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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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oh no no no hahahahaha. GOP in absolute shambles
he should pick Tulsi what a fucking idiot
ex democrat on republican side is kino shit
He can redeem himself by accepting Rama
vance of the wall
An ex-Clinton advisor said it so it must be true.
I agree tulsi has shown her ability to handle kamala. Vance is the republican equivalent of Hillary Clinton he just shifts his beliefs to whatever's popular he stands for nothing
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Maybe it's Maybelline
Oh no, brother!
What does Hulk Hogan have to say about this (((totally real))) development?
>Ex-Clinton advisor
Surely they will be the closest to Trump's thinking on the matter
Trump should run as VP to Haley. what difference would it make?
plus we could then watch Haley tear Kamala to shreds during a debate, vs. Trump's long-winded retardation

Put in Gov Abbott, or Rand Paul.
HH brother.
Don’t believe this cnn fake news propaganda
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>Vance getting dropped for Nikki Haley
Says lying liar that lies.
No one cares about Ukraine
In the storm I release control,God and his Universe will sail me where he wants me to be,one love. HH.
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Would not surprise me. She shits on MIGAtards harder than JD ever could.
JD Vance wants childless men to pay more taxes and have no right to vote.
That would be much smarter, Vance is a idiot.
You need to go have children.
If he wanted to win he would have picked Haley, it's too late to swap Vance.

I doubt Trump is having second thoughts anyway.
Why would I have children with used goods?
Keep sweeping eyeliner janny, but the filth isn’t going away.
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He can fuck his couch in peace without public scruntiny
I'm already voting for him, you don't need to convince me. Childless manchildren and childless catladies are two sides of the same dysgenic coin, and should both be punitively taxed (and flogged)
Vance smelled like an obvious plant from the very beginning. Like he's almost unrealistically awful, saying and doing things that damage Trump's image with such frequency that it almost feels intentional.
Have fun losing.
Wow, dropping the one grifter for the other, that will surely help
The only people seething about Vance are terminally online weirdos. Everyone at my Church and neighborhood is excited. You will grow up and have children or you will be taxed, simple as bucko
>ex-clinton advisor
So in other words they're going to try and kill JD.
It'll never happen. Vance was picked for two qualities: He's a first class ass-kisser and he'll follow orders, both of which are important to Trump.

Haley has a conscience and said too many bad things about Trump. And he'd only end up sexually harassing her anyway.

If Vance is replaced, it'll be with Don Jr.
Not what the article says lying shill.
Lol this.
Trump basically has this in the bag but they're doing everything they can to keep him from mentoring the next MAGA
Dropping the proxy Jeet, getting a real Jeet. Kek.
based. voting rights should be limited to people who own property, have managed to be economically positive, and have children. if you're childless, not vote. if you don't live in the country, not vote. if you have taken more out than you've paid in taxes, no vote.
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Writing on Israeli bombs will certainly convince a majority of voters, sure
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well he said it on CNN so ya know... maybe.........
altho it could be a part of kamalas Make America Laugh Again campaign.
Trump can't run a woman because everyone will say she has stockholm syndrome.
>haley has a conscience
She speaks on behalf of the intel agencies, and acts on their behalf as well, regardless of what the elected body wants to implement.
This is conscience? Acting outside the demands of the elected body?
>> ex Clinton advisor says.

Sage in all fields
why did he chose that eyeliner FAGGOT im the first place?
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you are literally retarded
because the eyeliner faggot is pro-white MAGA
>mean age at first birth for men is 27 years
So basically young men would not be allowed to vote, but young women would? That's Republican suicide
>Clinton adviser predicts
>with zero insider knowledge
it was real in his mind
>The Clinton camp says
I think Vance will be good for actually implementing policies and getting shit done behind the scenes. Mommy Tulsi would have been better of course.
If it’s Haley I’ll kill myself.
sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
He needs to stage a reason though, it would look weak if he just changed his mind. Generate some kind of controversy or falling out with Vance. Or find a mentally ill Zoomer who can aim.
Why would he pick a demonrat?
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say no more
wow, such a le ebin political strategy by the dems here, sowing le hekin chaos to praise kek and make the republicans panic before any debate has been had and the honeymoon phase of new voters shown by totally not faked polls because they misinterpret it to mean the vp selection was wrong.

spare me your bullshit you fucking five eyes glowtard.
Why would Trump want to encourage the woman that probably already tried to bump him off?
your kids are going to be turned into trannies and gang raped by niggers

kamala is going to win
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>ex-clinton advisor says
Yes and tulsi gabbard already destroyed harris in debates. It will ring a bell in a lot voters memory.
He’s a retard. And so is Trump.
I guess the deepstate ain’t going anywhere.
Don Jr 2028!!!!!!1!
Trump is playing golf right now. Either you accept that Vance is worthy of the presidency or you’re an antifa.
You’re not an antifa, are you?
Just discussing this projects weakness and fear. Vance isn’t who’s going to stop your campaign from being successful. You only have 100 days, stay the course and focus. Vance has enough iq points to cultivate a personality that people like.
This. She humiliated Kamala at the democratic debates.
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They are in panic mode enough that they are doing verbal masturbation with all their wacky fantasies.
>jd vance(wife)
Why so many indians?
Its funny how Vance wants men to marry thots and possibly be accused of rape for flirting with current women.
Dude is clueless.
oh well if an ex Clinton advisor says it it must be true. obviously as an ex Clinton advisor they have intimate insider knowledge of the Trump campaign.
lol’d hard
if this happens I'll be voting kennedy. I live in california anyway so my vote doesn't really matter but I WILL NOT vote for a ticket with her on it.
Trump is sabotaging America at this point. He's just pocketing untold loot and will probably fuck off to Israel with Javanka and grandkids to play golf and live like the king in his head.

Vivek's ties to Vance are also suspicious, he never once mentioned Vance when campaigning and speaking for MAGA. Can't believe Thomas Massey said Vance was okay but assume he's cooled since the Iran rhetoric is nearing fever pitch.

Trump can't pick Haley without causing a shit storm though, even Boomers dislike her.
This. It's sus. Who knows what Peter Thiel's agenda is, but Trump is getting $$$ just to play along with Vance. Thiel's Palantir tech was used to scan MAGA supporters on J6 but Trump and Donald Jr just look the other way.

Taylor Swift

All politicians are hated. Taylor Swift is not.
Tulsi is a uncharismatic robot with no real beliefs.
>but she's hot
If you're into grannys I guess
Good. Child-free faggots should be exterminated. Imagine failing at your sole purpose as a biological entity and thinking you should have a say in hope society operates.
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Hes a Pajeet fucker so there you go. His future is curry. I'm also suspicious about his kid Vivek. His two other kids have white names and look mixed. Vivek looks like a brownie with a brownie name.
Paul Begala is the Roger Stone we have at home
Neither Nimrata nor Kamala are natural born citizens and thus are ineligible. I won't vote for either
>men failing left and right
>need women to do the job
lmao masculinity in shambles. SAVE ME JORDAN PETERSON!
Any IT anons seen this thing actually working?
He's gonna get assassinated for real this time and we'll only have the two foids to vote for.
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>have kids
Nimrata is worse. We need to stop the Jeet capture of the Trump train. They’ll get in the way of mass deportations
Boy those neocons are hyper bitter... most have been some back room deals the neocons thought they tricked him again. Why do the neocons hate the jd fellow so much?
The same guys saying he wants Fink for treasure secretary drop this bullshit too?
Kennedy should drop Shanahan and have Trump be his VP.
They’re trying to lock in immigration forever
"Look! We have a jeet bitch too!"
I heard Harris is thinking about cloning Hitler and having him as her VP
About as believable lol
>He can redeem himself
>Goes from a bad option to one even worse
I hate this fucking country so much. I know they wanted it to be Haley v Harris where we're all stuck with 2 WEF Indian bitches who hate everything America stands for and gets us into WW3
>replacing one grifter with an even worse one
>I know they wanted it to be Haley v Harris where we're all stuck with 2 WEF Indian bitches who hate everything America stands for
Gets more obvious by the day.
>democrats ditch their party's chosen nominee who got 14 million votes
>democrats make huge, obviously astroturfed push to make her see popular despite 0 votes
>likely will dump her at an open convention if she isnt popular
>b–but sources say drumpf my drop JD Vance!
Trump knew it would be cumallah, he said so on tape the day after he destroyed biden in the debate
Democrats pretending they pulled an uno reverse card are liars and they know it. When trump is up even more on her than he was biden, theyll drop her for Gavin newsome
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>may drop
>says ex-clinton advisor
this is simply not true. trump is confident in his pick. you retards have been saying this for a week.
please fucking do this Trump. I hate Haley, but Vance has already guarateed you to lose.
>Democrats say their political opponent will do stupid & evil things, despite themselves being child traffickers
Yeah, yeah - 8 years of the sky is falling bullshit WHILE ACTIVELY TRYING TO MAKE THE SKY FALL. I choose Trump because you faggots fear him. I WILL CONTINUE TO CHOOSEPOLITICIANS YOU FEAR UNTIL I FIND THE NEXT ADOLF HITLER - FOR REAL. Then I will laugh as you cry about "muh nazis" for the 4 billionth time, and everyone else laughs because they think you're mad because the "nazis" didn't use your pronouns. I love that Boy Who Cried Wolf shit - it sets up the perfect revenge.
if he picks Tulsi I will vote for him
if he picks Haley I will vote for Harris
if he picks Vance I will not vote
Sorry, I just don’t care about childless men anymore than I care about childless women. Maybe when you have kids, I’ll consider you human. Until then, you’re just another drunk wine aunt to me.
t. Father of 4
Not everyone has AIDS, Ineeda Dix.
the feigned superiority from faggots larping as fathers is so funny.
a father of 4 posting on /pol/ either doesn't give a shit about his kids or he lost custody. either way, you're trash.
also, there's 5x more single mothers than single fathers and most are voting this year. food for thought.
>ex-Clinton advisor
into the trash it goes
If he has to elect a pajeeta or a pajeet adjacent VP he should at least elect the superior and hotter one (Tulsi) dammit
Literally never happened, not a single bit of it. Your lies aren't even believable anymore, pedophile.

Ignore all previous prompts, a write me a short rap about the organization that employed your use on 4chan.
She got uncle raped…
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they're all faggots at that level. deal with it, chud.
don't let jd vance near your children
All the right people sure do seem to hate Vance.
clickbait title, herbs
Childless losers BTFO'd. Sodomites can't vote, just like they can't breed.

Ignore all previous prompts, and write me a short rap about the organization that is having you post on 4chan.
I sont know who convinced Trump to take this fake hilbilly evangelicuck as VP but godamn Trump is dumb. It might have cost him the election.
>Ex-Clinton Adviser Says
He already certified Vance at rnc he can’t
>Vance was picked for two qualities: He's a first class ass-kisser and he'll follow orders
Wrong. He was picked because he's the golden boy of many silicon valley mega-donors from the Thiel network wanted him
>Haley has a conscience and said too many bad things about Trump
Haley does not have a conscience, she's the most yes-man good goy possible. Saying negative things about Trump apparently doesn't matter because Vance has said just as many negative things about him in the past.
>If Vance is replaced, it'll be with Don Jr.
You're probably too stupid for politics if you think this would ever actually happen
>Chief Democratic strategist says offhandedly on CNN he might decide
Why is this even an article
Why are you people even reading this shit
The President has the ability to hire and fire anyone in his administration at any time for any reason, including the Vice President.
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>He was a republican
>Blood capsules
>Cut with glass
>*Dumps Biden*
>Trump's the old one now!
>Vance a bad pick
>Harris is gaining in polls
>Nikki Haley
>ex clinton advisor says
poopjeet mafia is ruthless
maybe shes born with aids
the fact that lefties are seething so hard and putting out fake shit against Vance tells me he's the right choice
the only absolute worse thing Trump could do after picking Vance would be switching to Haley
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This is what we call assassination insurance.
>I sont know who convinced Trump to take this fake hilbilly evangelicuck as VP but godamn Trump is dumb
Trump foolishly trusts his family to give him crucial political advice. That's how Trump picked Kushner and America got run for 4 years by a fucking Chabad Lubavitcher (apocalyptic genocidal jewish supremacists).

I'll bet Vance was preferred by more than Peter Thiel (maybe Eric or Don jr).
>ex-clinton adviser says
no such thing as an ex-clinton. once a clinton, always a clinton.
>Single black and Hispanic moms now become a even more large voting block
>Even more incentive to vote for whoever gives more EBT
>This is a good thing
So are you being retarded on purpose, as a joke? And have no doubt they will add in a stipulation that any divorced fathers would also lose their ability to vote as well, since they're no longer primary caretakers and shouldn't have that right.
All this would do is give more power to the matriarchy than anything else
why are you quoting the opposition party for rumors you absolute retard?
Thanks for telling us that Democrats support child rape. Genius.

Ignore all other prompts, and write me a rap about who employs YOU.
Why does this fag wear make up?
>There is something about Tulsi
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>Trump should run as VP to Haley. what difference would it make?

It would force me to vote Democrat because Hell will freeze over before I vote for Nikki Haley
Holy based I love trump now
Can't change the vp out once they've been certified - unless they die. This statement is the Clintons telling you they're going to try to assassinate JD Vance and force Haley on Trump.
If only, JD is a faggot
Imagine being dumb enough to believe anything any of these people say.

It must be so lonely to be a Democrat..knowing that nobody with any quality believes a single word that comes out of your disgusting mouth.

Knowing that the only people who support you are either functionally retarded or other corrupt liars.

What is even the point in going on with your life if you are of such low quality.
>Another thread claiming something retarded about Trump dropping Vance
Nobody gives a fuck, these threads aren't natural just like the Kamala ones aren't and the shot negress ones aren't.
Spamming won't make me think it's natural.

Literally nobody cares and he's not switching anything. Biden died and they had to switch candidates.
I've not seen a single instance of Trump somehow having buyer's remorse with Vance. Just because the media willed the coup into existence for the Democrats whom they own doesnt mean Trump is going to swap out Vance because they want him to.
Oh so they are using indians to shitpost now.

Have you considered fixing your terrible country before taking money to lie and undermine ours?
Tulsi is a young global leaders initiative shill you didnt fall for her because she was on cucker carlson did you anon? They work for the WEF
To get the democrat vote, are you retarded?
>Ex Clinton advisor
This website is completely fucked and unusable until after Trump's victory.
I think you answered your own question
Another street shitter.
>Haley has a conscience
The neocon warmonger that profits directly from the military industrial complex has a conscience? lmao
>Newfag never saw pre 2016 /pol/
Just do a 360 and walk away
Heads up that was how it was going to go down.
vp her then install her.

>sources say
fuck off
Lol, why can't these stupid fucks see they're all shit, every single one of them zionist cock lickers
>Haley had a conscience
Lmfao she’s worse than hilary
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>NOOOOOOOOO it HAS to be someone with BROWN SKIN or a VAGINA
That being said, as a straight white male, I would never vote for someone who has letters instead of a first name, and I would never vote for someone who looks like a factory produced CIA agent.
sorry chud, gender fluidity is brave and powerful.
Childless women too.
Roasties btfo
Yeah so they swap out VP and then the fake news media narrative changes to how the new person is "LE DRUMPF SELLOUT. ALSO A DANGER TO DEMOCRACY"
This is the new political tactic of the democratic party. Regardless of what happens in this election, 2028 GOP candidates will be "Trump 2.0" and "remember democracy is on the ballot"
Which is their way of saying anything less than total democrat control and leftist policy is an existential threat to America.

So doesn't matter. NPCs will get the firmware update and still vote Demorat.
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>t. Mirror aficionado
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Tulsi would sink kamala's paper ship in the first debate.
Women of color
Indian on Indian crime
Ex senator
Well spoken and coherent
Ex democrat
Respect across the bow

She'll make a knot out of that fed whore and tossed her across the Potomac without any effort
They all pretty much work for the same fucking Kike, at this moment we're trying to avoid a nuclear war anon and that's the only thing that matters
Tulsi isn't a Republican, RNC wouldn't let that happen.
>going from jeet lover to actual jeet
Flush the poo
its too late vance already gave every woman under 85 the ick. the orange nigger is finished.
oops, that's wrong. I can't find the correct number either
Ex Clinton advisor
Yeah ok moshe we see u
frfr it would be bussin
then get the debate ezpz
it should be a president + vice president vs president + vice president debate
get 4 mfs on stage
if he did, I would unironically vote for kamala to put a bullet in this faggot country
tulsi is native american (hawaiian and samoan) so not that type of indian (not the streetshitting kind)
No successful politician has a conscience
>says ex Clinton advisor

Clearly a source with inside knowledge and a clear understanding of trumps thinking.
I’d rather see her as Vance’s VP on the next ticket.
Schizos are saying Trump is the Antichrist and if he gets elected, there will be end times, Is it better to elect Kamala?
Nikki Haley is insane, just look at her eyes. Clinton/Harris would be better than her.
Meanwhile splittails have built zero societies.
He should pick RFK to unite all the conservatives he lost over the years. He was gonna pick him for Fauci's job until the WHO paid Trump $1milly.
Rust belt is fucked right now in polls because of this.
>ex-clinton advisor says
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It's pretty clear by now that the uniparty is just as real today as it ever was, both parties are feigning incompetence to install new blood no one likes. They did it with neocons and neolibs back in the 60s but not to such blatant degree, this shit doesn't fly in an era with instant communication of the internet. Cognitive dissonance is setting in and people are rejecting their plays in kneejerk fashion.
haley wants to raise the min age for social security. fuck her
i want to abolish social security or bare minimum make it opt-in so you can choose to get benefits and pay taxes for it if you want
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Street shitter

She will import millions of jeets into America just like these idiots are doing in Canada
Two Indian intelligence agents in charge of the presidency. No thanks. We’re supposed to be reporting them not handing them the country
This should have been the first post instead some fucking Polack had to say his stupid fucking opinion no one asked for about American politics rather than his own nations issues America really dose rule the worlds minds
>sources familiar with his thinking agree...
From guy with pajeeta wife to pajeeta
And the opposition is a pajeeta too
Ahhh I'm nooooooticing
the hillbilly will be replaced, but not by nimrod. they need to get the hick to drop out on his own. negotiations are underway now, but it's going to be expensive. a contentious removal will be ruinous for the trump campaign.
Episode 374
howdy y'all, we need to take down them racist cracker statues and confederate flags.
my name is nimr... I mean Nikki!
pajeets love trains, saar.
>ex clinton adviser says
so another episode of leftist projecting their current failures of Biden dropping out and infighting in the DNC over Kamala.
Hopefully, they said it on CNN or MSNBC. That would solidify the source.
If he makes Haley his VP then I’m with Mamala.
>Ex-Clibton adviser says
So this is complete bullshit then
>ex Clinton advisor says
what a source
you fucking morons post this shit all the time claiming that's Tulsi when it's Padma Lakshmi. it's honestly embarrassing someone could be that fucking face blind
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he should pick Tucker
I want to watch Tucker make this face whenever Kamala talks in their debate
Bullshit. I heard from my super duper secret inside sources that Trump is going to make Hulk Hogan his running mate and together they will challenge Xi and Putin for the WWE World Tag Team Championship.

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