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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How to declare war on Trumps most fanatical supporters in one easy step.

He wants you to pay more taxes, have no right to vote and die for Israel.
But what if I want all of that?

Ethnic replacement voting.
Have children
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Do my fur-babies get to vote?
>but please keep paying your taxes so the local ISD can employ blue-haired nincompoops to teach your kids about the Holocaust :3
no taxation without representation faggot
Not very based
With who?
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All those animals are confused for 2 reasons.
1. as to why they all look different.
2. as to why there's some faggot white person standing above them.
careful thats one bear cub away from christmas critters
>only the best people
This faggot just might cost Trump the election. He’s a complete retard. It shows Trump will hire anyone who kisses his ass. Many such cases.
He does have a point, single men now have a duty to find the cat women in progress and tame them before they become cat women. Note I don’t mean “fix” them, if they’re already broke its probably fucked.
So nigs get to vote sand nigs get to vote but quarter of white don't... This guy should get arrested
Finally, a serious politician. Forced marriages between catladies and chuds at 30yo or permanent exile
No duties without rights faggot. No taxation without representation. This tyrant must go down to political ruin. I will piss on the ashes of his career.
Grow up
>citizenship through service
Yep, they gonna start wwiii when Trump gets elected
Vance needs to STFU and support Trump and Trump alone. he is not in charge of anything atm and his ideas are not important.
he is like a boy that won't shut up.
Of course they do
Alan watts is the usual atheist bourgeois addicted to hedonism who has no introspection and just wants to hear that deep down he is not dead but on the contrary already enlightened and his lack of awareness is exactly what it feels to be fully liberated .
So if one's kids would die, they'd lose political power as well as their genetic legacy.
Yes this is your mind on mamaw
Surprised that more INCELS aren't more up in arms over this asshole. I'm also surprised so many support Trump, when his tax plan only bennifits married men with kids.
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>grow up
stfu faggot kike
they're cute af, pure and innocent, unlike you, you disgusting kike
unironically based and probably a massive improvement for society at large
He's afraid if he was single for too long he'd turn gay.
> Him and his ilk make it unaffordable to have children
> Wants to punish you for being prudent
> Leeches of you

Where did he find this retard
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It's a based system but only if divorced/single parents don't get extra votes.

Only nuclear families, with the original father present, should get extra votes.
nice way to paraphrase, dipshit
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>Alan watts is the usual atheist bourgeois addicted to hedonism who has no introspection and just wants to hear that deep down he is not dead but on the contrary already enlightened and his lack of awareness is exactly what it feels to be fully liberated .
>but please keep paying your taxes to support the nigger who abandons his children
All this means is that spics will get extra votes.
"let's give votes"

They don't already have votes?
The only people having a ton of kids are shitskins and welfare trash. Being the costs are being covered by the rest of us. The idea leech like Paco's family, living off the taxes if myself and a few other childless friends, should have more say about anything than is comical.
Renters are should have no say, as they have no roots in the community. Punt landlords having a say too as they are stopping families from gaining homes to put down roots. Single property owners only....
votes are not a good that the state may apportion according to its arbitrary whims. all adults have equal say about the law under which they are to live, otherwise the law is injustice
and women will abort those votes
He's a fat Queer who had to resort to a curry merchant to have kids.
Trump is doing a speedrun on how to lose an election the the had already won.
democracy is for fucking corrupt retard faggots. just check out the usa its a fucking shithole.

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