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Why did you link a pedophile?
oh my, i really care about this! mutt "politics"!!!
No shit he was a Democrat. Muh "registered republican" narrative was just cope and seethe.

It was pathetic wasn't it
I fucking hate the Quartering, but a lot of normies watch his shit.
Not a good look for the Dems if real. All of his posts were leftist drivel.
This isn’t good bros, he posted a lot of pro trump stuff, shouldn’t be a surprise though as he looks just like us. Face it, he was a Republican and a radical trump supporter just like us. I guess that actblue donation really was just fake news…
I still believe in yearnick. Crooks doesn't look like that dead guy from the photo
qrd what are the proofs it's his?
you have it in his name
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I knew a faggot like him was essentially reddit incarnate, imagine unironically spending your time defending literal poos & subhuman spics on r/politics lek
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Why is it the Never touched the sun-skinned glowing bright white liberal idiots always push for open borders and a never-ending flow of shitskins that will wipe out every semblance of their genetic lineage that are the most extreme it really doesn't make any sense unless he is just angry about looking like a pigman
Why is it you people never complain about the never ending flood of legal shitskins thanks to republicans.
the account was a gab account and the owner of gab told everyone that they received an emergency disclosure request about the account
Narcissistic personality disorder
Because that is a lie nigger
so where does it have any link to Crooks?

that account doesn't seem to know grammar or how to write readable posts, but Crooks was supposed to be smart.
That's weak. Law enforcement may issued several such requests. It may be false positive.
Oh I see the occupydemocrats shill is here how is Israel
because their youth is spent being told they are bad and evil for the color of their skin and that the only way out of that self-hatred is to prostrate yourself before shitskins.

kid was abused by an educational system designed specifically to destroy him and anyone like him. this is why they teach kids to count like niggers, why they don't teach qualitative logic, why they say white people bad because muh slavery with zero context to point out that slavery has existed across the world for all of time, with very few exceptions, and that white people are the only people who have ever made it so that slavery was globally unacceptable.
this is confirming that he registered as a republican to vote against Trump
Meme flag faggot.
>muh jew murry rothbard.

Literally, kill your fucking self

Absolutely 100% correct
It was their plan B for if they missed Trump and hit another attendee.
>Violent republicans shoot at each other at rally
They just forgot the plan C where Trump gets shot in the head then starts fist pumping
Why is it you people use memeflags and attempt to ask a question like youll be taken seriously.
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this is an American website with an American majority, bub. grow a brain and get lost or stfu.
So leftists actually do shit, while right wing american tough guys always cope with "TWO MORE WEEKS!!!"
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femdom fetish possibly confirmed
This dude was literally mentally deficient. He had Sotos syndrome.
On top of this, he was mentally ill.
>Crooks was a...LE DEMOCRAT
Why does this matter? Crooks was just some socially inept attention seeking retard who wanted infamy. I hate seeing people play partisan games with this tard, trying to either claim he's part of the rival team or some shit. Fucking shits, the lot of them.
>creator at www.amazonias.net
is this true, can anyanon confirm?
what did he accomplish besides dying and getting trump elected?
fuck off russoid
What's weird is glowniggers who are currently covering up his motivations are the ones who tipped off Torba with the emergency disclosure request.
Is this a case of glowniggers screwing up or is this a really subtle FBI whistleblower who sent the request?
>only social media footprint was Gab
How fucking stupid are you cunts?
kek bro is on omegle or sumthing.
Do they not have eye doctors in your country? Go get your eyes checked
This assassination attempt has revealed every leftist to be psychopathic mental diminutives to even the most milquetoast of normies. It was probably a leftist glowing that fucked up because they think their badge is as still as strong as when it was a competent and morally upright right winger that was holding it.
No one said "only," Torba is just the only one that has made a request public.
>only social media footprint was Gab
No one believes this, glowniggers even confirmed he had a discord but it's just gone now like the Nashville trannifesto.
Only question is why they sent an emergency disclosure request instead of just scrubbing his Gab along with everything else.
>It was probably a leftist glowing that fucked up because they think their badge is as still as strong as when it was a competent and morally upright right winger that was holding it.
idk if that makes sense, if your job is to scrub the internet of a guys every trace undetected why are you sending requests period?
Pretty interesting
No, the FBI is just refusing to admit he was a raging democrat for political reasons. Same shit as refusing to go after Hillary and Joe.
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I hope your stupid nigger ass archived shit before bringing everyone's attention to it.
Nothing on the Internet is permanent and everything will be deleted eventually.
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I guess if you consider securing Trump the presidency "doing shit" then yeah he did something.
is there some reason your foreign ass is on an American website?
autist face blindness strikes again
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Things make a lot more sense, when you realize the connection between picrel and your picrel. Let alone the connection with the previous ultra woke san fran prosecutor and activist, who was her son and raised by fellow weather undergound member while his parents were in prison
Yup, looks like he was a shill on Gab, arguing with the maga boomers.
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True, but also this was sent to people receiving the newsletter.
be relevant and we talk about spain
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was that /ourgirls/ brother??
A bit more info was shed and the SS director had encrypted commo with the white house around that time too. The entire thing was an inside job

her going on the right stuff will always be funny.
You idiots realize gab is a right wing extreme free speech site right?
I saw him in a debate once years ago and thought I’d check out his channel. Made it about five minutes into one of his videos and noped the fuck out. Haven’t looked back since.
Feels good man
it took the kikes a while to fabricate that scenery. Are they even trying anymore? at least the twin towers work was half as sloppy (though still stupid and incredible)
You stupid fucking asshole he had an account on Gab but all his posts on there were pro-Biden, kys you colossal faggot
same pic as the twitter acc. possibly his tiktok?

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Isn't gab for Chuds and Chrisfags only?
Nope. All features match CROOKS. Plus yearick is in jail. Nice try kike!
The best of them ended up with a 7.62mmx59 round transferring his cranium after missing 5 shots at 150 yards
Sloppy job, CIA
>ill-groomed balding fatty in a ballcap
>this is his profile pic
why are they all like this
thats not him. the only account thats possibly his is the gab account
>don't read the content of his posts! just make assumptions based on the domain name!
ok soi
Epic Microwave is a pretty cool name, maybe he wasnt that bad after all.
Why does he have all this weird video game shit in the background? Makes my skin crawl. The coffee looks good though
I could have saved him, sisters...
Yeah, sure they were. His posts were all pro-Israel MAGA shit. Now fuck off, faggot.
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why is fatass larping as a tradie
Amazing how there's no other leads apart from these gab posts. Anyone?? The twitter was a dead end.
Was the shooter a tranny?
MK Ultra victim, intel agencies, freemasonry.. probably GATE is possible too?

if it's the guy who was on the blackrock commercial.. yeah that should've been red flag, it means his family is connected no intel agencies.
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Real footage of Crooks revealed. Explanation why sniper wasnt there to counter crooks. This was the last thing he ever saw...

Stop posting this creepy shit

He was mkultra'd to go on a roof with blanks while Orange Cheeto Man put ketchup on his ear. It's so fucking fake. Pro wrestling is more real.
kill yourself
Get it right, you boobs.
love how the AI was like nah let me fix that goblinoid jawline
>coffee brand coffee which is not the most gay brand name ever
>Click my links and check out my other commericals
>Raid Shadow Legends
>Don't forget to buy what ever else shit I shill like this Ford F150 I just put on Craigs List

Oh yea this guys gab account or what ever just buy my coffee

Probably one of the more annoying right leaning shills on youtoob
So is 4chan, yet here your leftist ass is.
every time you use that word you just give legitimacy to the theory
find a new tactic
>forgot his schizo meds
Many such cases. Delusional!
It’s because they were psy-op from media to fear a nigger shitskin uprising and they unironically beleive thag saying “but guys I was on your side” would work for them in such a scenario. I know this sounds far-fetched but it’s 100% correct
>t. Spent 1000s of hours dissecting what’s really behind leftoid ideology for a thesis that I was unable to complete because being expelled on false allegations
keep digging that hole deeper and deeper
and remember
his meds don't work unless you take yours too!
what makes you say they were blanks? someone from audience died
It's too late for this, it needed to come out way sooner
The narrative is he was just some mentally ill guy with no political motive, and it's going to stay that way
what is this shills arguing with each other to disrupt the thread?
>butt buddy to the rescue
Which one of you is the bottom??
I'm asking a question because I know it was inside job but I have suspicion that Trump wasn't meant to die so I'm curious about this stuff. Why do you believe everything media tells you?
This guy is 100 percent a democrat. Just look at that face and tell me what else could he possible be. I'm fact I'd go as far as to say he was a Bernie sympathizer
after you move to Newark to work as a barback it'll matter to you
>video about an article
>no link
>no archive

You people are so fucking stupid, you believe absolutely EVERYTHING if it just fits your narrative
it doesn't matter what he was, he's a patsy
meme flags lol
What were the allegations faggot
yes because i don't have proxy and don't want to doxx, what's the issue exactly?
Shills literally think outright lying about things easily proven as lies works because normoids generally don’t investigate the source. They don’t realize in cases like this where everyone else is saying something different, that it will induce those NPCs to look at the source, and when they see that these retards are outright lying, they start to wonder what else they are lying about and the rabbit hole that leads to denying the holocost begins. Thank you for your service.
If I told, it would easily dox me and I’m not falling for that, kike.
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I ask again, is there actual proof they were blanks? initial reports said it was small arms fire, but some have said that's pretty much most calibers? idk I guess to me it sounds weird to say "hand gun fire" comes from rifle, it would sound like it's really small caliber, certain smaller than 5.56 nato they claim it to be .. more like .22
>what’s the issue exactly?

Meme flag expects us to believe he doesn’t know that meme flags are 99% based on Israel (which has been proven) . Someone post the infographic.
Small arms just means it wasn't artillery or cannonfire.
would glowie be asking questions like this? saying it was inside job? asking if there's in-fighting within deep state? asking whether the hit wasn't meant to kill, but serve as a warning to get trump inline to obey orders to start some war somewhere once he gets elected? as a warning that next time they'll use actual 5.56 and shooter will be mossad and not their mk ultra victim? really im the shill here?
ah ok, because in my mind I thought it automatically meant it had to be some weak caliber
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Small arms starts around .177 caliber and goes up to .50bmg. after that, it's all anti-material and heckin cool boom booms.

They like to leave little clues like that, for satanic karma reasons.
they are trying hard to ignore this.
I've seen multiple groups of people all saying "well he was never right wing. that's obvious because he shot your figurehead"

fucking 2 week memory with each software update to "current thing"
This is the kind of woman that I would masturbate in front of and make her watch under threat of violence. She would call it a form of rape and would report me, but she would definitely be walking out of the room with her panties making swishing noises on account of how turned on and wet she got from the experience.
He had a girlfriend that I haven't seen anyone mention.
I am larping as an anime girl kek
I know
Because they’re dysgenic, loser freaks that are spiteful against normal well functioning human beings. So they adopt an ideology to bring everyone else down to their level and make them suffer
You people? The fuck u mean you people? You’re in the wrong neighborhood bitch
>13 minute video
I'm not wasting my life watching that shit. Are there some screenshots somewhere?
Don’t forget they also leave out the fact that whites have been enslaved throughout history far more than any other group. Whites were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire and the Barbary coast decades after slavery ended in America.
toxoplasmosis gondii, the world is run by parasites and its foot soldiers are parasites.
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His name was Maxwell Yearick
Yearick is in jail. The shooter was CROOKS!
The sheer amount of brain drain that has occured on /pol/ over the last six or eight years is depressing. Anyone have some good suggestions for a few based journos I can hand off my findings to?
>Bernie sympathizer
That's "Bernie Bro," leaf.
It truly is...
Perchance AllChans may have better source/drop possibilities?
it is an
>guy tried to kill trump
>"he's totally a republican, I swear!"
it got worse after they killed Infinity. Now instead of the catalog being full of reddit posts it's all X posts. Both are shit. I rarely come to this dump anymore
I’ve had this same fucking debate with so many democrats.
>Texas study shows lower rates of crime among illegals
Because recidivists make up the largest share of criminals. If we deport Jose back to Guatemala after he robs a convenience store and serves a prison sentence he isn’t going to stop robbing convenience stores in Guatemala he just stops being our problem. These statistics are also an addition to our stats instead of a lowering of the average. Illegals also compete with ex cons in labor and hospitality as their major industries adding to native recidivism. The Texas study itself is famous because NY and California couldn’t be trusted to provide reliable data kek. Absolute fucking retard.
>They drive economic growth
They don’t pay income taxes but still put their kids in our schools and dip out on their hospital bills. Nothing they contribute illegally can’t be contributed legally through H1B visas. The >1% of the labor force they account for in agriculture can easily be replaced with higher wages, subsidized convict rehab programs, seasonal H1B visas, and automation.
Cope or not, it worked. They pushed the narrative and now everyone ''knows'' he was a republican and there is no amount of information you can push that will take that away from people's memories. Hundreds of millions of people learned he was a republican and they'll run with it for the rest of their lives, for whatever it's worth. Does it make much of a difference? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe it lets a few leftist sleep better believing it was a republican.
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Is Thomas Crooks related to Rachel Crooks?
I have to know.
the internet was an american invention so everything you do must be american althoughbeit this website is for japanese-gay-gaming culture
that explains why there is absolutely no outrage in the media and they quickly brushed it under the rug

Hmm that's interesting
His user name was EpicMicrowave
Anyone have a script to search other accounts?
Crooks isn't a real person.
nobody cares
What jail is Yearick in?
Nice try with those kike lies
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The duality of bots
When I heard that, my first thought was that it sounded like a randomly generated username for Reddit, and that maybe he had thought it was funny and reused the name. There's a Reddit account that was created in 2016 with no content. Maybe he created it to lurk, who knows. Or it might not be his at all. That's all I've got.

That link is a virus.
Stop posting this nonsense, there is nothing more infuriating than Russian disinformation!
Back to your bullfight, hose a.
and not sure if this is also him:
These are the losers that want you to fuck chinks on this site, weeb incarnate.
>but i don't look like hi
Yes you do
YouTube is not a virus dissemination site. Check your other tabs.
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glad this faggot's dead
If he'd just waited for the RNC he wouldn't have bothered trying
Well, now hold on now here. Maybe this kid knows what he's talking about. Maybe immigration isn't such a bad thing? He should know, right? Let's find out.
>types Butler, Pennsylvania demographics into a search engine
>population: 13,000
>racial breakdown: 93.6% white
This sort of shit really pisses me off. I come from a town that has experienced an exploding population, whites rapidly plunging into the minority, and immigrants all over the place taking jobs people here really need or crapping out kids for EBT. I know people on their feet all day at Walmart who don't earn enough to live in a one bedroom apartment as they ring up groceries for immigrant families with stair-step kids (and a baby bump on the wife) zipping their EBT cards through. That little shit had no fucking clue what he was talking about.
Why are they mad at a guy who practiced the 2nd amendment on the tyrannical Republican party?
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it's right out of their playbook. throw so much shit at the wall, anything of substance is covered up and everyone is too demoralized to bother sorting through any of it.
sucks living in a white minority country huh?
wtf is GAB
that dude is taller, whiter, and ostensibly more well adjusted despite his jewry than crooks.

>hurr durr im a faceblind autist!
yes you are

save everything

Get the fuck out Arab rape baby
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i'll be honest, i get visibly angry every time i have to deal with it going to walmart or other big box stores. 3 disgusting hispanic golem women (all pregnant or at least look pregnant) and their 3-5 children running around. none of them speaking a bit of english, loading up their brand new minivan with $500 worth of items. i make almost 6 figures, so by no means poverty tier, but seeing these worthless scumbags soak up everything and extrapolating the extent of it on a macroscale makes me seethe.
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This, however the only subsidization convicts deserve is the $.25 bullet used to reliably end their recidivism
The fact that he posted on Gab at all means he was a right winger. Only right wingers post on that
>As the post on an American website
so you're saying cats control the world?
They should get his Roblox account chat logs. Glowies probably groomed him on there initially
He clearly isn't if you read the 9 posts
The only real way to tell if one of those squatgoblins isn't pregnant is if she looks too old. A trip to Walmart now feels like I'm stuck in an international airport. I can go for several minutes without hearing a single fucking word of English. All they do when they get here is breed. I can tell you, with utmost certainty, that unless things change FAST for this town, Spanish is going to be the dominant language spoken at home by children and teens. I give it ten years, tops. Especially since most of the young Americans in my town aren't having kids. They can't afford rent and are stuck in shit jobs living with their parents. (Shit jobs like ringing up free groceries for illegal immigrants and their stair-step brats.) Well, I take that back- the young black women are not getting married and having tons of kids because the government gives them a free apartment they don't have to share, free food, healthcare, etc. Can't really blame them as unless they go to college and go into medicine or something their only alternative is to be standing on their feet all day ringing up free groceries for illegals, then going home to live with mom and eventually die childless and alone.

But I mean seriously- fuck this guy. Living in a town of 13,000 and a 94% white population, beating the drum for more immigration. Like you, I am also glad he's dead. That's one less vote.
His posts are ambiguous and can be seen either way and only right wingers post in Gab. It's always been a far right platform. Torba constantly shits on Jews on twitter
Meds. NOW.
yeah that's why Thomas Crooks (say his name) signed up just to @ all the right-wing people and debate them... because he himself was right-wing... naturally of course
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And lefties tried to riot about Jews for Netanyhoos speaking. Even leftists are on Truth social. He's defending Biden, lockdowns, illegal immigration, etc and he shot Trump. He clearly is a brainwashed lefty, like you
Also, meds. NOW.
We don't know what he is replying to. For example the point about deaths during covid could be him replying to someone bringing up crime statistics trying to claim that people are doing less crime.

Lefties are not on Gab. They are on threads and a bunch of other retarded twitter alternatives
Good man
It doesn't take a genius to see that an assassination is never simple nor cut and dried.
It's strange that Crooks was investigating the JFK assassination because this entire situation including Crooks being killed is almost exactly like the JFK assassination.
One thing is absolutely certain.
The Secret Service has been present for every single assassination or assassination attempt on a political leader since its inception.
Are the Secret Service protecting people or are they holding people captive.
Everyone knew they were going to kill or try to kill Trump and they will continue until they silence him forever.
This is America.
Every American should be terrified of their government at this point.
It's not known for a lot of Democrats no. But there are a few pockets here and there, probably NGO shills mostly, and lefties that want to troll or debate right wing people, like crooks
Lefties infiltrate all right wing forums.
You are a perfect example of that right now.
You do know /pols/ history don't you.
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He could do that on twitter since bigger accounts just repost to Gab from twitter. There is no reason for him as a leftist to be on there.

>someone disagrees with me therefore he is a shill
I would like to see what he replied to for context.
Hmm, I'll have a look when I can get to my pc. Thanks anon. I found some stuff that isn't publicly known yet and was intentionally hidden after the attempt on Trump which makes me pretty confident I'm sniffing down the right track.
Yeah, it's disappointing how far it's fallen off. We certainly pissed off all the right people though.
Well, he did it on gab for whatever reason, and clearly he is not right wing. The whole 'crooks was muh right wing Republican' bullshit is just that, a complete bs narrative talking point pushed out and since you cannot think for yourself, you fell for it
Checked. I hate them too, I desire to see them slaughtered one day.
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2/10 for effort
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Someone should change this meme to "It was a right wing Republican that tried to assassinate Trump', kek
.223 is not much bigger than .220 but the grain behind them i suppose is where you’re making a distinction and as other anon said small arms just means not larger than .50/12.5 because then it’s considered cannon iirc, someone can correct if wrong, I don’t care enough to hang around
>shills arguing with each other
bots arguing with each other
I think he probably posted to several platforms and the spooks scrubbed it all before his name was dropped. My bet is they didn't even bother checking Gab because the little shit was a left winger.
>small arms just means not larger than .50/12.5 because then it’s considered cannon
for the most part this is correct
also a crew-served weapon like a medium machine gun (even a 7.62 caliber) on tripod, sometimes, is not considered to be a 'small arm'
small arm more broadly just means firearms that can be carried and operated by 1 human being
14.5mm HMGs aren't 'small arms', neither really is an M2 Browning .50 cal
Awww...guys this ones retarded.
Wrong. The guy namefagging I'd the gayest guy in this thread.
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Crooks liked to post under the name "epicMicrowave"

He had a youtube account, gab account, and twitter accout under that name.
Facts cuh
Bro, stop namefagging
OK I’m done
searched for pic of .22lr whatever vs 5.56 , and the other one has 3-4x ammount of powder than the smaller one. one is meant to scare ducks, other will kill bear. I think there's quite difference. It really quite often is not always the size of the bullet that matters, but how it was originally designed/envisioned to be used, and also how much powder there is. Ton of powder is what makes gun make big BANG, you can make people deaf with pistol alone if you shoot ammo that has powder in them, while you might make someone think it's firecrackers if you're shooting low powder junk.
We can actually see what his posts were dumb nigger. He was posting leftist garbage
I’m still gay though
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>t. glownigger with a vpn

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