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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump said that his last dying wish if he were to die is for the USA to attack Iran. Is this the best the right wingers could come up with? Why are you guys voting for him again?
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The stupid tweet.
that orange nigger is literally asking for mossad to kill him lmao
Uhm no? Jews have been telling everyone Iran is THIS CLOSE to getting nukes and needs to be invaded for decades now.
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Just two more weeks bro, they'll have nukes mark my words. Screenshot this.
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It's actually real migatard
Go to ZOGLOMOFS truth social
By the way, you know how Jews keep trying to nominate a messiah? Well they gave Trump the messiah crown, countless awards and put him on the face of their jubilee coin.

Start paying attention.
>can't beat the Houthis, a proxy that gets the lowest tier of weapons from Iran
>talks about attacking Iran
Never ever will I let the worthless amerirmutts live down getting beaten by goatfucking desert dwellers, repeatedly, over a period of over a decade, first when the Saudis were attacking them and now when all of NATO is sitting there starting at each other trying to figure out what to do.
Which is weird as shit since they also tried to kill him recently. Guess he didn't live up to their expectations.
whats funny is thats my dying wish too
Hes been wanting to attack Iran for a long time because he's a zionist golem
Are zoomers getting drafted for Israel
>they also tried to kill him recently
I think more like the deep state tried to kill him so they can continue their anti-white globohomo bullshit but religious jews want him to be the messiah.
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We only have 2 more weeks.
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Cope, Israel is now openly saying they want Trump to win because he will give them the backing they need against Iran.
Why are MIGAtards so brainwashed man? Like you guys never believe anything even when Trump says it a million times.
>Trump said that his last dying wish if he were to die is for the USA to attack Iran
Trump is such a fucking jew.
>Genocide and murder
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>Why are you guys voting for him again?
because they agree with him and the god-emperor who just came for a visit
God I hope he gets his brain blown up by Israel just to start the war, that faggot VP becomes president and Israel gets annihilated by Iran, hezbollah and the houthis
Maybe they shouldn't try to do anything stupid now or we will nuke them.
Nukes are great for places like Iran.
Gets a shard of teleprompter glass in his ear and instantly morphs into Holden Bloodfeast.
What is it about sucking off kikes that seems to be Trump's reason for living?

It's not even the dead-jew-on-a-stick kind, it's straight up "All the goyim need to die for Israel."
Oh god please let it happen. Iran = subhuman.
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do your job mossad, kill this bastard and blame it on iran.
what does iran have to do with anything?
I guess he is begging Bibi to off him. Trump always was a huge cuckold
Name them
Imagine being an innocent Iranian, working 16 hours a day to feed your extended family of 65 to here you're about to be obliterated from space because the FBI shot Trump.
>Uhm no? Jews have been telling everyone Iran is THIS CLOSE to getting nukes and needs to be invaded for decades now
Stop noticing the jews' lies, you antisemitic bastard!
Israel is blackmailing them with the Epstein files, that's why they say (and do) all these things.
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Bring it, yankee!
You Shall Taste Persian Steel!
And he immediately became 100x more unlikeable
it was just the competency crisis, not a conspiracy.

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