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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I’m a 21 year old weird autistic nerd man. What I wanted from life like nearly everyone is to be able to find love and create a family. This is looking more and more impossible.
My boomer dad tells me that I’m just at a bad time because 18-19 is too young for me and all the girls my age are dating older guys and girls don’t date younger guys. I’ve been given cope from boomers and people on here since I was a teenager. Just lame different excuses. I don’t think I’m the problem, look at all the people posting here who have the same issue. Are we fatter than the average American woman? No. Do we make less? No. Are we less successful? Not me. I’ve been on every single dating app since I turned 18, I haven’t been on a single date from one of them. The last time I had a girlfriend was in 2021, freshman year of Uni and I broke it off after a month when she told me she wants to be “non-binary”.
I go out and I see fats with cute girlfriends, I see drug riddled nasty zoomers with cute girlfriends, yet there are plenty of fit and handsome men that are incels.
I always wanted to be a surgeon but it doesn’t even seem worth it anymore. Why would I want to dedicate another 10 years of my life to training just to live alone?
I’m on vacation in Europe now and the women are so much better. They are actually feminine, unlike American women who try to act like men and defile their bodies with piercings and tattoos and dress in sweatpants.
None of the European girls would ever go out with me since I’m American and it wouldn’t even work if they wanted to. All the American women have tinder and even the ugliest fattest she cows can land a chad. What the fuck am I to do?
Pic related, me in 15 years assuming I don’t off myself by then
Also I’m whites and refuse to date a nonwhite.
Workout and hamg out with people until you meet one? Are you in college? Also get this off pol it'd not political
It’s totally political. Our leaders are doing nothing to fix this because they don’t care and this contributes to white genocide
This is white genocide this is modernity
Im in university none of the girls are interested bc they’re all on Tinder, I hang out with people but nothing works
27M anon here

Basically you need to find your third place. Your first place is home, second is work or school, and your third place is ment to be the place you socialize and meet people.

Sometimes it's a library, coffee shop, rock climbing gym, dog park. It's a place you regularly go where people will learn who you are and become your friend. You will have try a few till you work out which one is best for you. For me it was a karaoke bar.

Also I know a lot on here don't even have a second place so you might want to work on that too if you don't either.
nice blog

why is pol just an "I hate my life" dumping ground now?
Because this is political and if you can’t see why then you’re retarded
I have one but I’m the youngest person there by a decade.
Zoomers don’t go out
every variation of "I hate women. My life sucks" has been posted on /r9k/ so they have to come here now
The people on r9k are not my people, the people here are.
You're young. Don't worry about it. Get your shit in order and they'll come.
that's you in 15 years except you'll have a worse job, even less muscle tone, and women will be 15 years further down the line of degeneration
yeah well I'm on the younger side of people that goes to the karaoke bar. Most of the guys I meet there are 30-37. Most women are 18-25. Just shows you how much time you have to work on yourself as a man. It gets better, just keep learning social skills and you'll be fine.

Those fat fucks and druggos are able to get laid for a reason and it's 100% confidence, social skills and having drugs helps too.
This doesn't work if you don't have the intrinsic motivation to go to said third place. If you're just going out for the sake of going out/finding a wife you won't really be in there even if your body is.
>18-19 is too young
o i am laffin
>Too good for the dysgenic incels so gotta hang with the dysgenic racists
if you have a proper home life you won't need the other two
what evil shit did you do in a past life to make a cursed karaoke bar your place lmao
>weird autistic nerd man
It's this and other things you are probably aren't telling us. It's not that hard to find someone you just need to be as /fit/ as you can be, social and put yourself in social situations with the 3rd one being the most important because you can do the first two and that is useless without the 3rd. If you are not willing to do these 3 and think you are above that then might as well off yourself now.
Ah crap this is a one post by this id troll thread should have checked that first you won't reply again
Easy to say when you live anywhere but the USA
I’m probably just gonna Kms
Thank feminism
More cope
Read the thread moron
>i cant get laid help me
>give advice
Die alone then less competition for me.
Hi there shit poster. My advice to you is to chill out and focus on things that bring you positive vibes. If you keep thinking such desperate thoughts you will end up making large compromises and getting in a relationship with person who is a very bad match for you. Instead, get in touchb with what you like and, in doing so, you might meet someone who shares what you enjoy. Also, you are very young. If you get a hot girl friend at any age 25-45 then it will be very nice for you, so don't think dumb shit like this and don't get together with someone you hate just to prove you can have a girlfriend.
If U gonna kys, please take out Fauci on the way
this is true which is why I said you need to try a bunch of different ones until you find the right one.

I tried heaps before I found karaoke bars, I went to nightclubs, coffee shops, gyms, climbing gyms, strip clubs, church etc etc etc. You gotta try a bunch
I’ve been doing those 3 things since forever
That’s what I’ve been doing but I don’t meet any women my age.
I have places I go to every week and socialize with friends there but I’m the youngest there by 10 years. Zoomers don’t go out. esp zoomer women and if she were to go out it’d be with her boyfriend she met off Tinder
idk man it was something about killing people with glasses I can't remember
I hate karaoke
>None of the European girls would ever go out with me since I’m American
stop lying to yourself
go to france or germany, they like american white guys
state explicitely that you want to get married and have kids
I’m in Austria now but will be in Germany for a week. I think you’re lying. How could I date a girl that’s an ocean away? Where would I even go to meet said girl?
Even if they like Americans they won’t like me
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find an Orthodox church
start lifting to get rid of your DYEL status
get a hobby preferably something you can do with people from church
I’m Catholic and it’s all old people at my church and I can’t even leave my church because I work there as the organist
Also aren’t most people at orthodox churches Russian or Eastern European? I only want to date someone who is Western European like myself, English, German, etc. Scandinavia is OK too
Do you make yourself attractive to anyone? Do you work to fit into beauty standards of our time? Do you know what makes an outfit look good to a woman? Do you have enough muscles or money to protect a woman if need be?

If the answer to any of these is "no" or "could be better" you have your answer.
Your boomer dad is based and correct.
What he didn't tell you is that women ain't nothing but hoes and tricks.
Marriage is suicide in 2024. Don't ever get married as a man. It's not worth it. You can still have kids, just don't get married and do everything you can to get full custody as soon as possible.
>be me
>31 year old male, 6'3, beard, blue eyes
>140k per year job, 2 cars owned
>Own a 3 bedroom on 30 acres
>Future is secured, impossible for me to fuck up, i could quit right now and be set until age 90.

Go on tinder, match with 1000 girls, talk to 100, meet with 10. Here's my options

>Morbidly obese, yet full of exaggerated confidence that nobody wants to see.
>"I have 3 kids and they are my WORLD" - They're her world despite her not having the foresight to have her kids with a man she's still with, trash option.
>Extremely left, screams at any opposing ideas and makes remarks about how you shouldnt lock your car doors on MLK drive.

It's a sad life.
>Also I’m white

Lmao, white incel loser threas
Damn that's crazy, I've never had to "look" for a girl. I ignored several advances by prime pussy in college because I was too busy playing WoW, had exams, etc. Maybe spent a few days in a gym my entire life. Never used a dating app.

It's not political, it's your desperate vibe. You need a friend group and I know that can be hard for men to get and maintain, but it's pretty key to the whole shebang. Don't try to force relationships, just go with the flow and have fun while you're young. See doctor man here poured himself into school and work yet still struggles socially. Imagine being surrounded by hot, fairly smart nurses who are DTF and still having to look for a girl online.
I don’t look or dress any worse than other zoomers.
I could be stronger, but there’s lots of fats and people who aren’t fit with gfs so that doesn’t explain it. Same with money.
Tons of poors with cute gfs. I don’t have that much money but I have a wealthy family
I could go to your country and fuck all the women I want, be glad and show some respect I choose not to
I have friends but none are my age. I hate people my age and younger.
>weird autistic nerd man-child
>I don’t think I’m the problem, everyone else is
Given your self-assessment but lack of self-reflection and overall nihilistic attitude, it seems pretty evident that you have a deeper rooted problem.
Maybe you would do well to grow up into a proper adult first. These nonsense excuses you're spouting make you seem really unfit to have any type of relationship, let alone a family.
I can sense your delayed development from across the ocean.
> Lmao, white incel loser threas
Well it is /pol/ after all.
OK so what do I do then
Why do you cry your life away zoomie?
Think about it
My advice is that you are immature(not an insult but a reality) and that you must grow consciousnessly and deliberately into a greater man

If you are physically weak then you must excersize, if you are mentally weak then you must study, if you are spiritually weak then you must find a way not to be

It will take much longer than you would like and you will pass desirable long before you realize it
>Work on yourself (you really just need to have social skills and be attractive)
>Stop whining, nobody likes a whiner.
>Find out how you turn people off. Call someone who friendzoned you right now and tell them you have someone you like. Ask them for feedback, i.e. what turned them off about you and ask for advice. If you already lost, there's no shame in asking for a solution. Or ask your sister if you have one. Try not to lose your shit or talk back and take the answers in stride. Report back in this thread.
>Don't focus only on what you "want" but also what you can "provide" in a relationship.
These are the first things I'd start with.
Fine. I’ll do that but that’s what I’ve been doing for years and it’s gotten me nowhere in terms of women. I’m sure I’ll be posting these threads for another decade until I Kms
>>Stop whining, nobody likes a whiner
Bbbbbut, So true, white incel loser challenge,,,,,unpossible
>I go out and I see fats with cute girlfriends, I see drug riddled nasty zoomers with cute girlfriends, yet there are plenty of fit and handsome men that are incels.

Fit and handsome men are rare. A lot of times women get a boyfriend from their immediate social circle. It's just about convenience, people don't want to try hard to find someone better because we are taught that being mediocre is fine. In this aspect it doesn't make much sense to work hard towards something in current day, like studying medicine, if a little effort gives you ability to live a comfortable life with a woman. But some people do it anyway, because they lack a social circle and are isolated (me for example). I do it in hopes of attracting a girl, but I might be a little delusional, since like you said, women often pick slobs as their boyfriends, being super high status doesn't matter. Otherwise you wouldn't ever see fat slobs with families, in fact fat slobs would stop existing since it's partially genetic.
My success as a handsome guy with no social circle was moderate. I've been on some awkward dates, went out with a girl that played on two fronts and wanted to cheat on her skinnyfat boyfriend. But I couldn't find a girl that would want to be with me in the long term. I've noticed that most the window when any given woman is single is really really small. They will quickly settle for mediocre guy from their immediate social circle if no better man is present, and then she's gone from dating pool. I've considering just being shameless and trying to get girls that are in relationships, since ive literally got no other options.
Lad, all around you is essence. Every thought is created now swiftly
Home to children and homeless
>coffee shop,
Most people get in and get out, not a place to spend your time in for hours in hopes have any human contact
>rock climbing gym,
You have to pay to even enter these things, that’s a stupid money sink
>dog park
90% of the people who go to dog parks are over the age of 40. The rest are men trying to meet women

At least you didn’t mention go to church
Don't give up it takes many years , life is a struggle and thats ok
>I could be stronger, but there’s lots of fats and people who aren’t fit with gfs so that doesn’t explain it. Same with money. Tons of poors with cute gfs. I don’t have that much money but I have a wealthy family

These people have social circles. not much you can do but find friends however hard that might be. I knew a girl that met her ex while working at convenience store. Her ex asked her female friend, which was his friend, for her number. Look: this guy has TWO female friends that he could potentially date. That's the benefit of a social circle, it makes finding women effortless and you can even be a balding loser without drivers license like her ex was.
I've cried a lot about how life is unfair, but it is what it is. God wanted me to be lonely and isolated. Women treat you like a desperate subhuman if you don't have a social circle btw.
you are american

no one here considers you european, and when you try to claim our heritage we laugh at you, mystery meat

go back to your country
I was in same position(thousands pf rejections) and it took literally 20 years

But now I have great wife and beautiful baby
I don't think taking dating advice here is a good idea
If you don’t have the motivation to go out and do anything or socialize then how can you complain about not having a girlfriend like do you expect a woman to just show up to your door and offer to bear your children one day?
Nothing else better to do might as well be a surgeon. For whatever intelligence you have you're lacking in wisdom.
White Americans are European, cope and seethe all you want.
I see
>and your third place is ment to be the place you socialize and meet people
okay? but they keep yelling at me when i go to kindergarden?
what do?
also anyone has differencial for Ford Econoline?
You are waking up to reality, anon... You have correctly identified that feminine women overseas are superior to fat, feminist western pigs. You have sensed there is no happy ending/joy/family with one of them. That's a good start, now you go MGTOW and develope yourself into an ubermensch. Don't stop until you're in a position of power. Create a lifestyle you enjoy. Build your skills and wealth. Throw off the chains anyone tried to use to control you. Settle for nothing else. Then, think about enjoying women as the side dish they are in the banquet of life.

You are part of a growing army of fighting age White men across the West who are dissatisfied with the system. Nerds have a High IQ and that makes you more valuable than any shitskin subhuman. It's likely in the future, the intelligent among you will harness the massive potential of AI - inherently racist, sexist - to cleanse our society and maybe even the world. That's a much more worthwhile goal than banging any chick, it is overrated in an age where they are all openly whores. Genius usually abstain.
Last thing, the guy in the pic is dressed like a slob and his body looks like shit. Openly begging for pussy on Fakebook, lol. He doesn't respect himself. You have the potential to become something much better than that. When you've built yourself and your life, you'll order pussy like a pizza and wonder what all the fuss was about - then you'll get back to your mission, which actually matters.
Fuck you OP
No one cares
back to base pablo
>she told me she wants to be “non-binary”
That’s a code word for “you have a small pp”.
>If you don’t have the motivation to go out and do anything or socialize then how can you complain about not having a girlfriend
because women don't need to put any effort on this stuff , so why is it so much more harder for men? it's unfair
Let me be real with you. All the self-improooooovers in here are giving you aspirational advice. The only way you’re going to unilaterally “get” a woman is by providing her with cocaine in exchange for both money and sex or by kidnapping her and driving off in your windowless van. Those are the only two ways.

Now go out there and do the needful!
delete all your socials and dating apps. join a college, uni, club or gym, anything like that. focus on making girl friends, not finding a girlfriend right away. among your friends you'll find someone you can get closer to
also yeah you're too young to find a life partner
what's wrong with church
>What I wanted from life like nearly everyone is to be able to find love and create a family.
No. What you want is to be happy, you have to figure that out first before you autistically start collecting people like they're things. Once you figure it out, and become happy (you have to be a good person also) you will attract people.
>It’s totally political. Our leaders are doing nothing to fix this
Fix that you can't get pussy? My taxes already pay for broke niggers, I don't need more taken out for hoes to ride incels.
FWIW foreign women are an option but it is a lot more work (took a while to get my wife here), don't think it's not possible. A lot of them are prejudiced against Americans, sure, but those aren't the type you want to associate with, anyway.
>how can I date a girl that's an ocean away?
If you're really after a relationship like you claim, it's not that hard, man. It's pretty obvious that you're only just begging to get your dick wet. Every guy has been at that point, but you honestly just need to mature and stop thinking with your dick.
This, phones have been a disaster for the human race.

I'm watching real people, real virgin coomers reach age 30 and realize they fucked up, in real time.

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