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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Remember this?
Somebody had it removed from the archive
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In to the memory hole it goes.
I thought that was fake
1984-type shit
>Removed from Archive.org.
Does Elmo's memory core have to remove these hateful Jewish violent terrorist articles from archive as well? What a God damn difficult decision and Moral hazard Quandrary this is.

It's kicking around here somewhere, buried in the ocean of not well named articles.
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>Remember this?
How can I forget jewish supremacists calling for the genocide of my people whilst dehumanizing me for not wanting to be erased from existance?
Conditioned trigger response did it?

Do they not know how this works?
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Gentle reminder for everyone to save everythign.

It's. all. going. away.

not test of the broadcasting system, all of it is going away. all of it.
wait, so this website took down this article because it was saying hateful racist and abusive things(something im sure you would never do!), yet youre still complaining? I thought this was what you wanted?
chuds will never be satsified
I suppose I should save it
Why does the Octopus have to be the symbol of jews now???

The octopus is a noble creature. They can solve puzzles, remember complex maps, recognize mirrors and all sorts of other cool things. Octopi are not only the smartest animals without a dense social structure (something thought to be impossible by human scientists for many years!) they're actually the smartest animals on the planet besides humans, even chimps, gorillas, crows, parrots, and dolphins cant remember as much information or solve puzzles as easily as they can. Many people have found interacting socially with an octopus an extremely rewarding activity that changed their lives for the better, and I'm sure the Octopus they interacted with felt the same way. An octopus is nothing like a jew, an Octopus would never try to infiltrate your society to harm you like a parasite, only to coexist with you for mutual benefit. We certainly wouldn't try to devalue your currency, or import foreigners to replace you or harass your women, in fact I'm sure if you go out and ask any octopus I'm sure he'd tell you he'd drown a nigger if he saw one, why do you think niggers are always dying in the water? You think they cant swim? No, there's an octopus pulling them down. Anyway, white men have a long and proud history of peace and cooperation with the Octopus going back to the days when too many whales were eating an octopus and humans killed the whales, and I think we should continue that friendship, because an octopus is nothing like a jew, and it would really hurt their feelings if you said that.
Based octobro defender
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>We certainly wouldn't try to
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Why does such a cute and lovable animal invoke hatred from semitic persons?
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And this is exactly why this jews here concern me just a little more than israel. If we could confine them all in the desert that would be a good fuckin start.
Thanks, saved a hard copy
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>white writers
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Diversity is our strength
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Gods work.
Never stop.
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I support the "Save everything before the internet is finished being permanently neutered" movement.
records are important. history if you will. problem is, such statements can and will always be assigned to one 'fanatic and irrelevant' person and downplayed when brought up. deleting it from history is disingenious.
Nice try Incel, that's a fake article. It doesn't exist anywhere because it was never real, take your meds!
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Don't get your suckers in a twist, Paul. The association is simply a visual metaphor relating to the number of limbs your species has. Jews and other psychopaths infiltrate sectors of society that will give them power, and so it is said that ZOG is like octopi tentacles spread across industry, finance, politics, and media.
To report you have to give them a phone number lmao someone really cares a lot about that article not being seen
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Meanwhile IRL everyone thinks Jews are white except Jews and white supremacists. By fomenting anti white hatred, they fomented hatred of Jews as well. How rock fucking stupid
A lot can change in 30 years. Population declines can reverse rapidly
It's not removed at all, it just displays the warning first. You just have to click continue under that warning and it goes right on through to the archived article same as ever.
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I hope the Octopi civilization doesn't forget us when we are gone
Octopi are bros
t. NW scuba diver
It documents how hateful kikes and their loxist agenda are. I want that recorded so i can use it to promote countersemitism. The answer to hate is responding in kind, otherwise the enemy (slowly) wins. jews failed to police their own, either out of complicity or indifference and now they must pay as a group.
Yes. They brought this idea into the world and now they can choke on it.
I expect they have genetic memory, because their lives are short. At least someone will remember whites when we're gone.

big kek from me
Well I've never called a whale a human just becasue they have teeth and a spine.
What's the warning for?
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Shills here call everything fake and even sometimes create the fakes themselves to poison the well, to get exactly the result they got from you, i.e. assuming the true but ridiculous shit "must be fake" too without ever investigating it yourself. They know only terminally online NEETs have the time to actually follow up on everything posted here and normalfags must use heuristics because they don't have the time for anything beyond "muh life". Let this be a lesson to you.
It's right there in the second post in the thread and one of the posts i quoted. Come on man.
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Why'd he write a hatespeech in the first place?
For what reason or cause?
how is it abusive?
Not relevant. OP made a claim. The claim was false. I don't know if it's sincere concern about the content being hateful towards white, someone going oy vet goy shut it down, or people who think it's so on the nose with the name and such that it's fake and think the "hateful" content is in fact antisemitism. I make no claims as to the impact on the internet or the implications of content being gated behind such warnings. I ahve my suspicions and inclinations but all that would just be speculation on my part. I'm simply callin OP out as a lying faggot becuase they're statement is objectivly untrue.
>Not relevant.
Incorrect. Why'd he write a hatespeech in the first place, necessitating a warning at all?
If I was a writer for them and wrote an article praising efforts by planned parenthood to drive down the black population, I doubt they'd leave it up with a mere warning.
So, why is this?
Based Cold Dish Server.
>another 10tb on order

way ahead of you

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