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He might get raped. Kamala is a pajeet.
>Biden says "any time any place"
>Picks all the times and places and conditions
>Still gets blown the fuck out
>literally quits job over failure
>Trump now not interested in the same debate structure previously arranged because the candidate has changed
Why would he do this?
Because she hasn't picked a vp yet.
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He's afraud. End of story.
No longer arguing with a fellow nursing home resident is scary
why did Trump agree to debate some one running for VP, I have a hard time believing this.
I keep being told by democrats he backed out but never actually have found an instance of him saying it. Why is this?
Whatever you do, Trump...you must partake in a debate with her. Nobody likes a chickenshit.
Because he's a 78 year old orange ball sack who is intimidated by a strong black woman
Trump is such a fuck up
He knows he'll get MEMED
Was Biden going to go to the 2nd debate still?
>I keep being told by democrats he backed out but never actually have found an instance of him saying it. Why is this?
He didn't, he just said he wouldn't do the first one on ABC as he had agreed to with Biden.
Look heres the deal, Trump lied 200 times in the first debate against Biden but people forgot about it because Biden had a cold and everyone only remember that. Kamala doesnt get colds and would call Trump out on every lie he makes and unlike George Jefferson, Trump CAN tell a lie.
Trump is supposed to debate the democratic presidential nominee, decided by the democratic voters.
Not the anointed politician that the oligarchs decided for the NPCs.
If that's how he wants to rationalize then sure
The average person will (rightly) think he's being a little bitch and vote for Kamala
nigger nigger nigger
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Because the press releases is really logical
>Establish earliest debates ever based on unconfirmed but inevitable candidates
>Dems just magically changed candidates
>We're not debating anyone until they actually confirm the candidate
BUT YOU AGREED (to something completely different), YOU CAN'T PUSSY OUT NOW
old man can't hang
She is an invalid nominee, he has no obligation to debate her. And his internal polling shows he has a 99% chance of victory. This is confidence. He spent his whole career having to debate his way into victory, he no longer needs it and can just cruise.

Nah. It's over. You faggots think you got a lifeline but 98% of America has their mind made up. It's a shit economy, recession, inflation, open border, there was never any salvaging this which is why they picked her for the pyre and not a rising star.
Probably he won't be able to control himself attacking her character as a black and woman. That or he wants to bang her.
CNN wanted biden out so they were fair. The next debate will absolutely not be fair
fuck shills ..do better...

they are waiting till after the convention.

who believes this garbage? no one on here any way so wtf?

Why would he agree to debate her when she has no claim to be the locked in Democratic candidate. She won no primaries and thus has no delegates actually assigned to her. The Democratic convention hasn't happened yet so why risk them changing candidates... again... after a potential additional bad debate.

Why would he agree to a debate when the VP candidate hasn't even been declared yet for Trump to criticize while they go after his candidate with impunity. The act of swapping out candidates at the last minute after denying the vary reason for the switch up to this point as well as delaying the VP announcement is just a stalling tactic by the Democrats to prevent having to take any stance on any issue so he can actually make appeals to the public on.
Lol 98% of america are brainless morons who pay no attention to policies. What they will pay attention to is Trump being a little bitch to avoid the debate and Vance saying dumb things while applying his eyeliner
>the average person
Democrats have been crying for 8 years that Trump is a threat to democracy yet
>Bernie Sanders got his nomination stolen from him
>Joe Biden got coup'd
>Democrat voters didn't vote for their presidential nominee
Even the most basic normie who only sees politics as red vs blue can see how democrats are spineless hypocrites.
>George Jefferson
81 million pays for a bunch of vpns I guess
He doesn’t want to legitimize Harris when she’s not even the nominee.


They think simply like "I was made poorer under Democrats" or "Democrats are letting brown people invade my neighborhood", it's over buddy
i'm a lifetime democrat but i have a family to feed, which i was able to do under drumpf. more blacks and lgbtq2s+ on tv and in government have done nothing to put food on my table. i had to take a 15% paycut to keep from losing my job while the price of everything went up an average of more than 25%. it's only going to get worse with kamala, i see it and all my democrat voting friends and family see it. remember how people in 2016 were afraid to say they would vote for drumpf? democrat voters are more afraid to say they're not voting for harris.
It's very possible they will think like that
But Trump is going off the rails recently with some of the things he's saying and Vance is almost single-handedly nuking his campaign. Trump's antics are amusing until they get excessive at which point they start driving people away
Avoiding the debate is over the top and a bad decision IMO
remember when Tulsi shattered Kamala's soul and she hid in her shell like a turtle for 4 years? but Vance was a better pick....what a fucking idiot

You've covered every inch of Trump antics for 10 years, it's falling on deaf ears now. That's not going to change any minds at all. His recent "antics" have been surviving an assassination attempt, which only inspires sympathy.
They were good millions I told them to pay me..

Well qui sera sera
I'm sorry but the assassination attempt was a nothingburger. No one cares about it anymore, especially with how muddled the shooter's motives are
Trump has challenged her to debates multiple times, she just keeps saying he's too scared while refusing to actually agree to one.
>Trump debates candidate X
>X does poorly
>DNC abandons X and props up candidate Y instead
>Trump Y
>Y does poorly
>DNC abandons Y and props up candidate Z instead
>Trump debates Z...

What's really interesting is seeing all of the bots and shills on reddit spinning their wheels to make Trump look like a coward because he refuses to put up with this shit. Harris is both condescending and incompetent, and he'll gladly make her look like a cunt once the Democrats actually commit to her.
>despite all of this Trump says he wants to debate her
>backs out two days later like a pussy
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Didn't his opponent get so demented he backed out of the entire race?
>Avoiding the debate
Do you honestly believe there's not going to be a debate? There's a minor amount of restructuring going on to an agreement made in a completely different world, translating that to DRUMPF SCARED, ORANGE MAN HIDING is clinically retarded.
Print this out, put it on your cubicle wall and feel bad when they debate.
canceling a debate that you applauded two days prior under the guise of "waiting until the crooked dems pick their candidate" is cowardly. she is the candidate, just like biden was before her. they're fucking scared that their silver bullet of laughing at a demented old man is gone.
>Vance is a better pick
blompf cope #865 Coconut mommy doesn't want to give niggers triple the votes cause they breed like rabbits, she also doesn't worship at the feet of Netenyahu like your boy Vance does
She might shit on the designated stage.

Kamala can call him a convicted felon every time she replies to him. She can work that into every answer.
I think there's going to be a debate because Kamala has already owned him on this and now he has no choice
He's still a little bitch for not just outright saying yes
Because he's a low energy kike assclown and his supporters are confirmed shabbos goys in 2024
>The Democratic convention hasn't happened yet so why risk them changing candidates... again... after a potential additional bad debate.
Trump gets to make another kike-controlled leftist retard look like a dipshit in front of the entire nation and make more redditors contemplate suicide for backing the dumbest death cult of all time?
>But Trump is going off the rails recently with some of the things he's saying
Cool (((memeflag))) schlomo
None of what Trump has been saying recently is out of character or "off the rails" for him. Cope harder, loser.
>oy vey goyim forget about us trying to kill Trump after Biden lost a debate so hard he had to be removed from office
>she is the candidate
How many delegates did she win in the primary?
She's not the nominee until confirmed at the DNC. Simple as.
He debated and Biden quit.
He didn't agree to debate yaz kween who's not even nominated
Trump can only win if he ditches Vance (lowest vp approval of all time and he keeps saying stupid divisive vote losing shit and scaring off women) and he needs to not waste time debating because ABC will be biased and as long as he ditches Vance he will be ahead, he doesn't have to respect the undemocratic choice of Kamala. Please, I know people close to the trump campaign post on here. Jack Posobiec are you here? Tell Trump this. I bet money on him in 2016 and made a lot of money, I understand US politics and persuasion
she has 3200 delegates as of yesterday. she raised $126M in under 48 hours. she's the candidate.
He isn't. Biden picked the last venue. Now it's Trump's turn to pick this one.
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>He didn't agree to debate yaz kween who's not even nominated
On the contrary, he agreed to "more than one debate actually" with her. Trump's own words.
And sound retarded while doing it. That would be hilarious. And we get another salt thread of
>Why is Kamala repeating the same thing over and over between cackling like a confused hyena? I didn't vote for this.
>Oh my fucking god fellow redditors its so over how could they not tell us it was this bad???
>1 post by this ID

Election’s in 100 days or so
He's a movin' on up, to thee top, to a deelux apartment in the sky-hyyy.

Its strange to see Hillary Clinton-style "correct the record" online propaganda on here
>We gave everything Biden earned to her, that makes her real
lmao jewish cope
>she is the candidate
The delegates are not legally bound to vote for her at the DNC. You know this.
>Gets nicked by shrapnel and after he hears the sniper is down he gets up from under a pile of SS agents and poses for his photo op
>Ask if he will debate Harris

Are you a runner or a fighter Donald?
that's not how delegates work in the DNC.
Did you know that by formulating a statement as a question, "Why is...?", you frame the statement as an established fact and then make the target audience ponder an answer to that question, rationalizing and justifying the statement as a fact to themselves. It is a common technique for opinion manipulation. Jehovah's Witnesses love to use that technique.
Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
They weren't legally bound to vote for Biden either, and yet Trump still debated him. Why do you think that is?
He can't debate anyone younger than him.
All Kamala has to do is say she’s scared of trump and everything he says is racist or sexist. Boom. He losses.
They WERE legally bound to vote for Biden, because the primary process was what selected those delegates, and Biden won those delegates through that process. You can't be this retarded.
Because he's a little bitch. Just like his supporters.
retard, Andrew Jackson was the president who never told a lie
Not in the DNC. Delegates are pledged, not bound.
She's not even officially on the ballot in all 50 states. The dems are the ones that reneged in the deal for trump to debate biden. If I were Trump I would only agree to debate her if RFK was included.
rich coming from a unironic homosexual who is paid to shill online for not only a nigger/pajeet hybrid, but a woman at that. kek!
He'll damage her by not debating her because it gives the same vibes as a woman sinking into the shadows when her attempts to talk get ignored. The Dems will also lose a chance to hype up the base by giving them something to cheer for and talk about. Trump already has his base fired up because he literally destroyed the Dem candidate. He doesn't need another debate.
but he debated Biden when he wasn't the nominee???
It would legitimise her.
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Anyone that thinks Trump is a bitch hasn't been paying attention. How many Presidents have mug shots and rap album covers?
The debates traditionally happen after the candidates are officially nominated during the RNC and DNC.
We had one debate before that and they threw out Joe. Just wait for the DNC.
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don't the democrats have to officially have a candidate before a debate can be planned? or can i show up and debate harris and trump?
>backs out
when did he agree to debate kamala?
he should, and he will, but he should renegatiate the terms.

Kamala isn't the nominee yet. She might not be up for a debate.
So many shills, paid actors, and glowies in this thread.....
What's better to humiliate the current admin AND their designated nominee?
he should debate kamala
on tucker carlson with no mute buttons
do you think she'd accept those terms?
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That would be cultural appropriation chud
This is the best you can do? Someone, somewhere has been cheated out of their money
This. Trump already proved himself with the debate from last month. He doesn't need to give this hag any air time.
>Kamala isn't the nominee yet
Joe Biden wasn't either. Try another argument
Fuck off back to r*ddit, nigger

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he made me mad REEEEEE posts tranny stuff to get back at him REEEEEEEEEEE
ever notice how weird trump acts. there's something odd about him.
Why should he recognize her legitimacy? She didn't win a single vote. He already debated the official candidate. Why go through all that bs again when he doesn't have to? he has nothing to gain and everything to lose.
>Biden didn't drop out of the debate, Trump dropped out of the debate
interesting spin. the Trump campaign is probably going to ask for 2+ debates after Kamala's coronation on the DNC zoom call next week. the Kamala team is going to have to come up with a plan to keep it at just 1 and have it on MSNBC or something.
He must be worried about Harris’s people ( Jews) shooting him again
So this really is the new retarded narrative?
Has Harris said anything about a platform yet?
>She didn't win a single vote
You don't understand how DNC delegates work.
>He already debated the official candidate
No he didn't.
>he has nothing to gain and everything to lose.
True, but not for the reasons you think
Yeh he’s not controlled by NWO Jews
>Coconut mommy doesn't want to give niggers triple the votes cause they breed like rabbits

Their birthrates are not too far off from whites. Hispanics on the other hand...
Shut up Jew rat
Great argument lad, I concede
He only said he won't agree to terms until she's the candidate.
You dont debate someone who doesn't even have the job yet.
Its like debating the homeless out side home depot, a waste of time.
If you had any brains, you would know this.
But if you had any brains, you wouldn't be a dem.
you seem upset
>You don't understand how DNC delegates work.
I understand that they're anti-democratic. It was a coup.

>No he didn't.
So you kikes are just going to erase that hilarious debate with biden out of the history books now? hilarious.
but that wasn't an issue when he debated Biden?
Unimpeachably based
She's not officially the nominee. She's just another who at this point
because democrats are twisting up facts as usual
Has she even been officially selected as the nominee yet?
Jews, basically
>Has Harris said anything about a platform yet?

Of course not. Obama had no platform either besides "I'm a half-nigger." If there's exists any sort of unifying goal for D-team it's to spread as many bad ideas and bad behaviors as possible, but disguise it as some kind of moral upright-ness. At this point, and as loopy as it sounds at first, maybe there's some truth to the whole "demons feeding off of negative energy" thing. Leftists/progressives are just spiritual kikes so it makes sense.
Yeah, I’ve been saying no Dem candidate since maybe 04 has said much of anything about their stances on issues. It’s been especially egregious since Hillary.
good point
kamala is still a nobody
He's not though.
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>oh no, bunkertroons and plebbitors are pretending to shill for a candidate they don’t even like because they think it’ll own da natsees, how will /pol/ ever recover…
He literally said he will not schedule the debate with her until she is confirmed to be the Democrat nominee
>You dont debate someone who doesn't even have the job yet.
then why did he debate biden?
>So you kikes are just going to erase that hilarious debate with biden out of the history books now?
Biden wasn't the official candidate. Use your brain.
>Biden wasn't the official candidate.
Not in the minds of delusional democrats I suppose, just like how Biden was sharp and capable for the past 4 years up until this past month.
There is no official candidate until the DNC. Pledges delegates does not make you the official candidate, and if they did Kamala would be the official candidate anyway. Your argument is flawed.
>the sitting President running for his second term unopposed by his party was not the nominee
topkek the pilpul staggering
biden was the presumptive nominee with a chosen vp.
when harris wins the nomination and selects a vp
she is free to debate trump on tucker carlson with no mute buttons.
Why would he not let her get in her own way with word salads?
>muh pilpul
Let's put it this way. How many direct votes did Biden get? How many direct votes did Harris get? If direct votes don't actually mean anything, why put on the facade in the first place?
and Harris is the Vice President running unopposed by her party
Yep, he saw mortal danger and made the right choice.
Harris is the presumptive nominee. Why would she need a VP to debate Trump? Will the VPs be attending the debate?
why hasn't Obongo endorsed her?
Why are (you) scared to tell your parents you are gay?
He owes Big Mike a favor.
>i'm talking

Do people not remember the 2020 VP debates? Oh.. that's right.. many of you low iq fucks probably only remember that a fly landed on Pence. Wow.

Well, the rest of the time was spent with Pence showing how fucking retarded kamala is. He blew her out of the water. She's a dumb ass. She absolutely cannot "debate".

Her only ammo is, lol, 34x felon, adjudicated sex assault!!!
He's completely terrified of lawyers. That's why he never testifies and just whine-cries with tweets. his lawyers do the actual talking


>his lawyers do the actual talking
So he's smart is what you're saying?
>then why did he debate biden?
The democrats were 99% behind Biden, he was certain to get the nomination, but now things are more shaky because Biden was ousted.
why wasn't Trump afraid of Biden and agreed to debate him any time, any place? Because he knew Biden is a complete wreck. Trump himself joked about throwing the first debate so the democrats keep Biden in.
Trump wants the debate to be on fox, kamala wants it to be on another channel.
They are literally getting people excited for Kamala.
If they don't want her they are doing a shit job of showing it,.
What are they going to rug pull her like Bernie?
>getting people excited for Kamala.

kek what a bitch
That might mean something had the DNC not essentially pulled a coup just a few days ago despite the vehement instance that Biden wasn’t going anywhere. Then shills crowed over muh 5D chess about how the GOP wasted time and money going after Biden lel, yet you now insist drumpf debate before the convention.
Guess you’ll now just have to cope while feigning enthusiasm for a candidate who no one supported this time last week, and wait for it :^)
Harris is only the presumptive nominee insofar as the Party Leadership has her tagged as Biden's official successor, whereas Biden at the very least had people who actually voted for him in a primary process, even if they didn't really have a choice.
Here's an MSM source showing as such. Harris is merely "favored" to be the candidate because the party is outright bypassing the primary process. This Dean Phillips or Jason Palmer fellow should be the nominee because they ran in primaries against an opponent who dropped out, and as such received likely the second most votes. In a proper republican or democratic system, this Phillips and Palmer fellow should be fighting each other for the spot. But because the DNC is just going for broke and woke, we get a brat who needs correction instead.
>getting people excited
Based on the shilling here, it’s extremely desperate and extremely forced.
He doesn't want to be confronted on the Israel/Palestine issue which she has the better position on.
Not committing is a sign he believes they'll swap her out with someone else. Basically an insult. He'll commit if she's confirmed as the candidate and ready to be on all 50 states ballots
Biden's votes went to delegates, who's job it is to represent said voters. Those delegates went unpledged after Biden dropped out, and then pledged to Harris after Biden endorsed her and after she raised a staggering amount of money very quickly. Harris at this point has a higher percentage of supporters than Biden did. The delegates are doing their job.
I'm saying Vance was a terrible pick, if not the worst
Faggot, get better news.
He won't debate her because she is not the nominee yet.
How many people voted for Harris?
Who voted for kameltoe to be the nominee you retarded kike piece of shit
Seethe moar faggot
Why does that matter? Are you arguing delegates do not represent the will of the people?
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Kys kike
The DNC doesn’t care about its constituents, obviously
Debates are about optics, not points. All a debate would do right now is legitimatize Kamala Harris as a real candidate instead of Joe Biden's lackey. There's no reason to give her that.
>The democrats were 99% behind Biden
and now democrats are 99% behind Kamala.
>why wasn't Trump afraid of Biden and agreed to debate him any time, any place? Because he knew Biden is a complete wreck
and now that Trump is going to debate someone that isn't suffering from dementia he backs out. that's called being a coward.
Idiot nigger, she's not the nominee yet = no debate, stop crowning this nigger without a vote.
Biden wasn't the nominee either. Damn you retards don't know how to think for yourselves.
It's different for a sitting president
They're forcing the narrative of Kamala so they don't lose the billions in joes coffers idiot faggot. If you can't see through that you're just humping the headlines
>It's different for a sitting president
No it's not.
>They're forcing the narrative of Kamala
or maybe Kamala simply has the support of the voters.
Explain why Trump agreed to a debate with Harris three days ago and then backed off two days later, using your own words.
never happened
He's controlled by Zionist war mongering Jews like Miriam Adelson.
>Has support
I think he wants to throw fuel on the fire of her jumping on the nomination without a vote and ride that until a new debate is set.
She's a fucking nobody and he's not going to let her call the shots and get one friendly debate
>Why would she need a VP to debate Trump? Will the VPs be attending the debate?
what is the point of having a debate when your shit isn't in order?
there's nothing to debate at this point:
she doesn't have a platform
she doesn't have a plan
she dosen't have a vp
she's not prepared.
realistically, what's she going to talk about at this point?
her failure as border czar?
how about she come's back when she has an agenda?
they can debate on tucker carlson without mute buttons.
>she doesn't have a platform
>she doesn't have a plan
>she dosen't have a vp
>she's not prepared.
then Trump should be willing to debate with her, it'd be a devastating loss for the democrats.
I really wonder if it's AI at this point, there are more and more of these "people" that just make a post, never say anything else, never say nigger, and leave.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
i, too, think he should debate her.
on tucker carlson
with no mute buttons.
let me know when she agrees to that.
until then, maybe she should work on her plan for running the country; there's only two and a half months left until election day, anon, and she doesn't even have an agenda, lol.
This reads exactly like a twitter post.
After she’s the official candidate and can’t drop out
Kamala is dumber than Biden and got raped by tulsi on the debate stage
It’s made up
>No it's not.
Yes it is, faggot rat.
The onus is on Trump to arrange that, seeing as he currently doesn't want to debate her.
Never say anything smart or logical...

Fuck off
Sitting presidents have to earn delegates just like anyone else. It's not different in any way.
Kind of like how Biden didn't debate either until forced to
>beat Kamala in debate
>she drops out

>has to debate someone else
>they drop out
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hey, remember when kamala got raped live on stage by tulsi gabard?
we 100% know that kamala is going to get her anus tore on stage.
the only question is whether or not she agrees to debate on a platform without a home-team advantage like trump did with biden.
i guarantee you she will not.
and, if she does, the memes will be glorious.
Anon.. this would be a perfect situation for republicans to be in. Why would Trump refuse this?
Though I am still pissed at Mr. Trump for the vax all you guys will eventually die from, I don't blame him on this one, I too am scared of girls, not so much the girl but America IS a nation of wall to wall pussy sniffers, henpecked dudes and daddies little princess fuckers so he cannot win a debate no matter what he says. Might as well remove the stars on the American flag and put a uterus there at this point it would be more accurate. But I shall sit this one out again anyway.
Kind of like you...commie...the flag...overweight....no very smart...nothing going for themselves...

Literally you
anyone who says it's because she isn't legitimate are just coping, and know that MAMALA would BTFO of TRUMPTARD
That nigger will go down in cackling flames and you know it faggot
she’s literally (literally) not the democrat candidate yet, moron
the only question is why didn't Trump arrange a debate like that? instead he backed out. he didn't even try.
Old, weak, low energy
>Why would Trump refuse this?
He isn’t you disingenuous faggot. Details for the debate are being worked out and should be because of a borderline last minute change up in the democratic candidate. All of this is just fluff you’re using to convince yourself Harris has a chance of winning. She doesn’t. The DNC realizes this so she’s the sacrificial lamb which allows the party to pivot to 2028. She will debate Trump sometime in September and she is going to get clubbed to death on live television during it. It will be the end of her political career. You and all the other retards screaming over Harris need to listen to Carville and reel in the overconfidence.

Trump cant debate. He can only throw bants.
He clearly is if he's outright refusing a debate under the guise of the dems not having an "official candidate" when he already debated an unofficial candidate.
The absolute state of Democrat cope
If we could harness your anxiety we would have UNLIMITED POWER
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Joe Camel a smoker
Why did he debate Biden then? Biden hadn’t been nominated yet.
Kamala is not worthy to debate Trump. She is currently not even the nominee, has not won any votes, and is the last ditch bait and switch from Biden. She can only debate Trump once she becomes the nominee and they re-negotiate the debate terms and that’s not until late August until they sort all of that out at the very earliest
Acknowledging she is illegitimately being promoted to the DNC nomination without getting votes is a good strategy for Trump.
actually kinda looks like her
Both Biden and Harris were on the ticket in 2020. If Trump could debate Biden, then he can debate Harris. Anything else is a pathetic excuse.
There is no political solution. The best strategy for getting rid of kikes and their brown pets is acceleration. And that means supporting kamala, because trump will jusy calm half the country down with plan trusting. We need food riots, rolling blackouts, competency crisis nonstop. The system stumbles and we can finish it off. Under trump it will just keep limping along while we drown in a brown flood.
Biden won the delegates through primary. Kamala hasn't done that and is now hoping back room deals will get her through the convention.
Never has the unofficial candidate dropped out after a debate, to be replaced with a new unofficial candidate. Trump was operating in good faith that Biden would be the nominee, now that the DNC shoved him out the back door he's right to say fuck it come at me when you're ready.
he already did his debate.
the democrat party being a mess and unable to stick to one person is not his problem. also debating a woman lol
Trumps going to debate her. But pretending she's legitimate because she was a VP in a previous election is retarded. She just committed a coup. She's illegitimate until the DNC finally sinks the knife into their primary voters backs.
Source where Trump called her illegitimate? He only said Obama didn't endorse her. Now he did. What's the next excuse?
He will in the end, because his polling will be underwater by September
Why is Kamala's sister hanging out with known pedo Tony Podesta?
They didn’t have a choice because they were never offered a choice because they thought Biden would make it to elections so they can rig it for him again. They severely miscalculated
Delegates aren't bound to their candidate. Kamala has all the delegates she needs, just as Biden did.
>Trump was operating in good faith that Biden would be the nominee
and when Biden backed out Trump agreed to debate Harris instead of him. then two days later he walked that comment back. Why is that?
>He clearly is if he's outright refusing a debate under the guise of the dems not having an "official candidate" when he already debated an unofficial candidate.
Trump said himself he wants do debate Harris. The campaigns are currently working out the details. This has been reported on for days. You are purposefully lying about this. Essentially the DNC needs to get its shit together to make one happen but all they are doing right now is circle jerking over a dumb whore who is somehow dumber than Biden and making shit up for no reason. Again, mostly to convince themselves Harris isn’t a bloated whale carcass of a candidate. Carville is, amazingly, the only voice of reason on this from the dems and nobody is listening because they are fucking retarded. Less lying, more getting your shit together.
Her influx of “donations” was just them transferring Biden’s campaign account to hers
this is the literal only time the sitting president has been ousted before the (((official nomination))) at the DNC, so suddenly it's the rule and not the exception? go join the 41%, rat.
Still had more won primaries than Kamala, try harder Faggot
>why did he walk it back
Maybe he got wind that the DNC was considering changing again. Maybe some of his advisor folks advised him to wait till she was official. Who knows the reason, but he put out a statement saying he'll debate whoever the official nominee is, when it's official.
>refuse to ''debate'' some shitskin
>Both Biden and Harris were on the ticket in 2020
What year is it?
wouldn't accepting a debate with her be an admission that she is indeed the democratic candidate? which, as a reminder, she's not because no one voted for her
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Biden isn't nominated this year yet Trump had no problem debating him?
Because the candidate doesn’t matter, they are all pushing the same agenda. Once again trump shows he has the worst advisors. Anytime you stick a mic in front of her she puts her foot in her mouth.
and he crushed him and forced him to quit the race
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always with the unnecessarily jewish photo
good luck vooting
Other than the debate between Trump and Biden this year it's typically, meaning 99% of the time, been the norm for debates to occur after both conventions so that official candidates are selected. Biden was the incumbent that already had the backing of delegates through a primary. It stood to reason that no one else would be selected at the DNC other than him save for something catastrophic. That's the reason Trump accepted the extremely rare pre convention debate. Kamala was gifted the delegates and support barely 24 hours after Joe stepped down, which means that behind closed doors the party had been planning on her being the next nominee for a while. Specifically because she's the only one capable of using the donations already accrued. The huge influx of donations were just the frozen and held over stuff that was intended to go to Joe. Waiting until after the DNC is very much the norm and what's done 99.99% of the time for Presidential debates. Trump owes the Democrats nothing until they get their house fully in order and lock in a candidate.
>Has Harris said anything about a platform yet?

Her platform is not being old as fuck . Unironcally. And it seems to be working. Dems don't need a platform Maga keeps shooting themselves in the foot.
Donald Trump is not afraid.

I side with Donald Trump on this one, obviously.

Imagine the scenario being one huge boxing match where Boxer A (Donald Trump) and Boxer B (Kamala Harris) are to fight inside the ring. After Donald Trump wins the match and gets the championship cup the perhaps Boxer Organization has determined that Kamala Harris is disqualified due to the lack certification. As a result Donald Trump has to fight another Leftist Democratic Party candidate to get the championship cup.

So yeah... it is a complete waste if it's not official.
He is a pussy. Afraid to headbutt a bullet
A week ago, age wasn't an issue.
>Biden isn't nominated this year yet Trump had no problem debating him?
The incumbent 100% always gets the nomination unless they drop out. Trump honestly made a mistake in debating him before the DNC nomination because they would be stuck with Biden if he waited.
Not that it really matters. Kamala is just as bad a candidate as Biden *as of right now* but Biden will probably get even worse in the next 4 months.
Trump would have maximized his chances if he waited.

Either way Kamala is still illegitimate and Trump needs to double down on that.
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no u

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