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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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And fix birthrates? Currently the situation is as follows:
Ideas they're trying:
>subsidies (don't really work, never enough $$)
>tax breaks (even less effective)
Ideas Guaranteed to help:
>outlaw divorce (politically difficult)
>legalize marital "rape" (politically impossible)
>revoke women's voting and rights (even more politically impossible)
>ban women's education (at least after age 14 / when they hit puberty), or at least heavily restrict it to only women such as nuns and world-class intellects.
They're importing young, foreign men as temporary laborers to replace us. Their birthrates also collapse because fundamentally society is sick, so it's not a long-term solution. Already, India's birthrate is below replacement levels so the end has begun.
Problem is women's rights.
The thing that will work is banning/dsincentivizing female education after 18. This can be done through media. Wresting media away from "women need to work stories" and tilting it towards "have children" will increase the birthrate.
Many anime show women embarking on a career. They should show women having kids instead.
If we look at where birth rates are above replacement levels we can see that the poorer people are the more children they have. Maybe thats the solution, politicians could actually help, if there is anything they are good at its making people poorer.

messing with the natural order of the human species has consequences
>$1,000,000 + tip for a starter home
>endless money printing to make your income worthless
>endless third world immigration to push down your wages

Maybe try fixing these first.
Yeah, anime has a noticeably pro-baby / marriage bent lately. You can definitely see the propaganda push there. I agree this is a good idea, but it doesn't fix the underlying problems, so it's a band-aid (at best). I think you need to fix the underlying problems preventing children, then push the propaganda message that the situation has changed and women need to change with it.
>How to fix a demographic issue once the effects have already begun to show
Simple, first, invent the time machine.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
Asian tits are so soft and gorgeous.
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Other idea: go to war (war typically results in baby booms)
ok, when are we invading israel?
Holy shit it's real
Incel thread.
Women must marry between ages 14-16
No sex outside of marriage
No pornography or prostitution
Women cannot vote
Women cannot earn income or own property
>Create government facilities to help young people raise children. Help lines, kindergartens etc. Got a problem with raising your kid? They will help and accommodate you. They should also act as community centers and should be everywhere.
>Promote having kids at a younger age then now. Include it in entertainment for all ages, skewing younger. Paint mothers as national heroes.
>Lower the aoc by a few years of it's too high.
>Incentivize workplaces to have shorter workdays for employees via taxes, regulations, and subsidies. 6-8 hours. Hire more people if you need more work done.
>Require 1 year of work experience before you can apply for higher education.
This will make people go into university just because they don't know what else to do. It will also give people a more practical outlook on life.
JAV code please
125 million live in a country the size of germany. Your apartments already look like tiny pods. How much more do you fuckers need? WE NEED LESS PEOPLE BREATHING, NOT MORE. Declining pop is a good thing
Don’t let porn stars take the pill
Or it's national suicide
No other options
Bless you
Poor people in the ukraine russia china india iran etc have just as low rates as rich westerners.
You guys are all wrong. So wrong. First thing is you must bring in six gorillion immigrants from Africa ONLY.
>infinite growth population is le good because it just is

fucking retarded monkeys
That's not going to make the shareholders happy.
Subsidies are a good way to lower national IQ because, if they work, it means that high earners are taxed to pay poor people to have kids.

The ideas that would help the most are politically impossible, as you have stated.
Ending affirmative action for women would help.
Ending alimony would help a bit.
Ending the fucked up work culture where everyone is expected to put in many hours of extra face time at work doing stupid bullshit like TPS reports would definitely help but is politically difficult.
Artificial wombs, ability to make eggs from male cells (already have this) and removal of stigma surrounding this would help a lot, and also boost genetic quality by ensuring K selection instead of female driven r selection. This is the main reason why it's politically impossible.
Civilization collapse and return to feudal warlords would help and is one of the two main possible futures. The other is a globohomo nigger-cattle feedlot forever.
Just let it all die. Why even care about the future of this sick species.
Glowniggers are afraid of this subject? Afraid of anons talking about ways to thwart Project Nigger-Cattle in a country that isn't even White?

Tongue my anus, glowworm
Shdtps Qocnkay t kgs Tlhs tqpc
Indirect subsidies like kindergartens and free child health care are probably good.
Don't want to just throw money at people for having kids though.
In fact it would be a good idea to make sterilization a requirement for getting any kind of welfare.
I'm giving less and less shit about this now. Feel free to impregnate every Japanese woman you meet to save their population, David-kun.
>How can politicians reverse the baby bust?
List of things politicians will openly talk about before talking about the female problem.
>The Federal Reserve being private
>Social Security being bankrupt
>The Kennedy assassination
>Alien disclosure
>The federal deficit
>Pedophiles in Hollywood
1. Mass cancellation of visas and deportation of all non-citizens
2. Net Zero migration only of tertiary educated whites who are paid a minimum of 50% more than the prevailing wage for their occupation.
4. Only citizens may own residential property.
5. Enforce minimum plot ratios such that each residence has a backyard big enough for a game of cricket
You could invest in robots and AI, and be able to survive population decline, while remaining Japanese and also make a lot of money selling this tech overseas.

Would require some social engineering to reward the high IQ men who enable your high tech future by giving them families AND allowing them to keep their families.
Globohomo would hate this idea but there are a lot of Japanese who would probably like it.
Yeah no shit.
I can think of a few politicians who will talk about each of these things, but I can't think of a single one who will talk about the Vaginal Jew.
As long as women look down on being a stay-at-home mom, birth rates will stay low.
It’s incredibly hard to care for more than 2 kids while still working full-time.
I could afford to have my wife stay at home and care for the kids, but she simply is not interested in that. So there’s no way we’ll have more than 3 kids.
Does not help that women study until 24 yo, add in marriage and most women can’t get a kid before 27 at best. This does not leave much time to have a lot of kids.
outlaw birth control
This just promotes dysgenic reproduction (the retards and poor get subsidized). It also promotes chad fucking multiple women, since betas will be forced via taxes to support their behavior.
In that particular case, they're also fake.
Too clever to be understood.
Just build houses and apartments, modern commie blocks. What young people need is real houses and money to rent them. There's no point in just doing BI and handing out money. It will only make inflation worse. Inflation of necessities is solved by increasing the supply of real goods.
When your kids turn 18, they get a free house. That will simplify life.
>legalize rape
You should have to do an IQ test and if you're below average you get paid to get sterilized and if you're above average you get incentives for each kid you have
Politicians can never fix the problem. They simply cannot do what is required due to how they are elected.

Long before that actually. Further you MUST get rid of all coed activities when girls hit puberty.

And the thieving elites at the top who have been pushing anti population propaganda for decades.

Not true we have literal dirt poor countries at below replacement levels.

Won’t work. The women are ruined. The men won’t go to war for those leftovers. Which is also coincidentally why the militaries have huge recruiting crises world wide. Why die for a used up whore?

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