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Kamala now has one of the best slogan. A direct response to "Make America Great Again". Great again for who?

No thanks. We are not going back.

>Great again for who?
For whom.
Kys mutt.
>we're not going back to $2 gas, world peace and knowing what a woman is
don't be mean, we're just homesick for a place that never existed, and you're black
We are not going back to the days where women had no rights
We are not going back to the days where black people were persecuted
We are not going back to the days where white men ruled America
We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate what others do with their sexuality

We are not going back
but you have to go back
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Lol it's non-negotiable

Left shouldn't have turned on Israel, kek
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Open Borders Iran War Hawk team D can fight with Open Borders Iran War Hawk team R, it's not my problem..
For the White people who built this country.
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>No thanks. We are not going back.
Goyim thinks they're the ones making the rules, kek
You're going wherever we decide to take you
Abortion will continue to be decided on a state-by-state basis as it is right now. Everything else is just stuff you made up.
Kamala lost.
What are you on about yellow man, you arent even American.
Her real slogan is WE ARE GOING BRAAAAP
She a flat(ulent person)
We are going back to the days where women had no rights
We are going back to the days where black people were persecuted
We are going back to the days where white men ruled America
We are going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate what others do with their sexuality
And anybody in the way is a target.

Pretty sure we've never gone back.
Kamala will save America from the white man.
Goes home sucks her white husbands dick.
>america isnt going back. its dead LOLOLOL rofl
i thought the direct response to maga was
make america laugh again
or was it brat, or wait coconut trees
, or no prosecutor vs felon
or fucking hold on
wait we aint fuckin goin back!
ohh wait what about...
these faggots seriously need to calm down because this shit reeks of manic desperation
Hello, Japan? Some kike-nigger is using a VPN to post very dishonoroburu bullshit on the internet.
oh so basically 'america is/was already great' just slightly different like the last onesrgkr
That’s what happens with a BAIT AND SWITCH campaign.
Directionless campaign, directionless administration.
They have no idea how to govern.
>at some point we might be punished for our actions
Trump should just offer to pardon any American citizen that kills a shitskin. Get enough of them and it's a guaranteed win.
>We're not going back to the days when the working class had good wages
>We're not going back to when single family homes were affordable
The border czar is going to keep the border open
>turn nazi at any moment

yeah that's exactly what happened the first 1300 times. just out of nowhere for no reason with no warnings or stimulus lmao
>most independent voters alienated by the drastic change
>seeing Kamala's sycophants for what they are
>Biden was nominated as a "Return to Normalcy" candidate
>"We're not going back"
Jesus fucking Christ this bitch is TRYING to lose now.
this. Harris is a social terrorist.
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once you go back you never go black
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>Hey guys
>I know things are pretty bad right now
>Inflation, Crime, High levels of Illegal Immigration
>But I just want you to know
We are not going back to greatness doesn't seem like a good slogan.
1850s America existed.
it's too vague
who are we?
going back to where or what?
We're not going back is a great slogan when everything has gotten worse.
“We’re not going back”

Wow, so we’re staying miserable, hyper inflated, wartime, impoverished, and overrun with homeless? Fuck I’m with her.
that's a very pretty red light farm
>Increase supply of workers to lower wages!
>Increase demand for homes to drive up prices!
And retarded Democrats celebrate because it also comes with replacement migration, despite being pro science evolutionists they have been brainwashed into supporting policy to force them into poverty and cause their extinction. The science is settled, this is moral for some reason.
If its not a VPN, which an absurd amount are banned here outright, then its an USAF intelligoon posting out of Kadena AFB. High treason, they think they can't be touched because they wear fag stripes on their sleeve and sit in their troon bunker on a foreign installation.
not to mention nostalgia is huge right now and everyone wants to go back to the 80s/90s/00s
It’s funny because she really shouldn’t have left the kitchen
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You....you, I like.
>We are not falling up.
>We are not falling up.
>We are not falling up.
>We are not falling up.


A slogan explicitly for illegal immigrants? Daring.
Not going back to what?
Success and sanity?
Lol. The fucking worst, and it will back fire and I will laugh. No one will be around to help you when this fucks up.
Well you see, they are not voting, but they need to stop all laws trying to stop them from voting.
>We are not going back to Mexico
>We are not going back to Africa
>We are going forward to South Africa
And then everyone clapped.
We’re not going back to affordable homes! Dystopian hellscape poverty awaits because Democrats will not stop relentlessly importing brown people that we must fund to wonder around all day while we work, for their entire lives! Don’t question it. That’s morality now. Brown people deserve to collapse the US.
She's right though.
That's a bleak phrase, and in this context has very negative connotations. It's perfect for them since their entire playbook seems to be passing off negative ideas and behaviors as "morally upright."
Was "Don't Make America Great Again" already taken?
women have rights to cook clean and take care of their children. they can also have rights to work in ammunition and steel factories like in Germany. But no positions of power. that was a huge mistake
You have to go back
My problem is she is trying to say that shit is possible. The past has passed. There is no "back" to go to.
uh retard hello, mobile phones and dynamic routers
>but you have to go back
>Biden campaigns on ”Build Back Better”
>Kamala: “We’re not Building Back”
It’s the economy, stupid. Racial tribalism is banana republic politics. Even Trump understands this.
yeah m8 she's a jobber
>We are not going back to the days where women had no rights
>We are not going back to the days where black people were persecuted
>We are not going back to the days where white men ruled America
>We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate what others do with their sexuality
>We are not going back
That is really sad
Nope, its coordinated JP posting for over a week now, pay attention.
Trump and Putin are pussies.
Trump never said any of your things thought.
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>sounds bad to trump/undecided voters
>sounds good to dem's base
Tells you all you need to know. She's struggling to consolidate Dem voters.
"We're not going back to being great"
Yeah great slogan.
Identitarianism is a smokescreen for financial predation. This society is unnatural and cannot reproduce itself no matter how many brown bodies they import or sprout. Death Cult. Til the bitter end.
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>we're not going back to safe communities
>we're not going back to affordable gas
>we're not going back to intact families
>we're not going back to healthy living
>we're not going back to an optimistic America
Yep. Chudley and Chuddy mates are not taking America back before civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, trans rights, and many other rights won and fought for by people who actually value human freedom.
Say whatever you want about the policy or Kamala or whatever, but jesus FUCK.

How can ANYONE think that she "may have found her campaign slogan in real time" and that the "We're Not Going Back!" part wasn't scripted and planned.
The audience popped massively the second she finished saying it, and immediately started a crowd chant. That's not organic, that's not happening in real time, and I can't believe people are sitting here thinking "wow she's so magnificant look how she thought of a great slogan just off the cuff and immediately got the crowd into it and chanting! she's so charismatic!!"

what kind of fucked up circus world is this jesus christ
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>We are not going back.
>anime girl fag
You were meant to be miserable and unhappy
Based troll
As soon as everything becomes unaffordable, people who unironically talk like this joking english-teacher/military base FAGGOT, are going to be fucking thrown into the fire like the old days, lazy niggers like me won’t even need to lift a single finger.
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>we are never going back to low interest rates
>We are not going back.
I liked "we are going to leave for Canada" much better but I hope you again fail to do what you promised.
>we’re not going back to a thriving economy
No shit really
>we're not going back
Probably not the best slogan when the entire electorate remembers how much better everything was just a short 3.5 years ago.
Not a bad slogan. Sure as hell better than "build back better".
Slaves who were black were forced to build this country. You guys did no real work at all. Cope.
I hope she actually uses that one. Normies aint gonna like it.
By the way, if she wins secession is next for the Southern states.
Build Back Better is a profound slogan that relates to ancient alchemy. We’re not going back is grievance-based. It’s as low brow as it gets. Aspires to nothing. Enfranchises collective misery. All the lands in all the world, with all the possibilities under the sun in all the histories of humankind, and this is the refrain? Pathetic.

Good thing it’s only some brown power idiot on twatter and not her campaign managers saying it.
Have an updoot, homo
You have to go back.
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Going back to even fewer regulations for corporations.
Makes for the perfect set up to tell them to go back to the kitchen, or back to the closet, or back to the 3rd world, and so on. Also back 2 rddt is apparently considered spam now and I've had to reformat like a dozen times. Mods = tremendous fags
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I liked her previous slogan better.
>we are not going back
invader talk
We're not going back to affordable housing.
We're not going back to safe streets.
We're not going back to leading the world.
We're not going back to conquering the universe just because it's there (e.g. space race)
We're not going back to government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Seems like a good slogan for her - surprised she's so honest about how terrible she wants to make America.

Oh were going back alright, right back to the point where we defend ourselves against all this bullshit.
>we're not going back to low gas prices
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i kinda like all those things tho
lel this jeetnigger is cooked
>we're not going back to a jew free America
Kamala confirmed the most pro-jew pro-israel politician in history
we're not going back to africa
more taxes and white replcement with indians and chinks
>Great again for who?
According to her party, illegal aliens. They keep saying this country is awful yet tell us the beaners are coming here for a better life.
Kamel Hair didn't think that though.
The astroturfing for her is insane, like no one cares about "we're not going back"
It's a confusing slogan
You won’t do shit
>This is what democracy looks like.
Is better.
Trump is such a fag. Defeat to the Jeet/nigger hybrid is the fate he deserves
Japo fuck your shit

Blacks persecuted > democrats owned the slaves and created the KKK

> Everything else two words - Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....sit down and shut your rice hole
The information warfare going on here is pretty insane, Kamala is polling basically on par with Biden pre-debate but the hundred million dollar campaign isn’t just creating a media darling narrative for her but it’s also manufacturing the idea on the right that she’s gonna win because of that shill campaign, even though they shouldn’t get complacent.
Didn't she fuck a married nigga?
A reactive executive for 4 years is kind of bad for America with all that looming debt and the structural changes towards unsustainable gibs and fiscal spending to keep economy going.
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Fucking hell, it's gonna be like having an HR lady as president...
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>We're not going back to our old countries
So she admits that they have an enemy and the enemy is the people that America was founded for and founded by.
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Make sure people know that this whole "unburdened" thing she's said 10,000 times is actually a Satanic spell.

She even does the Satanic hand movements everytime she says it.
>Fucking hell, it's gonna be like having an HR lady as president...

It's going to be glorious!! You and your entire cracker family will be dead or in camps.
>We're Not Going Back

please, please run with that lmao
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>most people here were probably born in the 90s
>Clinton wouldve been the first president they knew so ~8 years of that
>Bush took over and it was basically war from day 1 and fucked everyone over
>Obama took another 8 years and fucked everyone over
>Trump came in and in 4 years gave most people the most income and value their money ever had, then Covid hit
>Biden took over and crashed everything, hes so incompetent and elderly that hes sitting out the last half of his last year
>people who have already had 20 years of democrats ruling them, want to make it 24, and expect people to believe all of the problems in the US are just from the 12 years republicans were in and not even including where Democrats had majority
>"WE ARE NOT GOING BACK", yet whats the status quo democrats setup to remain

Kamala is going to be on a run for a while and honestly might win but i dont see why?
You need to go back
We need to go back!
"We're Not Going Back To Greatness"

Weird thing about which to be excited, but at least they're truthful about it.
it’s a good slogan
"Fuck The Wypipo" was already taken.
New Kamala slogan: GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK don’t get cum in my hair!
How much do they pay you to shill? i need some extra cash.
We're not going back to cheap gas.
We're not going back to affordable housing.
We're not going back to nuclear families.
We're not going back to church.
We're not going back to Yuru Yuri.

Maybe if you're a demented, terminally online leftist tranny. 80% of America has a nostalgic view of some decade in the past they would like to recapture.
Was it 4d chess by the demonrats to have Joe Biden fail because of of age and then use the same argument against Trump?
If so, i must say well played. However, i think America is still racist and bigoted enough not to vote for a black woman just because
slaves were cheap labor for slave owners. black people literally benefitted nobody except for the tiny handful of people that actually did own slaves (many of which were black/native americans/jews). blacks dont build any countries, they only destroy. thats why africa and haiti are hellscape shitholes.
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>Trump wants to take us back to the past. To play the shitty games that suck ass.
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We need to remind people that COVID WAS RELEASED ON PURPOSE TO STOP TRUMP.

Democrats will literally try to kill half the world to install their puppets. And all of the evidence points to the fact that Fauci/Obama/DNC/DHS/CIA released Covid ON PURPOSE to get Trump out of office.
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Quads checked
It really is a terrible slogan that recalls memories of the comparative simplicity of Trump's time in office.
Will Americans be smart enough to realize that things were better and immediately got bad under Biden?
Personally, I believe we're too far gone as a country. We are probably not going back. Whether thanks to vote fraud or actual people voting, Kamala is the likely winner because Democrats come with an unstoppable propaganda campaign that the average retard who gets his news and political views from late night talk shows can't escape without taking one fucking second to care.
It's their idea of "progress" to destroy functional societies and make everyone a gay faggot
>T. Captcha is GAYVT
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>We are not going back to the days where women had no rights
Hispanics are going to take most of the jobs that would have gone to blacks and lower class whites.
This bitch is going to get her ass handed to her.
First out of the 2020 primary with 1%.
They just say or do whatever to win, they don't give a shit about being logically inconsistent. Really useless when conservatives are pointing out the hypocrisy, they just don't care about it
>Trump wants to take us back to the past.
Trump is a businessman. He can only invest in the future. That is how business works.
>We are not going back
Makes sense for a party whose "voters" are illegals.
You making a speech or something gtfo
Yes. We. CAN :D
Kamel-toe-a Harris:

>We are not falling up.
>We are not falling up.
>We are not falling up.
>We are not falling up.


Seriously fucking retarded.
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I'm not an expert on political slogans but this doesn't sound good. It makes people think that maybe some people should go back.
Trump bankrupted a casino. He is a retarded businessman
Yeah under her we're not going back to a country with secure borders and affordable food and gas.

cackala asshair
She got jar jar binx look now
Something I’ve noticed, Lots of real queer, black, hip hop girl types are throwing there hat in for Trump. I work as a clerk at rite aid and was working the register when one of these queens came to check out, had to be at least 5'6", soft jaw, brown eyes, and rainbow flag on her jeans. “You see Kamal locked up black men for slave labor?” She asked as she passed me a pack of tropical skittles. “I was gonna vote Kamala until Trump stepped up for us, media hasn’t given him a fair shake, and when I did my own research I found he actually has some good ideas, can’t believe I’m sayin this, but I’m voting Trump.” After I rang up her skittkes, as she was walking out the door, she said something about "Fascist?" don’t know what she meant by that though. 10 minutes later a short fat tawny individual with a dirty shirt and FUBU hat covering his balding head comes waddling up to the register, very ugly black Antifa manlet. He stands up on his tippy toes to hand me a box of extra small condoms, starts complaining about the Trump 2024 flag outside, and saving trans kids or some nonsense, he even mumbled the "fascist" word under his breath, very incoherent. Now I’m not political myself, so I have nothing to gain either way, but it’s just interesting to see the types that back Trump, and those who back Kamala
I can't stop hearing it! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Obama's big tent is tearing itself apart.
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>we're not going back
deep down, i think i understand and know this to be true. however, pretty sure i only get one life. might as well try.
Time-travel is always a mistake. Never make it.
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"We're not going back" is also the slogan of the countless black men she sent to prison. She's practicing stealing to perfect it before the election.
We're not going back to peace, prosperity and freedom.
>we are not going back
They tacitly admit being a non-white party. Imagine being white and voting for this - what kind pathetic, self hating cuckold you'd have to be?
>we're not going back to normal
>we're not going back to cheap groceries
>we're not going back to cheap gas
>we're not going back to lower taxes
lol, what a retarded campaign slogan
I don't think it's that good because literally everyone wants to go back
Then you'll collapse - which is fine by me. Thing about leftism is: it's shite. Pure, brown (like you) shite. And as such it'll always destroy itself. The decline of the US shows this well.
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We are not going back to the days when video games where good
We are not going back to the days when Star Trek was good
We are not going back to the days when Star Wars was good
We are not going back to the days when Star Gate was good
We are not going back to the days when Lord of the Rings was good
We are not going back to the days when Movies where good
We are not going back to the days when consoles had exclusives
We are not going back to the days when trannies didn't rule entertainment the world
We are not going back to the days when Disney made actual animated movies
We are not going back to the days when Disney had serious movies labeled Touchstone
We are not going back to the days when 4chan wasn't infested with tourists
We are not going back to the days when anime had actual macho shit
We are not going back to the days when anime had sci fi
We are not going back to the days when culture could be optimistic about the future
We are not going back to the days when nuclear energy was seen as the future and solution
We are not going back to the days when Europe wasn't in some stupid war

The list of problem is very long indeed.
for the majority which is White people
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it's because harris still doesn't have an agenda
let alone a plan to achieve her non-existant agenda.
and there's only two and a half months left
until she wants to run the country.
i can't imagine a bigger fuck up running for president.
imagine thinking that you're going for a job interview to run america in two months
and you don't have a plan
it would be pointed out, correctly, that you are completely unprepared, retarded, and delusional.
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>Really useless when conservatives are pointing out the hypocrisy, they just don't care about it
Leftists are the political form of the collective feminine. That means they experience and interpret the world as women do - not with rational observation and thought but with *emotion*. Whatever leftists *feel* is true is to them absolute reality and truth.

Anyone who's ever tried to argue with a woman should recognize this behavior - and should understand how pointless it is trying to convince them with facts and logic to change their beliefs.

Women are vessels. They are given their opinions and beliefs. The only question is whether men will weakly let their women be filled with poisonous kike propaganda (including most fundamentally that women can think for themselves), or if men will be strong enough to fight to protect them.
She's always looked like the kind of sickly woman that could speckle a toilet bowl with green slime blowout.


No one believes you genocidal kikes - america is dying and Israel will die with it
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>We are not going back to the days when anime had actual macho shit
>We are not going back to the days when anime had sci fi
fotm shonen watcher spotted
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>we’re not going back

This is a direct response dissing everyone on 4chan.
Sure but i think conservatives are naive in a way. I think liberals know that they are being inconsistent, but they'll just do whatever it takes to win. They'll also just blatantly censor and cancel opposition, while talking about democracy and so on. They just don't care. Conservatives do not play these dirty games enough I think.
They tried kill one of the candidates they "control"
1850s America had niggers in it
spooky take
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It is so weak and pathetic when a speaker joins in with the crowd's chant. Trump did it, Kamala did it, lots of American politicians do it. It's so cucked.
If Orange Man has a brain he'll run ads of her saying this against pictures of the moon landing, clean streets, happy families, low crime rates, etc.
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Wow Braven one anime in 5 years that mechas.

Back in my day we had 4 mecha anime per year minimum.

Eureka Seven
Genesis of Qauarion
Full metal Panic TSR

Code Geass
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed C.E.73: Stargazer
STRAIN: Strategic Armored Infantry

Gurren Lagann
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Evangelion: 1.0
Macross Frontier
Heroic Age
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>This is a direct response dissing everyone on 4chan.
what's the right punishment for the premeditated murder of an innocent man/woman?
It took conservatives decades of getting kicked in the nuts to realize that writhing on the floor going "Ohhhhh that's not fair, imagine if the roles were reversed!" is not as effective as getting up and kicking back.
failing to run as centrist...
were never going back and we'll never build back better
r/K selection theory in a nutshell.
'Build Back Better'

'We're Not Going Back'

Four legs good, two legs better.
>We're not going back to being able to afford groceries again
>We're not going back to more money in your paycheck
>We're not going back to being energy independent
This is fun. I'm sure Trump will enjoy this.
turning the other cheeks does that
Death to all expats and traitors
America is rising again, and all who tried to murder her are going to pay
Payback is a bitch, motherfuckers, and the bill is fucking due.
based Krautoid telling mutts what time it is
>Four legs good, two legs better
The voters outside looked from leftist to communist jew, and from communist jew to leftist, and from leftist to communist jew again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
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You ain't Japanese, you're JEWpanese!
>Verification not required
Good post. I'm not an incel, I have a wife and kids and love women for what they are, but the feminisation of the communal psyche has been a disaster for the West.
Based Jap
Nonsense, the Amish community didn't lost anything, almost all of them have identical ethnic background, religion, culture, values, birth rate etc as they over 100 years ago.
Voting and participating in a liberal jewmocracy that is keep getting progressively worst, while thinking that you can change it does that.
fucking fags, the lot of them
It's a shame that we can't have civilized political discussion but yeah it has come to this know. People should get themselves dirty or just accept losing forever.
"Feminism" - convincing women they should stop being women and try to live as not-quite-as-good men - was the original trannyism.
Yeah I'm meming that
what the fuck makes you think Putin is your ally?
He just sent 100k of his own men to die in an attempt to give america the finger.
This will backfire since everyone universally thinks shit is getting worse
The gayest English teacher in Japan everyone.
>It's a shame that we can't have civilized political discussion
Discussion isn't possible when the other side's goal is entirely pilpul.

"Gradually I began to hate them."
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She went hard on the convicted felon angle too
34 counts of felony jaywalking
>We are not going back to when you could afford a home on one salary
>We are not going back to the time when gas was 2 dollars.
>We are not going back to the time when Macdonalds was a cheap meal.

Thanks Kamala
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>We're not Going Back
Yes if you vote for her you will never go back to a time where you could afford rent and food at the same time with just 1 job.
Dont get it either, Putin is actively trying to destroy America and the western world as a whole. Retarded Americans believe he is somehow on their side?
We are going back to hell
I swear to god I don't think her retarded supporters realize she's already been in power the last 4 years and done nothing. They act like some evil version of Trump currently president. All stoopid and brainwashed thanks to TikTok.
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She’s opposed to everything Americans want
She won’t go back to America being great and she’s very vocal about it
This is not true at all look at Trump- his biggest donors are Jewish zionists and they pay for guerilla marketing to make him seem like anti-liberal American Strongman to chuds
>HR lady
This is why nobody likes Kamala.

Chinks and poos don't belong in Canada.
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We’re not going black
I like having chinks in America's hat though
That’s incredible. Looking at the current state of things and saying “no thanks, we don’t want to go back to when things were good. We enjoy this hell that we live in every day now” is the most downright retarded thing I have ever heard.
It feels like jews wrote her slogan giving a demoralizing message to white dissidants in America maybe even in the whole world:
"You will never save your country, goy. We will destroy it completely. It will end up as Brazil/South Africa and you can't do anything about it."
Jar Jar Bix Nood
this post convinced me to vote red no matter who, good job asian nigger
ztards will unironically kill themselves when russia has to bounce out of ukraine completely. Imagine killing yourself for a foreign leader.
yeah I dont think I'll vote this election
it just doesn't look good for us chuds...
Going back to what? Project warp speed and open borders? What did Trump do right?
>Remember when america was great
>We're not going back!
Holy based, finally one of them said it.
KAMALA - Kikes Are Making Amerika Lick Anus
She's such a terrible public speaker, I guess I never saw her speaking before so I just didn't know. She voice-cracks, doesn't seem confident, she didn't even plan for them to like one of her lines she wrote and stood there laughing like a retard who never gave a speech before.

This is just goofy. She looks like a press secretary or something, legitimately 0 leader energy. The only authority she could possibly hold is the authority her boss gave her to do something, and people would only do it because they respect her boss. Literal secretary energy, except she's not hot and I'd rather cum in the animal crossing dog.
We're Not Going Back
>To sucking Willie Brown's dick
Fixed it for you
America was great. The fuck is wrong with you.

It was the envy of the world, most purchasing power for their wage, best medical system and highest living quality.

Yeah just accelerate into a third world jungle then, genius.
How did trump bankrupt it?
Yeah this is one of the reasons why people are predicting that the more the public get exposed to Kamala, the less people will support her.
Great meme potential. Her face, logo.

"Rembember affordable food?
We're not going back"

"Remember quality entertainment?
We're not going back"

"Remember when everyone didn't hate each other?
We're not going back"
>How did trump bankrupt it?
He kept winning the jackpot over and over again.
>"Remember when everyone didn't hate each other?
>We're not going back"
That is a good one.
Who is not going back?
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Wait…. Is she claiming to be an illegal alien?
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I like it. Nice call.
>We are not going back.
We're Making a Third World Shithole Again!.
I keep trying to tell people that black women do not like this bitch at all.
You just replied with sincerity to an obvious copypasta shitpost my man
>the most downright retarded thing I have ever heard
Their voter base is women and illegals with an average IQ of about 85. Retarded is their sweet spot.
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>We are not going back.
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>475725242 (OP) #
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
Damn you Carlos, may you be the last beaner we catapult over the wall.
>world peace
Getting that missile alert in Hawaii didn’t make me feel like I was at peace
> We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate what others do with their sexuality
This is their next move, trying to legalize pedophilia, they already did it in California
per biblical prophecy
i.e. the jews are behind it

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not goin back to what?? lower inflation
lower prices?
lower rents?
better economy?
no gay trannies everywhere?
no DEI?

its a shit slogan for a shit candidate.
I hope its a red tsunami this november.
Just choose a sode, goy and pay taxes to Israel.
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>you can't unsuck that dick
I've know that she's a raging alcoholic on a cocktail of meds but she also strikes me as someone that did a lot of psychedelics back in the day and never recovered.
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We're not going back you chuds
Equity is coming
That's not even close to the entire jewish psyche. They believe they have privilege so high that they can argue with God and win. Fuck out of here.
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>Feminism" was the original trannyism

"Kill your children and go do taxable slave labor like a man!"
Were you the anon who fucked his sister?
for white people, it's the whitehouse country, move back to montreal cAnAdA kAmAla
How do women secure rights if nobody can say what a woman is?
no, "she" was arresting and prosecuting those people
That's unironically powerful
>We are not going back.
Appealing to accelerationists, bold strategy.
The vagueness is the best part of it, leaves it up to the listener to interpret it. Most left leaning voters are emotional voters, so they always have some traumatic shit that either happened or has overblown proportions. They can think of any major social issue that they either won or lost or anything and think "yeah we ain't going back"
Restricted to base again, LCpl?
Yep she's meant to be an embodiment that their stupid cultural revolution is complete and now society can really die off
That was end of Obama admin
They were shaping it up to be wwIII either between North Korea acting up testing nukes or ISIS being allowed to make billions and maybe buy nukes or Iran building them with financing from Obama nuclear deal
Hillary or jeb would have been the one to kick it all off but Trump somehow got wind of the plan (nsa insiders I think, Trump is just a face for some right wing last ditch effort to stop all this, same ones that warned him of Trump tower wiretap when it was impossible for him to know and he wasn’t president yet so he had no clearance) anyway he kind of ruined those storylines, isis got demolished, nk made nice with us and Iran deal was canceled
Suddenly it wouldn’t have made any sense
Now the story has changed a bit instead it’s hypersonic nukes from Russia over Ukraine or Israel vs Iran with nukes from Russia they bought with US funds reimbursed by Biden admin and things spiral from there to USA Russia nuking eachother but the same chapter is coming and seems predetermined. they want America nuked after robbing us of more fabricated fraudulent money than we could ever repay.
Then they will strip mine our entire continent including our mountain ranges for minerals needed for batteries and computers for China and take all our oil which they currently want to protect from Trump tapping, all the “green” bullshit is about saving our massive amount of oil to sell after we’re all dead and Mideast is running on empty when it will be worth a fuck ton more
The only problem is we’re all in the way with our property rights and towns and annoying little lives
there will be a slight rewrite and a few filler backstory alteration chapters ahead of it to make sense, but it’s happening (in about 2 weeks).
People like me are going to torture the people behind these bot posts in front of their kids.
we are not going back is maybe the worst slogan ive ever heard
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It's her turn! We're seeing the sequel to Hillary Clinton.
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>We are not going back.
Exactly. Eat shit, Chud!
barely 300,000 slaves from africa ever arrived on these shores. only like .0001% of slaves were owned by white people. jews owned all the slaves. jews owned the slave ships. jews killed the president who was gonna ship all the blacks back.
Deuteronomy 30
>11 For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off.
>12 It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?
>13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?
>14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.
But everything has price.
>brownoid politician
>immediately goes into race baiting politics
oh my god why am i laughing so hard
Your education system should stop teaching english. No one likes a grammor nazi.
this is 100% what they mean. even in the first meme war when purple hairs were screaming about
>le ebil 1950's
you could tell they hated the wholesomeness and competence of it all because they are insane people
>to prison
then die
Not going back to affordable housing. Not going back to the public option. Not going back to being able to walk in west village without fear of being sucker punched by violent bigots.
my 16k is now 8k thanks to the democrats. biden tries to force me to pay into social security now. under trump if you made under 20k you did not have to pay. the democrats fucking hate the most marginalized. and you are a disgusting monster if you vote D this nov
We’re not, but we should
Based slogan accelerate!
The acceleration slogan
They’re throwing shit at the wall to see if anything sticks. The problem is that Kamala is incredibly unlikeable, has zero policies, and zero substance. Anything they try falls flat because she sucks
entirety of america
>we need to go back, even if we don't want trump we have to go back

>we are not going back

so she's setting herself up to lose, why? this slogan is just as bad as "unburdened by what has been" it makes no sense, what is she implying they're "not going back" from?
Congrats, your candidate and her campaign are beyond detestable, you idiots have made the voting right stronger and more determined to see her steamrolled by Trump on election day.
oh god a massive mega new faggot. your too young. go away nigger
If they can get her to quit excessively drinking that would be good too. She is sloshed all the time
>we are not going back
Oh, yes you are. Foreigners out, we need a break. This is also Harris acknowledging that she is ineligible to run for the office. This is the Brown Putsch.
Lamp more retard.
>accelerate to the grave
Based, let's go.
I'm #Klownin4Kamala now
We need to embrace new age
there will be new currency
gone will be the paper money
Showing Trump as Jewish is only getting us to like Jews. If it's Jews vs leftist trash campus hipsters, guess who we will choose? A cuck may carry a giant nigger fist on a podium for palestine and blm but I'll be voting for the based Jews who will kill them even in Gaza.
I makes let the eat cake seem in touch with the masses.
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We're not going back, we're going forward to total collapse. Vote Kamala now!
I'm not joking. Fucking accelerate. Pedal to the metal.
We like the current degeneracy and shieet
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>Be unskilled slave nigger who used to chuck spears n shiet.
>Have a 70 IQ
>Doesn't know shit, can't do shit
>Hurr durr I picked duh cotton massa

Fast forward to 2024

>Nigger and nigger apologists literally dream up that you built the country that enslaved you.
>Be in nigger hell, view trifling nigger descendants and nigger descendant apologists through afterlife deep jungle monkey voodoo
>"Nigga if I could build they wouldn't have sold me"
This is honestly a terrible slogan for your campaign. Her campaign is run by fools. I don't know who's worse, Trumps campaign or Kamalas
>Slaves who were black were forced to build this country.

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