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HAPPENING! Putin is officially paying the salaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, lmao.
vladdy boy when you gonna give it up maaaaaan
Great cleaning job
Can't wait for Forbes in 10 years to list random Ukrainian expats among the richest people.
>Neocommie Union acting like commies

>we stole your shit because you come from a certain country
bad news for everyone who has money and assets. global gentlemen's agreements are done.
Holy shit the seeth the 4posts radiate so far are incredible HAHAHAH

based Putin
As if ANY of that "funding" will be seen on the field or be put towards bolstering or resupplying the deployed Ukies.

All just to buy children & cocaine.
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>paying the salaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Lmfao, good one Anon, good one.
Wonder what kind of yachts the jews will buy for all that money.
> 0.5% of 300 billion
0.5% for the little guy?
Even though russia is trash and despicable, this act from vdL like always is threatening the intregrity of law and property rights.
Just another step into tyranny and a signal that the EU just doies whatever it pleases without looking into the rightfulness, as long as it profits the agenda.
Watch out, in the next weeks they will try to introduce a register of wealth for ALL EU citizens. And if they can take money from russia without repercussions, guess how safe our wealth is, if banks need to be bailout or if whole industries fail and shatter the tax gains of the EU and their members.
These assets were seized from businesses and private citizens, very little of this money came from the Russian government.
Also, this: >>475714400. Why would anyone do business in Europe when this can happen? Also x2: the ICJ ruled Israel is committing genocide and war crimes so when does the EU start seizing the assets of Israeli citizens? JK, I know the answer is never.
To the last Ukrainian.
What a shocker
Res Sea trade costs far more than 1.5 billion. Insurance kikes won't have enough to cover the damage. Accelerate
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Okay, so that means the Ukrainian army should collapse in about two weeks.
>very little of this money came from the Russian government
This is a lie, it’s literally the foreign exchange reserves of the Russian government.
>After President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine in 2022, the United States and its allies prohibited transactions with Russia's central bank and finance ministry, blocking around $300 billion of sovereign Russian assets in the West.
>The United States has proposed that working groups from the Group of Seven (G7) major industrialized nations explore ways to seize that money, according to the Financial Times.
why rich people in russia keep their money in usa and europe?
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Orcistan will pay for every killed and injured person and every damaged or destroyed building. If they don't- they will continue to be destroyed, like the subhuman savage shithole they are.
it doesn't really matter. What only matters is the question: If Russia, China, Belarus or whatever shithole would do the same to an EU country, would we call it "illegal" or "theft".
I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. And therefore this is a problem and could shatter the trust in international trade and property rights.
The West froze Russia’s assets immediately after Russia invaded Ukraine, and nothing has changed in the global financial system since February 2022.
No country is going to reject European or American banks to keep foreign reserves in utterly corrupt authoritarian countries like China, Russia, Iran, India, or Saudi Arabia.
freezing assets for a while is common, taking and spending them for [[insert good intention here]] is unique and sets a dangerous precedent
and why are they allowed to hold dual citizenships while having close ties to government jobs?
why does their ambassador talk like a reddit cuck?
is that whole nation nothing but pathetic clowns?
Russia also already froze the assets of European banks, so they'll just find an excuse to take whatever they lost from that.
After this it would be crazy for any non western country to keep their money in the west, and vice versa.
>and reconstructon
Oh, so it’s nothing then
except they transfered these assets into their own pocket as compensation for millitary spendings and ukraine does not physically get anything of it.
No, he is paying to elect CumAllah.
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>We admit to just stealing billions of dollars from citizens of a foreign country, most of which have little to nothing to do with that government
>We are the good guys
>And we are using that stolen money to attack the ones we stole it from, defending Ukraine, a beacon of 'democracy', even though elections have been cancelled twice, and the current dictator Z's term has expired
>We raid and ban all free press that's not state run
>But we really are the good guys goy
>is unique
Russia has literally stolen assets of western companies during recent years. This is basically just taking back what is owed, which is completely fair.
>ad nauseam on pol
Read fucking carefully OP, these are SEIZED Assets, aka money Putin can't even use. Putin is indeed paying for it, but it is being stolen out of HIS coffers.
Now watch as every foreign entity starts taking their money out of the EU because they don't want to be next.
Russia just siezed Poroshenkos chocolate buisness, thats worth a billion.
>>We admit to just stealing billions of dollars from citizens of a foreign country, most of which have little to nothing to do with that government
The citizens of a country have nothing to do with its government? Lmao.
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I'm sure they have, as there must be muh evil russian BOOGIEMAN around every corner, and Trump is a secret Russian agent sent by Putin from a time machine in the future
If you don't pay reparations you will be forced to pay, ziggerbot
Wow, Europe sure sounds like a nice, stable place to invest
No, not ususlly unless you are in that government. I have nothing to do with my corrupt ass government, that doesn't give a fuck about us plebs
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Yea, kind of of like how all the business investors pulled all future nvestment out of New York after they stole hundreds of millions of dollars from Trump and tried to seize his company on that sham political persecution civil trial with no victim claiming Maralago was only worth what a 4 bedroom house without a beach front is worth, they don't always think things through, they just attack
Ukraine will lose anyway but I hope Russia launches a nuke as payback for this insolence.
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When are you faggots returning the entire fleet of stolen commercial airliners you niggers stopped paying for at the beginning of this war?
And no, returning them to the earth by ignoring maintenance until they crash doesn't count.
You don't understand what the West is doing here.
They're not seizing the assets, the EU is sending to Ukraine the money generated from **profits** (interest earned) on frozen Russian assets.
>Okay, so that means the Ukrainian army should collapse in about two weeks.
You do not have to pay dead people.
cool, and when will you pay us reparations?
Yea, I'm not familiar with whatever your talking about anon, qrd?
>cool, and when will you pay us reparations?
Perhaps after you gave the stolen land back and now back to your german owned wage cage.
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>russian oligarchs financing the deaths of serf ziggers

Literally nothing but the method changed lmao

tl;dr russia stopped paying the loans for their entire commercial airliner fleet, effectively stealing 800 planes worth billions.
After the west had blocked all russian means of paying for their airplanes leased in the west, they complained that russia was no longer paying its bills. Pretty weird cia talking point.
>, it’s literally the foreign exchange reserves of the Russian government.
It's literally not though
Russians shouldn't have any rights because they aren't people
>no fair I cant pay the loans anymore
Okay so return the thing you cant pay for
>no, I'm a nigger so I'm now entitled to steal things
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Congrats at destroying the dollar and the reputation of the entire Western world in less than 3 years.
Nobody thought you could do it. But I had FAITH in you!
What do you think the frozen assets represent?
>we are allowed to do this, but you are not, because we are the good ones
I already said pretty weird talking point, cia faggot.
Yea, that sounds about right, sounds exactly like how they would spin it
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pidorashko projecting xD
Freezing the assists of a terrorist state to pay for the war crimes they are actively committing in another country is not the same as a nigger stealing planes because he doesn't want to give them back.
You retard snow nigger expats are so transparent.
>gentlemen's agreements
There is no honor when men kill each other. You either die or you fucking survive. You either kill your enemies or you let them live and continue to be your enemies.
The only thing universally off-limits by humanity is nukes including EMP nukes, and that's it. But when backed into a corner, either Russia or China WILL be using EMPs when either WW3 starts and they inevitably lose, or when they start collapsing to the point where recovery on the global stage is simply impossible for the next couple decades.
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Well for at least a decade before the Russia/Ukraine war, every western media outlet, left leaning MSM, etc constantly reported Ukraine as the most corrupt country in all of Europe, and that's saying something right there.

But then, just like that, every politician, media outlet, NPC, and twitter faggot switched to Ukraine flags on their profile, and it now was a hallmark of freedom and a shining beacon of democracy that could do no wrong
the frozen assets all come from sanctioned companies or individuals. feel free to have a look at the sanctions list and let us know if you spot a company or individual that shouldnt be there.
What proceeds?
They are just sending EU taxpayer money.
The stolen assets were already embezzled down to about 50 billion over a year ago when they were discussing giving it to the Ukraine.
How bout the guy Tucker interviewed in depth
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Von der Leyen is a war profiteer who privately admits Russia had legal grounds to invade Ukraine
>and it now was a hallmark of freedom and a shining beacon of democracy that could do no wrong
nobody said that. the point is that russia invaded a sovereign country and the west just happened to not be okay with that. maybe russia should have tried invading a different country.
And what if I told you that the sanction makers and the freezers play in the same team, polacke?
The west happily steals and plunders privately owned assets to fund a proxy war they have no interest in actually concluding, and try to portray it as some cause celebre. You kike shills are really something lol.
Show your flag pajeet.
even if this is true, no western company gets money back through this
doesn't matter, capital gains or **profits** how you call them have to be put on the trustee account if something is frozen.
You simply don't want to accept that what the EU is doing is straight up illegal.
lmao. They even sanctioned this chelsea guy.
Then i judge you guilty of allnyour countries crimes.
I sentence you to 100 years in the cum jar.
>sovereign country
So why is there a NATO base in Syria?
NAFO troon shills are so easy to spot

Maybe Ukraine shouldnt have spent 8 years killing russians.
>even if this is true, no western company gets money back through this
Russia seized all the factories that western companies could no longer operate because of the sanctions. But with the promise that everything would be returned afterwards. And anyone who knows Russia's debt history knows that they have never defaulted on a foreign debt. They even repaid the debts of the Soviet Union in full.
ignorant thieves with no sense of shame and no concept of the repercussions this will set off
Its almost as if they dont give a shit about the billions in assets european companies have in russia or trivial things like rule of law
>I dont like that guy over there, but since you live in the same neighborhood as him, Im going to steal your car in retaliation
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Despite the Smith Mundt modernization act blatently allowing CIA and State Dept propaganda to be used internally on US citizens, you know that the CIA pulled off a coup on 2014 in Ukraine, overthrew a democratically elected government and placed a coke head gay comedian as puppet, they violated all their own agreements such as Minsk, started attacking civilians in Russian speaking areas, bombed donbass and donesk, opened uo 38 bioweapons labs on Russias bacj door with race specific gene targeting capabilities, etc etc, and thry purposely baited Russia into this. I could write a whole book here and still keep going.

Anyways, the bankers and elites use individual countries as chess pieces for various higher agendas, they don't give a fuck about any individual country, but you know that already if you aren't completely brainwashed or a disingenuous dishonest disinfo glowie.
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Holy fuck they're seething hard ITT. Best thread on /pol/ right now
can you unpaid shills stop making such obvious and pathetic attempts at deflecting? the lack of remuneration is NOT an excuse for shit tier shilling on your part. you should be ashamed.

what the fuck does that even mean?
Putin will get knifed before the rest of that money gets given away lol. The only thing stopping him from getting knifed was the hope the money would be given back
Shoveling billions in the most corrupted country in Europe, one would think that some of it ends up in the Jewish oligarchs' pockets instead of medical supplies, food, weapons, etc. for the people.
If Zelenskyy and other Jews in Ukraine are millionaires after the war, we'll know then.
And yes I know Russia is controlled by Jewish oligarchs, I'm not retarded. But we aren't giving money to them.
EU just made a rod for its own back. No one will ever trust the bloc from stealing assets. Long after we're all dead, this milestone event will damage any chance of major multinational businesses setting up HQ in Europe.
you cant dispute a single fact, faggot

telling the truth is not "shilling" by definition, shit for brains

>its ok when my globohomo masters do it
>1.5 billion
So, chump change.
this kills the nafo troon:

Blessed be the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of God
All of Jewish descent
lmao jewtin's a cuck
That was the guy from the IMF, Poroshenko, total globohomo who they fixed the election for.
I just googled what you did in Barcelona and I'm going to rape some Spaniards now.
The Saudis have already threatened to sell off EU treasuries. We’ll see what happens. Westoid retard elites biggest problem is most of them have gone their entire lives never facing negatives consequences for their actions and they’re completely of control as a result
You have to pay us to stop, and double pay us to switch. What's the going pay rate for this type of shilling these days? I want at least what you are making, as I know the burnout and turnaround for paid shills is quite high with this revolving door of morons the NGOs and thinktanks seem to hire. I also insist that I pick my own schedule
>1.5 billion
>zellergeci still will yap about needing moar money
How much did the US and EU spend to get that $1.5B?
2-4 years of Ukrainian GDP?
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They would never do that, they just wouldn't ok!
surely there will not be any nefast consequences when most of the countries buying our debt are at least partly alligned to Russia, surely they will keep fueling our deficit knowing we can just stop paying them and give the money to their ennemies
Humiliation ritual
Both together?

500 billion($ in Euro) plus 700 billion(in Americuck bucks)... 1.2 trillion per year.
Whew... That's a lot of money to stop Russia from annexing two tiny provinces that Ukraine hates.
I'm sure Poland would've sold the equivalent amount of land for 10% of that.
The question is, what do they want to achieve with this? What they are doing is definitely against the law and when everything has returned to normal, they will have to pay it back. No court will consider that to be lawful. So is it just for attention or do you really need the few bucks?

That's a weeks worth of defense spending.
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>If Zelensky is a millionaire after the war
The comedian dictator is worth at least 20 million now, and who knows how much more that is hidden, probably a lot

I bet he's s parties at the Mansion in nice, full of shitloads of pure, clean cocaine and loads of super models. I wish I could get invited to one of their shindigs for a weekend binge
The issue is that the western oligarchs realized that they weren't going to get their debt trap gamble with Russia's war of attrition, so the plan now is to steal what money they can and take the loss.
I heard he's got a nice mansion in Miami, I love the beach man I miss it
Who would believe that she spouts such bullshit? Telegram boomers must be dumb as shit. even if she thought this she would word it differently and it wouldnt make 'the news' on a silly jpg with various text size and no punctuation.
In the future no one will invest in EU countries anymore.
Thanks alot you retarded women but who needs a healthy economy anyway when we have a much better thing, we have rapefugees.
Euroclear told the EU to fuck off so they agreed to borrow money from the US and jusy say that it's Russia's money because "When the Ukraine wins the war we'll make it part of Russia's reparations to cover the cost."
You're all gay and this is fake.
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>HAPPENING! Putin is officially paying the salaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, lmao.
Imagine being so stupid you believe this.
>All just to buy children & cocaine.
>3rd year of war
>only the beginning
Russia did this months ago when it forced western companies still operating there to sell all their assets for 1 USD and then promptly sold it off to Kadyrov's nephews. Once again pidorashkas accuse us of doing what they do.
And when I say they sold Danone's assets to Kadyrov's nephew I mean they gave it for free, of course.

Why do you think things will return to normal? That is a Russian cope. They can have their money back when Putin dies and they stop niggering out
it goes deeper

This war is part of the Paris Accord scam. That exponential fossil fuel tax built into it goes to bio-fuel subsities, thats why global consortiums have bought up 1/3 of ukrainian farmland (thanks to Zelinskis land reform bill). 25% of ukraines wheat and corn went to ethanol refineries, which is why they used cheap illegal posion pestacides.
Now with these crops they can use robotic farm equipment so to stop protests they decided to kill off the farmers.

Evil shit. You can find articles of the EU freaking out because they cant meet the biofuel quotas built into the Accords since the war started.
This is only going to isolate the EU and America.
Now other countries wont see there assets or investments as safe in the future

>Total BRICS victory
>why do you think things will return to normal
Because it always does, nafo troon. Russia will not disappear and neither will the world's dependence on Russia's raw materials.
It's all fucking depressing, the entire world is run by mafias using state government as a veneer of legitimacy.
Nigger Brics is shitting the bed. The only winner is the US because guess what, they let their EU lapdogs do this shit. The US is still seen as trustworthy but the EU will ruin its reputation. Sure Russia is a fucking corrupt war mongering thieving state, but if you want to be seen as the opposite, you dont steal their money just because you can. To steal from a murderer does not make you seem like a good person.
Not too many left and the number gets smaller everyday.
That’s a pretty stupid decision in the long run but uh, fly at er. Its one thing to freeze assets, its another to liquidate them. I don’t think the EU will be around in 10 years. The technocrat antagonism for anything that doesn’t fit into their models is going to collapse their union.
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>The question is, what do they want to achieve with this? What they are doing is definitely against the law and when everything has returned to normal, they will have to pay it back. No court will consider that to be lawful. So is it just for attention or do you really need the few bucks?

>"were gonna use Russian assets"
All banks say no, it is theft
>"we’re gonna use the interest of Russian assets"
All banks say no, it is theft
>"ok, it is Russian, so we will write a bond that no private investor will buy, and we’ll use Russian assets as collateral without their approval"
^This is me buying a car and as collateral I’m using my neighbour’s house.
TLDR: first these idiots admit it is Russian, then write a bond admitting it is Russian collateral and asking their own central banks to buy the bond.
And the downfall of the USD is accelerated. Good. I want to see further proof instead of a fucking tweet though.

They didn't even take Germany and Japan's forex reserves in WW2, this is an enormous escalation that will signfificantly reduce the global economy's trust in the US as a financial custodian
do EMPs actually exist? Can they knock out all technology without destroying anything else the way a nuke does?
Monaco is already filled with ukrainians in expensive cars.
This is really the core of it. We’re run by people with toddler brains and ego’s that would make Alexander or Caesar raise an eyebrow.
Nop, Microsoft, Google, etc still operate bc it was only those that wanted to sell their Russian assets that where forced to do to the state at a bargain, they could have not sell and keep making money but nop they preferred getting out and making Putin rich
I rather have my money in china.
They’ll probably get listed as israeli
>faggot /k/ike nafo troon take
the total complete and utter annihilation of ukraine it is, THD even
and many of them will have names like -stein or -berg
So all Russia has to do is raise the price of the gas they sell to the EU until they make that money back. I don't get what they think they're accomplishing here aside from a gay PR win in the eyes of retards and normies.
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What a totally non-jewish thing to do
That won't won't solve the lack of weapons. You can't turn money into hardware without industry - industry the EU doesn't have anymore.
>only the beginning
Of the munitions shortage? Yes.
I'm gonna do an early life check on these guys
It could be that is just EU debt that the EU would have to pay and has nothing to do whit Russia assets, they just say that is Russian to fool the goyim also some of this assets represent a loss for the EU, like Yates and hard to make "liquid"
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They like to be cartoonishly evil, they are trying their hardest to bait Russia into retaliating, the banksters want to escalate to WW3 so bad they are drooling.

That would really accelerate many of NWO numerous overlapping and multifaceted globalist agendas
this is so incredibly short-sighted, that it could only have come from the EU. fucking clowns, we will deserve all that we will get.
Exactly. If Russia gets nuked pevailing winds will destroy China
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
The countries trading in rubles have tripled since the war started. Retards like you pretend 7 billion people on this planet dont hate NATO.

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