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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Built for BBC
Anon I just woke up please do not show me an axe wound
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because you gave roasties too much rights
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant, time wasting question
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It's beautiful and brave you ignorant bigot
kikes raping kids enable this
looks like something from "the thing 1982"
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Thank you for vagane.
That's a 100% pure and organic woman, anon
Not my problem.
It's crazy that this guy is real. He's an actual person living out there and "doing things" (if he's still alive). Not a movie character or some monster in my vidya.
you are arguing on emotion, not logic
>le icky picture
this is not an argument against treatment of gender dysphoria, nor does it disprove the fact that treatment for this disorder works
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So confident about an utterly barbaric clusterfuck. Or shoddy work at the very least.
What is a Eunuch?
Why was that legal in some places in the past?
>le icky picture
The picture is not icky, I can print it out and dine on it. The picture proves that the butcher doctors all deserve prison time, together with their pharmaceutical collaborators and the politicians promoting this.
something being disgusting and obviously unhealthy is a good reason to oppose it.

logic is concerned with the valid inferrence of one statement from others. in the end, any argumentative chain must (at best) be based on judgements of intuition
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I was that kid in school who shared gore with all my classmates and this shit makes me gag
Imagine being mentally deranged to begin with, and looking down and seeing a puss filled axe wound.
>something being disgusting and obviously unhealthy is a good reason to oppose it.
I only think people need to be honest. There should be giant billboard's with OP's pic on highways. I think the public needs to be more informed. Then they should be allowed to make their choice. I think it's silly to try to save people from themselves. If anything, they also make good advertisements after they end it all, and their stories of despair and continued unhappiness should be public too.
imagine the smell
I'm literally coughing up blood right now.
I was going to have breakfast but that is not happening now.
This is almost as bad as the old lotus seedpod shoops.
Fuck you.
back up to page one you go
Eh. Reconstructive/plastic surgery always looks like a horrible mess until it fully heals.
It will look always look like shit.
I have not seen a single shred of proof saying otherwise.
Nice bait you disgusting cunt
as a libertarian, i somewhat agree... ultimately, we shouldn't say that people can't do this to themselves as independent adults, but at the same time we also can't allow surgeons to do these procedures... it's fine if i want to cut my own leg off because i "identify" as an amputee, but i don't think a licensed surgeon shouldn't be allowed to do it on my behalf. this is the part of bodily autonomy that leftists seem to glaze over.
Why not? The retards take themselves out of the gene pool voluntarily.
What are you gay or something? You don’t like vaginas?
Yeah, I think I'll agree with that. I still want to help kids, but not adults. And taking doctors out of the equation would drastically if not completely improve that.
We need to push more Jews to transition. We need to hardcore campaign Jews to cat girls and mahiro chan
This is why I just take the estrogen. My sex organ works just fine and the risk of horrific side effects is too high with the surgery.
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flag check out
It has gotten much better now, that's what a troon told me here.
What did it do to your body? Made skin softer? Is your dick limp?
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someone should hack into every street advert screen and have this on with a caption that says what is it in big bold red letters
surgeons take fat wads of cash to literally castrate and mutilate mentally ill people for life and you're crazy if you say there is something wrong with it
This is what mine looks like.
how long do you think you can keep an open wound clean for?
jesus fuck its 6 in the morning
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I flush it with saline every day
lmao fucking incel you've never seen a vagina before, eh?
Wtf is that from?
that's literally a biological female kek
Based and seconded.
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Olde internet. The beer puke originally was only coming out of his mouth. Fire shop in that image kek
It won't be for long.
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Something something consenting adults
Something Something repression leads to aggression
Something Something love always wins
I dont know or care.
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God, I hate libertarians so much it's unreal
That axe wound does look a lot more professionally done that OP's
It's still a wound though, it will fester and close if not maintained properly.
It will never be a vagina.
That will never be a woman.
Nor will it ever again really be a man.
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I think you just told on yourself.
Nice. Saved.
Is there a good docu on rumble or odyssee or something that sums up this shit, especially going back to Hirschfeld and possibly even other sexual degenerate astroturfers like Kinsey?
And why not? If the surgeon has the patient's consent, there is no obstacle, for a libertarian, to perform any surgery whatsoever. The only thing that opposes freedom of action is coercion, which in this case there is none. Freedom is degeneration, that's where your bullshit thesis fails.
>Non penile inversion
Basically they have a fake pussy without clitoris and will never get any arousement with 'vaginal' sex. And wouldn't get that self lubrication what real women can have during arousement anyway.
You will never be a woman, either.
Nor will you ever again really be a man.
That's a legitimate woman's vagina in that pic you originally quoted lol.
Does that mean the glans is removed entirely? I just know the fast forwarded video where it's kind of like stuffed back in through the ass over the wound and sewed in place like a fake, mutilated clitoris.
A beautiful video to have on your phone to show people what a miraculous feat of "science" it is and how beautiful this "transition" is when you behold it in all its glory, whenever the conversation topic arises and people feel the need to stress that all of this is so natural.
Left looks convincing but right is not what a vagina looks like ramjeet. Sorry you haven't seen one yet.
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>prison time
You're too kind. These people serve no purpose to society.
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Why do you hate SCIENCE? It's the greatest invention of this century.
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I was eating anon, there's nothing more disgusting than eunuch flesh wound or burger blob burst out of their skin of so fat and need a team of volunteer to clean itself.
Fucking disgusting.
Fucking LOL the entire dick has hairs!
With further study it seems they spare the nerve that goes to glans and try to make a real looking clitoris from the glans. And 'if requested' they can let it be bigger to get those bigger orgasms. With advertises like this, it is obvious that troons don't hesitate a second.
Simply because people are allowed to do whatever they want to themselves. Amerilards eat themselves to morbid obesity, and that's legal. Why is this any different?
Born a Boy, Raised a Girl
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Looks like he had a really bad axe-ident.
When is a republican politician going to grow a set of balls and show unedited footage of "gender affirming surgery" at a rally? That shit would wake a lot of people up fast
I lasted 15 secs.
you're mentally ill
Ok ready to settle down now
Not my proudest fap
>Dr. Chadwut Turnawayphallic
based I seek him to be my gf's surgeon
giving you the middle finger at 1:12
It's just reverse plastic surgery
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I'd probably rope.
that's a real pussy retard lmfao
do a parasite cleanse and cure your troonery
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In jewish capitalism everything is for sale, also your morals and values can be easily overridden by a large sum of fiat currency.
"if you know anything about trans surgery you must be secretly a tranny"
Same here, except my clit is 55cm
Yeeooeah roight.
Haha no shit
Hope it works
Its called body fluids complete expulsion syndrome. Becareful it may happen to someone close to you and youll be covered in puke, semen, snot, bile and pus all at once.
Well if someone were to put a pussy on someone's arm that would be impressive, but that doesn't make me want to fuck up.
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