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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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why are indians like this?
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It's a highly anticipated movie.
Explains the train thing
why is deadpool 50% bigger?
Seems like a thing capeshit faggots of any race would do if they were shameless. Well it doesn't matter. They're all cringe.
Subhumans to the very core
You can literally see the smell
Imagine being crushed by huge jackman.
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im actually shocked at how well this explains pajeets sacrificing themselves onto trains, its actually a deep cultural and civilizational memory?
Lmao, why is chadjeet beating you?
I too was wondering this
It's quite funny when you realize that they're not even being opportunistic but they genuinely think that they're welcome and loved by everyone. Like they actually think that you personally felt bad that your uber was 2 minutes late and that you'd welcome a hard working dravidian animal with open hands. To say that you disliked them preemptively or that you find their culture repulsive is unthinkable. It actually is literally unthinkable to them. They will go through hours of arguments to accuse you of being a paki shill, and then a chink shill, and then a white IT worker who got fired for not being hard working enough, and this goes on and on until they admit that it was really just themselves that were the problem, which never happens because they're physically incapable of self-critique.

This level of ignorance and deficit of self-awareness is the human version of the mirror test. The majority of the animals see their reflection in the mirror and fail to actually see anything. Some see another animal that cannot possibly ever be them because the perception of the self is distorted or lacking. That, but about societal norms and appearance and behavior, applies to the majority of jeets. You can take a video of them being jeets and show it to them and it's like putting a mirror in front of your pet - zero affect. It's like they cannot grasp what the image represents and that it is an insult to their own concept of a self, but since the self is lacking then so is the insult. There is no ego where there isn't a self. And since jeets lack this ego, they lack the shame that normal people have, and the inability to feel shame makes them act like this and not see anything wrong in it. To assign wrongness to it, i.e to criticize and mock their culture, is literally beyond their mental span. Their brain cannot compute such a turn of events. So therefor, you're a paki shill who's trying to distort India's beautiful image.
> the year is 2042
> Indians are the majority in every country on Earth, especially Canada
> thanks to global warming change, Canada can sustain 2 billion Indians
> the capitol is now New New Delhi (formerly known as Thunder Bay) after sanitation issues made Ottawa unlivable
> Canada proudly owns the largest statue in the world
> a golden statue of Justin Trudeau with an elephant tusk and moving arms
> it wields two hockey sticks
> every month thousands of Canadians gather near the statue for a ritual festival
> those who are lucky, get to be smashed to red paste as the hockey stick swings down
> diversity is strength
I have my doubts people are going to get much farther. In every field, there's a dead end or some singularity moment. Nothing fresh on the horizon. Anything good has been done. Some aspects of civilization so damaged there's little chance of reversal. Sign of the Apocalypse.
It's an entire nation of manchildren. They never grow out of adolescence.
the year is 2042
> Indians are the majority in every country on Earth, especially Canada
>white incel losers extinct
>all problems solved

Lmao, so true
That’s fascinating and bizarre. I had no idea. Thanks anon.
He's a big guy
is this real?
these niggers sound buck broken.
>complains about incels
>in a thread full of anons laughing at dumb capeshit
Are you retarded?
I'm not reading the comments in a white incel loser thread...lmao
What movie?
I want to mag dump Indians with an AR-15
Deep, eloquent, and pajeetpilled.
get off this fucking board shitjeet faggot, not even sure how your monkey nigger brain figured out how to type
I’m the juggernaut bitch.
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Hello sarrs, have you heard of vince mcmahon ji? Vince mcmahon is being one greatest avatar, you are seeing we are having the story telling about vince mcmahon ji making the fighting in great battling calling elimination chamber. Vince mcmahon jee made fighting for intercowshitental titleing belt. He is making fighting against demon hornswoggle (bloody basterd bitch) great vince mcmahon jee is fighting handicap match horsnwoggle be making the team with stone coldy shitstain. This is being great battle sarr please sar believing me. Vince mcmahon jee is great avatar he fight alone other avatar like shiva too busy making the raping in the forrest and sun god busy raping rikishi.
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>and The Juggernaut
I'll be honest I kek'd pretty gud
What makes you think /pol/ is all that white too?
You are retarded, aren't you?
Thanks for this, it explains the train deaths
Deadpool & Wolverine opening in cinemas today!
Shitjeet who comments anti-white garbage in every thread because his superiors live RENT FREE in his monkey brain.
Because you don't type ebonics, pol is almost 100% white except for negroids and spics posting for the usa government
KYS Indian scum, didn't read
Lmao the jew is seething
>suicide attempt under the wheels of Sri Jagannath's Chariot to attain Moksha was a widely popular belief right from 13th Century
My God it's real.
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Looks like we need to build a giant mech and send it to India, boys
You sound indian
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I think so. Reminds me of an explanation for puppy pregnancy syndrome. It's a culture bound disorder unique to India where people believe they can be lethally impregnated by dog bites. The best take I've seen is that they misremembered the English rabies treatment (14 injections in the abdomen called "the 14 dogs" by natives) and over time developed a whole new psychosomatic illness.
>no deadly fireworks explosions
>nobody run over by train
>nobody shitting right where he stands
Not India.
hes a big guy
Says the jeetnigger whose country is filled to the brim with hundreds of millions of shit-eating rapist incels that will NEVER breed
>The death pajeet slowly coming in frame while reading you comment

Perfect, i thought this place couldn't get funnier
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Djagghernaath's chariot is forty-five feet in total height; that of Bala-Rama, forty-four; and that of Sita, forty-two. The weight of this whole thing is incalculable, and it takes thousands of people to drag it. Also, with a view to this, on all sides of the enormous drawbar hang straps, chains, ropes, to which anyone who wishes can harness themselves.To hysterical annihilation, to obnubilation, to hypnosis a little longer conscious, to nirvana, that is to say to absorption by neurosis, goes definitive nirvana will be succeeded by death, and scenes of nameless savagery will unfold, a destructive hystero-catalepsy, a somnambulia-suicide will end the crisis and be the period of the end.
[3:30 PM]
Look. Some cling by their shoulders to the iron hooks with which the rims of the wheels are adorned; They will, at each turn, shatter arms and legs, and they will die in three or four evolutions, without having regained consciousness and in an unconscious delirium. The others will do better: individually at first, and one after the other, here they are first who will be crushed, but with refinements. This one lies down on the wheel arch, engaging only the head; crack! the wheel passes, it's done. This other lies all along, face down, feet pointing towards the chariot, but in such a way that only half of his body is crushed. This other finally, standing, waits for the wheel which he sees coming straight ahead; she topples him, and once again, crack! one turn, it's over; a few human shreds still rise in a circle on the other side, with the rim to which they are stuck, then disappear without leaving any more traces; suddenly, the sand pumped the blood, and of the pulverized body of the man, behind it, nothing remained but a red furrow in the ground, of which it is the natural color which merges with the blood.
Le Diable au XIXe siècle,Dr Bataille,page 680
he word “juggernaut” comes from the Sanskrit term “Jagannatha” which means “Lord of the World.” It denotes the form of Krishna as he is worshipped in Puri, Orissa, where during the annual festival the image of this avatar of Lord Vishnu is carried through the streets on a lumbering chariot called a “rath.”
During this time the three deities of Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra are taken out in a grand procession in specially crafted gigantic temple-like cars that are pulled by thousands of devotees. To imagine such a vehicle inspires awe. The chariot at the temple of Thiruvarur in South India, for instance, is one of the biggest in Asia. At 96 feet tall, it weighs more than 300 tons. This grand floating temple is finished with intricate wooden carvings and massive wheels. The chariot steering Thyagarajaswamy, another aspect of Shiva, is pulled by a minimum of ten thousand people to move the chariot through the four streets hugging the temple at festival time.
When the British first watched the spectacle of the Rath Yatra in Orissa in the 18th century, they wrote up descriptions that then gave rise to the term juggernaut, meaning “destructive force.” The accidental deaths of some devotees under the chariot wheels caused by the crowd and commotion is still an occurrence at temple chariot processions around the country; children are often victims under the ominous turn of the wheel. The figurative sense of the English word later began to embrace the evil or the sense of “something that demands blind devotion or merciless sacrifice.” Thus, today, the word sometimes alludes to a large rumbling machine, or a grassroots organization, or a political movement in which people work as a unit to make it function. It’s easy to see why the term often has a negative connotation.
>My 90-year-old father once told me how, when he was young, he was always haunted by the fear of dying under the majestic wheels of a village temple’s chariot. He was not a risk-taker and so he would never get close to the chariot. Other uncles of mine often talked about the magnificence of the yearly chariot festivals when they were growing up in the village of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On the day the deity was herded around the village in a procession pressed by hundreds of people, the children of the village were cautioned about the dangers of a stampede. They could be crushed under the mighty carved wheels. No one would know until you had been chewed by the spokes on god’s whirring wheels.
"As soon as the doors of the temple opened suddenly, as if this purely psychological moment were a real and tangible signal, immediately, I say, a formidable auto-suggestion gripped the crowd. Instantly, catalepsy is followed by somnambulism. Instantly, catalepsy is followed by somnambulism. In an enormous surge, like a gigantic swell coming from the pole across the oceans to the bottom of the Gulf of India, the immense crowd of pilgrims burst into the interior. A push of a million men!... Nothing resists, the stone pillars crack, and like the fringed foam of the blade, the human foam of the front ranks comes to flatten and crash against them. Cries erupt, sinister, coming from chests that burst in a supreme gasp of agony. From sleepwalking to death, there was only one step forward for them; the stone corner of the sharp granite blocks entered, embedded itself in them, crushing their hearts; and in the push which continues stronger, the complete flattening of the corpse on the wall takes place. In a few shocks, the living man is nothing more than a corpse at first, then a shapeless mush, on which the man who follows comes crashing down in his turn. The blood spurts and cascades in droplets that splash on the walls, flow along the edges and bead at the corners. Life rushes towards death in a suffocation."

Le Diable au XIXe siècle ou les Mystères du spiritisme par le docteur Bataille
Can I suck those filthy toes clean before she does the needful?
india needs a proper tiananmen square, give the people what they want
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Are they worshipping them now?
This simulation is fucking crazy
Haha, so is this how you solve the pajeet problem? Just run a 24/7 juggernaut and pancake em all?
For you.
Measure once, cut twice
That explains why all the world's largest statues are in India.
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The more I read about India the more convinced I become that the British Empire was actual one of the largest international humanitarian aid initiatives in history.
We literally brought civilisation to the unwashed and untamed masses content to live in squalor and madness, much like Romans taming the barbarians of europe.
Some civilisations are superior to others, and ours used to be at the height of that.
so the belief in reincarnation is the reason india is so shitty. why care about anything in this life if they're gonna have another? also I think they believe having the shittiest life possible on earth is a guaranteed pass to reincarnation on a divine plane. it's baffling
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You've been grappling with your own demons for hundreds of years, and those demons infiltrated and poisoned your imperial efforts from the beginning.
Today i learned about The Juggernaut. Fuck... did i want to learn such knolwedge? I guess not. Do i feel sorry about it now? Absolutely not.
please kill yourself under the juggernaut wheels saar
>I'm the juggernaut bitch!
Yep. The only way the world begins to heal is ending the Rothshit bloodline, the Soros bloodline, and expelling and genociding the jewish alongside nuking pissreal.
It would be extremely blessed
I personally believe in it
its clear however that the reality of reincarnation must be hidden from the hylics lest they try to do inane shit as an 'afterlife hack' like this
That's just downtown Brampton Ontario on any given friday
Kek but you'll learn and speak and type the language of your oppressors. You'll goon over our women who will never lay a finger on you.
We stole 45 trillion from you writhing maggots. Now we are stealing billions more through our diploma mill "education" system.
The scammers getting scammed is the funniest thing of all
Lmao cuckjeets already seething. Go prep your jeeta wife's white bull, stupid brown faggots.
giantess is a jeet fetish, good to know
They worship Whites.
its your goddamn fault why there's a billion of pajeet and nigger
you just have to give them modern medicine you stupid cunt
Every time I read something about non-Western history, it makes me stop and marvel how we even managed to get this far.
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>I'm the juggernaut, bitch!

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