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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>bring 12 fatherless children into the world
>they grow up weird or actively dislike him
>blame it on [insert conservative scapegoat here]
Hes just your standard right wing grifter. Has to blame his shortcomings on failures on something else and can't take responsibility for his own actions.
How is this not libel? You cannot publish that someone's dead when it's provable you knew they weren't. Furthermore it's provable that it was done with malicious intent. That's literally what libel is.
omg i raised my children in california they contracted mental illness how could this happen?!
It got its name and gender legally changed i don't think it still has standing to act and defend the honor of its former male identity. In its own terminology, "dead name".
>There's nothing wrong with convincing mentally ill people to take hormone pills and mutilate themselves
But that doesn't mean the person's dead. Lawyers better be banging down this kids door. This is literally what libel is. Publishing false or misleading statments with malicious intent to damage the persons reputation. That's exactly what he did. Being dead is pretty hurtful to your reputation. It's actually even a cliche. Elon is in big fuckin trouble and somebody better hold him accountable to the tune of 50 million dollars.
money turns you into crackehead and he knows full well the power of the jewish mafia
Lefties told us not to be concerned about what people do with their children. Why the sudden shift
He doesn't actually have any children. This is all theater. Elon has never had sex.
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>literally say, with their own words from their own mouth, recorded on video, why they hold certain values
>"wow look at the hypocrisy of other side"
conservatives really need to drop whatever strategy this is
elon is living proof that even if you have 12 kids and billions of dollars you can still be a cringe incel with baby dick energy
Are you defending giving a child hormone blockers anon you fucking demonic faggot
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Obscenely rich people are all demented lunatics. Why else would you ascend all that way and not at any point go "You know what, 100m is good enough. I really should spend more time with my family?"
Are you defending deadbeat fathers who refuse to take responsibility for their kids like your average nigger you fucking demonic faggot
>teenage children dislike their father when the internet constantly tells them that their father is literally hitler
woah, how could that happen?!??!
Im sure elon pays child support, how else would the mother be able to pay for jewmones
>waaah le wokies tricked me!!!
Lol fucking retard discussing his family problems on twitter with some drugged up philosemite.
>yes my fellow normies I to suffer from clown world
I find it disturbing that he felt like it's natural his kid was 'gay' but not that they're trans. Both are functionally sterile.
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you missed
I doubt a guy like Barron Trump hates his father.
Troon nation. China please put us out of our misery.

Larping as another gender is abominable
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difference is in any previous generation neglected children weren't being turned into trannies by a neoleft-totalitarian system..
Gay, at least in theory, is reversible. Transgender is a one way street
Child support and distancing is a great supplement for traditional family building, the famous conservative values.
>manipulating children into a fetish is worse than not being a parent too said children
Anon what the fuck even is your argument
In the Victorian era they became homeless, then criminals and then hanged before they were adults. It's the same thing.
i couldn't imagine having children and not being in their lives, i'd love to have a family and i despise people like elon who take that for granted, i won't ever be able to have one and im likely going to die alone and people like elon are fucked up for bringing kids into this world without a father, how he justifies this is baffling.
>I wasn't there for them when they need me, therefore others are to blame
Anon what the fuck is your argument
We wouldn't know because barron is an autistic little faggot who is afraid to talk
That has nothing to do with it. To hell with troons. But thas literally what libel is.

Remember how a jury is selected. People who are not familiar with the case. Show this video interview to anyone who is not familiar with Elon and all his bullshit and how would they not think this person was literally dead. I didn't watch the whole interview. Did I miss something? He said his child was dead, killed, etc. Period. No qualifying statements etc. Did I miss them. This is not similar to libel or related. This is literally what libel is. Elon is in very big fuxking trouble and he better be fucking held accountable.

And as I recall Jordan Peterson was trying to not encourage it. He knows you're not supposed to do that. I think Elon was just fucking stupid enough to think he could. And good thing that's not a defense.
children of billionaires dont become homeless, dumbfuck
Truth is I don’t give a shit. Losing 1 out of 12 still beats my score even if all mine turn out functional. I don’t care about Elon and his dead son.

However, I do need all trannies to be quarantined and purged.
he's an atheist because his tummy ached once while he was waiting for some con job to set him good so now he does w/'e he pleases perpetually
The only people i know from broken homes are normal and married with kids. Not having a parent isnt a reason to chop your duck off and promote literal psychosis

not anywhere near as bad
But I’m sure Elon is going to take care of this defective model so he can live a comfortable life spreading his disease far and wide.
They would need to prove that the abomination suffered economic harm from the statements and that it was the intent of Elon to spread misinformation. Because it comes off as just his opinion or his interpretation of the situation. Also, I'm pretty sure Musk can fuck that thing over in bigger ways if it even comes to that
But I agree Elon is retarded on this. He literally said he got tricked into signing something and that he was confused because it was during COVID as if that's a fucking excuse for anything. Especially signing random papers for procedures on your own child that you are not sure about
Well true good point about the financial harm etc. But libel isn't just reserved for people's businesses etc. And I think that would just refer to how much you be awarded. The law is about damaging reputation. Period. Not about that resulting in financial loss. That regards what would be awarded.

How would he not have intent? It's totally different if he was at a party and someone asked him about it and clearly recorded him with their phone. Or a news crew when he gets out of his car. He went to some interview with the full intent that this interview would be published. Period. That's the intent to spread.
That's not going to happen and you know it's not going to happen because you don't understand libel lmao
Only a troon would care.
How do I not understand libel? You're telling me it explicitly and exclusively has to result in financial loss? As opposed to future loss. Publishing that someone is dead could very easily result in financial loss. That's even a cliche. "Oh I thought you were dead."
Then sue him for 6 gorrilion so you can spend it on making more troons. Let’s see how that works out
What a faggot, a trad father beats you for fun when drunk, kicks you out at 18 and leaves you with nothing except his debts.
That's not the point of the intent. The point is that your statement has to be a lie and you have to know that it is a lie. But his language is just a figure of speech so it's not even really a lie and it would make absolutely no sense to lie about someone being dead because it does not harm their reputation the minute they prove they are not dead. I know you're trolling anyways by the way I'm just bored out of my mind. And secondly, because it is a figure of speech, it is much more of a statement about their relationship from his point of view more than it is about the child in general. If I say my mom is dead to me after what she has done, that's not libel. Are you a jew by the way? that question is not meant as libel and is not financial advice and is not directed at unprofessional investors in the United States of America
>But his language is just a figure of speech
When? At what point in the interview is that even remotely implied?

You even just said it yourself. How do you not realize that? Its because youre too busy trying to insult me. TO ME. TO ME. That's what you just said and that is not what Elon said. That is 100% the entire point and why he is in very big trouble.
I mean its not like its something that is set in stone but if your kids are young and impressionable then its extremely easy to convince them that musk is a hitler
That depends. Does ejaculating into a shot glass and handing it to a woman to insert per contract agreement count as sex?
Haha who the fuck are you fooling? Imagine being such a loser you coordinate 4chan posts because you’re obsessed with people having le bad thoughts
Shut the fuck up, retard
This response is barely coherent and you are clearly so enraged you’ve forfeited lucidity
Dream on. Watch.
>Elon is in big fuckin trouble
Why do onions trannys speak like children? Is it because they want to rape children?

Imagine being such a shit father your kid gives up the best inheritance in the world to spite you lol. I 100% believe everything his eldest son said because it has to be really personal to do that, and there are other people who can say whether its bullshit, I think the mother isn't saying anything because she knows its true but probably doesn't like the publicity/shitstorm but she already called Elon out on lying about holding their child in its last breaths (again Elon just thinks his ex-wife and eldest son wouldn't say anything)
The problem with /pol/ is that /pol/ thinks you can force your children or any woman into being anything when you cannot control what they end up as by the time of compulsory schooling or at least adulthood
You as a white male also have zero backup because most other white males (including your biological brothers and uncles, most importantly, nearly all judges) are solipistic shits who only care about their family unit, their fat o' the lan' and their fat pig whore to cum in each night, so there's no possibility of honor enforcement like with immigrant cultures. Even Elon can do nothing as a billionaire
I wish I had 12 kids well feed, then again I'm not a crypto kike riding the carousel.
I have gotten so much more pussy than you its unreal. Guaranteed. My feet alone would make most of this board cum. Think I'm kidding?
You could father like 20 kids in the 18/19th century and you're guaranteed they're all gonna be normal.
Cope, seethe, dilate. You will never, ever be a woman.
Hello, fellow Bar taker. Get back to studying.
The depths of this tyranny grooming thing was somewhat unknown until recently. You could expect your kid to turn out to be some sort of weirdo but 20 years ago, destroying their mind and body with hormones supported by the school would have been laughed at as complete nonsense.
that's all humans
Trooning kids is evil in a vacuum.

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