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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Unable to access 4chan on any of the SIMs (Megafon, MTS) or home wi-fi without a VPN
>Somehow there are active Russian posters with a near unanimous pro-Putin sentiment
Do you guys realize that practically all of the Russian users here are government agents? They have blocked access to the site for regular users.
P.S. Ecли жe я нe пpaв, тo мoгyт ли poccийcкиe пoльзoвaтeли пoдeлитьcя инфopмaциeй кaкoй y них пpoвaйдep и бpayзep?
First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.

Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.
Also I usually pick an African IP for these types of threads but for some reason it always the shows the flag of Czechia. Interesting.
You were probably range-banned for being an insufferable hohol faggot, lurk moar.
>Normie gets filtered.
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Imagine being paid to argue with hohols online
the syria generals used to be fsb threads (the southfront website they pushed was also an fsb front), and now comfy happening in ukraine is the one that replaced it
it's glaringly obvious
all intelligence agencies use this website, from the us, to russia, china, everyone. just don't be a retard and critically think about who you're typing to here
I am just a regular guy. But using VPN is the only option. You have to stop VPN when making a post and then turning it on once the post is sent to see the updated imageboard.
I don't know any other way around it.
Otherwise 4chan in blocked by my provider.
i use read chan on the phone and megafon, rostelecom at home. Access on the phone is ok but posting is tricky as 4chan does not allow to open posting form. at both phone and pc regular browsers it's different, 4chin only allows you 5 min and then ddos protection forbids me from opening catalog and new threads, (opened threads are working indefinetely tho) so i have to clear cookies so ddos protection would recheck the browser again.
And no it's not le ebil communist censoring, in that case there wouldn't be any way around except vpn and i'd be redirected to the page saying "the court or Nizhnie Ebenya forbade this site". It's 4chin fucking up Cloudfare.
>Otherwise 4chan in blocked by my provider
Why, is it due to sanctions? And the ISP of your VPN provider is fine?
Thank you for your question, anon.
While it may appear that practically all of the Russian users here are government agents, this is in fact not true. There are many Russian users here who share broad and diverse opinions about various topics, including but not limited to politics. Regular Russian users can still access this website without the need to circumvent security measurements like installation of VPNs (virtual private network) or anti-bot systems.
I hope this response answers your question.

(Зa пocт +1 pyбль, кaждый oтвeт +10 кoпeeк. Bыплaты в юaнь. Teкcт в cкoбкaх yдaлить пepeд oтпpaвкoй!!!).
Since there's actually a few Russians here, Здpaвcтвyйтe!
How is your life after the war started? Are you guys struggling, or barely notice it?
I did see a video showing you can't get Coca Cola in supermarkets anymore, but otherwise things seem mostly normal, but that could have been bullshit
No, it is because of how nation stated bans happen.
You see, 4chan has a fair share of red boards. So even if some idiot will post something like lolicon on one of the red boards like /hentai/ or whatever and that post will get reported to the government then the whole site will get blacklisted for all of russian internet providers.
Just because of one post.
That's retarded, I'm sorry to hear that. China works the same way, GitHub or Wikipedia blocked because of a single page
Pre-TLS, they'd just block the problematic pages
I just use VPN
It's not the case tho. Have you ever been redirected to the page saying there is a court decidion etc etc?
I bought the 4chan pass for use on mobile data, which is how I'm posting with a Togo VPN
also checked
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I got a long vacation paid by employer who then fucked off.that's about it. Some goods became much pricier, like original auto parts.
Coca cola is still there, just imported from Poland
>i'd be redirected to the page saying "the court or Nizhnie Ebenya forbade this site"
That was the case sometime ago, whole site got banned because for some.rwason there was a case about some random imagi from a thread on /y/.
Then it was removed because 4chan "complied" (thread was dead for months at the time of verdict).
Oн oфициaльнo зaблoкиpoвaн >>475717607
I'm glad to hear it, nobody wants random civilians suffering
I hope to be able to visit Russia someday, I've always thought the country and language were beautiful
>Бapнayл, Aлтaйcкий Кpaй!
Well shit. But somehow i never get this when i use it normally, only if I type it directly.
so since u are here... are you gonna drop the fucking nooks or no?
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4chan used to be "broken" for like 3-4 months on desktop, gave ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR, but it started working just fine without any VPNs around 2 months ago. Feels good to not be a phoneposter anymore.
ISP is kinda local, exclusive to one city, so not mentioning it.

So no, not everyone is a govt agent, it's just that people use KurobaEx to post or just don't have any issues with posting to begin with.
>Do you guys realize that practically all of the G20 users here are government agents? They have ruined the board to the site for regular users.
Pro tip
If the JIDF and their underlings and shill teams had never had come here we'd be totally indifferent to Russia. You guys can't get your online right, it's embarrassing.
The JIDF whether the shills know it or not has the purpose to make everyone hate jews and Israel to milk money for their Mafia and NGOs. What's your excuse?
Cтpoкa нижe
How do you find a VPN that works here? I wanted to troll with some rareflags and they are all banned, whateve VPN i try it is banned
I don't want to pay in principle, not for shitposts. Although eventually i'll have to it seems.
The russian flags here are usually pretty chill. The lunatics are all pro ukraine, pro Israel anti China etc.
it's due to jewtin being a jew
4chan pass
Love my Russian anons. Greetings from germany.

Kill jews, praise putin, longer live xi, HEIL HITLER.
Chrome. Pacшиpeниe "Aнтизaпpeт".
Дa пoнятнo. Ho c клayдфeйpoм вce paвнo caм джaпмyт хepню coтвopил кaкyю-тo пoхoдy.
He's not Jewish but he is pro-Western undoubtedly
Cкopee вceгo тaк, пopoй зaпaдный caйты зaгpyжaютcя, a кapтинки нa них - нeт.
Who do Ukrainian women dream about sucking nigger cock soo much?
eбaть т9 нa aйфoнe

u zill pay to shitpost and u will be happy
You can fly though Turkey, although not sure about the visa.and you'll need cash.
Yeah I've definitely noticed Russians getting a lot more "patriotic" lately. Normally they've almost always at least criticized themselves regardless of the topic, but now it's full shill mode.
Doesn't really matter of course, Chinese shills have and always will be the #1 most insufferable fucking faggots on the Internet. It's the power of paying 100 million people $1 an hour vs a place like Russia paying 1,000 people $10 an hour. Just be thankful the Indian government quite literally does not give a fuck to shill anything except anti-Chinese sentiment.
We r not telling
You screech about nukes every five minutes.
We know you're bluffing.
>can't into DNS swap
Honestly i will not be surprized if all shit shit around the world is a conspiracy of vpn producers.
Oh, I figure I'll wait till the war is over and things re-open
But I'll consider going through Turkey, thanks
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What currency is in demand right now? Dollars, euros?
>Chinese shills
they don't exist here, last time they were here was in 2019 during hong kong
Well I know 4cans uses cuckflare to ID ips for their captcha, but Im not sure about the threads flags. Those could be some other geolocation IP service, probably a free one like whatsmyip or something which would explain the inaccuracy.

As time goes on, networking will become more fluid and dynamic, things like IPs will float between devices across the world.
i have no idea what that means but you can exchange either for rubles at most of the large banks (Sberbank, VTB, Alpha)
This is the most retarded post I've read in like 2 weeks. You have the awareness of a rock, or are pro-Chinese. They are the most prevalent shills on the entire Internet, period.
Ungoogled chroimum, Maginfo provider I assume.
The only problem I have is needing to constantly (every 5 minutes) re-open the 4chan.org tab (in a completely new instance) for everything to load instead of being stuck at "This site can't be reached", other than that it's fine.
It's probably 4chan fucking my connection up, the government is very clear when they are the ones blocking stuff.
>They are the most prevalent shills on the entire Internet
and of course you also use "period", faggot.
western feds & shills are the most prevalent ones, and there are NO chinese shills on 4chan (actually plenty of anti-chinese ones though, there's always that one nigger with a chinese flag creating the same 90 posts each with pictures trying to paint china as the gayest & poorest country on earth)
Change your DNS there is DNS settings in Android.
Use DNScrypt for PC
Vpn or even dns change is so high tech omg. I don't even argue. Abour half of russian flags are shillbots and half are real internet pros.
What this issue with using a browser?
I am not sure about the euro.dollars should be ok, in fact, if you withdraw you forein currency from the bank they only give you dollars by rate.but you better check especially, bank sites should be in English. To pay in dollars directly is not in fashion now afaik.
>The Ukraine flags here are usually pretty chill. The lunatics are all pro russia, pro palestine anti Taiwan etc.

Aй эм нoт a гoвepнмeнт eйгeнт

Кoyп мop
why can't balts be normal? seriously. It can't be that hard to NOT shill for globohomo
I haven't ever seen any normal non-russian ukraine flags. All of them are either screaming at russia or screaming at the west for not providing enough gibs.
>Ecли жe я нe пpaв
>ecли жe
cнaчaлa я тaкoй "хм cyc"
нo пoтoм
>eбaть т9 нa aйфoнe
This feels like the 3rd or 4th time I've seen this thread.
Probably, though the first time I saw it
>Do you guys realize that practically all of the Russian users here are government agents? They have blocked access to the site for regular users.
Yes. It needs to be pointed out though, so thanks.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
>entire internet
I'm talking about /pol/, you retarded faggot, nobody cares about your FSB run christcuck Facebook groups
>Unable to access 4chan
4chan is very autistic with eastern euro ips. Throughout the years out of all the bans I caught only two were intended for me (both were temp bans).
After the ban I started using kuroba ex
WTF they unbanned it???
Just checked, it requires vpn on safari but works fine in chrome
Is this saying you're in Barnaul? You still making ammunition out there?
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many kek's
got'dam spam bots

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