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no threads?
"Olympics" start today in Paris

>French high-speed rail 'sabotaged' before Olympic ceremony

>French rail company SNCF says 800,000 passengers have been affected by what the country's Prime Minister Gabriel Attal described as "acts of sabotage".
A series of fires caused the disruptions early on Friday morning, hours before the Paris Olympics opening ceremony.
>Several high-speed TGV lines have been hit to the west, north and east of the capital and SNCF has warned the disruption could last for days. Eurostar has also warned customers of longer journey times and cancellations.
>Nobody has claimed responsibility and Mr Attal said that security forces were searching for those responsible. The public prosecutor's office is also investigating.

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>Early this morning, acts of sabotage were carried out on SNCF facilities in a planned and coordinated manner.

>The consequences for the rail network are massive and serious.

>I would like to express my gratitude to our firefighters who have responded to the sites affected and to the SNCF staff who will be carrying out the necessary work to restore the network.

>I am thinking of all the French people, all the families, who were preparing to go on holiday. I share their anger and salute their patience, understanding and civic-mindedness.

>Our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies are mobilised to find and punish the perpetrators of these criminal acts.

>A series of fires
certainly there are cameras that would have caught someone intentionally setting fires
> Mossad

Muslim/russians or what’s most likely - Russian Muslims
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or allahniggers? pretty sure the kikes are busy having their cowardly asses kicked in gaza
Mossad is most likely though.
Oh no, not peaceful France.
>it be hilarious if it were a bunch of vatniks just spilling vodka on the tracks
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I wouldn’t put it past them, but theirs plenty of shitskins in France who’d like to cause as much chaos as possible
Obviously done by Hamas
hmm, I wonder who brought them there.
>i know who it is cause if its them it confirms my opinions of them
Muslims are the first and primary suspects whenever a terrorist attack occurs in Europe
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we all know who brought them!
let me guess, it was putin's secret islamic guard,
Why are you deflecting so hard ahmed?
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kys you filthy fuck
You're a useful idiot. You're deflected into blaming Jews instead of the real culprits for the Jihad being waged on your land.
nope, no threads. just action.
no no no
it's 'the russians'
trust the corrupt EU governments
why would they lie?
The jews brought them to the West and blamed the victims of Islamic terror attacks as Islamophobes through media.
If I were British I would also hate muslims with passion but I would hate the ones who conned you into accepting them even more.
it's not really surprising, anglos and jews have been scheming together for hundreds of years so it's only predictable you would try to shift blame to le totally organic ebil muslim jihadists.
Kike mods prob don't like al Jazera
Its a walkable city, who cares?
And who brought them to Europe to begin with? Maybe if other Jews stopped the nutters who did this or protested themselves, you wouldn't look this bad. They willingly ignored this threat because they thought "More Islam = Good"
i tried posting with different notation styles, it was something else but whatever.
kikes stink
Yes only Jews are to blame. They're definitely not just a minority part out of the larger leftist-socialist-Marxist movement bring nurtured in academia by Qatari funding to destabilize the West.
Honestly, I don’t see the big deal. The French are highly civilized and will show grace when it comes to these types of incidents.

If they were barbarians, we wouldn’t be having the Olympics in France anyways. We should be thankful that the French people are so well behaved.
ok now that shills and glownigger DEI brigade has been triggered, I think we can go back to the facts at hand
>olympics start today
>mossad / op. gladio sabotaged train lines, leaving approximately 800k passengers waiting, probably for days

now for the speculation
>what will mossad try to do while the opening ceremony is held?
It's either russians (40%), mossad (40%) or greens/commies (10%).
It was too coordinated so it must me a state actor, and only russia has a good reason (banned these games). But it could just as likely be jews, because whatever happens there's always a big chance they were behind it.
False flag another Munich for casus belli to nuke Iran and complete the genocide of Palestine
As long as nobody gets killed, it’s fair play. Frances foreign policy is atrocious. The French people deserve better.
see pic. >>475717200
My money is on the Russians. I also support the Russians lol.
you know, "jews" seem so hated all around the world already, I don't know why they would have to have an excuse always before they attack others. why not go ahead and attack Iran directly already?
>They willingly ignored this threat because they thought "More Islam = Good"
Quite the opposite, they willingly accepted this threat because they knew an authoritative culture from 2 digit IQ desert inbreds would clash with the Western liberal culture. By forcing the public opinion of arabs as peaceful people and compatible with the West, the cognitive dissonance between the native populations would cause hatred towards these invaders so when Israel started their genocide in the Middle East, no one would give a fuck about a bunch of sand dwellers being killed.
The problem is that the way they forced these Islamic idiots into the West was through West's colonialist guilt and white messianic complex, and by parasitically labeling themselves as whites for aggressive mimicry, they ended up with their own propagandized being against Israel because it's considered as a form of Western imperialism.
Remember that in jewish mysticism, their golems always end up turning against their masters. It's literally the only religion that actively goes against their own teachings it's hilarious.
So if the Russians prevented people from getting to Paris, they saved their lives. The Jews were going to blow something up, now theres less people in the way.
>no threads
france is trying desperately to keep the sad state of its failed nigger loving country secret from the public
also shills have been trying to push high speed rail on /pol/ for years, they can't go showing its glaring faults, now can they?
standard antifa shit.
happens often in germany
French foreign policy is hypocritical. If the Russians took a shit on them, it is fair play. As long as nobody gets hurt, it’s fair play.
I think you give state actors too much credit, in both the west and Russia the bureaucracy has been steadily eating the entire rest of the state apparatus alive. There is nothing managerial nepotists fear more than competent people and they've been promoting mediocrity at all levels. At this point a group of dedicated ragheads could probably do better than the fatass state goons.
Yes. The United States cannot commit to HSR because there are countless people who are prepared to sabotage it and there is a wide open border.

All you are doing is proving to liberals thar social goods cannot be administered properly in an ultra liberal system.
Again, as long as nobody gets hurt, fair play.

Russians win this round.
If the Russians were smart they'd attack the United States and blame some Sunni ragheads or make it look like some spics had a little too much fun. But thats rather big IF.
Because if any of you admit that its okay to kill, then we all know that the right thing to do is to kill niggers.
It's not ragheads jew. Ragheads attack people not infrastructure.
All the people saying it's the Russians makes me think it's the jews
Epstein teaches us about that topic
this was one of my ideas too but I wanted to get the (you)s
It's the romanians, they stole copper cable, again, that's what they call "russian sabotage".
if france didn't support israel in their genocide of palestinians, muslims wouldn't have any reason to target them. either way, israel is responsible.
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whoa guys we got another one.
why do they hate olympics?
>It totally wasn't the muslims! We din du! We din du!
We shall celebrate the day that that is finally true.

But most likely just islamic malcontents possibly sponsored by France's enemies.
(Russia seems likely, even if it is not Russia's fault they have become enemies)
And how did France support our genocide exactly?
sending weapons, sending their navy to deter any counterattacks against israel that could stop the genocide, constant political support in the international stage. what more do you want?
Wow the Spanish really are just retarded. Maybe you should become a Moor cuck again.
show nose meme flag faggot
Leftist threatened to do this for a while now, because macron does not obey them.
Now it's done.
they should have walkable cities instead of climate destroying railways.
russians did it. jewtin's seething about France
>jewtin's seething about France
Could be anyone honestly
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photo of burned cables posted on swiss news site 20min.ch

Reports cited high coordination, probably had masked people spraypainting the cameras. It's got artifacts written all over it but probably with a bunch of Muslims this time around
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oh, I know artifacts!
Operation Gladio was the codename for clandestine "stay-behind" operations of armed resistance that were organized by the Western Union (WU) (founded in 1948), and subsequently by NATO (formed in 1949) and by the CIA (established in 1947),[1][2] in collaboration with several European intelligence agencies during the Cold War.[3] Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, Operation Gladio is used as an informal name for all of them. Stay-behind operations were prepared in many NATO member countries, and in some neutral countries.[4]
Ukraine and Africa
Nafo trannies never make sense, they'll blame anything on Russia. Ignore them, they're a joke
Hi Rabbi, how is he deflecting? Jews did this 100%.
>It's either russians (40%), mossad (40%) or greens/commies (10%).
so jews 100%
You are aware that France is providing aid to Ukraine, correct? You are aware that France and Russia are in proxy battles across the Sahel Savanna (The Coup Belt) in Africa, right?
Why don't they just take their car instead?
who the fuck runs cables in le scenic gutter?
Put them on poles or properly bury them in pipes.
Some bored cow could cripple this network.
have you ever seen french cars?
... so?
They are the plurality where it matters you filthy kike: banking, government, entertainment and media.
Also most of the pro-unchecked immigration NGO's.
They are also in religious Christian institutions.
Fuck off and die.
I hate Islam as well but they are YOUR rabid dogs that you unleashed on the Whites.
Because the highways are already chock full of people going to vacation. Also, some people in France don't have cars. If you live in the city there's really not much of a reason to have one
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>j-just learn how to be multicultural, you filthy goyim

Russians doing Russian things. They really are the worst people.
I see you are playing the usual card of pretending to be a retard. Ever since Macron announced that France had "no limits" in regards to stopping Russian imperialism, Russia has been extremely butthurt and decupled active measures against France whereas we were mostly spared before. Only a retard or a liar will claim not to see it
>a plurality
Interesting way to say minority
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so russia has saboteurs across Europe that are trying to fuck up vital infrastructure to the war effort, particularly arms manufacturing facilities. Russian glowies were caught trying to assassinate the CEO of Rheinmetall last week.
Very good post anon.
I would like to add that the Whites are waking up. The hate of the kikes is still not big enough but when it reaches 30% of the population (and that may happen very quickly) it will be over.
What the EU did to "sanitize and cordon" the populist right in their joke of a parliament will just make the normies hate them even more.
The fire is rising. I had hoped, for years that there is some peaceful solution while telling people there isn't because that's where my thinking led me, but now I have no hope in a peaceful solution.
We are all ruled by midwits surrounded by morons and by "ruled" I mean the "elected" officials and their puppet masters.
Kikes suffer from the competency crisis as well. They got lazy becatheir guilt based grift worked for generations and thus they are lashing out right now because they have nothing to counter the anti-kike points of view.
The only play they have left is naked force. No more possibilities to counter the people aka the public opinion because the anti-kike sentiment is reaching levels unseen after the WWII.
It's all going to crash on them.
And I don't want the violence that follows but I don't see any other chance for us to free ourselves of this meanace.
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>Mossad / Gladio terror attack in France
Palestinian Olympic threat video fake of possible Russian origin: sources, experts

Paris (AFP) – A video that has been widely shared on social media showing a purported Palestinian militant threatening attacks on France during the Olympic Games in Paris is a fake and could be of Russian origin, security sources and experts said on Thursday.
>major powerlines supporting the national rail network
>hidden under a decaying slab of concrete
what did they expect?
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>could be
>experts said
come on...
30% of the population being anti-your filthy tribe is a game over kike.
It is a plurality that matters.
3% of the fighting population and 30% of materially supporting population and no Regime survives, you live.
The majority never, ever mattered in the history of the human kind (and by this I mean the White people) it was always a determined and organized plurality you fucking midwit.
How can they live with themselves?
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Governments are comprised of a minority of the people they lead but they have the most sway in decision making. So it is with jews being at the head of leftist-socialist-marxist movements and NGOs. We see through your pilpul.
thanks, I'll have to look into it a little better
Why would anyone terrorise the Olympic Games, they have no cultural relevance, nobody cares about them? Euro 2024 was a much more significant event.
Kikes are trying to deflect the blame. We know they will institute the FF everywhere they can.
Why? Well, because they are about to change guards in the US and the new MIGA emperor is to be selected.
The same MIGA emperor that's against Iran and no longer talks about no-war. He and his VP are firmly pro-war with Iran ffs.
So they will play the only card they have left: naked violence ie the FF that will be blamed on Iranias, Palestinians ot any Iran aligned country.
Then they will attack Iran.
Or at least that's the Plan. In reality no war can be won when the majority of the population is against it.
They are talking about the draft in the West.
European Regime will have a bit easier time either it and Ukraine showed us all how can this be done.
But here is will be much more tricky because the population is armed.
We can expect small "batrles" that are kinetic, here that are going to be put down brutally. But that's when the planning for a true Revolution starts.
I'm unsure how it will go in Europe but I'm sure the population won't be completely duped there as well.
Especially when the draft gets enacted.
Rolling for bomb of peace and multiple casualties on the zoglympics
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I'm just not gonna die for the jews in Iran or Ukraine.
I don't care about their silly psyops and false flags.
Sorry, I'm not gonna do it...

[spoiler]I hope my draft officer is a cute girl.... haha wouldn't that be funny.[/spoiler]
Because it's a possible FF.
UT will be a definite FF is they find some "Iran backed terrorist" that did it.
Also I would like to think it's real and it's because of the tranny menace but that's 100% not the case.
Yea look up also how they were involved in the "anni di piombo" here, and also Gladio-B for recent times
>Arson attack on power infrastructure
Muslims would have just blown up the trains so I'm betting on leftoids like that arson attack on the Tesla factory in Germany.
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And here it is
very based
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fucking lmao
That's the plot of Sicario: Day of the Soldado
except it was just rag heads no russians involved
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didnt read that.
Heavy lifting is for America.
These scum want to attack Lebanon as well.
In 1948 they chose to take over land completely surrounded by people who despise them.
They’re hubris via “God’s chosen” is infinite.
>Heavy lifting is for America.
obviously, this is why they need the false flag.
I think those concrete slabs were originally on top.
But yeah its stupid. You cant do stuff like that in a multicultural society. Everything has to be locked up behind thick steel.
In a POTUS election year, there’s no telling what could happen.
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Right on time.
Your tribe will be wiped from the face of the earth.
Holy shit anon, that is some heavy shit I never knew much about. Thanks. Going read about this over the weekend.
Blairs government rejected like 80% of asylum applications, the previous tory governments accepted around 80% by just rubber stamping everything to deal with backlog
At this point I imagine olympians complaining that the olympics are too liberal and that france is africa.
>are Iranians in the room with you right now?

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