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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How will Ukranians feel now knowing they got double crossed by west, depopulated and sold their lands to Blackrock and other kike companies, all being lead by the Jew running the country.

I feel very sad that slavic nation was this dumb to fall for the jewish trap. Hope Ukraine can somewhat be restored by Russia and maybe cease those lands Blackrock bought.
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>How will Ukranians feel now
They will feel Happy.
US and other talking peace now, so Ukraine must go to table now and accept any term, they gonna lose more territory to Russia in peace treaty probably too, devastating they could have just been their own thing and stay away from west, look up how much of western Ukraine has been bought by blackrock and those kike companies its somewhere near 20% of Ukraine bought by jews. How could anyone in the right mind there follow the jewish leader, what the fuck i even Azov!? some py-op shit oh we nazi squad we follow our Jewish leader on selling and depopulating out country we are so nationalistic!
Still preferable to being part of Russia tbqh
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In the end they will still be part of Russia but just without 20% of their population, and the west of what left of Ukraine is gonna be Jewish Disneyland.
You are saying you would prefer to be under jews okay, no wonder anglos have come to terms that they are owned by jews.
>How could anyone in the right mind there follow the jewish leader
Have the past 2 and a half years not taught you that they will happily sacrifice even the entire ukraine if it would ensure even a single Russian death?
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I just don't know its too crazy for my mind to understand I guess, to hate someone enough to hurt your own country just to hurt them is insane concept for me.
>I feel very sad that slavic nation was this dumb to fall for the jewish trap.
Be honest....no one in europe had the balls to tell Obama off back then.
All of Europe has spinless leaders now, exception for Orban in Hungay.
Since Orban introduced the policy for more children, abortions dropped 30% in Hungary, there are no stats on population but they probably gonna bounce to above 2.01 now
good thread. good take.
part of me thinks Zelensky must be an American agent, why else would he sell his homeland down the drain.
He must be, they are just calling him and said you done your job, now war is over lol.
according to /uhg/ the webms of Russians being blown up are more than worth the death of their nation
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they're too stupid to reflect on this issue. But we might see the epic uprising with neonazi battalions in the end, seems like they still have power in hohlostan despite being kicked out of politics.
As if "russian" jews are better.
>How will Ukranians feel now knowing they got double crossed by west
They can't be dumber than the Balkan people so give it a decade or two and they will realise they fought for nothing, and not only that, only added and participated in their disaster.
maybe they realize it later on true, Balkans are too dumb to even see it after 20-30years, the bosniank tards still want the turkey to occupy them again or EU or whoever just so they can clam to be different... Croats are already fucked and under occupation of EU... low iq balkan company
Bosniaks are just schizophrenic and poor which is why they oscillate between "ma ja ba jebo rat" and "jebem vam mater chetalji", but nobody in the Balkans has an actual burning hatred for each other, except the Albanians.
Dying for freedom is the most powerful thing a person can do. I only hope I get the privilege one day.
In what context you are saying this? Who died for freedom there? Peace is almost at the table the lose territory to zog and russia in the end.
Yea, I do feel sad, even when I see anglos or frogs getting overrun by Muslims I feel sad, death of europe feels sad
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When anglos and frogs saw us getting overrun with muslims and our churches desecrated and destroyed, they decided to bomb us and write happy easter on the bombs.
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The West's cultural supremacy and optimism peaked in the 1990s. Everyone always assumed it was due to Soviet collapse.
This is much more correct than anyone could imagine. From late Gorbachev to early Putin the deluge of disinfo and demoralization from Russia had paused. Only freed from this destructive influence new heights could be achieved.
Lead by Jewish propaganda, not every anglo is guilty of it. There's mb 10% of them who are cucks and faggots and embraided these Degen culture homosexuals and Muslims. Pretty sure most of then could be stirred back to normal morality...
Kikes heads need to start flying all over the world
I don't want them dead but I want them to suffer badly and get into a situation that leads them into a complete international political irrelevancy for a decade or two and then they'll remember to not stop people from doing pest control.
It is coming, with the NATO defeat and dollar weakening their homogeny is over, its just a slow process but next 10 years there will be no relevancy of western countries as the leader.
After US collapse there is gonna be new Arrangement in Europe, I think Serbia will get its revenge and back our lands back since we have a good position of being a middle man RN in this global conflict, it will be win win situation for us.

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