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Why can't NATO stop this?
Because NATO is obsolete.
Because we sent all out factories to China and now we have to beg them to sell us explosives to make the ammo to kill their friends with.
They said no.
Also Jews, somehow.
Its not Trying to. Both sides are Jewish Both sides are Jewish men murdering white men. That is the goal
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estrogen shortage
NATO could stop it if they wanted too, Russia's military is nothing and China poses a bigger threat.
Oh wow, Russia captured... a field! Casualties taken: 10,000
NATO hasn't even been deployed kek. 0 losses in the field. I think there are about 200,000 dead Russians or so. Their formations are being depleted. Ours haven't been touched. Imagine being such a retard dumb dumb with no practical knowledge but still opening your mouth. Larping queer retardo dumdum.
Massive troll on lolcow zelensky. His reaction is priceless
>zoom out

50,000 casualties for a couple dozen Sam's Club parking lots
it's not that they can't, it's just that stopping it would mean committing to world war 3. it won't be accelerating for much longer. russia is just annexing to a slightly better position in anticipation of tranny surrender. the more they have, the more they're free to turn over in a compromise, and the more they'll inevitably wind up with. if they wanted to zergrush and conquer all of ukraine they could do that, but they'd just wind up with a bunch of ruins and broken infrastructure and an extremely hostile population. people in the donbass actually want them there. all they really want are those friendly regions and a little bit of buffer between those and schizophrenic ukrainians obsessed with getting even with russia.
Because Russia is using hordes of soldiers running in human waves into Ukrainian machine gun fire hoping the Ukrainians run out of bullets before the Russians run out of soldiers.
And Russians have a lot of men to drag off the streets.
Come back when you've reopened the Red Sea oh wait you can't because you lost to the Houthis.
Worthless shitters, your gay tranny army wouldn't last the year against the Russians.
>russian loin product is being depleted, says increasingly nervous westerner for the 500th time this millennium
classic blunder
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>NATO hasn't even been deployed kek. 0 losses in the field.
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>And Russians have a lot of men to drag off the streets.
It's true, we have all seen the footage
I hate Canadians.
Because Biden isn't in charge anymore. His revolutionary militaristic strategy was working then Kamala came in and messed it all up
The war isn't about Russia, Ukraine, US or China. The question becomes how can we all cooperate to send as many whites to their gory deaths as possible, and make a nice tidy profit during this. We need a draft, bad. I want to see WW level of whites get blown to bits.
That isn't quite true. The Polish Brigadier General is one countable High ranking loss.
NATO is being drained and the governments of those countries are also. Billions into production of Weaponry, for a lost cause.
Why are ziggers making daily threads about taking a football field worth of territory?
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NATO lost 0 soldiers so far kek. They didnt deploy any soldiers in Ukraine.
Why are vatniks so fucking retarded?
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NATO mutts have been replaced long ago by browns and browns dont join army
NATO is an anti nazi league. Ukraine did nazi shit so NATO won't help.
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>Why doenst NATO want to stop the great collective Slav-retard suicide?
Geee what a mystery, i'm sure nato generals are freaking out when they look at the map lol
KrautBro what program are you using to get those images?
They can't. Russia is rapidly advancing in will take Keev by 2026
At the rate they are going they'll take Kyiv in like 2094
Why are piggers making daily gore threads?
You'll understand when you're older. If you live long enough.
because NAFO doesn't give Ukraine what it needs
only to plug the gaps. Now even that is failing and Man power issues.
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Is that you, George?
But Ukraine is a free and westernized country, why doesn't it just use Woman Power to get rid of the invaders?
Are the mysoginistic remnants of the patriarchical Soviet Unions rooted too deep in the country to progress into a properly modern and enlightened democracy?
They can't fight Russia openly since they are supposed to be a "defensive" alliance, which Ukraine isn't part of. The war is also needed to be won with Ukraine on the magazine cover for propaganda reason. So if Ukraine can't do it even with our donation and support, then there is nothing NATO can do other than strengthening their borders in preparation for the fall of Ukraine.
I wish it would accelerate, but the truth of the matter is that russians corruption is just as bad if not work than the western MIC. They're taking too fucking long and are fighting to fucking retarded. This entire "we need to grind them down" is just archaic bullshit instead of cutting off massive amounts of the front and creating focal points through which you break them apart.
>I think there are about 200,000 dead Ukrainians or so.
Fixed that for you, delusional fucking hack. Ukraine is being send surplus gear, some high tech shit and getting minimum trained infantry units to fight a peer-conflict. If you believe this fucking bullshit the MSM is serving you then you should also be the first to volunteer and go over there to fight.
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Holy shit look at them go
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Now show the fortifications
two more farms
what i'm supposed to see here? i can even see individual pines
What a joke we moved more then that in an hour when we fought Iraq.
Some faggot decided to highlight over the fortifications to make it clearer for the viewer but it does the job, I guess.
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>Why can't NATO stop this?
because they're scared of WW3, because Putin is unreliable and can not be trusted anymore. Too old.
>*runs away from sand people shooting lawn mower engines at it*
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He is a lying cunt

The truth is NATO AI is hitting targets inside of Russia with NATO missiles/drones and they are pissed.
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Steiner will counterattack and encircle it any minute
where's stinki?
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drove through empty desert*
This post is 2 years old.
I think this trannie has joined the 42nd Troon Brigade by now, since he/she/it/zier hasn't posted since 2022
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Quickly capturing territory means nothing if you lose it a couple years later
Jewsa being jewsa
Truly pathetic
Need more NATO sticks.
But the news said... Wait...
NATO isn't in a conflict with russia. ziggers live in a fantasy world
Oh my goodness, is that... an empty field? An abandoned shack even? How will Ukraine ever cope??
The Russian propaganda efforts on this board like this thread with the fake flags and fucking pathetic. Russia should be nuked just to stop this obnoxious idiotic tard vomit being posted.
How many draft dodgers is NATO going to have to film executions of to turn this around?
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What is the status of stinky?
Does it still hold?
Blueshare employee #2341 is that you?
Did you post the wrong map or something? Ivanivske and New York are like 50 km apart
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yo i'm the nigga who thinks it's in canada and wants to start ww3 by nuking it.
Because Russia have endless hordes of Muslim chads
>Ivanivske and New York are like 50 km apart
The only part of the country that is fortified like the Maginot Line is fucking 50km away... I guess the Russians just drove around it!!
Same gains in one day now than Russia used to achieve within weeks.
Although anons are right when they say gains aren't that relevant in a war of attrition, it shows that Russia can break through Ukrainian defenses much easier and that it has crossed the tipping point. It indicates a total collapse of the front line is "imminent" whatever that means.
The war could be over before the new US President is sworn in, but likely by this time next year at the latest.
And yes, Russia has "won" if you will.
The past two and a half years achieved nothing but the death of hundreds of thousands of young men and economic disaster for all nations involved. Thanks, BoJo!
> ask anon to explain
> get more gibberish
> +get insulted
Ok thanks anon
Who does NATO have to deploy? Retard westaboos can't realize that once the Ukrainian bodies dries up so does NATO's ability to wage a war. Nobody wants to die for western governments
i'm not saying russia is not winning, just saying that this war won't end until late 2025, or 2026
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Ukraine's goal was quickly recapturing territory, Russia's goal was defeating Ukraine's army.
We can see pretty clearly which strategy was the correct one.
> pour millions into defending a shack
> let hundreds of young Ukrainian men die while defending the shack
> abandon shack
> that shack was never strategically relevant
> pour millions into creating defenses in an empty field
I've got a lot on at the moment, fren. Apologies.

My point is that I don't have a pdf of the entire theatre and the one I did post is highlighting the dense forts in that single area and you can just imagine what the others are like.
I shall improve =(
Because western countries' (((leaders))) outsourced all their manufacturing. Turns out, the line going up in a boardroom is a poor substitute for a real bullet.
It's even funnier since the US relies almost entirely on PMCs for actual combat now and they got them all smoked at the start in the Ukraine.
Now Russia runs wild around Africa and the US just hides in their bases in Syria.
zoom out
where does one find maps like that?
have a (You) fellow realist
600k dead vatniggers
0 dead nato chads
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>The war could be over before the new US President is sworn in, but likely by this time next year at the latest.
if they decide to crash ukraine, maybe they wait after the election and just blame Trump, "they were totally winning, but Trump ruined everything"
no one who chooses to die for NATO is white
>it's russia but not nato
are you some sort of halfwit?
And yet it's still a shack/empty field. Also the Russians lose 30x whatever Ukraine lost trying to take it. Zelensky is a military genius, Russia can't keep up with these losses.
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More like this tho
A very surreal and strange question.

It's the constant whining about how NATO won't be able to produce as many tanks and ammunition, that Russia will attack by 2030, and that we need to stockpile water to survive the first 24 hours. What's the purpose of all this? NATO themselves need protection. Bombing Yugoslavia with uranium munitions is one thing, but fighting an enemy superior in military-industrial complex and weapons technology is quite another.
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Why don't they want? Do they not give a shit about hohol children with cancer?
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3 more villages with prewar populations of 30 people and some chickens have fallen
> ackchyually Russia is losing more
NAFO troon cope
because the gender adviser is on her period breaks right now and men are not allow to do anything without her consent
Take off the VPN vatnigger. Putin is drafting another wave for the meatgrinder.
Why would NATO stop it? every single """conquered""" shack in woods costs thousands of men to Russia.
Show your flag
Why hasn't there been any footage of the human waves being mowed down by machine gun fire?
Run Forestov!
We actually can but we won't because we're cowards unwilling to fight the inevitable world war
>it's accelerating
from 1m/day to 1.5m/day?
when Ukraine falls, the West falls
(((they))) wont abandon Ukraine as was done with Afghanistan
and this is the reason why (((they))) want Trump gone and even tried to kill him, Trump is simply too retarded to see this
This. Their cope is hilarious.
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>hehe, losing territory, the very base of a nation is of no consequence
Love the cope cuckie. Ukraine lost.
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Like this.
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Russian losses 61 009 (july 26) in two and a half years, according to a BBC investigation.

Losses of Ukrainians and (((volunteers)))) NATO - over ~400,000 people.
>600k dead vatniggers
Source: axe-wound inflammation induced hallucination
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>3 years SMO
>10 years since 2014
>some fields in ukraine
>500k casualties
>2nd strongest military
>The west will DEI itself into losing cold war 2
Can't decide if that's funny or sad.
>Russian losses 61 009 (july 26)
No need to cope that hard. It's only those who they able to track down with with a name. If you look at how much personified deaths can be tracked among hohols you will be dissapointed, it's below 100k

I'm sure russian casualties are over the 100k by now, easily.
Why should nato stop this?
If it was up to me, Russia could have the entirety of Europe of the want. Europe has been nothing but an ungrateful liability. Fuck'em.
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>doesnt use a photo of an iskander launcher
why are the Jews so bad at everything
>Source: just trust me.
The article says how the investigation was conducted.
Just take down your proxy and don't embarrass yourself with your stupid posts.
TASS is almost as gay and fake as NAFO
>that faggot on the reflection
Kek, they just can't help themselves.
Everything they do is gay without exception
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>TASS is almost as gay and fake as NAFO
Bet your ass on it?
>If you look at how much personified deaths can be tracked among hohols you will be dissapointed, it's below 100k
Are they doing this process for the Ukrainians as well?
Why stop it? You really think Europeans actually care about some rural Ukrainian wastesland? Slow grind with maximum casualties is optimal .
>The article says how the investigation was conducted.
Yes, and that's exactly what I talked about. Are you a retard?

"The casualty figures above are the most conservative estimate of the number of mobilized dead, since we only include cases where death was publicly confirmed and where the combatant's status can be established.

The actual casualties among mobilized soldiers may be much higher, since many reports of soldiers killed in Ukraine since October 2022 do not indicate their status.

We assume that our list may contain at least half as many names of the dead as are actually buried in Russia. We came to this conclusion by systematically studying the situation in cemeteries in 70 Russian settlements.

We consider a death to be confirmed by a publication in a Russian official source or media outlet, publications by relatives, or posts in other sources if they are accompanied by photographs of the burial."

61k is minimum minimorum, only these who were mentioned in MSM of some kind. Real number is obviosly higher.
>Why can't NATO stop this?

Because NATO is a net zero carbon army.
Putin may be winning but hes creating a lot of CO2 that will destroy the planet.
>reddit spacing of stupid american under proxy
Russians don't write like that because they prefer their pikabu over reddit.
Didn't read.
Russian volunteers, like mediazona, but another type of goyim, look for hohol burials with names. The number is proved deaths if far below propaganda is talking about.
>The number is proved deaths if far below propaganda is talking about.
Bet your ass on it?
Wow truly epic breakthrough. Only took 8 months and 100 000 casualties.
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It's not like I was talking to you specifically when I exposed your propaganda effort with your long prepared battle-pictures.

War of such scale is cruel and bloody business for both sides, I have no need to hide behind comforting lies or convince others in them to "own" opponent side in internet propaganda war.
I can't believe that launching thousands of FABs, perhaps now even in tens of thousands, millions of artillery shells, and all other munition and drones only resulted in less than 100k Ukrainian casaulties.
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He is the operator of this sneaky drone.
>when Ukraine falls, the West falls
lmao no, america already got everything that it wanted from Ukraine:
- cutting Russia from Germany
- blowing up the Nordstream
- making Europe dependent on the US
- blowing up a couple of things in russia

anything else they get is just a nice extra
Here for example this database.

>only resulted in less than 100k Ukrainian casaulties.
It's not. That's just means what number of confirmed casualties through publicly surfaced names of buried soldiers is a extremely conservative number. Minimum-minimorum.
Because it would mean nuclear war.
>Also Jews, somehow.
Who do you think pushed for petrodollar and outsourcing manufacturing? Kissenger.
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>memeflag complaining about a vpn
fifth column within our societies who actively support russia and a scared populace who believe kremlin propaganda so we dont support ukraine to the extent that we should
also our politicians fail to increase military spending and production because of the lack of support in the populace and they cant imagine that trump will be president again so theyre repeating old mistakes
europe is up for russias taking and most of putins calculations about our populations being scared and weak were true
buckle up
And you're saying it goes for both sides, I guess.
I believe it is a much higher number than 100k.
But I can't believe you can just die today without anyone knowing, at best it is a +20% margin of error.
There can't be a 500% margin of error or anything like that.
I mean on top of that, but yes. Like those Lockheeb Farting Jews that overcharge for every plane, drone and rocket and then they don't work.
thats weak as fuck. relations will be established as soon as the war is over.
Not every died man will have a relatives to post about it on social media(if they even have any especially if they are his parents who are old), not every family will do it, not every such post will be noticed by lurking volunteers. And even less will be written about by local MSM.

Not talking about numerous MIA, who are in 90% of cases are KIA who lie in exposed area and their bodies remain in "neutral" zone, for months.
Wow, that kid on the left looks fuckin' CHOSEN
slightly over 100k for both sides, more so on the russian side but not by much
Gave it a cursory look the database says that UKR lost 1075 tanks just the confirmed ones . UKR started with bout 1000 and got round 400-500 extra so by the database the either have no tanks or the databese is quite fucked . Since the first ad on the site was for buying yuans im gessing the database is mega fucked so try again ziggy
In two weeks once the F16s arrive General Steiner will launch a counter offensive devastating Russian forces
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>Not every died man will have a relatives to post about it on social media(if they even have any especially if they are his parents who are old)
Everyone gets an obituary, do you not have the tradition to put a photo on the "wall" or just some place in the small town/village where you can read the name and maybe who he was.
I know people do it here and in the Mediterranean. Or something to honour the soldiers, at least. Not everything has to be on Facebook.
Same goes for Ukraine and Russia, I'm not singling anybody out.
>Not talking about numerous MIA, who are in 90% of cases are KIA who lie in exposed area and their bodies remain in "neutral" zone, for months.
I thought a law exists that considers MIA to be KIA after a few months to half a year.
Ukraine pretty much has no tanks left. There might be a hundred or two in working condition and idk how many are being repaired/cannibalized for parts. They also got way more than 500, pretty much all Warsaw pact tanks still lying around as well as a several hundred from Africa.
And then maybe a couple hundred western tanks between Leo2, Abraps and those British shitboxes. And there as something about Leo1 but I didn't keep track.
Point being, you're retarded and should kill yourself.
>hat UKR lost 1075 tanks
What are you smoking, nigger?

Actually this database show 833 tanks lost by hohols since 2014, and 653 lost since 2022.
>Gave it a cursory look the database says that UKR lost 1075 tanks just the confirmed ones . UKR started with bout 1000 and got round 400-500 extra so by the database the either have no tanks
Smartest tatar.

It's just like with legislation in the US: if the people in power truly wanted a solution to an issue, they could have a bill on the President's desk and signed before the day was over.
What you are seeing IS the desired result: an endless war.
To what end, we can only speculate, but perhaps we should follow the money.
Look at the topology. Russia captured some of the high ground.
You may remember how that went for Anakin.
Hundreds of SF KIA in Ukraine so far.
because they dont care. they never did. ukraine vs russia is a scrimmage. preparation for whats to come
>source russian state media
just as believable as BBC writing about russian casualties
The highest estimated number of tanks just tanks UKR has reserved is 850 . The 1k estimate for domestic tanks includes tanks that had to be restored . All this does not count captured and repaired tanks . So at best they had 2k and just buy confirmed they should have only half left not impossible . But conformations are usually 1 to 3 so by that rough estimate UKR should have ~ -500 tanks yet they field them im pairs quite often and NAATO tanks are almost never seen . So yea try getting better data ziggys maybe if you cope hard enough shoigu's number will seem correct
>To what end, we can only speculate, but perhaps we should follow the money.
Really not that complicated, but it's not strictly about gaining money.
It's about destroying money.
Specifically Europe's money.
MIC doesn't care. 400 million is fucking nothing.
>3 F-35s lmao
Instead this conflict is about destroying the relationship between Europe and Russia to weaken Europe and keep them as the USA's bitch.
"Ukrainians" don't even get mentioned on the agenda. Their purpose simply is to die.
Reportedly westoid deaths stand at around 3000.
Of course that is nothing compared to the million plus dead hohols.
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What about black fascist sperm?
I don't really get the glee from they get from droning ppl
russian side probably has many ethnic ukrainians forcibly coscripted from donbabwe, and ukrainians are seizing ethnic russians from odessa etc. in many ways it resembles a civil war
>I don't really get the glee from they get from droning ppl
m8, it took him two months to set that up and he got one guy. Cut him some slack.
Curiously videos of Ukrainian tanks being destroyed are becoming significantly more rare.
Back in the day you saw dozens destroyed in one battle. Now it's mainly trucks and mini-buses, or whatever artillery they have left, like howitzers or HIM/HERS.
>t-this just means Russia is failing to destroy them
I mean yes, you can't destroy things that don't exist.
Out of nowhere brings up semen and by extension dicks classic zigger behavior .
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how is Zelensky even still alive at this point?
one thing to see here is the tactical capture of the raised rail-lines. if you've been watching the mappers, you will have noticed that the russian strategy is to capture the, usually heavily fortified, rail-lines and use those positions to give cover to the armor and infantry to cross and take the roads from where they give cover to units crossing the fields. the russians' tactics for capturing the rail lines is to zerg rush 15-30 infantry-carrying armor through enemy lines - anticipating 60%+ casualties- into tree lines touching rail lines. survivors pair off and attack fortifications on foot. this has worked but has been brutal
Yes UKR is losing tanks and fielding less but how many and why is important . Biggest question is compared to ruzzia how are the losses . No good date exists .
>. Now it's mainly trucks and mini-buses, or whatever artillery they have left, like howitzers
Pure zigger projection go slap some era onto a soviet D-30 .
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
cool, but this isn’t some grand Russian offensive
It’s todays offensive
And a day after that
And after that
And after that
Until the last rabid cockhole nationalist is wiped off the face of the Earth
They can run
They can hide
But they can’t escape their fate, written in blood and steel
Blood for the Fatherland
it is being reported that the sas (and the french) lost dozens of men a few days ago in odessa - would you care to comment ?
RIP cpt Price (again)
because ops picture is from like february and it has barely changed in that time.
I'm 99.999% sure he's living in an apartment in NYC or DC.
He'd get his throat slit or get fragged if he returned to Ukulele.
>Out of nowhere brings up semen and by extension dicks
It is not out of nowhere, since it's you in that picture.
Though there is a small chance you're not that dumb gorilla countryman of yours.
>classic zigger behavior
Your flag is famous for writing a PDF fanfic about Russian semen travelling through half of Europe.
America must save all its money for its master, Israel. King Bibi says so.
Always a good morning to laugh at vatniggers and their pet monkeys who believe nonsense like NATO actually being in Ukraine. You all make fun of brown people and middle easterners but you're just as uneducated and backwards.
You aren't Irish.
2 more epochs
Still cant fathom how "Z" became something for zigger to be proud of .The symbol of prison rape squads that are sent to there death like cattle . But spelling it out like that it does symbolize the ork spirit .
Lol lmao even it's good you have such keen memories about gay fanfiction really solidifies the ziggy image
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>Still cant fathom
nor are you expected to
>I'm 99.999% sure he's living in an apartment in NYC or DC.
>He'd get his throat slit or get fragged if he returned to Ukulele.

Gay kike midget is most likely in Israel or Switzerland.
>Why can't NATO stop this?
Ok it's a funny picture I admit but the meme became stale.

>5 kilometers of land and a couple of villages no one's ever heard of change over the course of 8 months

mansion in Florida (Miami iirc), my man
he literally has one
expect meeting him there in 2027 or smth
This lmao. Ukrainians are big chunk of NATO manpower. There’s also Poles and Romanians (tho Romanians are far less reliable). That’s it.
A handful of fighter jets from the 80s with rookie pilots will surely turn the tide!
Turks are at this point an independent power, they have no interest in dying for Washington (and Tel-Aviv).
Tampa I think.
Are waiting for the right time to extract maximum profit from their impending treason.
Turks let FSB operate in their country pretty openly.
Cuz fuck europe. I am not going to risk my life for a people who don't even respect their own genetic heritage enough to keep it alive. Niggers are over-running europe, race-mixing is at an all-time high, the women are arrogant combative fat cunts, the politicians are all unanomously in the pockets of the rich, there is no unity anymore amongst the lower classes, it's worker vs worker... it's all fucked, simple as. Europe isn't worth fighting for.
send tom cruise!
Lol found the gay imitation video of the already gay fashwave shit . You ziggies are a good lolcow ngl .
Year 3 of 3 day military operation.
Lose as many men in 1 day as 20 years of nato conflict.
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you can't kill the massiah
They killed an american marine general recently who was visiting ukraine. I hope they kill more of them.
Ok, all you have to do is kill 70,000 more to even the field.
kek cute talking point, too bad it's made up.
Or maybe 300,000? 70,000 seems really low considering the massive psychotic losses russia has every single day. Go kill yourself before the drone gets ya.
you forgot your meme flag. oops
>set up camera near busted hohol tank
>have your buddy climb out the hatch
>cut feed
>Warmongering subhuman tried to undermine the gain after their own NATO-sponsored "counter"offensive went up in smoke.

LMAO even.
They wanted to effect regime change in and balkanize Russia, retake Crimea and turn the Black Sea into a "NATO lake." Everything you've just mentioned is consolation prize tier, their long term strategic objectives all failed and now Russia is more powerful than it was prior to 2022
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Turks aren't fighting for US interests, Syria was an exception because their interests coincided
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Territory gains are irrelevant until Russia continue by the conservative estimation kill 15 ukranians mongoloids for every Russian. Its just too good of a ratio plus bombing their already dilapidated pigostan while they seething in impotent rage. Like jew king of mongrels said - to the last ukranian.
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To think that was a 200b dollar counteroffensive
Ukraine is trading land for Russian Bodies. Russia will legit run out of tanks in less then a year and then the Russian government will collapse.
Nightmare fuel
Fucking hell
Imagine ww3 with mass produced military specific drones
Fucking nightmare
Niggers will unironically literally open doors and hunt people
We will literally get man hunter machines
The future is fucked beyond salvation
Ukraine failing to defend said field because still no F-16’s! Casualties taken: 8,000
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Enlighten me, how does a side losing soldiers when 99% of their war efforts is bombing near defenseless shtiskins? What sort of a thought process does in the heads of nafo mutts when they claim what a side with 10x artillery 6x drones, 20x tanks and near infinitely more planes and big bombs like FABs or cluster, additionally well supplies professional army on constant rotation, can even remotely lose less than ten times less troops. If you're not shilling get out of your ass and face the reality.
" Russia will legit run out of tanks in less then a year and then the Russian government will collapse."

Based from their own "reported tank knockout", for Ukraine to make "Russia run out of tank", it'll take like up to 28 years for them to do so and that's just for the T-72 variants alone, not counting other variant of AFVs.

For that 28 years timespan, do you think your banderite army could sustain such manpower loss to take out those tanks?

This is also the same circumstances like back in the Jatkosota - the Suomi kicked a lot of Soviet soldiers in Finland, yet the massive loss didn't even affect the Soviet progress in later part of WW2 after the Battle of Stalingrad, DESPITE knocking out a lot of T-34s in return and causing higher damage towards the Soviet force in general.

Cope and seet NAFOtards, you despicably jingoistic animal
Don't know tell me how Rizzia with all that has still not conquered some backwater shithole like Ukraine ?
Inb4 all of NATO
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Sorry, You took the bait.
>Their formations are being depleted. Ours haven't been touched.

What formations do you have? lmao
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>NATO could stop it if they wanted too
The cope is real
Nobody gives a shit about hohols, we want more dead vatniks
You and your paki army won’t do shit


Enjoy dying alone. I’ll make sure to point the Russians in the direction of your wife, children, and mother so they can get beaten then raped to death.

T. Old stock Anglo

P.S Fuck you pussy>>475718600
So why haven't you won yet? This is not about who would win hypothetically, it's about who will win for real
dude takes more shrapnel than a russian sailor
the matrix part 3 showed this
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Just kook at avdeevka how tiny it was, more gain more zoom out
The number of western soldiers (not even accounting mercenaries) is keep hidden but we know for sure some cases of "intelligence personal" being killed in precise strikes all over Ukraine all the time.
The last one happened in Odessa, this week, and resulted in the death of dozens of French and English serviceman (probably there to operate drones or training).

Also, there was even a Polish general brigadier killed in Ukraine (Adam Marczak, if you want to look it up). First they claim he died at home, then that he died of natural causes "in Ukraine" while off duty, then they suggest his natural cause was "probably" related to a Russian attack on Chasiv Yar.

First it was fake cease fire agreement, when it was pathological avoidance of any civilian damage, when NATO kicked in and donated huge amount of weapon consisted from entire eastern block weapons plus 500b loan, and on top of that 40m country which mobilized 1.5m+ non of which were discharged while Russian army never had more than 600k in the zone of action. And Putin still refuses to do what needed and bomb their water supply and electricity plans, only hitting distribution system.
Tldr - Putin is humanitarian cuck.
Avdeevka ... slag hill ... grim memories and more casualties than D-day
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only 4,000 people got killed on D-Day and the entire operation overlord.
>Polish general brigadier killed in Ukraine (Adam Marczak, if you want to look it up).
i want to look it up.
>i looked it up
it says he died in belgium from natural causes.
back to the trenches Mykola
Ziggy lying boldly to ppl's faces all of the territories you're ork but buddies have taken are shell to oblivion . All the civilian infrastructure and civilians in general that got attacked at the beginning of the SMO , all the power plants that got bombed . Putin is a tard a very dangerous violent tard .
Putin is trying to play both sides. Not harsh enough to provoke the west into intervening more but also harsh enough to please people like you.
Putin expected trump to win in 2020, without the USA's help he would have won already. Now he's been stalling the war for years in hope for a trump presidency.
I meant to reply to this >>475737342
>set up explosives in an abandoned, clapped-out tank
>blow it up on camera
And still it was the most traumatic day in the USAF to the point where they have generational trauma. Millions of Americans and their descendants got PTSD from a battle with only 4k dead. D-Day is like a Tuesday in European wars.
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>It's accelerating..
Droepke on suicide watch..
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All paid actors or hohol prisoners with disposable armor
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>And still it was the most traumatic day in the USAF
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thats the power of american propaganda bro.
god forbid the west would ever admit they were a useless meme on WW2.
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look i know you wont believe me but the plan was to have russia neutered before they engage china
the notorious small and short "localized nuclear exchange" to emasculate russia entirely
the pearl harbor 2.0 operation that they then will use to bait china and mobilize troops across all nato members at the same time is planned to follow up on that
however for some reason there seems to be a delay of more than two weeks
allegedly because biden refused to 'step down' earlier and had to cling to the position like he just did
the trump assasination was prevented by chance as well (him turning his head in jsut the right moment and or the bullet being shot badly) and cancelled the plan to put the blame on russia to be able to force what i wrote earlier about the nuclear exchange
so then they are stuck with the old iran script which ultimatively will have them open two fronts (it will quickly run out of control) make of this what you will the nato offensive against belarus and russia was scheduled to be a full frontal jamming effort and quick light airborne cavallery (helicopters mainly and the usual stealth bomber/fighter/drone orchestra)
sadly for some reason it has been postponed
(personally doubt its the rumored biden reason)
I really dont understand how you NAFO trannies cant see the writing on the wall. Its a war of attrition now, and zelensky is drafting convicts, old men, and women. Meanwhile Russia is making gains and all the NATO hardware means fuck all. Its over. The kike-in-chief is looking fir an iff-ramp to the point that he eneded reaching out to Trump, because democrats are all DEI buffoons.
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>Second greatest military in the world
Everyone knows Trump is Russia's boy. How are you going to sell the idea that either Russia or Iran wanted him dead? How do you expect anyone to buy it.
Yeah that was a fatal decision day one for them.
>NATO is anti-Nazi
>he doesn't know
btw if you aint payin attention, new towns are getting bombed. russia is advancing. its obvious to uky leadership that all of e. ukraine will be turned into rubble, hence the nod to peace talks.
Is there a map or something to like swipe for the war timeline? i want to see the progress from x to x on the map, not just the current state of the frontline
zoom out.
but damn, the progress is like minimal
with this tempo this won't be over in 200years

my bro.
Its the push pull method.

NATO doesn't want to stop this. The JEWs are eliminating their enemies through this war.
WHY do you not UNDERSTAND.
When Poland is under attack yet another enemy of Israel and the Jewish people will have fallen.

Do you not have the capacity
for long term strat?
it means Jewkraine is winning, 2 more weeks until the spring counter-offensive, wait, it's summer and that was supposed to happen last year.
it's all so tiresome...
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Amerimutts can't even defeat the Houthis do you think they can help jewkraine?
Well the Baltic is NATO lake now so that's nice. What the fuck will people be saying when this hits year 3? Russia will beat Ukraine, but I doubt in our lifetime they can't try any other shit in eastern Europe, it will just be gobbling up random Istans. Wars they will fund by selling mineral rights in the far east to China.
all this tasty black soil farmland mhhh, you will can buy it for tasty rubles, or tasty bitcoin one day mhhh
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top amerimutt state department diplomat begging the Houthis to stop attacking jewish shipping
Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world
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Cuckter-cuckfensyiv status, subhuman nafotroon bitch nigger?
The Ukes are finally collapsing?
lol massive cope
Not yet but they are on the precipice.
looks like it is starting to get to that point.

only thing that could reverse this tide would be NATO getting involved directly. no amount of equipment can help at this point - the manpower issue and lack of air defense was always going to be the biggest problem the longer it drags on
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2025 this will happen, screenshot this post
death to Russia.


Lmao NATO has done all it could, Ukraine cannot hold the line. They must call for a cease fire or cede land. Ukraine is just going to collapse entirely if they don't. I don't mean Russia will reach Kiev, rather their government will crumble internally.
Day 800+ of it accelerating...

It's currently not possible for Ukraine to even consider such an offensive. They are outnumbered, outgunned, out everything now. It's looking bad man. There is no more military aid we can give them beyond what they can utilize as Ukraine is now saturated with Western Weapons.

They should seek for a peace deal.
No, losing ground everyday means they're winning.
Russia bot found, KYIIIIIIIIV will win and z-n-words will be btfo

Yeah, it's a slow crumble rather than all at once. Russia keeps poking them on various fronts, opening new ones, stretching their lines even thinner. I read a reliable report that shows how Russia has now twice as many active battle tanks and three times as much artillery pieces compared to 2022. That also tells me their mobilization and increases to their armed force regulars must have beared fruit.

Russia has been advancing all year and it's increasing rather than slowing down.


The sheer irony, you speak like a fucking bot because you're regurgitating nonsense with no analysis on the battle field realities. Please, you're such an amateur.
whoa ukranians solved the war

The other irony here is also that Russia has now opened up a new front, advancing in this very area. Probably for it's symbolic victory but also because it's a strategic point. Look at deepstateua's map, it shows you all of this.
i'm being facetious, fucking retard,

Well you got me there Nigger, I think you've been trolling too much and was just a little too on point, maybe take it down a notch. But I digress, it's fine anyway because it allowed me to make contrasting points for any people who read this and want to know what's going on.
Though OP's map has no key, it suggest a Russian breakthrough somewhat akin to Patton's breakout from Normandy after D-Day.
>NATO getting involved directly
Unthinkable, without Russia starting a nuclear war. I was worried about this in the first couple of weeks of the war, but it died down with the 'to the last Ukrainian' plan that globohomo went with. Though there are concerning reports that my country and others will be expected to fight at some point. To me, war with another nuclear state is suicide.
>the manpower issue and lack of air defense was always going to be the biggest problem the longer it drags on
Indeed. It is very impressive how the Ukes held on, but they should have pursued peace before Christmas '22, while they have a country left.
Indeed. That's what globohomo news is telling us. When they can be bothered to even talk about it.
They've been getting ground down in this war of attrition. Though it has been said (and done in WW1 & WW2) that a sudden breakthrough would lead to sudden collapse/retreat of the front, which would end the stalemate and prove decisive in the outcome of the war. Though dumb Uke commanders are letting troops get encircled with their suicidal 'no retreat' policy that only leads to their troops being caught and killed.
If Ukraine can't hold out until January, when Trump can force an end to the war, they are done. They've wasted almost two years to stop this getting worse. Though globohomo does not want that. They hoped it could be a money-spinner after losing Afghanistan.
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Thanks, couldn't find this webm anywhere
And you still blow up on the ieds there XD
Disarm NATO and arm UN.
Next time asked point your finger at tel aviv
Reddit is that way faggot
How is that hohols rearly show the effects of those staged vids???
if russia was winning, the kamaltoe spam would be unnecessary
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book written by an Romanian Jew from high society

He said that in the khazar khanat, when they had to chose between Christianity, Muslim and Jewish religion, they chose Jewis one.
Would it even be a world war? No. It would be Russia vs NATO. Maybe Russia would try to get China involved, but I doubt China would remotely want that.
They already achieved their goals. Russia is under sanctions, half of Ukraine is sitting comfortably in their pockets, Ukrainians that are passionate enough to stir shit are dying in the trenches, theres nice Putin boogeyman to shakedown military expenses from taxpayers, whats not to love?
Everyone besides the top of the foodchain just got pillaged. Welcome to wars.
They need to swing South and open up another river crossing.
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>NATO could stop it if they wanted too
They can't even beat the Houthis pirates lmao
>3 years into fighting NATO Russia has yet to kill a single NATO soldier while losing thousands of their own and running through half their stockpiles
>NATO has almost forgot the conflict is happening
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by design
you even know what a serviceman is? you are mistaking contractors and volunteers with servicemen.
Imagine the ideology where you have to integrate fat, stupid, talentless women and their constant jealous bitching into your command organization structure. Imagine how sick and warped your perception of reality must be to see this as normal or acceptable. Some jew commissar ina leather coat whining about the global victory of bolshevism is downright sane compared to it.
I just wish
We are seeing an actual, mass scale war for the first time since WW2 and people have simply no concept how frontlines work anymore. Their dopamine-addled minds want to see massive breakthroughs, happenings, big dramatic events, not actual warfare and logistics where one sides gets ground down in manpower, ammunition, equipment, money and willpower over years.
>classic blunder
there is less and less russians around, and its not like they are making more children. They also dont have enough money mana to appease the muslems like the west does
WW2 battle lines moved much than those in Ukraine
compare Barbarosa to the initial Russian attack
Russia will run out of equipment exactly two more weeks from now
Come the fuck on, little tranny. These cope lines don't work anymore,
what cope lines?
If the war resembles anything it's not WW2, it's WW1 in the west.
WW2 had tons of manuever, the Ukraine war has no fucking maneuver.
plus in WW1 the german stormtroopers and NCOs introduced some sick maneuvres.
>the Ukraine war has no fucking maneuver.
Maybe because wars in this era are not fought in the way they were during the world wars?
They are, when they're fought by first rate armies.
The American invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan were fast and avoided trench warfare.
In fact during the first Gulf War the americans used combat bulldozers to bury the Iraqis in their own trenches as a combat maneuver.
That's how in their face they were, and they won with losses in the single digit thousands.
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>The American invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan were fast and avoided trench warfare.
They are still at it. Do I still need to give a fuck?
to the last ukranian.
Ok smartass, point out a war that's similar to the Ukraine one in the period since WW2.
We haven't seen lines this static since WW1.

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