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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Go to heaven
>3/4 of the population isn't even white

Am I, as a white man supposed to desire this? To spend an eternity with niggers? Why are Christians so hellbent on "saving" these apes to begin with? It doesn't sound like a white man's religion to me.
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Suicide Cult Lite basically
Turn your religion to global warming accelerationism and buckbreakism. Its the best way.
I imagine even heaven is fairly segregated.
Only Catholics go to heaven. the largest amount of Catholics are Europeans and Latino Americans
However the Latinxs are very lukewarm and the majority won't be saved, but European Catholics are much more loyal to their faith therefor it would be like 50/50 in heaven. remember the simpsons
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sorry but catholic heaven too is going to smell horrendously
there's barely any practicing christians in Europe
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It's not a whites-only religion because it's an actual spiritual belief not some faggot vehicle for political ideology that you're looking for it to be.
What makes you think heaven will be filled with blacks when most blacks are criminals who don’t believe in repentance since they believe they didn’t do nothing?

Most blacks will end up in hell if anything
It's not "white man's religion". God will save anyone, even you who doesn't deserve anything.
>the largest amount of Catholics
Anons who died

Catholics, brown more attractive than the pricks they wanted in charge
>What makes you think heaven will be filled with blacks when most blacks are criminals who don’t believe in repentance since they believe they didn’t do nothing?
It's not a rational thing. pol, like all brown mutts, is especially afraid of black people for some reason. Never forget there are basically no white users on here.
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Christianity teaches men that weakness is a virtue
Christianity teaches women that race mixing is fine
As far as I know your "personhood" isn't necessarily preserved in heaven. Idk could be wrong, but it goes to "till death do us part" in marriage, you do other shit in heaven and you're not fully human anymore.
Africans will make up 50% of the world's population by 2050 because christians are sending them food aid.
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your soul doesn't have DNA retard
So no race, no skin , no genders, just pure energy and conciousness, which is either good or evil.
Heaven is only for the good ones.. so you will either be in the company of a billion good souls who really love you.. or in the company of a billion evil souls who really hate you.

Choose wisely..
Who says niggers go to heaven?
Presumably heaven would have segregation (it is heaven after all)
Everyone becomes white in heaven
>assuming they all go to Heaven
Actually read the Bible, nigger. Heaven will be on earth. So niggers can stay in Africa still.
The only black people who can get in were white souls born in black bodies
Thank Jesus
There’s like 2000 years of Christian history in Europe you migrant kurdish faggot I know you’re not Italian.
>wake up
>thick smell of coconut oil
irrelevant to my post little brown zambo mongrel, there's barely any practicing christians left in Europe especially under 70 years of age

pro-tip: playing the #1 christian warrior 1488 epic crusader part "we wuz christ ese" won't make Europeans accept you
There're no niggers or whites or whatever in heaven. Your soul transcends flesh.
>It doesn't sound like a white man's religion to me.
Most whites are atheist nigger lovers though.
>sorry but catholic heaven too is going to smell horrendously
is this a self-report I'm hearing from you?
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>only Catholics go to heaven.

Yeah about that.
Have you actually read the Bible?
Show me the part where we are commanded to pray to anyone other than God.
How about believing Christ's sacrifice isn't enough to receive forgiveness, and that you need to go into a booth with a priest and then be assigned prayers to recite to buy forgiveness.
Unlike arrogant Catholics, we think most Christians including Catholics go to heaven. I understand why you need to believe you guys are the only ones, it justifies all the extra stuff you do. In your own minds you're the chosen. Kinda Jewish, but I love you guys anyway. Why you haven't sued the shit out of "Catholoc Charities" run by kikes that flood America with 3rd worlders I don't know.
Find out here Israel and edom are and you will find out why your post is extremely gay and low effort.
Just show that the sedevacantist position or the orthodox church is the true church, one of them. God would never allow that to happen
no it's just basic demographics, it's a religion of nigger monkeys from africa and 5 foot midgets from mexico/USA or memeflags like you hiding one of such third worlder countries
I bet you think they’re going to be a bearded guy on a throne to meet you too.

You people are genuinely retarded.
I fucking hate Jewsus so much it's unreal
I don't think white people go to nigger heaven, or vice versa, the blacks like the heat and some say they like a bit of the lash as well.
it's just a fun memetic way to spell out the demographics of christianism, the "religion that's going to save Europe", lmao
God is not in charge, they separated state and church, why the muslims tend to survive more here

They care about basics sins like rape and murder

But not our atheist corporations, they think is all take care by money
Just so you Catholics don't think I'm picking on you, this is a common sight where I live. Satan has subverted tons of Churches. These are the real heretics. There is NOTHING Lutheran about these fags. Missouri Synod is actually Lutheran canon
>Entire thread is in en*lish
>The language mostly spoken in the world by niggers
Explain yourselves now
This is so sad we need him again Bros..
I've read the Bible, multiple times. Martin Luther was a faggot that ruined Europe.
>Show me the part where we are commanded to pray to anyone other than God.
No Catholic prays to anyone other than God.
if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity. 1 John 1:9
>How about believing Christ's sacrifice isn't enough to receive forgiveness, and that you need to go into a booth with a priest and then be assigned prayers to recite to buy forgiveness.
We must seek forgiveness in the confessional because we are sinners and not enough to ask for forgiveness, a Priest directly embodies God while confessing and God listens directly to us and forgives whatever we have done, you can't just murder someone then ask God for forgiveness while washing your hands of blood
>Unlike arrogant Catholics, we think most Christians including Catholics go to heaven.
That is the heresy of universalism and is completely unbiblical, you need to read your Bible and stop following that faggot jew luther
The statistics come from here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_attendance .

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