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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm convinced that she can.
There's still no path to 270.
She can trade AZ for PA by a governor pick for VP but even that doesn't solidly lock it up.
She's been set up to fail basically.
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remember 2020
She has the exact same path as biden in 2020
Hell, she doesn't even need the rust belt. She could win with ga az and nc through their black vote
Why does she make kikes seethe so much?
nobody with any political aspirations for 28 and beyond wants anything to do with this flaming dumpster fire. the main efforts now are sabotage and pardons
She's got the momentum for sure. If she can keep it, I believe she'll win.
But Trump and them are most likely to try and do something about it.
Americans not only need Kamala, they deserve Kamala.
She can win if the Trump base gets complacent, but the electoral situation still favors him. Trump functions best aa the underdog, Hillary and Biden had Election Day polls overestimating them by about 2-3 points but if conservatives underestimate how nonwhite women can swing the vote in a state like Georgia again they’re gonna be caught off guard

And yes, it’s nonwhite women that would save Kamala. Particularly, Latinas and black women
>Front cover: can she win?
>Read article: no
She will get 36% of the vote.

3% from the genuine kamala supports as evidenced by her preshill polling numbers

And 33% from the soldiers of Satan who will vote against Trump no matter what
The assumption is that she wouldn’t perform as well in the blue wall which is the Midwest, because polls over the last few days has her doing better with nonwhite women, which means GA and AZ is likely their play.
>Our response, bros?
Her chances are far better than Biden's were in 2020. We now have 81 Million Biden voters +20 million "New Comers" who are already registered to vote. Remember Dems only need registration names and fake addresses not voters. So we are looking at 101 million votes for Harris minus some vote from black Males. I'd say she gets 95 million million minimum and Trump can maybe get to 80 mil tops given all the Boomers that dropped during COVID. Harris WIN CRASH Trump.
The only question is whether for not the Jews will turn on their Fortification Vote Harvesting machine in the battle ground states or let Trump win because Israel. Voting DOES NOT MATTER. ONLY JEWISH MONEY MATTERS. IF YOU AREN'T A JEWISH BILLIONAIRE YOU DON'T HAVE REPRESENTATION.
The Election is a run off between the Paypal Silcon Valley Kikes and the Alex Soros Kikes. The Candidate who get the most Kike Billionaires on their side wins aka like every other election in every country with a "Democracy."
The United States is Jewish Property. You just happen to live here on their property.
Anyone else have a subscription to the economist? Its comfy neoliberal slop. Also my mom bought me it for XMas. I need to cancel it soon.
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I remember 2018, 2020 and 2022.
She's married to one. Kikes promote race mixing but rarely do it themselves.
Trump needs to get rid of Vance fucking quickly. People will forget about it but he needs to pick someone better. He is scaring away women voters, every time he tells an unfunny joke or people see his neckbeard and eyeliner trump loses votes
I was helping my buddy Fritz out the other day at his workplace. He's a concentration camp guard in a very rural, conservative part of occupied Poland. After sending exactly 2739,72 jews into the oven via the holo-coaster launching pad, we took a break to go check on the bear and eagle cages. It’s the kind of place that the guards and officers like to hang out and undwind, placing bets on which animal gets to the jew first, while sipping on a cold maßkrug of beer.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris from the USA was on the small, black and white TV in the back, and my buddy Fritz turned to me and said: “You know vat, Hans? 'Zis american woman isn't so bad. She's a strong defender of socalist values, under her vice presidency anti-semitism has reached an all-time high, and she has proven zat america iz finally 'villing to put a non-elected official on ze ballot. 'Zey're almost as fascist as we are! I can't believe I'm saying 'zis, but I 'zink I'm going to vote for "Kameradin Kamala" zis time around."

I looked around and all I saw were heads of the other guards nodding in agreement, I even heard a few calls of “Sieg Heil!” and “Jawohl!". I even saw the lonely SS officer sitting in the back smile and raise his arm to salute our new Führer Fräulein.

Also sage, nigger.
>We now have 81 Million Biden voters
Kek. No you don't. Ballots != voters.
> +20 million "New Comers" who are already registered to vote
registering illegals to vote is a criminal offense.
All of the fake pro-Harris engagement astroturfing has me preparing for another "most popular president of all time" to be """"""elected""""""

Kek. 9/10
Will cap and repost.
She dosen't have a chinaman's chance.
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You are also convinced that you gfs other boyfriend will not win.
My best guess is the pro-hamas astroturf originates from Yahoo dorks. They appear to have taken quite a lot of bait over the years.

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