops you're already a golemized subhuman
Becore mass tourism parties were way better in croatia. It was all built for common man. Best partying done during war. All older poeple storries and my memories during childhood confirm this.
Bars worked as long as they had to (some still do). You could walk in to any random bar restaurant and know you wont get ripped off. Food was better quality. You could drink and drive without totalitarian police state fucking with you. You could ignore laws in general.
even brazilians have AC. My AC runs 24/7. What's up with Amerilards and their obsession for electricity bills and AC units?
>on the country side
*in the country sdie
If my fellow romanians decide they want "o tara ca afara, un fentanil ca afara" then they betrayed me.

Between a good honest traditinal russian and a retarded USR cuck, i choose the russian 1000 times out of 1000.
Can you tell in detail you told it akread to random popele in the street. Russia is not white sorry to burst your bubble. They have 20% muslims that putin is favoring over native russians and other slavs.
Which RPG?
>20% muslims that putin is favoring over native russians and other slavs.
Some of these muslims are white in the case of checens.

In any case, you know i hate dishonest arguments right?
Those said muslims are from conquered teritories.
If US would annex Afghanistan, would you say US now has a 10% muslim population or w/e the percentage would be?

What i agree is that they should forcefuly baptise or kill these muslims, but we live in the cuck world now, we cannot do that, or muslims can do it.

In any case, Russia vs the west? Russia 100%
> My wife keeps telling me, to not share my plans
She does not want to be even more embarrassed about you and politely asks you to shut up
spoken like a true golem
keep paying those taxes my delicious goy
My plan is a shitton more complex, and intricate.
Buit ill make a brief summarisation of it.

If my kid will create an offspring with my name, ill donate him a one room apartment, 2nd offspring, a 2 room apartment and so on. He cant rent out the previous one room apartment and so on.

Ill have 6 kids as a greed with my wife, 6 kids atleast.

There are also plans for many things such as my kids trade, i can teach them how to make money, based on what i see left and right and what i experience aswell. But i dont want to write a wall of text.

I want to make my kids kind symbiote with each other as far as making money go. And i have a plan for it.

Ill pull it off, guaranteed, when im 60-70 years old ill come with the proof so you see.
Just go to Turkey, electricity bills are cheaper there.
>Only losers are are at home now.
You're at home, Pajeet. At home IN INDIA.
The only loser here is you.
If I hopped on a flight where should I go? I thought ireland or sweden to molest some paleskins while it's warm. Then germany, etc, for wartorn ukie whores. Those med countries are full of ugly rude brown people.
As far as trades go, you can make a good amount of money as a plumber / or one of these guys that put tiles up.

I can have on my land a room that can serve as a training area for such trades. Ill but them free tiles so they learn. free of charge.

My mother is an accountant at various apartment complexes, trust me when i say, its not very hard to do it. I can teach my kids, as i learnt myself.
I can teach my kids blender porn,

All these things, accounting for properties, plumbing and all that, work with each other.

But hey, i know 100% there are some ignorant people here. You will fucking see, ill prove it to you, how it done.
I hope you have a shit ton of money already to buy multiple houses to 6 kids plus the cost of raising all of them.
imagine buying six eightballs to fug a whore. you must be hanging out with real crackheads. i work in welfare housing and see maggots like you everyday. there's a guy who is 50 and has been homeless for years. he sells crack, breaks into businesses and homes, and extorts other homeless people out of their welfare checks. all he does is smoke crack and fuck crackwhores, kill other crackheads and gang members, do crime, etc.

he died about a month ago but he lived that life for 30 years in a tent in one of our encampments.
he told me he's smoked an ounce of crack a day for 30 years and i believe it.

he got 6 kilos of fully iced out gold chains from a jewelry store robbery before he died and i wish i had bought some of them desu.
I already own 4 apartments, 2 on my mother's name that i will inherit whenever i will inherit them.

4 bought with my own two hands.
And i only have 2 kids so far.

You do these things in due time, brick by brick.
Brick by brick by brick, and at some point the bricks will spawn themselves out of thin air, due to rent and passive income.
>rich Europeans
You mean wagie cucks that can't travel whenever they want, who want to feel rich for a week or two before going back to their shitty lives?
based. i'm in vancouver and the summer is beautiful since you can cycle everyday in stanley park and not get bored but winter is BRUTAL and the lack of light really gets to you.

since service here is terrible and everywhere is staffed by surly foreigners the only thing enjoyable in clownworld canada is cycling.
Damn I'm jelly. Wish i could be there and at these parties.
Lmao what sort of demented plan is this? Also, you can’t rule out disagreements about property between your children when they grow up
Lmao, white incel losers btfo
real crackheads can smoke an ounce a day. the amount people can smoke is unreal. i saw a homeless guy in front of my work laying in front of the building and he had a big clear jar with what looked like about 2 ounces and he was just packing giant rocks into a bong. disgusting desu but he seemed to be enjoying himself.
and your goal is to slave yourself to work for at least 2 generations so the third has it easy?
you can find books on library genesis that talk about how to create dynastic families. its a subject of research that not many people know about.
>you can’t rule out disagreements
Im not as retarded as you are dude.
Ill not pass my property when im 100 years old and dying.

Ill tell them simply, be productive, make offspring, you get the apartment, simple.
You can rent it out do whatever.

Ill show them how to create their own company or w/e.
I told you, you are fucking jelous now, just suck dick and simply live by. Doesnt matter to me.

Kids Fight off for property when shit isnt clear or when they have 50%-50% percentage property over something.
You only pass property with 100% ownership, so they dont fight.
Yeah ill work myself to death, but they will have it easy if they adhere to the principles ive set.

If one of them refuses to have kids of their own and wont adhere to a traditionalist ideology then ill tell them to fuck off.

My struggle has a price and its a small price in my opinion.
They can obviously do what they want, but not with my life's work.
Hangovers stds lost time and money. No thanks. Partying is for wiggers and gay frat people.
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You don't have to be rich in Europe to enjoy a summer holiday. You just don't need to be a fucking NEET loser.

Some go to a boutique hotel in St Tropez, some go to a cheap all inclusive in Rhodos or Lesbos or the Canaries. Others backpack. There's something for everyone.

Pic related that's the sunrise from my window in Italy.
I don't share your goal at all, all could go away by external conditions, imagine if your country decides to go to war and you lose your apartments, all for a legacy you will not experience, for people who might not love you, value the present, is the only you can have for sure and enjoy your life while trying to give the best possible life to your kids.
the most zogged jewish nonsense. jews gonna jew, I'm comfy playing vidya and seeing grandma.
as destructive as the partying lifestyle can be the best memories i have are snorting coke and talking bullshit at parties when i was young.
Cruise ship occupants aren't people. They're meaty wallets on legs and are meant to be exploited in exchange for local artisanal goods
Rich? I’ve been to all those countries and I’m shit-arsed poor.
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Chechens are some weird inbred mix. Some look white some look white/arab. They are not numerous though. Azeris are.
Also a lot of poeple who identify as russians are basically hapas.
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>le party

kek, grow up
Based grammarian. Words have power
I know some poeple who had your plan but it didnt happen due to brotherly squabbles. Raising your kids and ditching the ones who dont share your vision will be more nessesary than material wealth. What good is it to have a son or daughter that has kids just to get apartment (they wouldn't have them othervise) and they let goytv raise them and kids become basic npcs?
Your vision could be fulfilled to get your kids to have kids. But to get them to be friends with each other thats difficult.

Anyways good luck. I would suggest you write up some sort of ruleset like Rothschilds did.
Dude is an anti boomer.
>Kids Fight off for property when shit isnt clear or when they have 50%-50% percentage property over something.
You only pass property with 100% ownership, so they dont fight.

Thats good thinking. Although sometimes even that is not enough since some poeple contest the will etc.
For best results give apartments during life. But you are right teaching your kids hoe to run a. Buissness etc is the mist valuable thing.
Fuck this Video reminds me of the countless no-go zones we have in the big cities
so you're autistic
You are so poor you spend summers in countryside while rich Swedes party in St Tropez Ibiza and Hvar

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