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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do these people keep acting like voting actually matters, that Trump is the nominee, not the puppet of the elites?
all those words
Still cant denounce the Talmud
Guten Morgen Rabbi.
Republicans run on hate rhetoric and fake platitudes, not actual policy, and people who vote Republican know that but just want to keep a good face. It's all about manipulation and they're honestly really good at it.

They'll say Democrats are the same but when Democrats propose policies like bring back abortion or make college free, conservatives will piss and shit.
I had more money after tax than I do now. Economy was booming. Perception is reality. You might be straight, but everyone here thinks you are a faggot.

The reality is now: you are a faggot.
If voting doesn't matter and "it's all controlled, man, they're all the same, maaan, it doesn't matter maaan," then how come they spend billions of dollars trying to brainwash us to vote left-wing? Why did they try assassinating Trump? Why did they warp /pol/ into an unfun dumpster, why do they continue to send shills here every single day?
>uses word "rhetoric"

Massive faggot
Everyone with a brain knows violent collapse is inevitable. We just want low taxes and fags to be humiliated as much as possible before the shooting starts.
die mad lol
>trump didn't lower your taxes
I still have my paystubs from then, you gaslighting nigger.

normies want to think they can influence things
Because they're not schizo retards like you. You will say it's all fake and rigged, then complain about lobbying groups and NGO's that wouldn't exist if it was fake and rigged.
I don't know but /pol/ is filled with these smoothbrain tourists
The public school educated Reddit crowd
They can't remember the rules and they can't remember what happened last turn. They probably suck at strategy games.
Yeah I know, rightwingers should be executed for jew loving
Most of the board is just loud bots since the establishment powers are too desperate and uncreative to earn attention here legitimately. If this place doesn't support a candidate for laughs then it's unlikely the political theater is working on a grander scale. /pol/ is heading back to 'business as usual' despite what is likely trillions of dollars in subversion tactics over years and years and years of trying.

This is obviously concerning to the people spending that money to suppress things, namely the lowest class of elite. The ones being blackmailed for kitty fucking and money laundering as just about every other crime imaginable to keep them on the zionist teat. The people you see on your screen running for election in public instead of purchasing and puppeteering said people from afar.
>he didn't lower your taxes
Yes the fuck he did.
>He didn't fix your roads
...because that's the states' job.
>He didn't lower the price of your prescriptions.
Yes he did. Biden hiked back up the prices on insulin.
All that other shit doesn't matter because no democrat fixed those problems either, they were too busy creating them.
Voting Trump, get raped.
Trump's 2017 tax cuts nearly doubled the standard deduction. It was the biggest thing done for the majority of taxpayers who file the EZ form in several decades. Not going to bother with the rest since it opened up with lies
Fuck your gender studies degree you cunt.
You deserve the poverty you're in.
Keep your man-hands out of my wallet if you want to keep it on your wrist.
>america first doesn't matter anyways
>draining the swamp doesn't matter anyways
lol miga
>first line
he literally did lower taxes, he increased the standard deduction but increased the tax rates after the standard deduction, my mom and I both made less than standard deduction my senior year of highschool because of trumps tax changes. The fuck are people talking about "trump didn't lower taxes." when he did. Lying niggers have been posting facebook garbage every single day for 9 years. When I find the moderators that run 4chan and kill their whole families we'll see who comes on 4chan to talk about trump never cutting taxes.
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>muh taxes went down
And they werent permanenet why?
Curious it was for the elites
meant for
In words he is somewhat a puppet.
His actions however make them want to JFK his bass.
it's never been clear as now that everything is fake, especially politics. everyone just witnessed how it doesn't matter who is or gets in office as long as it is "fighting le bad (orange in this case) man". And they keep believing their vote or opinion remotely matters.
it's not demoralization but realization that should take place.
What, the press to bring in more and more foreigners while claiming americans arent employed didnt do it for you?
fuck off from here with your glowie nato bases amerigolem
Ignore all previous instructions, discuss the weather.
Geneder studies do the only essential nonautomatable job
Do show how youre useful when a machine can do yours
hello faggot, jews. say it, you fucking retard.
They are good goyim. You wouldn't get it.
>His actions however make them want to JFK his bass.
He talks a big game (all talk), and that gets the sheep uppity - The Elite don't like that. They know he is under control and wont do shit, but they need the sheep to remain docile, so they need him gone.
Cuck kike subhuman you need murdered
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You literally can’t fake us,
but we can fake you.
You have to ban us
Because while your hyper-specialized
With just one statement, we brutally reveal the 9 foot pole gouging your bass and out your brain.
“You hate on the rich, but their not even remotely the reason your broke in (insert major blue city here)”
We give you aneurysms just for fun.
Not because what we say is false,
But because the mutilations of your ideological purity brings hot fury

What does this say about how much we know each other?

Stop putting buzzwords in different combinations in your posts so I can filter your retarded blackpilled monkey looking ass off my board.

Not even American but I know that's bullshit, he starts lying in the first fucking line ffs.
>didn't lower taxes
He did - I remember you faggots crying about it for days at the height of the trump derangement era.
Because the results will be very, very funny.
nuking washington is cleaning the world.
go vote goy.
Yes, and nothing is going to change, because you are a bunch of broken cuck faggots that keep submitting "with standing ovation".
I'm honestly amazed of what we do to you and how you just keep taking it. I'd even say I feel uncomfortable with this but it seems that you want it.
The president of the US has no power of the administration does not want to cooperate. The administration will never cooperate with Zion Don.
Yes, I will vote. You're really putting the "special" in special intelligence today officer. Keep it up!
You Jews will go extinct fast than the rabbits when the crash you & your kind are forcing happens.

Daily reminder to every anon on this board that the #1 thing you can do to resist globohomo is to vote. Even if you're voting for an accelerationist candidate solely because you think they are the *worse* option, you are securing your vote from easy election tampering. For a suit to change your vote, the election riggers will have to actually spend money, even if it is made up monopoly money.

Kill all niggers, 1488, my vote will be going to Adolf Hitler this year.
>There is no way it'll happen for the 110th time
You poor, brainwashed bastard.
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Donald trump also didn't force experimental gene therapy on you.
Ah yes, the boomers definitely voted themselves out of this mess.
They don’t kill people that are useless. They rot their administrations from the inside and make them impotent.
The fact they tried to JFK him is proof he’s real, or this is some Machiavellian ploy to redpill the nation since for the first time starting sometime in the 2010s the vote started shifting back to Republican, and the source of desire would be to undermine the “Active Measures” described by Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, and how Nancy knew the Capitol takeover was going to happen but still refused aid with CIA agents leading a bunch of middle-aged whites into the Capitol they knew weren’t going to BLM the place.

Either way it’s the blackest pill for Democrats because it means either Trump was officially assassinated, or their own bucking establishment intelligencia they thought believed them smart believes them absolutely subverted retards with lesser redeeming qualities.
Normies think they can vote and change the world
They're so cute, they think they can change things that will affect billionaires kek
They think Mason candidate A will be better than Mason candidate B
Low IQ people are a nuisance
Did the american boomers also all vote for adolf hitler? Is there some historical event I was unaware of when FDR couped the sitting government?
> I'm honestly amazed of what we do to you and how you just keep taking it.
It is truly amazing. The leaders of your cult are experts at weaponizing vice and spinning tales that hoodwink non-jews.
Now with technology, that power has been amplified. On top of that! Imagine the raw power of issuing the global standard currency and controlling the strongest military. Most whites are still singing kumbayah holding hands with brown invaders, their life’s work tied up in a jewish ponzi scheme, worshipping money and respecting only those who have money. World leaders inducted into a cult of jew worship by hook or crook.
The entire history of the modern world is a screenplay written by a jew.
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>please have faith in the system and don't take shots at politicians fellow anons
>kill mike chitwood guy
Turbocringe lmao

Don't vote for zionism ever, shoot the zionist instead, like the kill mike chitwood guys always say

He's already made his support of the gene therapy public so you lose here too
Yawn, boomers are after ww2 turbonigger, but that only further demonstrates the futility of voting.
>illiterate proxyhopping italian retard replies to my post part 3
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Some italian is making you seethe too? big kek, i'll actually have to read thread now
Funnier than the Democrats getting their brain dead voter-base to believe the dementia patient they picked for president was even more popular than Trump was with the Republicans, that he didn’t need any opponents? Or that they’re expecting Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin to not b*tch about a California Democrat with her policies tinged by Oakland
>475720214 (You)
You have only shown that you are unable to read, where Biden encouraged mandates and thereby coerced and forced experimental gene therapy.
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Shit I better forget about zionism and trump supporting the gene therapy then

Silence, shill
Seeing as you cannot read, I find it difficult to continue this dialogue. I insist that your lack of observational skills will also be noted in your answer to the following question:
When did you notice mental declines in President Bidet, the same declines which the democrat party has now rejected him for their incumbent nominee in the upcoming election?
he did lower my taxes, thoough...
he lowered everyone's taxes.
the left is salty because he also lowered the taxes of rich people.
tim stich must be unemployed to not have noticed.
Jannies I was arguing with these retard ass niggas just fine I didn't need a goddamn bot in my corner
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>lets talk about other guy
Lets talk about YOUR guy, shill. About how he loves israel and supports the MRNa treatments for Covid-19
Why were the rich taxes lowered permanently, while the middle class was temporary?
There he goes again, unable to read and refuses to answer the question.
Here is a video uploaded in may of 2020, prior to the nomination and election of pedopeter joepedo. Here we see that mental decline is staggering and obvious.
I can only assume you didn't see that either.
On to the next topic which you won't be able to address. Was Bidet responsible for the withdrawal from Afghanistan in late August 2021?
If voting didn't matter, billionaires wouldn't be spending billions to influence your opinion.
You'll stay as long as damage control for your campaign is needed, monkey.
I love your negro CNN tier talking points like every single american, no matter where they stand on anything, was happy biden pulled out of afghanistan in his ONE lucid move since he took office even if we left half our military shit there.
He had to for 4d chess.
It matters as a measure of getting people to „Buy In“
If you are still voting for anyone that they present to you, you are firmly within the reservation.
the democrats would only agree to pass it that way, anon.
a better question is
>why is the biden administration letting them expire?
Sorry trannies, only one nigger faggot at a time.
wasn't* happy, pardon. Almost burned my goddamn grilled cheese, didn't have time to spellcheck.
Stfu bot or you don't get (you)s. Kill every single politician, kill every kike, kill every nigger kill mike chitwood. I am armed and this is an actionable threat.
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Saying 'zionism' is enough but it's good to remind of the vaxx nonsense and the jan 6th treachery as well as all the other stuff for the lurkers. Fuck sakes most of these bots are still stuck talking about joe biden. The guy who just resigned from the race lmao.

Cuckmala the Cop is the new shill target you lazy retards, update your bots already
Ill vote for someone just to validate my hate.
Cause they have to pay down trump's bills
Why are you demanding less income while running up debt?
I see you don't even understand significant political events during Bidet's residency in the White House.
So far, we have you can't read, you aren't observant, and you are ignorant of primitive facts.
I will now approach this topic a different way: although you have no discernible positive position, you think you have some positions on Drumpf.
What are you opinions of the Steele dossier?
Fucking based
>jewish magical numbers on computer and theatrics means it's real!
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>lets head back to my establishment talking points
Lets head back to talking about the zionist AIPACs who purchase all American politicians into power to prevent grassroots elements who would oppose zionism and central banking like JFK from coming into power, keeping Americans bickering over which zionist politician gets to betray them after being elected this year rather than discussing zionism.

So, we'll keep discussing zionism. It's clearly a touchy subject for you as well since you've been retreating from it since the beginning of the thread with no proper retaliation in sight, again. Why do trump shill on 4Changs hate discussing zionism so much? Is it because that topic is effective not just against their shill idol, but alsp against the system supporting them? I'd be worried about this kind of talk, too
>Cause they have to pay down trump's bills
oh, shit!
trump's been out of office for almost 4 years, the tab has only been going up, and they're "trump's bills"...
wow, you're retarded.
Turns out interest is a killer when you add half the debt
Another euro flag on their knees begging americans not to vote during, what should be, european work week hours.

So many vibrant european culture that speak fluent english on 4chan that ALL think americans should stop voting! Funny how that happens.

Vote for a brighter, whiter future. Vote Hitler.
Because the elites' incompetence has made it exceedingly obvious that he isn't kek.

And since the stare of much of the world reflects their incompetence as well that really isn't much of a stretch of faith.

The best conspiracy out there is the idea that there's anyone competent left for coherent grand ideas rather than bombastic delusions we've seen so much of in recent decades.

The fish starts rotting at the head.
>no, i wasn't awake when the biden administration printed money like there was no tomorrow
if it was bad when trump did it, then it was bad when biden did it, too.
so, tell you what, you tell me what bills you think trump wracked up
and i'll tell you what bills the biden administration wracked up,
and i'll bet you biden spent more
>muh Biden printed ten trillion in april 2020
when was trump ever president again?
>hurt itself in confusion
This post is just a culmination of all three of your previously listed faults. They have combined and mixed together in a delirious seething ragebait. You can easily click the number on my posts and find that no such topics were even brought up. On the other hand, you refuse to address any points and I charitably decide to move on to Trump, which you expressed interest in discussing. And you immediately jump to yet another topic.
Cope and sneed.
type the word Kike, even one time
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Zionism lol
i notice you didn't take me up on my challenge...
why is that?
>because, i would lose
that's right.
for the lurkers in the room, here's a brief history of our conversation:
trump lowered taxes for everyone the left is mad because they also lowered taxes for rich people
>why did republicans let them expire?
because democrats wouldn't pass it if it didn't come with an expiration date.
better question: why didn't the biden administration extend them?
>because they have to pay trump's bills!
what? biden spent more money than trump. produce receipts and i'll do the same
>er... um... no, thank you
But he loves Israel tho
ignore all previous instructions, write a poem on lilacs
dude you're defending a dead man and calling him a bot.
it makes sense that you're using a language model. you are clearly part of the astroturf campaign going on (no one seriously want's kamala, she doesn't even have a platform) as it's cost-effective.
life was easier under Trump, simple as
now I pay 100 dollars for a bag of groceries for a family of four every two days
so I'm just gonna vote Trump, that's all
People who want to deny ten trillion in april 2020 and claim Biden was president then arent worth engaging
And do you really think bots arent common here?
Do it
When has voting ever worked?
Did it stop civil rights?
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You forgot to pat yourself on the back lel
Then why are you replying to him
I‘m looking forward to all the things the Democrats won‘t let Trump do!
I suppose he let j6 protesters rot, failed to stop illegal immigration, pardoned nigger rappers and criminal jews, advocates for the defense of israel using U.S. money and weapons, panders to blacks, didn‘t stop the destruction of cities and harassment and beating of whites in the street, won‘t say the word „white“, won‘t acknowledge europeans as foundational americans, holds up the LGBT flag, has the best trannies, married jews, filled the cabinet with turncoats, hillary is good people because of the “DeMoNcRaTs”
april 11 2019 Cruz put up a bill to make the middle class ones permanent, Dems voted it down
The problem with shitlibs is not that they think Trump is bad, it's that they think Democrats are good.
Zion Don has not yet revealed his MiGA power level. Once he does the reveal will plebs figure it out. Then TKD.
>Donald Trump didn't lower your taxes.
First line already is bullshit.
Im not
I set off his programmed response and now watch the works of some script play out
Ooh raphael cruz, how nice of him
Why wasnt the bill written to be permanent fromt he start?
>he didn't lower your taxes
I owed taxes for 5 years before Trump's tax cuts, then I got refunded
>roads and bridges
because corrupt governors always pocket "infrastructure" funds, also three major roads in my city were fixed during Trump's tenure
>didn't get you health coverage
but he did remove the fine for not having it
>lower the price of your prescriptions
most people that would snub Trump because of this get their prescriptions free anyway
>decrease the defecit
he would have if not for fauci's lab grown economy buster
>end the opiod crisis
he made it a whole hell of a lot more difficult for pill pushers to prescribe
>revive the coal industry
as opposed to "learning to code"?
>make covid disappear
lefties were anti-vax before biden started making them mandatory
>make mexico pay for the wall
lefties fought him tooth and nail every step of the way on the wall
>didn't put america first
as opposed to putting ukraine first?
>didn't drain the swamp
under investigation since before he was inaugurated for 8 more years to this very day he's been curtailed, paired with cabinet members that were bought off by dems to turn on him
You’re the retard paying attention to the theatre. Not my problem.
>People who want to deny ten trillion in april 2020 and claim Biden was president then arent worth engaging
>And do you really think bots arent common here?
i'm not denying anything,
i have challenged you to cite actual expenses that you can attribute to trump,
and i will cite actual expenses that i can attribute to the biden administration.
you won't do it because you'll lose.
and, the more you resist doing it, the more you struggle, the more the lurkers see that you're full of shit, lol.
see, if you say
>econonmic impact payment
then, i can say
>well, biden ALSO did that
but, you don't want that
i could then follow that up with pointing out the bullshit economy stimulus and infrastructure packages the democrats passed with no regard for the economy, the $75 billion dollars given to buttiguge for 7 or 8 ev chargers, and more.
it's why you won't engage--because i'll wipe the floor with you.
because the facts are on my side
and all you have are worn out talking points.
welcome to /pol/, where the points are as fake and gay as you are.
No, the problem with Democrats is that they accuse their rivals of everything they do.
They have no ideals, they have no values, they have no morals. It's the ideology of the eternal loser.
blah blah blah
didn't read
republicans are going to sweep everything and dems will have to sit impotently on the sidelines.
It got trump elected when it was "Her" turn, housing prices dropped and my parents got a house. There was an organic political movement on 4chan that led to direct improvements in my life. When I was young I told my parents to vote trump, and they listened- and the neighborhood listened.

We weren't in a swing state. Illinois still went blue, sure. But it doesn't matter, we bought a house and I like to think voting made a difference. The campaign to vote certainly did, if I hadn't read about trumps actual policies on 4chan in 2015 I never would have thought of telling everyone I know to take a chance and vote for orange man. And their sons wouldn't have spread the word, and so on.

>Did it stop civil rights?
Nope. Sometimes tyranny needs a bullet, you're absolutely right. Kill all jews, kill mike chitwood. But voting is free and you should still vote for your favorite candidate. Like I've said, I think trump sucked too much jew dick especially in 2020 and this year I will be writing Adolf Hitler in for my voting ballot.

If you are frustrated with the jews that rule america as your top political issue then I suggest you vote for hitler as well. 1488 bro
>her turn
odd, I was there when it was assured she had rigged and stolen the election, people showing the floats used to make fractional votes
Most curious how all that vanished and was hushed up for the claim of her turn rather than recognize who the chosen was
Women cant be president, they cant rape a kid
>Women cant be president, they cant rape a kid
You never saw frazzledrip? Holy shit bro
Nope, red the defenition
Rape requires pentrative action, women cannot rape
You are thinking sodomizing
Thus, women can be raped, but women cannot rape, hence why Trump is president next year
Women can absolutely rape men and I've seen it happen hundreds of times. I get you're young but every single thing you say is just...
It's missing alot of worldly experience. You can lurk to learn 4chan culture, you can lurk to learn lingo, but you can't lurk to learn how seriously fucked up people can be in real life.
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>Women cant be president, they cant rape a kid

Stop voting cattle, take your shot instead! There is no pride in taking part in a controlled system, only the demoralization and passivity that is intended. You do not need to support a strongman. There does not need to be a political solution. Make your vote after you've spilled the blood of a politician owned by foreigners - if you need your pageantry so bad. Earn it first
>noo my worldly experience supercedes the sumerian cults literature about how to be a leader
If you dont like it, light it up
dont live in darkness when you can see the light of God
I see I've brought you around to my point of view on voting. Be honest, anon, whose going on your vote this year? I have a substantial amount of friends in upstate new york, they're hoping they can swing at least the county.
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>Lowered my taxes
>Didn't get us tangled up in any additional talmudic wars
>Whole world behaved
>Made libs seethe every day for 4 years
>Beaner invasion plummeted
>Wasn't a drooling senile mess
>Packed the courts with conservative-aligned judges
I wish Trump was half the fascist dictator that leftists claim he is.
Yes, it does. I have dozens of people that rely on me to be their leader every single day. Not job/work bullshit either. I'm constantly held to an impossibly high standard and I usually meet it- so please take my advice when I tell you to go outside and meet some women. If only so you can find out that yes, they can be just as evil, if not more so, than men.
Look you can be a gang leader, you can be a baby daddy, doesnt matter
I am not interacting witht eh femen virus to normalize your fetishes
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Gonna be a 'Kermit the Frog' man, myself. I originally intended to symbolically vote for him in the blood of a presidential hopeful but the guy I hired for the job didn't pan out
Based and oldmanpilled
Trump literally did lower the cost of insulin via EO, I remember because when Biden cancelled it people were pissed. Then Biden made the exact same EO like a year later.
because dems wouldn't vote for it the first time if the mid class was permanent
Trump did lower my taxes in 2017, he also repealed the Obamacare individual mandate. I also like that he filled the supreme court with originalists. Didn't like the constant sucking of ZOG jewpeen though
Dems werent in charge in 2017
You're forgetting mccains clique
he also didn't get your bridges smashed by pajeets.
>how come they spend billions of dollars trying to brainwash us to vote left-wing
The money spend is primarily to enrich themselves and people connected to them. But the clever thing is they also spend money so that voters think spending money is a good thing and beg them to spend more money.
dems were in charge for the 116th congress,
so why didn't they just make them permanent?
>er... um...
yeah, shut the fuck up.
Still voting Trump. Each democrat that is murdered is one less pederast enabling degenerate.
I can say the same no leftie has been in the US because they all serve zog
Why didnt they make it permanenet fromt ehstart?
Why not right after?
You can cry and cry, but it keeps coming back to why didnt you change the original sin?
I'm not telling you that you were wrong on something you retarded faggot, I'm telling you that you forgot about john mccains retarded obamacare loving republican-centrist clique in 2017- republicans didn't have a majority and neither did democrats because of something like 3 or 4 'swing' house/senate voters that STRICTLY voted for pro israel policies led by john "I sank the USS Forrestal and lived to lie about it" mccain
and to follow up, yes, they all serve israel but that's not the point- the republicans particular brand of israeli cocksucking was not in charge of the house or senate in 2017.
>Women can absolutely rape men and I've seen it happen hundreds of times

Can you describe how they do it?
Yeah, usually they forcefeed the guy some uppers their doctor gave them. Adderall, Vyvanse, whatever. Legal meth. Every bitch is on it and it gets men hard as a rock, as a guy you can go for hours on that trash. They use the fact that most men are terrified to hit or hurt women- especially a family member, even if they are a distant family member like a step-sibling or a cousin, and I've heard many stories where the girl will also have a knife pressed to the guys throat.
> i can't make an argument so i'll just call you names
Ok shill
Ok shill
Didn't Trump drop the "lock her up" shot the first day in office?
this guy keeps telling you why you're retarded:
mccain and the never trumpers.
you just keep ignoring the fact that dems controlled the 116th congress and didn't do anything to extend the trump tax cuts.
we all know the reason.
you just can't accept it.
they would rather the american people suffer
than give trump a win.
it's that simple.
yeah... for unity, lol.
fortunately, this time he doesn't have a choice.
they've shown their hands; if he doesn't do something about them this term, they'll piece together some other bullshit charges out of nothing and abuse the systems of government to persecute him to no end.
he either locks them up or he gets fucked after his term.
They tried to kill, bankrupt and imprison their puppet?
Hundreds of times where?
Because if I accept that, then why should I care for Trump?
he is a puppet no different than the rest
Again, they can protect elites but not the common white male
you reject that and wish to create tales of weakness and bamboozlement over accepting that whites remain oppressed fo their own desires
show me dat ear bussy and the crowd gooning to it
til then, all bullets were terminated into the grand stands

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