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Anyone else amazed how much Taiwan makes chinks seethe? I guess it makes sense given Taiwan is a wealthy first world nation and China is a third world shithole, but still!
Based, fuck china
everything makes globalist chinksects seethe, it's insanely easy
Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton already settled the science and agreed that there is 1-China. (CCP)
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Getting too much btfo after the Indian feces particles in iPhone Report thread and now need to divert attention?

Saar pls redeem
Fuck Chinks
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Is there a Mutt’s law for jew mentions? Some of you are worrying me that this is a sex thing.
Imagine the failed Chinese night raids.
>China has never been able to take it
I love it when you shills talk out of your ass.
China tried to take it ONCE. In 1950. In the midst of the Korean War, mop up of the civil war on the mainland. While having NO air force and NO navy.
And people starving and no infrastructure after literally 18 years of war in China.

So yeah, technically it was never able to take it. When the only time they did try those were teh circumstances. I guess NAFO shills hate context! Context is very hard for those with abysmal IQ.
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>China will grow La- ACKKKK!!!!
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taiwan is the real china.
He did a flip. Based!
>raise your hand if your country is occupied by rebels

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Thanks for your service and the chuckles Fren. I don't have these (I think) in my chink hate folder.
I'm amazed at how much China makes Americans seethe.
Instead of being mad at their ruling class for relocating their industrial base there and investing Trillions of dollars in China.
They are mad at China.
It doesn't make any sense unless most Americans are retarded Niggers.
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No I don't frequent Chinese circles.
taiwan is also chinks retard
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It is because Taiwan has the mandate of heaven.
A daily reminder that your own state has no right to exist, seethe guaranteed.
Taiwan is un-ironically based, minus all the lgbtq shit. And the girls there are super chinky and hot af
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US Soldiers used to man the Kinmen islands and would shell the communist chinks daily. Continued until Kissinger
That was one of the more brutal PRC workplace safety instructional videos I’ve seen
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>Taiwan is un-ironically based
>"I hate democracy like the plague." - Ernst Jünger
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Anyone have that before and after of the the 10/10 Korean girl who got plastic surgery to look like a generic chinksect?
Taiwan is just a province of china even recognized by the united states and pretty much the rest of the world
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Storm of Steel was the best book ever written
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When those faggots fought the KMT after WW2 doing nothing but hiding in the mountains, they did the same. Now kys chink
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Hello, chang. I'm not seething, I'm lmao at you faggots
vid related
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>witness me!!!
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What the fuck is this supposed to be or do, outside of pain, possible paralysis and very likely infection?
>not even trying to slow down or break
>just ram trough it
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Did you know china is the gayest place on earth, chang?
It's true!
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Two more weeks
>While having NO air force
They had a fairly good Airforce. With both Soviet and American planes.
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what's wrong with this stupid ass bitch?
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Is china like dark comedy cartoon land? I dont fucking get it, its like they have no refard for their own lives let alone others around them.
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I love how the person on the blurry bike thing almost gets hit, certainly saw him die, then just casually keeps going.
You're a refard
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Never expect Americans to understand national unity, after all, you are merely slaves to the Jews and lack your own national spirit.
It's amazing that Taiwan used to be packed with cannibals until recently.
It's true. Look it up.
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>1pbtid op
Called it, this is a Pajeet bot thread
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Relax chink.
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Herro, chang
Here's china unity!:
Did you know in the 1960’s, the fucking 60’s the chinks had a massive cannibalism breakout and THERE WAS NOT EVEN A FAMINE lol

*btw the chinks keep editing this Wikipedia page to sanitize it. About half of the original details have been removed

>In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed.[1][3][4][8] According to public records available, at least 137 people—perhaps hundreds more—were eaten by others and at least thousands of people participated in the cannibalism.[5][9] Other researchers have pointed out that 421 victims who could be identified by name were eaten, and there were reports of cannibalism across dozens of counties in Guangxi.[6][9][10] Although the cannibalism was sponsored by local offices of the Communist Party and militia,
>In the massacre, methods of slaughter included "beheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling, group slaughters, disemboweling, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more".[1][7] In one case, according to official records, a person had dynamite bound to the back and was blown up into pieces by other people (天女散花)—just for fun.[1] This crime was led by Cen Guorong (岑国荣), who was once the Director of the Trade Union of Guangxi and had served as a representative in the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh National Congresses of the Chinese Communist Party.[1]

In another case of 1968, "a geography instructor named Wu Shufang (吴树芳) was beaten to death by students at Wuxuan Middle School. Her body was carried to the flat stones of the Qian River where another teacher was forced at gunpoint to rip out the heart and liver. Back at the school the pupils barbecued and consumed the organs."[7][10]

These people pretend to be human lol

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lol, chink unity:
>Mao sees birds eat grains
>He tells 1 billion chinese to kill all the birds in China so that the birds won't eat their grains anymore
>1 billion chinese kill all the birds in China
>with no more birds, the insect population explodes in China
>the insects eat all the grains
>45 million chinese starve to death https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_Campaign >
>Mao needs steel to make buildings
>He tells 1 billion chinese to stop farming and working, and instead to melt down all their metal to produce steel
>1 billion chinese gather every single piece of metal in sight, including farming tools, pots, and pans
>1 billion chinese chop down every single tree in sight to fuel the furnaces, and even tear down their houses to provide more wood
>In the end, 1 billion chinese produce millions of tons of useless pig iron that is completely unusable
>1 billion chinese now have no homes to live in, no tools to use for farming, no pots to cook food, no wood to heat the pots,
>and no food to eat in China.
>Mao wants to be like the west and have cars
>china doesn't have the industry to make cars for everyone
>He tells 1 billion chinks that he will "upgrade" their horse drawn wagons
>"upgrades" their wagons by replacing their wooden wheels with steel wheels. like cars have!
>steel wheels end up sinking into the mud and were too heavy for horses to pull
>in the end, thousands of useless wagons were constructed or retrofitted that were completely unusable
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That's because you fail to understand the notion of a nation state, mutt. A country is a body composed of people of the same nation, striving together. China, as the name implies, views itself as the caretaker and leader for all Chinese people.

Many states feel this way. Same as with Russia and the Russians in Ukraine. Know why Hungary is blocking NATO aid to Ukraine? Because a significant amount of Hungarians live in Ukraine.

It must be a hard concept, living in a purely rootless, nationless economic zone where the idea of loving your kinsman is reviled and hated, but it's actually the norm.
fucking islets never learn
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lol, it fled to japan top kek
The Great Qing Empire had never claimed that they were Chinese. They were the Manchurians, the conqueror and ruled the land of Far East Asian mainland for 268 years. They colonized the land. Those they ruled were their subjects, or slaves. The so called “Chinese” (中華民族)was invented by a scholar by the name of “梁啓超” in the later part of Qing Empire. This was later adopted by then revolutionists for the sake of keeping the territory of the Empire from splitting into many parts. The so called “漢族”, “炎黃子孫”, “朝代” and “five thousand years of history” were also invented at the same time for the same reason and for the legitimacy of the newly created country called “the Republic of China” (中華民國)in 1912. In 1950 there were over 400 ethnic groups in China and later were officially accepted to be 56. Of course these were all invented or fabricated within the last 120 years.

>5000 years of getting raped by every neighboring nation and passing foreign army
>literally 20 times the mutts they call everyone else.
>Ancestor DNA exctinct
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Nixon agreed the One China policy in the early 1970's,
have you been sniffing glue again?
I don't feel this way and I feel no need to be in an imaginary community. I love my actual kinsmen, like my family, and my friends. I fight for them not all random white people. I don't need to choose a pre-set race to support just because some of the world perceives themselves in that way
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Also the last thing I want is some one to be handed total power because he’s a white guy and he’s able to convince everyone that he has our best interests in mind. Any government will always be retarded and the best thing they can do is get out of the way
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Bumping because the people getting pulverized in China can at least serve as an example to their own stupid government what is going to happen to them if they keep fucking around with the global homo west.
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Yeah mate, that's cool, but keeping your blood circle that small diminishes your collective power and atomizes your social unit.

It's why the Jews and blacks are so strong in America. They operate not as Americans, but as a collective even if they know they're in the wrong. Notice how a black person quite clearly, by all definitions, fucks up and deserves what they got? The tribe comes together though and demands justice, and even though the individual was wrong, apologies are made, laws are passed, and benefits are given because they act as a unit.

If you're a white American, preferably with one roots to before the civil war, I'd start to think as a collective. Force politicians to begin to pander to you. You're going to be a minority soon, so it's best to act as a large unit that they'll need to please instead of a scattered group that is simply the base.

If you need examples, I'd look at the Afrikaners and Boers of South Africa. They're a very small minority, but still have political clout because they act as a unit.
chinks making chinks seethe? anyway taiwan is old and backwards compared to real china
>HURR you can't be mad at both DURR!
Shut up chang, KEK.
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pity bump for you Agent Ramirez
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>when you get your beekeeper suit from Temu
Love how many mutt here seethe about China.
good morning sir
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Its all china. Their all Chinese bugs. Cope.
KEK, shut up hiroshi. We buckbroke you in WWII, the 1980s, 90s, and 10s, and you depend on us for military protection. Fucking KEK, and I cannot wait for the rest of the world to realize your people are every bit the seething niggers that the changs are.
CIA glownigger thread
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>W-we did something 80+ years ago!
Get some new material, Tyrone. You didn't do shit. Your father didn't do shit. Your grandfather probably didn't do shit as it's so far removed now. You don't see the British relishing the battle of Hastings, still?

Get some new glories or shut the fuck up. Lately it's: You lost Vietnam, You lost Korea, and you lost Afghanistan.
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Nobody gives a fuck about china, 90% of them are bots or glowniggers preparing us for war against china.
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>I'm amazed at how much China makes Americans seethe
Not amazed at all, its understandable that they are not happy that jews are ruling over an area populated by ethnic chinese, its only natural to want to unify your people
the western debate on taiwan is so fucking dishonest.

if there was a little island next to the US to which the confederate leaders had fled after losing the civil war, had founded a new government on that island and called it "Real True USA", and created a narrative where the "mainland USA" government is illlegitimate, you bet it would have been wiped out a long time ago

but they never mention these little details. the average westerner thinks taiwan is just a random island nation that china hates for no reason whatsoever
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hes heiling hitler
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Real dishonesty is that the West officially recognises the One China policy and accepts Taiwan as a part of China. However, they treat it as not only a de facto independent country but a Western, that is American vassal. The United States is more likely to put troops on the ground for Taiwan than for most NATO countries.
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Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
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The new Taiwanese movie is going to be amazing I hear

That ACTUALLY could all happen to Taiwan but then it would blow up the three gorge dam which would kill 400,000,000 in a day as it's the largest Asiatic river

So that isn't mentioned much and Taiwan has a shit ton of missiles aimed at that

But if they COULD secure the 3gd it would be as trailer says

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