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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Stop giving women "The Ick".

Learn to do this and you won't be so miserable all the time because you'll have girlfriends.
Nah, you'll be more miserable. The only kind of people who casually treat day-to-day life like it's still tiktok are sociopaths
>Learn to do this and you won't be so miserable all the time because you'll have girlfriends
No, I'll disregard women and acquire currency.
stop chasing white women

they're worthless
Pro tip. The ick is just another excuse for women to stop using a beta provider and go do coke sex with abusechad
Give her the David Icke
white women are unkind.
Women without tails give me the ick.
any time you hear a woman discuss her icks, just think of her as a lizard who realized she isn't safe in this shadow and needs to scurry to another one
that'll sort the whole thing out for you quick, either you'll tell her to knock off her lizard bullshit or you'll kick her out on her lizard ass, but you'll definitely stop apologizing for being human
Being let outside of their cages gives women the ick.
Basically this, women don't want someone to convince them


they want someone who doesn't give a fuck but is winning

They will adopt anything he is doing

Imagine giving a shit about the fickle emotional state of women.
can confirm
t. abusechad

It changes with the wind, whether you blow a kiss or not.

Famous proverb
>they want someone who doesn't give a fuck but is winning

Women will suffer any amount of inconveniences or even abuse for that bite of social currency. They crave that 'media fabricated' idea of what will give them most social status, and they
Ugh, chads don't even get it. As a chad if you were shy she'd think it's cute; if you were dirty and rude she'd think you are bold, like a pirate. You think you nailed just the right body posture and assertiveness but truth is if you were socially awkward she'd just find it intriguing.
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So we're all agreed "the ick" is just women trying to excuse their fickle feelings? "It's alright for me to drop this two year relationship because I'm not *feeling it* today"?
This, but I have donated my nut to white families to keep they birthrates up. I just fuck asian, latina and black kweenz.
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>Sample ick list
No because society has high expectations for the behavior of men.
The “ick” is the manifestation of the cognitive dissonance between the personalities men learned from their favorite rizz YouTube tutorials and their true Reddit soi manchild personality.
this term sounds sexual
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coalburners give me the ick
It's grim but it's the truth, WHITE women especially aren't even approachable anymore
kys kike
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
>the "ick"= porn addiction
The ick or whatever the fuck is easily solved by a few slaps or even a punch to the face. Do that and youll see how quickly she will be crawling back.

It's statements like this that give women the ick.
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Yes, the lck is totally ruining relationships bcuz instead of banging hot korean women, they're all playing League 16 hours a day hoping to be as cool as Faker.
Which one of those two are getting off on that?
It genuinely frightens me that all these grown ass adults still talk like they're toddlers.
I’m talking to a Vietnamese woman, she’s very pretty and sweet.
This is extremely true at least in America even though people will seethe. White American women have absolutely nothing feminine about them. The first time I went to an asian country where the women actually behave like women it was shocking
Men should begin to feel disgusted by the obviously sociopathic behavior of those insane bitches.

>inb4 more carrot on a stick soon
Treat your women like the useless garbage they are.
Much in the same way women complain about porn giving men unrealistic expectations of female sexiness, modern media barrages girls and women with depictions of suave, charismatic, perfect men that don't exist in reality, so when their man does a normal human thing it's offputting compared to their fantasy
(((You))) have to be ignored because any kind of attention is supply for you.
I'm only wasting my time here because i'm still having problems withour mafia of insane bitches and homosexuals.
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that article is actually about how dangerous it is to dismiss partners due to an 'ick'.
Even western European women are more down to earth than American women.
Based. Chase men. You can browse 4chan with a boyfriend, run together, lift together, play videogames together,... You can even pay a woman to carry your kids.
uh anon? you ok? candlejack got y
What are you even talking about? Candlejack? What d
I'm married. I don't give a fuck that zoomers can't get laid. Almost all of them are brown and I don't want them reproducing anyway.
Holy Kek
Women like it when you disregard their feelings about these sorts of things. It makes you stand out when you aren't a doormat or punching bag who bends to every stupid fleeting whim that pops into a women's mind.
It's ragebait for incels just like shrieking about patriarchal microaggressions is ragebait for femcels
And they will love you for it
Chinaman types "an ick" and a Westerner goes eggless. It's crazy.
Women should stop giving ME the ick.
Let's not forget about Joe Rogan listeners, the ultimate ick inducers
Women give me the ick
Everything gives women the ick, they make up a new ick every week.
i just want to find a cute girl that i can rape in a dark alley every once and a while while holding her at gunpoint. i’m a shrimple man.
blah blash blah current society is a genetic bottleneck that makes narcicistic entitled cunts commit genetic suicide blah blah

basically ickers will never breed
Good thing I only give women the dick.
Only thing that differentiates ick from dick is the D. The solution is to fuck her.
Listening to Rogan is basically like just admitting your fake masculinity that you’ve manufactured to interest her is a facade
Ick on eck
The Ick is hundreds of topics, literally impossible to appease
True, though the most immediate red flag it raises to women is that you have no sense of humour
Don't care what women think.
shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up with your ick. Women if they have an interest will take every ick, up whatever hole they have to.

I used to work for this bloke, a 1.60m half macedonian guy, married some British cunt who was surprisingly pretty for a brit. She was also tall. 1.80 and poor little princess suffered because she had to fuck that midget, but the midget is filthy rich. He's also frustrated about his height and I guess phisical aspect as a whole, knows the hole is only with him for the money, so he abused her like hell. The guys from my company, big tall fellows (we provide close protection) he made his wife suck them off, he forced her to do it which she did eventually, then started smacking her around cause she did it. She took it like a boss.

So this ick, is bullshit. Dumb fucking cunts invented it to make it seem like they are more interesting than they really are.
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Anons, just imagine finding out your girlfriend cheated on you.
At that moment, it doesn't matter what you do - act cool, murder her, murder the guy, forgive her and move on...
She is dead. Something has been broken that cannot be mended. Your internal image of her will never be restored, it's tainted forever.

This is "the ick" for women, except it occurs almost at random, with some minor bullshit that might be triggered by some Tiktok video she saw or by some Jewish article on things that men do that are absolutely wrong.

Once the ick is felt, you are dead to her. A broken toy, something that can't ever bring her the same excitement.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe their fickleness is what could bring her feelings back, but for that you would have to have a massive change, you would have to become successful in a new manner in her eyes, give her the thrill of the chase all over again.
Which is clearly not a solid long-term plan.

There is no fighting the ick, just like there is no fighting lethal accidents.
One day you suddenly die for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Take precautions, but always be prepared for the worse.
Caring about the ick is letting her set the frame, which will always make you less attractive than if you set the frame
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What does that even mean
This is a long winded way of saying a girl got turned off by something a man did and she doesn’t find him attractive after doing that. If it takes one tiny thing to make a girl change her mind about you, she didn’t even know you. This ick shit is a verbalization of not finding some random hit anymore. If a girl is already around your arm it’s gonna take a lot more than some goofy antiques to get her sick of you
Gr8 b8 m8
all three of them
The ick? Is it that sensation of feeling your IQ going down in realtime every time a roastie opens its mouth? Yeah I know that one.
This. Giving a shit about "the ick" is what gives women the ick.

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