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How have they done this so well?
>31 year old white male
>6'2", beard, full head of hair
>140k per year salary job with solid retirement plan.
>2 Years left on Mortgage for a 3 bedroom 2 bath on 30 acres.
>Own 2 vehicles, a 2011 Chrysler 300 and a 2022 F150.
I am literally the best version of myself that i've ever been. I can now support a family of 6+ easily, and ensure college education.
Here's my dating options.

>Morbidly obese, yet full of exaggerated confidence that nobody wants to see.
>"I have 3 kids and they are my WORLD" - They're her world despite her not having the foresight to have her kids with a man she's still with, trash option.
>Extremely left, screams at any opposing ideas and makes remarks about how you shouldnt lock your car doors on MLK drive.

And even if you get past those slags, you've got the impossible task of providing value to women who have no value of their own. Women don't care that you spent 6 years eating rice so that you could put low paying jobs on your resume to get the good paying job, they just want a free pass at life.

3 months ago I met a girl on Tinder, we txt'd/call'd for 4 days, until we she told me she had 2 kids and that she goes "crazy sometimes". Respectfully ended communications with her, and now 3 months later she rings my phone at 3am to annoy me every single night, has sent letters to my work (she found me on Linkdin) and has sent photoshopped pictures to my parents claiming that I'm gay. - Hilarious as fuck i'll give her that. After just 4 days of casual conversation, she's out for blood, all because she's hot, i make good money, and I turned her down. What a fucking time we live in.
reads like an elliot roger monologue...
>cry for 12 years
>Wah wah wah I deserve to be in power

Lmao, white incel losers deserve misery
No, it doesn't.
what cult are you from, femcel
why the fuck would you want to ensure college education? You may as well say ensure indoctrination. Your sons will want to transition and your daughters will ride the dick carousel.
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>"I shit out a mutant nigger turd due to microchimerism and now no one wants me because of my little ape spawn."
cry more single mom. Even the simps are waking up. No one loves you and you'll die alone.
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White women were a mistake.
Yakub let us down.
Shut the fuck up kike
kys tranny
The white winner cult mogens...lmao,,,touch grass loser or off yourself you cancerous fag
Ugly whitoid or dicklet koreancel
Nobody esle would be posting from a k flag
Pathetic virgin
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Have you considered (corrective) rape?
When did English teachers get so full of themselves?
You're doing something terribly wrong because as someone who's far closer to the worst version of himself my options have been substantially better and I haven't even been actively dating/looking.
You should have settled down when you were younger instead of chasing a career and messing about. Now you will only be seen by women as an oofy doofy beta male provider.
Lmao, I'm a boomer refugee not an engrish teacher, but engrish teachers are 7 steps up from white incel loser crybabies
>He fell for Jewish tricks and thought being a good little wage cuck would reward him with his virgin trad wife

lmao. Sorry man it’s good to have a career and be stable but clown world kind of made it not even worth it the past 4 years with how expensive and insane everything has gotten. You unironically would have had better odds just getting out there and enjoying life, partying, training martial arts and exercising and doing stuff like traveling and going to music festivals than eating rice and beans and putting being a wage cuck on a pedestal. You got sold a lie that you bought hook line and sinker. Warn other men of making the same mistake, don’t completely neglect a career but in this current system being a good goy wagie is basically just supporting Israel at this point. My friends that in a wagies eyes would be loses (lots of tattoos, did lots of drugs or got in fights and have hobbies like lifting/doing graffiti or DJing, are funny etc) slay 10x more pussy than any wage cuck I’ve met besides the rare 6’ 3” ripped extrovert sales type personalities, but even those types don’t live half the life I’ve seen some of my buddies live. Shit several of them have actual white power tattoos and they still slay lefty sluts it’s hilarious that incels actually buy into anything women say when they spread their legs for violent criminals that have balls.
Ah yes, Choi Soon-sil the well known white incel that haunts your dreams with his precious hopes of destroying the South Korean government.
Why because being a pedo is legal there?
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Yes, that’s how it is. If you didn’t marry your high school sweetheart or get a girl freshman year of college you’re fucked. All the good girls are taken after freshman year. It’ll just keep getting worse after that the older you get. This is something important that isn’t taught to young men. This is what happens in a society that abandons Jesus.
No ,because engrish teachers tried to improve their situation , something white incel losers refuse to do
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Well tradcuck...now will you put a shotgun in your throat and swallow loudly?

You have been warned many times on this forum that women are

Children are trash.

Family values are trash.

Your work for all this is garbage.

Everything you have and have accumulated there is garbage.


You live in a system where you are worth absolutely nothing. Even fucking billionaires can’t buy their freedom in it, let alone you...
An alternative is available only to those who have gone through the hell of understanding and have discovered new truths for their lives... EXTREME INDIVIDUALISM.
Similar situation, I rather stay single
OK jew
fake /thread. oh dang even this guy can't get a good wife. oh no man maybe everyone should give and kys. oh geez what do we do. TKD
Not a solution either, women at any time can conclude they can do better than you or that they missed out on being a hoe and then it is back to step one. See daughter of Jordan Peterson
Yes something might go wrong, so you are smart to be a white incel loser ....lmao
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> Korean flag
You should know better
Lmao, you white incel losers give up on life without trying,,,,scum
You are from an entire country that gave up.
You list only monetal things. Bet you are fat, ugly and no skills with women. If you ate 6 years only rice, your balls are probably sterile. Here is your option: go at south america and find yourself a paid wife.
> dating
Are you nuts?
Any woman who "dates" is an automatic trash whore.
>south america
Why there?
White incel loser crybaby
You are from an entire country that does exactly what you complain about. Koreas birth rate is the lowest on earth.
>white incel losers
Dont exist.

OP, for example, isn't white. Just look up who's using Tinder.
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Jew would like you to multiply, korean insect.

The more of herd there are, the better off the Jew...the cattle on the farm.
You're supposed to pick up a girl right when she graduates high school. Instead you are choosing to dumpster dive.
>why girls don’t want me????
Its the pattaya for americans and the woman want that US citizenship. We have this american TV show that tells all about it. The show also has multiple ukrainian woman wanting that US citizenship. They are quite truthful. They want citizenship and an anchor baby. They may have feelings but they are not deep love feelings but more like friend feelings. If a guy don't show bonding, they get over it in just two seconds and want to start again. Imagine how many guys has a 35 years old ukrainian woman dated. Numerous.
If today is this bad I most certainly will not force another soul to live through tomorrow
The future is brown, gay, and enslaved. I'm not condemning white children to that fate so I respectfully bow out.
Do ya mean attractive or angry with that?
> Ukrainians
I hate them

It was the sob I l9ve being with bullshit

They told white men they deserved everything and entitlement eat them up

They believed they could do no wrong, and did wrong a lot, once enough wrong was done they were like wut but we the whitest ones we the good guys

Same with any entitled race

Your death will be brutal
That's I can assure you of

Lol microchimerism. They have nigger kids because niggers impregnated them bro
Women don't want to live in a suburb, faggot. They fear thaf isolation more than death. Too bad you sneered at the path of the philosopher and exchanged a chance at wisdom for a chance at the life of a merchant or clerk. Now deal with that mistake you've made of yourself...
relax pajeet
eat some beef and you will feel better
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This is a responsible approach, it makes me happy.
But I am of the opinion that children are not the main thing...the main thing is your own individuality. We are not just biological incubator shells for the production of sperm and bearing children.

People are a species that should be majestic, philosophical, conscious.

Reproduction is only the transfer of accumulated greatness to the next generation of great individualists.

And if there is no greatness...then there is nothing to convey.
>Using online dating apps.
You get what you deserve anon. They are literally all scams.
I just don't want roasties to win
Settling down younger means... divorcing younger.
Hoes will be hoes regardless of age, and take the kids and half your shit when they think they can do better
Me neither thanks

Why I pushed brown catholics from east europe
Your best bet is to date the obese one and help her lose weight
I agree, it's rough being straight, I'm sorry bro
Unironically meds then touch grass.
>Here's my dating options:
you forgot
>cutie Filipino girl

take the passport bro pill
Fuck off you ugly, lying, hook nosed faggot.
There are things that are higher than a national-racial war... I hope you can realize this someday. in any case, good luck, you are in the right direction, regarding the previous message about "children"... there is no need to send them to hell of this world now.
take the volcelpill.
honestly i wish i was still a virgin.
these bitches don't deserve us.
After taking that any future children cannot even beta buxers anymore because they will be too dumb to make money.

I don't care about race
>immediately thinks it's the apps
But it literally is. 90% of these apps or websites are filled with bots just like 4chan. And any real women on these sites have thousands of dms from actual guys who are getting scammed from these sites/apps.
No, you fags bullying people in wheelchairs might though
this is a jeet living in Japan
it's a jeet living in japan
Import an Asian or Arab wife that will obey you and use Donor eggs. Simple as.
> I don't care about race
you should, it is all that matters
>worst korea flag
>complaining about incels
isn't your chinkhole essentially dying out because all korean men are incels and the women are nasty butch feminists?
You forgot
>Weak sissy that makes women instantly *ICK!*
He is too much of a whitoid beta, he literally cannot give rape correction.
Non Whites literally can't survive without Whites feeding them. That's the entirety of modern history.
I'm in my 20s, receiving hairline, make way less than you, don't have property, I'm not in shape and I married my virgin high school sweetheart and have a child now. Seems like a skill issue to me.
Yeah I'm sure that you're one of the 10k men in America that fit those stats bro
>dating apps
If you go dumpster diving, why are you surprised that you are swimming in a sea of trash
I was going to tell you how to cure your baldness but now i dont think i will.
Women are collectively garbage nowadays, there seems to be a mental illness outbreak between them. Every bitch I’ve met/dealt with has bipolar issues. They need to fuck off to Saudi Arabia and get raped since they’ll do no good here.
I know you probably don't want to hear this anon, but your story actually fills me with gratitude for ending up as one of life's losers. Unlike you, I have no property other than some books and a Game Boy, have zero debt, and have just enough income to avoid homelessness. I own nothing and I'm happy. But for the poverty of my upbringing and my oversized nose go I. Dodged a fucking bullet and ate well and slacked off in the process. Sorry, dude.
what's the website
You type like a woman. Maybe u should start by wearing a wig and putting on some lipsticks so u can suck cocks for ur husband?
There are only 2 ways anon.
Way 1
>Get yourself trashy woman and make sure that she won't be able to screw you over(prenup stuff like that)
>Make a son with her
>Use your money, power, knowledge and resources to give him a start in life that you didn't have.
>Your son will live your dream life, maybe even get a nice top tier woman for himself, thanks to your resources.
>enjoy fatherhood

Way 2
>Stop giving a f*ck about women, now that you know the truth about this game, refuse to play.
>aquire more wealth
>use your resources to have fun, fuck arround, don't ever commit, fool around with all those trashy hoes.
>if having trouble picking up chicks, use escorts and prostitues

also kinda this...
>be le average joe in the 1950 working as a truckdriver
>be able to afford an house and a car within the first few years of work straight out of highschool
>his only hobby is watching TV
>marry a virgin qt3.14 before his 30th birthday
>fastforward to 2024
>be zach, software engineer
>after busting his ass in order to get a STEM degree he loses his hairs because of the stress
>is forced to rent everything for many years to come (most probably for the rest of his life) because the economy is fake and gay
>get in shape, doesnt have bad habits
>force himself to get into hobbies that he never liked (dancing for example) just to have more chances to get a woman
>the best he could ever hope to get is a 30 years old roastie with double body counts
Its not a wonder that everyone is batshit crazy these days.
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I just enjoy porn from time to time instead of caring about what passes as a "woman" these days. It is what it is, when the world is ready for violence, call me. Screeching online into the void won't get us anywhere
shiiit, this hits hard
He is a feminized faggot anon, dont pay attention to him
if a businessman making 140,000 goyvouchers a year talks the same as a socially awkward freak from 2010, then maybe that's a sign that society has degraded to Weimarer Republik Zwei Punkt Null levels.
It's not about women retard. It's about having children, specifically sons. Daughters will adore you for a while then grow up and find a man. In sons you create friends. Women are just the tool to do that
Attend the biggest local church, find one there dummy.
Yea, but you'll inevitably settle with a modern age female, who leaves you even more broken than you are now. Who provides you with kids that you can't properly raise, who will know their parents as poor, who will grow up with memories of the $2 Dollar Tree plush you had to buy them for their Birthday because you couldnt afford the $1000 tickets to a Taylor Swift concert that your braindead partner convinced him he likes. Your kid might end up hating you, and heres my explanation;

Your standards for yourself are set low. Maybe you like your life, that's great and i support you. But this by default lowers your standards for what an acceptable mate is. You, might be happy with a quirky girl who gives great head, puts out every night, and picks up pizza for you while you're at work. She's handy, nice, oblivious, but only focuses on the now. Any children you have with her will be unplanned, accidental, and cause distress in your already low standards of life. You simply can't provide a childhood to a child raised by IN THE MOMENT poors without expecting low standards of expectations on how you raise the kid.

My kid won't be a tranny, won't be obese, won't get his dick clipped, won't be influenced by woke, and will appreciate the future i'm making for him (He doesn't even exist, nor his mother, and i'm already planning for his future). There's a big difference, i'm just a different type of person i guess. I'm not repopulating just to create a dumbass woke tranny fatty with no future, i'm repopulating to create a human that can adjust to clown world instead of partaking.

Your cat eats dry food out of the bag.
Mine eats canned food 3 times a day.

We are not the same.
Most people tend to ignore the elephant in the room, reality will hit them like a truck in the coming years
The solution is total nigger kike. Nobody wants to make the first move in fear of zogbot creepers in Minecraft
If you were really so great, you'd have no problem finding a good woman. Stop lying to yourself and adjust your standards to match reality.
I'm not a businessman, i'm an IT Director. Got here from Help Desk, into Network Admin, into ERP Manager. I don't even have a GED.
You have no idea how bad it is in the US, bro
Do you take care of your beard? I love when I go full hobo but the wife don't. I'd recommend you just stay off dating apps and rely on convincing the engineering lady she could just be stay at home with you. Try farmers meet or something. Maybe pick up an Amish chick on springer. If you're truly successful and worth your salt, she'll fall in line.
I dont remember. I looked at a few a while back and took some screenshots.
Damn, you are where i want to be. I start helpdesk soon. Do you ha e a Bachelor in Comp Sci? I've only got a Cert IV in IT but im working on getting better.

Also, thoughts on what i said before about getting an obedient foreign wife and making her give you white kids from donor eggs?
You gotta delete tinder bro. Its not for finding a wife or gf its for easy loose whores to maximize their dick selection. You're just putting your finger on a hot stove and wondering why it burns. It's going to kill your confidence and you'll be unable to approach the sexy early 20s woman who has no baggage (like a family she started with another man) and therefore no reason to be on a hookup app.
And why wuold he? Men started to care about their hairs only fairly recently for a literal sexual display, only women cares about another man's hairs
Bullshit. I don't believe you. I've been to the US, Washington, New York, Nevada and Appalachia some towns I forgot the names of. I had chicks flirting with me everywhere. I'm not some disney prince, I'm tall, but there's nothing remarkable about me. Turns out all I needed there was my dumb dracula accent.

I've been all over europe, I had chicks hitting on me there too. You are lying my man.

Lemme venture a guess here, you are a fucking spic nigger or something trying to do your daily white boy demoralization thread.
We are mammals. Hair missing where it should be is unsettling to us. There is no need for the crabs in a bucket "just shave it" mentality. Literally all you have to do is massage your scalp for five minutes a day. That's it. Do it every day and after 6 months your hair will begin to grow back. Super simple, just use the tips of your fingers to make circular motions on your hairline, the sooner you start the better. Your hair never goes away it just loses circulation and stops growing. Dont go bald and dont get scammed.
if it's android, you can probably see it on history in play store
Doesnt that make the situation worse? Using your bare hands doesnt release skin oils that blocks the hair follicles? Genuine question
Nope. Another thing people aren't going to believe, but i completely lied on my resume.

Been into tech since i was about 8, was the only kid with a family PC in the house at the time. Got decent with computers, and applied to burry fiber internet for an ISP. After 3 months i said fuck digging ditches and applied for Help Desk and got turned down on every application.

I popped on Indeed and shat out a resume full of lies, saying that i was an installer for that ISP, that i also served as help desk for that ISP, and included 2-3 jobs that I NEVER worked at, with experience i NEVER had. (I coded a Runescape Private Server in 2013? Nope, on my resume that's Managed SQL Databases for 2013).

Got the help desk interview and they asked me ZERO IT related questions - And i would assume this is universal in all office enviroments because they DO NOT CARE about any IT experience you have, they only want to make sure youll fit within the company culture and can follow weekly EOS meetings. I wasn't asked a single fucking tech related question, they just took me to lunch to see how I interacted with the other office workers.

Been using Chatgpt to cover my ass for 5 years, and now i no longer need to, i just Direct IT, while IT does it.
Stones, glass houses, etc. well really your house is made of paper, you’d be lucky to have a glass house.
Also I'm considering the foreign wife, but i don't want to racemix if i can help it, and white foreigners are difficult.
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There's your problem right there.
You're typically not going to find the kind of woman you seek using that type of site, and, even if they were, it's been well known for a long time that the operators manipulate the algorithm to weed out quality WMWF coupling, instead weighting it toward BMWF, leaving your kind only the dregs.
Stop relying on someone who hates you to help you build your future family.
It’s simple. Take the Mormon pill, anon, and you shall find what you seek.
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Wow, thats quite the story, and at least you put your gaming years to good use. Unfortunately i cant see how fortnite kiddies will be able to do that with their gaming time. Indeed is just such a cancerous site and you get so demoralised when you see how many other people apply for the same position. But overall very based and I'm definitely a little envious. Just curious, how did you advance out of Helpdesk and into where you are now? Did you move between companies for raises/promotions like most techies do every few years?

Either way, maybe I'll lie on my resume in the future then lol. Good post though i'm gonna screenshot it to review some more later.
post bodyweight fatso
Just turned out that I was overqualified for Help Desk.

Help Desk is basically just adding printers by IP, or setting up printers on the ERP Cloud (very fucking easy lmao), or fixing printer jams, running to staples to buy new equipment for employees, basic little entry level stuff.

I went from 42k per year Help Desk to 68k per year Network Admin in 5 months because i was fixing issues in our ERP that our ERP specialists couldn't (fixing the margins on ERP prints and setting up automated daily reports).

If you have ANY instinctual knowledge of computers, you can get this job.


Is all a bunch of programmed knowledge and reactions
>literal memeflaggot

Move to Balkans, USA is gay
Because the women here love white men. If they are from Europe is a huge bonus. I cringe seeing european men going for those ugly gooks while they could have some really cute latinas, from all colors. And your children will look like you.
I can find you 1000 30 year olds today that don't even know how to apply a signature to their email.
If I asked you to connect your computer to our work domain via VPN, you'd probably have to google what i'm talking about, but if you use computers as habit and hobby, you already know to be expecting a notification on your Authenticator App.
>egg donor itt
I don't understand?
Why would you want children without a woman? Are you going to hire a fulltime nursemaid to take care of them?
Where specifically?
I'm open to completely relocate.
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>hurr durr i am everything good why everything bad
haha i'm an average joe, with an average flow doing average things with my average hoe. life's pretty good but i don't drive a ford fucking raptor you tryhard faggot. i've got a house and kids and a couple cars and i didn't need
>muh 140k salary with good retirement options
For all you kids reading this bullshit, it's demoralization propaganda: "I'm the upper crust and even I can't make it work." I'm a regular douche from the heartland and i can, fuck him and fuck the hundred retards simping for this larper.

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