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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do you actually think this race of terrorists were the ancient egyptian stock? Whitoids are invasive subhuman demons
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No they’re not
Akenhaten was East Asian / African

Rameses had red hair

Ancient Egypt was multiracial
goddamn she is breedable
Why is she so light skinned?
When you're a woman
looking for an excuse
to film yourself all dolled up
and pretty.
That’s an AI lol
She’s still acting like a nigger
Egyptians are basically pajeets
Caucasus Mountains.
Where does Sean come from?
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>Do you actually think this race of terrorists were the ancient egyptian stock?
>Whitoids are invasive subhuman demons
jews do not identify as white.
Well, she certainly isn't an arab
Is this guy white
He was a Scotsman who spent a LOT of time at the beach.
Coptic Christians are descendants of the ancient Egyptians. Muslim Egyptian are Peninsular and Subsaharan rape babies.
There is no such thing as white.
You are just racists who cant tell Caucasians apart.
Irish grandparents.

Is Islam a Caucasian religion?
Great Grandparents
She is also half or more Arab, which ancient Egyptians weren't either. So she is basically a nigger as well.
No it was invented by semites on the arabian peninsula.
Their Caucasian ancestry today is from the moorish piracy and slave trade that followed the islamic expansion thus the founders of islam have no connection to Caucasians.
I just don't know who is we wuzing who anymore.
>The Curse of Canaan was extended to the land which was named after him, the Land of Canaan.
>The Canaanites themselves, the people of this land, became the greatest curse upon humanity, and so they remain today. Not only did they originate the practices of demon-worship, occult rites, child sacrifice, and cannibalism, but as they went abroad, they brought these obscene practices into every land which they entered. Not only did they bring their demonic cult to Egypt, but, known by their later name, the Phoenicians, as they were called after 1200 B.C., they became the demonizers of civilization through successive epochs, being known in medieval history as the Venetians, who destroyed the great Byzantine Christian civilization, and later as "the black nobility," which infiltrated the nations of Europe and gradually assumed power through trickery, revolution, and financial legerdemain.
>Ham had four sons; Cush, who founded the land of Ethiopia; Mizraim, who founded Egypt; Put, who founded Libya; and Canaan, who founded the land of the Canaanites, the area now in contention as the State of Israel. In the Aggidah. Cush is said to be black-skinned as punishment for Ham's having had intercourse on the Ark. "Three copulated II the Ark, and they were all punished-the dog, the raven, and Ham. The dog was doomed to be tied, the raven expect rates his seed into the mouth of his mate, and Ham was smitten in his skin. Note 9, San. 108b. i.e., from him descended Cush, the negro, who is black-skinned."
>In talmudic literature, Cushi always means a black person or the negro race. Cushite is synonymous with black. (Yar Mo'ed Katan 16b).
says who?
Is the AI in op a semite?
Ok maybe we can open a little the borders
The Muslim colonization of MENA meant the melting pot of genes from the peninsula and subsaharan africa across the entire region. The only genomes that escaped unscathed were those who managed to resist forced conversion to Islam, as they could not mix with the Muslim immigrants as doing so would mean being subsumed into Islam.
This is an Arabian

Not Caucasian?
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I stand corrected.
>Is the AI in op a semite?
You mean the attention whore?
That depends on when and from where her ancestors migrated to Egypt.
Egyptians per se are not necessarily semites even if they adopted a semitic language after being conquered.
first of all there is no forced conversion and even if you convert you are not forced to marry a specific race.
Second of all by that logic Christians in the middle east are europeans because romans ruled them for centuries
The internet was far far better before brown people on mobiles arrived. The IQ dropped by 60 points when they did. Consider that.
Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men and non-Muslim women are converted by marriage to Muslim men. The Islamification of MENA meant many opportunistic immigrants being able to move around Muslim regions and marrying other Muslims regardless if they were in Yemen or Morocco. This lead to a genetic melting pot in the Muslim population of MENA and the genetic isolation of non-Muslim populations, which is why Christians are used as the nearest proxies to the anciest populations of the regions as opposed to Muslims who are much more mixed.
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Lebanese Mulsim are genetically identical to Christians for example
Is this girl Celtic?
That’s interesting.
I have a sudden urge to racemix
Ugly nose job
dunno whatever but she is a BWC queen that much is obvious
There absolutely is and was forced muslim conversion and persecution of Christians, continuing today in places like Pakistan and Saudi Araba. Further Romans persecuted Christianity and discouraged it and even when Rome was in place in western Europe a multitude of Roman religions and cults practiced their heresy. Isma is not and can never be accepted and its ptractitions should be deported to professed Islamic nations. Islam is not a religion (it's founder was a pedophile, slaver, bandit and murderer and there is no evidence for the divine in it aside from what he plagiarized from Christianity) but a totalitarian political cult based on theft, slavery, violence against non muslims and lying.
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>Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men and non-Muslim women are converted by marriage to Muslim men
You do realize most of the time large tribes or villages convert and not just one person?
90% of the time the marriage is between a converted Muslim women and a converted Muslim man. And to this day marriages don't happen between Muslims unless they are from the same family or tribe.

Also your nonsense doesn't show up in genetic data. Where yemeni jews are closer to Muslim Yemenis than eastern European jews
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You can clearly see the pattern where the non-Muslim populations of these ancient countries are the closest proxies to their ancient speciemen whereas the Muslim populations have diverged.
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>This is an Arabian
Arabia is location and not an ethnicity.
You mean Arab.
Genetic makeup is not as black and white as you simple minded plebian racists larping as progressives pretend as opposed to us patrician racists of wealth and taste.
People from slavery "cultures" are overwhelmingly mixed race.
American niggers who were brought over as slaves very often are blood related to their ancestors owners which embarrasses them to no end and vice versa the huewhite supremacists in america are often descendants of the saves their ancestors bought.

The islamic caliphates were built on conquest, slavery and forced conversion.
You will find ethnic Greeks in Turkey just as much as you will find the descendants of kidnapped European children that were traded as slaves by moorish pirates all across the middle east.
>Is this girl Celtic?
I dont know who that is. Looks mixed race.
She looks Celtic.

Do you know why Celtics wrote in Greek?
Yemeni Jews are Arabian converts to Judaism, totally irrelevant. Tribal intermarriage may not have been preferred but it definitely occurred, otherwise Muslim genes would not have diverged from the ancient population and Christians would not be the closest proxies used by research.
If muslims practiced forced conversion like Christians did Muslims in spain and Italy then you won't see any Christians anywhere
anyone with two brain cells to rub together
obviously islam is going to promote race mixing with arabs
maybe some coptic people are more likely to be closer to ancient Egyptians but they are still 99% identical to Muslim Egyptians.
Muslim Egyptians derive most of their foreign ancestry from post-Bronze Age Levantines and Mesopotamians, not the Saudi/Sinai Bedouins
okay you can say the same thing about Iraqi jews and Iraqis or morrocon jews and morrocons
No I can't. They are ancient Jewish populations (and Sephardim in the case of Moroccans) who did not intermingle with the Arabs. Yemenis are proven to be mostly Arabian converts.
So do you worship Osiris?
But she painted her eye just like the pharaoh kwaynez ;-(
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Oh the huge mammaries!
>She looks Celtic.
She probably has Celtic ancestry from the slave trade. Celts spanned most of the Moorish hunting grounds outside the Mediterranean.
>Do you know why Celtics wrote in Greek?
In Europe Greece was considered the cradle of civilization because Persian expansion and suppression of Scythian culture after their uprising would sever the link that the Greek city states like Athens and Sparta had claimed through Troy but it was that claim that gave them access to the larger trading network of the Scythians we now call the silk road along with a wealth of manpower to fuel the arts and sciences.
Just like the Muslims who would kickstart their golden age on the back of Greek works so too did everyone else recognize and seek to tap into Greece as a motor for their own growth.
And you consider the Scythians Celtic?

Do you know about Iranian Druids?
White people,bthe ones who hane the brain to study these things you know
she was graciously gifted 10% Celtic DNA
i'm just gonna derail this thread by claiming that egyptian and indian religions share many common features making me think they might be built on the same metaphysical concepts.
>Scythians Celtic?
Celts are R1b and Scythians an R1a offshot but they did reintroduce migrations like for example with the Visigoths.
>Iranian Druids?
The lady of the lake and the knights of the round table are northern Iranian folklore.
The Druids are a chapter of history lost to the book burning of the Romans.
This is most likely because of the Roman feud with Scythia.
They claimed descent from Troy to gain access to the Scythian network since Troy had fallen but were snuffed for their racial impurity so Romans would go on in a hissy fit to try and erase them and their culture from history. We find barely any writings on their trade and wars with one another so when the Romans encountered their culture in Britain the manlet rage took hold.

Our modern conception of them as a priest class comes from Christians so they were probably just tribal elders who made the impression of a pagan priest to superstitious fanatics grasping for excuses to frame themselves as a beacon of culture instead of swarthy foreigners trying to collect taxes.

Tell me about the similarities between Merlin and Alexander The Great.
She has an onlyfans right?
I need to see her gawk on a BRWC (big roman white cock).
>Do you actually think this race of terrorists were the ancient egyptian stock?
Yes? Semites are capable of building stone piles called pyramids.
thanks to roman globohomo swarthoids all of us can enjoy the fruits of living in tax cattle farms. thanks romans.
>Semites are capable of building stone piles called pyramids.
the same semites that refuse to research any of it or worse destroy it because their semitic mono-brain can't handle it.
Is she muslim?
Coptic Christian wife is my dream.
No, Coptics and Egyptian Muslims are quite different.
The mudslimes are mutted niggers
This guy has a copper tan, it's fairly evident he is a Caucasian (yes I know who he is)
Is she a follower of Isis?
Orthogonal question.
Of the Egyptians currently alive, the ones genetically closest to Ancient Egyptians are Coptic Christians.
Going by your comments you seem like a mudslime.
Denounce the Quran and call Mohammed a false prophet goatfucker hallucination-riddled lunatic

Rothschilds are related to Ramses you know
>didn't denounce
Mudslime confirmed
>Tell me about the similarities between Merlin and Alexander The Great.
That's a weird one. I never heard of any connection.

There is an Aryan tradition today thought of as ancestral worship but its more of a veneration. Supposed gods like Odin were tribal leaders venerated for having lead a migration.
The mythos of Merlin is that of the advisor or priest to King Arthur which is a story that traces back to modern day Persia so we are probably looking at a royal court that oversaw one of the migrations into northern Iran but that would predate Alexander the Great who would go on to encounter and vassalize a Scythian noble on his way to India.
Sure they may have been cultureless manlets who used oil instead of soap but they did destroy the temple in israel. That was pretty cool and carthage was also pretty gay.

They both have the same Father.

There is lots of art depicting it.
Don't forget the groid admixture.
You know the story about Scota and Alexander right?
I want her to go Ankha Zone on my cock
That is more of the we wuzzing they always do. Ramses II. defeated the philistine menace known as the sea people so the modern day jews seek to escape the humiliation of their defeat by usurping his glory.
>They both have the same Father.
Phillip of Macedon?
>You know the story about Scota and Alexander right?
Nope. Qrd?
What the fuck is afrocenrics?
What the fuck is this bitch doing in this stupid video?
What the fuck is the reason this thread is being bumped?
What the fuck is sage?
No not Phillip the other one
Nubians were Upper Egyptians so I dunno man
Oh I meant his father was also called Philip.
I had no idea that Cleopatra was his sister.
Do you mean Caranus?
Obviously African American democrat voters built the pyramids
Different Cleopatra than the mother of Caesarian.

No I mean Alexander and Merlin’s Father, The Ancient Druid.

>Doesn’t know about Nubian Crystal Pyramids
I want to put my white seed in her. I'd love to breed Arab women
You have to be a bot.

No man on earth is that embarrassing
>No I mean Alexander and Merlin’s Father, The Ancient Druid.
The 2.?
>he was betrayed by his former servant, Mentor of Rhodes
>Mentor of Rhodes was a Greek mercenary and later Satrap of the Asiatic coast. He fought both for and against Artaxerxes III of Persia. He is also known as the first husband of Barsine, who later became mistress to Alexander the Great.

That’s what Wikipedia says

But not Aristotle’s book on magic

You know when Caesar wept, he burned down Alexandria.

Though he produced a male heir of Alexander’s lineage.

Look up Medeival depictions of Nectanebus. He’s a Druid.
the explanation is that the internet and also 4chan are now majority brown turdworlders pooing up the catalog with their bullshit nonsense.
Nectanebus in human and dragon form
And Arthur is Luke

But that’s another meander
>Though he produced a male heir of Alexander’s lineage.
Yeah I can see them burning down way more than just the Library of Alexandria to cover that up.
Reminds me a bit of the whole templar secret soiciety where it turned out the holy grail was actually a codeword for the birth records alleging an heir to Christ.
If this kind of stuff true or not actually came out it would instantly produce a royal lineage ousting many governments and churches with most of the worlds population falling in line.
>in human and dragon form
Slithering into fair maidens chambers I see.
>And Arthur is Luke
Luke the Evangelist?
>Slithering into fair maidens chambers I see.

That’s Olympia, mother of Alexander’s chamber. You see the parallels with Merlin?
“Geoffrey of Monmouth in his book Historia regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain, 1137) says that Merlin was believed to have been the the son of an incubus, or demon and his mother was mortal and was a nun. With the incubus representing Satan and the nun representing Jesus Christ, or God“

Is this a dragon or a unicorn in the image?

Luke Skywalker
The ancient Egyptians were race-mixed by the Greeks, then the Romans, then the Arabs. The Arabs were the most damaging as they brought a dysgenic religion with them

The Egyptians of today are inferior to their ancestors in every way.

You know the story of Alexander and The Oracle of The Oak Tree
tldr egypt has some pretty fucking chicks and one day we will pillage and rape our way across their lands
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>Luke Skywalker
Dunno. Looks almost like its supposed to have camel humps.
>You know the story of Alexander and The Oracle of The Oak Tree
You have me hooked.
This is a modern compulsion to portray the rulers as the same ethnicity as their subjects.
I like Lu Ting,but you forgot to mention "Dum Fuk Ho", his loyal concubine!
found the gay kike meme flagging again
fookin nasty look. nose looks like some penis object my kid would roll with playdoh and stick everywhere.

It was said that two black doves left Thebes, landing in two different places to establish oracles. The first landed at Dodona in Greece, where a cult was founded that interpreted Zeus' words through the rustling of leaves in a sacred oak tree. The second landed at the oasis of Siwa in Libya.

The first sibyl of the temple was the sister of the sibyl at the temple at Dodona in Greece.

It was there at Siwa Alexander was to presume himself as the son of Amon

Michelangelo Buonarroti, Studies for the Libyan Sibyl

I can see
>this race of terrorists
what, she jewish?
i would destroy this womans womb
>Ramses II. defeated the philistine menace known as the sea people

the phoenicians were not jews
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The Greek oracles bear an eerie resemblance to the Germanic seeress.
Oh yes? And they are associated with Oaks too, is that right?
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The oaks represent the Aryan family tree.
That is why the groves are sacred.
Something terrible has happened.

Don’t come back to this website. Trust me.
Tell us what it is memeflaggot. Don’t edge me
this bitches nudes are unreal
You have cancer of the pancreas
Me specifically or all of us? I don’t have any of the symptoms
Are you defiling the holy?
I don’t know what that means. I have kids with a white woman that honors me and I don’t cheat or do pilpul to gyp people like a jew. I live in balance as well as possible
The rules of engagement are very simple.
i hate her small ass forehead
she looks like a mummy
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This includes you, Moishe
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Why is she kinda stacked though? Holy shit... I knew there was something attractive about this chick and her exotic look but god damn this just brought her into a whole new level.
The ruling classes of at least some dynasties were pale skinned, red haired R1bs, but a large bulk of the "substrate" inherently probably has some "Semite shifted" admixture (or are of a closely related group) as they're Levantine Farmers
You can barely write a sentence in english you retarded faggot, consider that.

The Universal has Rules.

They will find that out.
Ancient Egypt was created by white people and then brown people flooded it because it was prosperous and then it collapsed because brown people can't into civilization. Sound familiar? It's happened many times before.
>DNA study of the ancient Egyptians, the current people of Egypt are not quite the descendants of the pyramid builders.
The people in Egypt back then are not the same stock as the arabs there now.
Hamite blood. The Egyptians are descendants of Adam same as us.
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Fear death and you will never live.
retarded take
that one is a bit too dark but whitoid women are the slvation of the race
they will do anything for white babies

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