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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No good father says their child is dead to them, no matter what. This guy is a shithead
No good son embarasses his fathers lineage and hard work by being a troon.
Still not my problem. As long as those billionaires being a clown and entertain us, I'm all good.
No he was talking about another child that's really dead. Right? Otherwise it's literally libel. You can't go around publishing thats someone's dead.
His son probably has literal brain damage and runs around acting like a 12 year old faggot...forever. Having a 12yo mental capacity forever, yeah that sounds pretty dead to me.
timestamp and link pls
Wilson, 20, in an exclusive interview with NBC News, responded to comments Musk made Monday about her and her transgender identity. On social media and in an interview posted online, Musk said she was “not a girl” and was figuratively “dead,” and he alleged that he had been “tricked” into authorizing trans-related medical treatment for her when she was 16.

Wilson said that Musk hadn’t been tricked and that, after initially having hesitated, he knew what he was doing when he agreed to her treatment, which required consent from her parents.
>Throws first stone

Why would you expect him to be perfect or even above average father? Lets say he's a 5/10 or a 4/10 father? So what? There's much worse. He might even be a good father behind scenes, you'll never know either way.
anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot
If my son cuts off his dick he might as well be dead. Scientifically, losing the ability to reproduce and dying are virtually the same thing.
He should do a 360 and disown that crossdressing retard
idiots detected
you mean 180? dumbass...
he's got like 10 kids and whines about the birth rate on twitter
he's a weird breeder
Elon didn’t even raise his own children though. He got the child he deserved.
>Oh no no no
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Elon will you adopt me in place of your son?
I promise not to troon out.
Smells like summer in here.
And you are a tranny.
Troon detected. You will never be a woman.
You're right. Good parents don't do that. Great parents do. No parent worthy of the name encourages their children's self destructive behavior.

>Musk said she was figuratively “dead,”
But he didn't say that or even imply it. Where did he imply it? He said his child was dead. Period. You cannot publish thats someone's dead when it's provable you know they weren't. And furthermore with provable malicious intent. I hope lawyers are banging down this kids door. This is a classic case of libel.
No no it's not his fault it's the "woke mind virus".
His father is a globalist jew who is directly responsible for troon propaganda. It's poetic justice that it backfired directly on him. But I don't think he really cares, it only gets in the way of his fake right winger person. He's a communist jew like all jews. They are the biggest enemy of conservative values.
It's just shitty optics.
If he played the role of a genuinely concerned father who puts his blame solely on the ideology and people who encourage it then he may actually get some sympathy.
Elon needs to be redpilled on the Jew. Show him who’s responsible but his son cutting his dick off.
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>le anti-woke migatard
Expressing your true gender is embarrassing her father's lineage? I guess that just proves what a fragile ego Elon has.
This is what happens when you’re a memelord autistic and exert zero effort trying to raise your son
Tell me how someone behind the server editing files on Twitter trying to own libs, is going to have time to be a dad. He’s obsessed. I’m not sure he even has a house.
Women and children dump him because he’s cheap deadbeat.

If he could impregnate 20 women and put them in one house and put them on government assistance and then leave he would. That’s what Jews do.
is there a vax for the woke mind virus?
>4 years ago
>7 years ago

What is it with spergs and thinking that people never change their minds? Is it because they're so narrow minded themselves?
it is his son who recognized his self as dead, that's what deadnaming is about
He's an atheist, ie. lower than a cockroach
>it is his son who recognized his self as dead, that's what deadnaming is about

thats right, that's what Musk was referring to
Tranny's arn't human, so he technically said nothing wrong. The government uses tranny's in most of it's unethical scientific experiments now, even replacing chimpanzee's.
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he did the right thing
this. he didn't say his son was "dead to him," he just said his son was dead. as in gone. went on hormones and he'll never be the same. though prodigal son and all that is the right thing to do if his son ever chooses to return.
And that doesn't mean it's not libel. Libel is publishing statements to everyone including people who have no prior knowledge of the issue.
Can't embarrass a father who's never there.
Hey bud
Guess what
he never said "my son is dead to me",
he said "my son is dead because of those drugs."
His child literally became Frankenstein's monster, that's like expecting him to treat the beast that ate his kid as if it is his kid.
lmao op got rekt
op chop your cock off and touch grass
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Based leaf
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No anon I think you don't get it. Elon is the jew.
I would literally kill my child if it was trans. You're right, no good father would, only the best father.
Imagine being such a naive twat. The jews change their discourse depending on the dominant political power; not because they actually changed their mind. Jews awere all communists under the soviet union and jews are all capitalists in UK.
Each liberal that is murdered is one less pederast.
All billionaires are shit heads that deserve to eat a bullet.
Based Muslim. I will allow you in the ethnostate as an honorary Aryan and let you choose up to 3 Aryan wives.
Oh look another troon thread
Typical "Brit".
No good thread starts with a strawman and true scotsman fallacy. OP is a faggot.
The enemy of my enemy is my brother. It's too late to make them all enemies mate, the Jews are in too deep, we need to unite.
hold on rabbi... does the son exist? I thought the son is now a daughter through the magic of modern science. therefore, the son is dead to him.
if Elons daughter feels the need to sue her father for libel, I have to question her pronouns because Elon literally said he son was dead, not his daughter.
payday averted.
Uh huh Ahmed, wouldn't you like that.
When the Jews are gone we can turn to creating the ethnostate. As long as Jews exist in these lands everything will be corrupted and stifled. You of all people should know.
Based fallacious supposition noticer
it's not that long ago when defects were killed shortly after birth if you were good father
So to beat "jews" that let in rapefugees we must become "jews" that let in rapefugees?

And then people wonder why the right tends towards Israel.
No good father ignores their child's mental health to the point that they troon out. If you ever see cases of parents whose kids committed suicide, Musk is behaving EXACTLY like that. Blame EVERYONE but themselves because the reality is impossible to face. Unfortunately that type of behavior, where a parent refuses to take responsibility for their action or inaction, is probably what made the kid troon out to begin with.
Go back.
He's a shithead because he's a slimy pro-immigration kike who dabbles in outright scams and behaves like the niggers he grew up alongside in regards to fathering children. Drawing a hard line in the sand about his troon son his the best bit of fathering he's ever done.
You literally just advocated for the import of shitskin muslims: >>475721315

You're either a hidden jew, a traitorous Brit or a shitskin muslim.
So follow your own advice: Go back.
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Denounce the Talmud
this. Power corrupts. There is no substitute for being present. R-type reproduction strategies are not human and they don't breed healthy, well adjusted, civilized, empathic people.
Sure, talmud denounced.
Now you: Denounce the quran.
Odds are if you spit out more kids than gengis khan at least one is going to be a freak
And thus he did the right thing. Maybe it will kill itself and daddy elon will get some sympathy for raising such a fuck up
Np lad I denounce them both. Muslims are here because the US zogged and bombed their countries, destabilizing the region on the behalf of Israel. You're some Leddit cuck using strawmans because it's all you know how to do. The Muslims wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jews, the pakis wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jews, the niggers wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jews. When the jews are gone they can go back to where they came from, because it will be a safe and prosperous place where they can practice their culture, free from the interference of the jewSA and Israel. Then England will be comfy again and free from usury and jewry, and then we'll come to the netherlands and fix your zogged hellscape as well.
So the kikes threatened him to troon out his kids and this is his response, to do it and cut them off. Man is ice cold but that's what it takes to beat the jews.

I swear in that interview its even indicated that Jotdan Peterson knew he was fuxkin up. This is what he does fir a living. He's no dummy. He knows you can't do that.
And yet you advocate for their import and shill for them, which you damn well know since there is an entire muslim world out there and the hatred between them and jews is well known.

You're just a defeatist hastening his country's demise be whistling to the tune those who have firmly gripped you by the balls desire.
>Advocate for their import
More strawmans? Please show me where I advocated for their import.
There's a British flag behind me, I'm wearing the cross of St. George, I am wearing a St. Christopher's ring, there is a bible beside me, and I voted Reform. I won't reply to you any longer, you seem very emotional at me wanting to oust the Jews from my country. The irony is you don't even own a flag of the Netherlands. Have a nice day sir.
You literally offered to import a Saudi and give him a couple of wives.

And then there is that attempt to play along to their "din du nuffin" tune; they could have gone anywhere, could have not engaged in terrorism, etcetera etcetera.

Israel resonates with the real right because they face the issues we face yet they do what is necessary to stop them.

And why wouldn't they?
China did it, Russia did it, we did it over ISIS and the great empires forebears did it long before.

Muslims cannot be reasoned with, they need frequent culling and control if they are to be somewhere without open war.
Now that's a curious one.

Retreat if you must, i have made my points.
Good day.
>lawyers of /pol/
Imagine if you had a troon for a son. How long would it take you to kick him out? With me, the first week he tried that shit he would be out of my home and told to get a job if he wants to embarrass himself and everyone around him so much.
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We'll see
>Oh no my child changed as they gre up
>Welp, you're fucking DEAD to me now ig lol
What a terrible father.
You mean what a terrible son. The son fell for the troon brainwashing and turned against his father. What the fuck kind of pretend fantasy land do you live in?
>to me
Yet again. This is too funny. When did he say that? I missed it. He is in so much fucking trouble it's unreal.
>I won't reply to you any longer
He’s the richest man in the world? Who is he in trouble with again. Poor people?
Ben Franklin's traitor son was captured by the American army and held in a POW prison. He refused to get his son released. He's widely regarded as a hero and patriot for doing so.
>captcha is human dna KeK has a sense of humor
Pretty much. Sued for 50 million and settle for 5. He is dead in the water. Zero defense.
I'm sorry.
He has like 10 other kids, makes it a little easier
Now the tranny son is going to have to pay for their own HRT instead of taking it from Elon and shitting on him for the privilege.
He didn’t, the trannys did. That’s why they call it a “deadname.” That’s what he was referencing. They kill their old identity before they ACK themselves. Trannys also take credit for all new trannys, that’s more proof that it’s grooming and not “born this way.”
You seem mad
This kike fucked his kid too?
His child has a deadname. So legally hes dead.
You are cuck. This forgive anything mentality is why you lost your country. Consequences must exist and a big enough affront should get the kid disowned.

Its weird he can't see the connection between spending 10% of the time with his kid and them trooning out. OF course they will become autistic and gay without a dad figure. From the pics I've seen of his other kids most of them also look really autistic and neglected. They probably just don't speak out because they want the inheritance. The tranny must have spoke out because the neglect must have been so bad it outweighed the money
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When they become Jew golems …. Yes
They are dead
Sorry Patel or Rajneesh
Some families still have Patriarchs
My Grandfather disowned one of my Aunts.
You brewing up some bullshit purity test to condemn someone else - particularly a parent - is just that: bullshit
Isn't that what you fucking browns say all the time when you are caught beating the shit out of your own kids in the grocery store?
Touch your own nose, Rajneesh
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cope, cope and more cope.

are the shekels worth it, Elon?
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lol this. All their billions and they’re just here to entertain us.
Your comment is highly suspect
Kikes push the tranny agenda because tikkun olam/fuck up the world
Musk's kid buys into the tranny bullshit
Musk disowns him
(You) accuse him of being a sellout at the very least, or a kike at worst
So you see how it looks like (You) looking to make the best of a bad situation and deflect from the real issue
Lol how was he tricked. Cant he read some documents?
>their child is dead to them
Fuck you NIGGER
His son is dead to him, because he became a FUCKING TRANNY
Oh no he wore a stupid hat once!!!!
It was a reference to the meme, retard.
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well, my son is turning out pretty ok and I'm looking forward to be a great grandfather in some years. gonna teach my grandkids to fish, swim, enjoy sports and laugh and despise those fluid gender genetic deadends.
he said his child is -dead-, not dead to -him-.

Like his balls are cut off so he's effectively dead.

Bong is wrong. That's EXACTLY what you do. You don't slap them on the ass and say "you go girl! :D" That's how we got to this point in the first place.
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The kid trooning out is a direct fault of Elon for being an absent father
As is my own son - I could not ask for better
Those degenerates and voluntary eunuchs cannot reproduce normally, but they WILL go after children in order to make more degenerates
The greatest evil these satanists and sodomites can think of, is defiling a child
It is an affront to God Himself - they cannot attack Him directly, so they attack the most innocent of His creation: children
They are absolutely vile - and should be disposed of
It would definitely frustrate me for my child to go down that sort of path, but I can't imagine in a million years saying some shit like this about them outside of them doing something truly depraved and horrible.
i'm sorry that you were touched inappropriately when you were young but you're simply incorrect
>If he could impregnate 20 women and put them in one house

uh, that's what I want to do, desu
based statistical knower
If the child was an adolescent going through a rebellious phase, I would agree. Your paternity can't do anything after that, before the information age of social media faggot tree and decadence, you would be absolutely correct.
My boomer parents are dead to me after they donated to Biden
>fathers hard work
The kid was honoring all the hard work Elon put into raising a child: none.
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now hes truly winning!
At least Elon now talks about his son
Right, he even admits he was wrong you absolute retard.
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